Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Trenix

  1. Log Piles Like Ingot Piles

    Sorry I only read what the original poster suggested, didn't think about reading through the whole thread.
  2. Log Piles Like Ingot Piles

    It would be nice if log piles acted similar to ingot piles. That way it could be way more organized since I would know exactly what type of woods I have without having to check the wood pile inventory every time. I know this will mean that different log types probably wouldn't be able to be stacked together anymore, but since it'll make the logs be more organized it'll be well worth it.
  3. Log Piles Like Ingot Piles

    How are those similar to mine? I'm really confused, they're talking about physics and are very incomprehensible.
  4. Grass, Hay and Straw

    I'd like the idea of cutting tall grass to obtain grass and then having to dry it so it would become hay. Instead of putting grass on a slab to dry or in kiln pit, we should just simply shift click it on the ground and form a pile. Once the pile is filled to it's max, it can then begin it's drying process which would take up to a day or something. Also I see no purpose of even having straw anymore as hay can easily replace it.
  5. Purifying Water

    A cauldron could be very useful in this situation as well, as well as some sort of filtration system for late game. This suggestion can definitely flesh out.
  6. Purifying Water

    I think the drinking system could be improved. Early game the thirst system is extremely tedious and then after you get a jug, its not even a challenge anymore. So why not add the ability to purify water? This will allow players to drink from lakes and rivers faster, but they can now possibly get sick. When sick, your nutrition and hunger would start getting reduced slowly, this is to simulate the effects of throwing up from your sickness. However this does not mean to implement an animation where you literally throw up, I'm just explaining the reason for the negative effect. The sickness will eventually pass overtime and won't be lethal. While throwing up will also make you become dehydrated, for the sake of the game, that annoying concept shouldn't be added. To purify water you need to heat up a jug filled with water in a fire pit or a forge, after it's been heated it'll be purified forever even after it's cooled. Rainwater would always be purified, giving us a bigger reason to catch rain. Mixing impure water with rainwater will cause it to go impure.
  7. Purifying Water

    I made it a little easier to understand, thanks for the tip. I definitely don't believe we should have the actual act of throwing up in the game.
  8. Improve Firestarter

    The firestarter we use in game is actually called a Fire Plough. This primitive tool is typically made out of a hardwood stick that is rubbed along the groove of a softwood log. Kindling is optional, but using it would increase your chances of starting a fire. Think about it, hay would be the perfect kindling, especially since we get it early in the game. Right now I can see that sticks are all the same, but it would be nice to see that change. Aside from this suggestion, sticks are commonly used as handles so the wood type of them could take part in your tool's durability. We have so many types of woods available; it would be nice to put them into good use. If the recipe of the firestarter would change to using a softwood log and a hardwood stick, the durability of the tool should definitely increase for balance purposes. While you could use two sticks to make a fire plough, using a log with a stick would be way more efficient and durable. Using two sticks would probably only be enough light up a single fire, which is not what we’re attempting to do in the game. Also the firestarter’s current recipe just feels way too basic for a game like this. Suggestion Summary Rename ‘firestarter’ to ‘fire plough’Give sticks wood typesChange firestarter’s recipe to a softwood log with a hardwood stick. (Example: A spruce log with a maple stick.)Maybe give hay a part in the recipe, whether it’s to increase the tools durability, effectiveness, or just have it be a permanent ingredient.Increase durability of the tool for balance purposes.At the very least, at least give this tool its appropriate name and have us craft it using a softwood and a regular unclassified stick.
  9. Wiki Edits/Suggestions

    You're entitled to your own opinion but I still think your wiki is too complicated to get around. Remember this is coming from a new player who doesn't know all the tricks to get around the wiki, you need to get into my shoes for a moment to realize that. If every item had it's own page, me searching for 'mold' would of brought up all the molds, having me to easily choose what I was looking for. Now even if you didn't wanna go down the page route, a redirection can also help. For example, searching for 'large raw hide' should of redirected me to hides, but it doesn't. Instead I have to scroll down the page to finally find it when it should be one of the first search results. You're saying the Wurm wiki is scared many people away, but every wiki is the same, I only mention wurm's wiki because it's a very complex game that gives information in a gradual manner. Besides that game has been getting increasingly successful, it's only drawback is that it's overpriced. Monthly fee for a java game is a little beyond for me.I mean if you're going to make your whole wiki about categories, you mind as just well make website instead. It'll be overall more appealing and understandable. Either that or remove the search bar, because it really doesn't appear that you're using it anyway and someone like me who is relying on that function entirely, will get overly frustrated. I've took part in editing wiki's, even in our very own official Minecraft wiki. I know how it works, like searching for a specific item should bring up a page for it, it runs hand to hand with the search function. Go to the Minecraft wiki and check for yourself, every item will be found if you simply type it's name in the search bar, both generic and specific.
  10. Wiki Edits/Suggestions

