Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bunsan

  1. Powder kegs not quite what they were...

    Bioxx stated in Paks TFC Tuesday stream that he was unhappy with results of b78 kegs and although they are currently reduced by 75% he intends on making them proportional to amount of powder in them. But yeah the powder keg was more than a little disappointing. I was also annoyed with all the cobble. In end it took me about same amount of time to dig out all the cobble as it would have taken to dig out hole in its entirety.
  2. My pigs are gone, did my wolf kill them?

    Animals can not starve to death. It is possible wolf killed them. Fences have a bounding box that is only part of the block. So it is possible for them to be attacked through fence. It is also possible for a pig standing on one side of a fence to end up on the other side of the fence when the chunk reloads, vanilla issue not TFC. So it could have wandered off or up to a hungry wolf. There is also possibility they just went poof. There have been reports of this, again vanilla issue not TFC specific. Also good to know is that only hungry wolves will kill things, so be sure to keep them fed.
  3. [Solved] Trouble with iron bloom.

    This has been brought up many many times in the help section and will be addressed in next update. You have to select the plan before doing anything in anvil. Using the auto selected plan can bug out, as you've seen. Best way to fix your bloom is to manually select plan. If this doesn't work reheat it and put it back in anvil.
  4. What time affect?

    How are changing the day length? I was under impression day length is hard coded in MC. Likely it will cause all kinds of havoc since the vanilla set time command is not compatible with TFC, you need to use the TFC time command. So unless it is a TFC addon it is unlikely to use right code to be TFC compatible. But again I'm not even sure how increasing day length is even possible.
  5. Does Fastcraft help with chunk generation lag?

    Journeymap is known to cause issues for some, depending on how you have it configured. I guess MapWriter and any map mod with a persistent map could have some issues as it saves its own region file for map render, but I've not personally had any issues.
  6. Animal Cage backpack

    Similar idea was discussed here.
  7. rawhide tents for early game excursions

    Not to be overly pedantic, but tipis were only used by the nomadic nations of the plains. Along the East Coast more permanent shelters were used such as wigwams and longhouses, using bark and woven mats for walls/roof. Along the west coast plank houses were common. In the north and along the Rocky Mountains and interior used pit houses for winter and frequently more temporary shelters for their summer hunting and gathering areas. The shelters that I favour are more like the pit houses. It would be interesting to have bark for a building material. As a builder it would be a nice option, but I would understand hesitation of adding more solely decorative blocks.
  8. [Won't Fix] Vessel Bug with Metals

    The can't keep up message should only be happening when generating new chunks. Beyond running 1272+ forge and Fastcraft there is not much you can do to fix this as it is a consequence of 145 y sea level and the way MC handles rendering. As for 1 unit of metal. Stick an ingot mold in there to remove. More of the same metal type can be added to this partly filled mold.
  9. A Hard Lesson to Learn

    This was a one off topic, but why not change it to lessons we learned the hard way/creative deaths. So today I learned a hard lesson. Fell to my death, in a rather silly way, at my tree farm. No worries I thought I slept at my workers shack just minutes ago. Get to my stuff and wonder, why is there fire. Definitely not carrying lit torches in my pocket anymore. Goodbye to all I was carrying as the torches lit up a woodpile. Including half of my brand new first set of steel tools. Ouch.
  10. Better coal

    I certainly have not found coal particularly uncommon and use it exclusively as a fuel source for my forges. The deposits are so large that one will supply your fuel needs for a long time. As for using in iron or steel production. Coal is very impure and of variable quality. That is why charcoal is used in steel production. The only way for coal to be used in steel/iron production is by cooking it to coke. This practice didn't happen in Europe until around the 16th century in part kicking off the industrial revolution. Of course like most things it was occurring in China much earlier. Having different fuel values for different coals is interesting, but would require each to drop a unique item/meta value. Easier way would be to adjust the drop rate of the ore, quantity dropped per ore and probabilities.
  11. From the Download Page. [*]Minecraft 1.7 is known to have very bad lighting calculations which are exacerbated by TFC’s 256 height worlds. As a result, minecraft may run very poorly with TFC installed. To fix this and many other issues with minecraft performance it is highly recommended that you useFastCraft by Player.This mod is optional and can be run by both a server or client to correct issues with vanilla code. [*]*Update* Forge v1272+ seems to do a very good job at fixing some issues with the lag in MC v1.7. I still recommend FastCraft since it only helps even more. With Fastcraft and forge 1272+ you should be running pretty well. However loading new chunks will always be a strain in TFC due to the way minecraft pre-1.8 handles rendering. Also what is the -Xmnargument? I have never seen that one before and can't find any information for it. I know for servers you want -Xms and -Xmx to be equivalent, but I was under the impression that for client settingthe -Xms lower was recommended. Personally I run-Xms512M -Xmx2048M
  12. Water changed in 79. It has a separate ID from vanilla. Read on how to fix.
  13. [Solved] Odd cave-in behavior

    Only the mining of raw stone triggers cave-in code. Breaking support beams, ore or cobblestone does not. However if a support beam is supporting cobble or dirt they will fall when horizontal beam is removed. Also remember only horizontal beams offer support. The vertical beams don't offer any supports.
  14. [Solved] Graphite only spawns in schist

    It definitely an issue that started in build 79. My 78 world I never found schist and had lots of graphite. I can only say that 79.7 onward had this issue.
  15. Use for Lead

    First I suggest you reread the rules for suggestions. If a idea/suggestion has been discussed the admins want you to reply to that thread and not starting a new one. The is already a topic for the use of Galena (lead) on the first page. Secondly I can't imagine lead pipes ever being used in a steel producing blast furnace. The melting point of lead is incredibly low compared to molten steel.
  16. Fishing

    Why fish breeding. I understand that aquaculture existed in the time period TFC is influenced by, but it developed in inland areas. In RL I don't believe it was a common or large scale operation amoungst the general population. And well in a TFC world you aren't really far from water anyways. Just not sure there is great value adding such a feature over others. I'd rather see sometching like apiculture introduced first.
  17. [Not TFC Bug] Land wont render?

    The issue is optifine being incompatible with updated forge. I believe it has been fixed with optifine update. Although you may not need optifine for forge 1272.
  18. multieplayer

    Bah. The solved in 79.15 must have seeped into my brain. That or the port.
  19. multieplayer

    Be certain you are running the same version as the server. Current build is 79.15, but servers may have not updated to that. Beyond that you have not provided much information to solve your problem.
  20. What now?

    Not quite sure what exactly you are looking for. Is helpful to know what rock types will spawn the various ores and minerals. Where ever the small ores are on the surface a vein will be present in that chunk within 30 blocks of surface. As you'll see malachite and tetrahedrite produce copper. You'll want to be upgrading to bronze as soon as you can. Also this section is meant for guides. If you are looking for help use discussion or support.
  21. rope idea

    That is fine. Was just pointing out the point it isn't a 79 addon. Kinda important info to relay when suggesting it.
  22. [Solved] Graphite only spawns in schist

    Sorry limited time for testing since kids woke up. So far everything else seems fine. The calls for categories as far as I can tell are fine. For single rock types all seem to be working except graphite, however I haven't looked at all of them. Can't find quartzite or limestone to test, didn't get to test for silver in gneiss yet Found nickel, cryolite, kimberlite, borax, sylvite, malachite, lapis and silver (in granite). I plan to change another ore to have graphite generation, with boosted rate. See if it shows same pattern. Tried with nickel, but didn't get it anywhere, so think I must have screwed up. Will try to do more later.
  23. [Solved] Graphite only spawns in schist

    Further evidence that something is wrong. Only adjustment was to change rarity of graphite to 2, so one in every 2 chunks. I couldn't find quartzite, but this is other 3. I verified that no graphite in these locations under default spawning conditions. Only could find in schist and in the expected amount.
  24. [Solved] Graphite only spawns in schist

    I thought I had proof of non-schist graphite, but I seemed to have found a small pile of schist in an otherwise gneiss area.
  25. rope idea

    Extrafirma craft is not updated to build 79.