    So right now I'm playing and I'm getting even more frustrated with this wiki. I search for mold, nothing appears and no redirection. I look for pickaxe mold, same concept. I just recently received a large raw hide, searched it in the wiki, no information again. I'm sorry, but this wiki has so many road blocks. I'm not getting any information that I'm looking for. I guess I'll wait and see what will come of the wiki, but for now I'll have to watch dunk's videos for help. A few minutes in his video and I found out that when a bunch of metals are found above ground than that means that there is a vein around. That's some crucial information that I never knew about!
  11. Useless wood thing = fuel?

    Anything that's wooden should definitely be able to be used as fuel, but not something that's wooden and also made out of metal, like for example a tool. It's not very believable that the metal would just disappear. If we wanna go down that route than I rather have a trash bin which would delete my items when they're thrown inside of it.
  12. Sledge Hammers

    A hammer or mallet would be cool, but not a sledge hammer in my opinion. A sledge hammer is a more modern day tool, unless you want to call it a maul. That would be a bit more believable then...
  13. Fishing with spear or net

    If there were fish mobs that were invulnerable unless attacked by a spear or fished out with a fishing rod, then I would like this idea. However the idea of throwing a spear into empty waters will not only feel odd, but it'll get very boring, very quickly. Also you need to split up your ideas again, a net and a fishing spear are two entirely different suggestions. A fish net would be a lot better though, since you usually throw fish nets without paying attention to where the fish are. That's why they're usually empty when you reel them in.
  14. Wiki Edits/Suggestions

    That page had plenty of information in it, things that needed to be more specific had a link to redirect the user. The only thing that it could of improved on is maybe having an actual picture on it. If someone gets scared off with that kind of wiki page, they probably are incapable of playing that type of game anyway. These type of games have a steep learning curve, this isn't a fighter, shooter, or racing game. Many people like to play mindless games, so I'm not surprised why you got those sort of statistics. However those statistics are useless, someone who wants to play a game like farmville, no matter how much you waste your time on a page to make it look appealing, they'll give up on it eventually because they just don't want to think. Another thing, when I used to play Wurm, I've never ran into road blocks when it came to information. Every search I made always got answered. I was also not overburden with information to the point that I was forced to read every little detail on the page just to possibly get my answer. You see this is a perfect example of what I'm saying. When I was looking at the wiki for information, everything kept telling me to smelt copper with the ceramic vessel. The thing is, nothing was telling me how to smelt my copper with the ceramic vessel. I even tried putting it in the fire, wasting tons of wood because I couldn't figure it out. The pages that I searched were 'Copper' and 'Metals', metals because I was directed there from searching 'Smelting'. I thought that if I clicked on ceramic vessel link in the wiki, it would tell me what it is, what it does, and how it's made, however that's not what I wanted. I never at one point got directed to metalworking industry. It's also surprising that by clicking on ceramic vessel it took me to a pottery page which told me how to smelt my ore, sorry but that's just not very organized.
  15. Wiki Edits/Suggestions

    If everything is separated correctly, there really should be no extra work involved. The fact that everything is already stacked up together, you're going to run into extra work. For example, if you currently make a page for a ceramic bowls, you'll have to make sure both pottery and the ceramic bowl would be up to date at all times. How do you fix it? Lessen the information you provide us in categories. I mean when I go to pottery, all I want to see is a bunch of links of the things that relate to pottery, not having everything be so specific to the point that you're giving me out recipes. It even goes into depth about the process of clay forming (actual term is actually called firing), that should have it's own page as well. Here is an example of what the pottery page looks like on Wurm's wiki, I'd highly advise you to take that wiki by example.The fact that so much information is on one page actually makes it feel disorganized, complicated, and unappealing. I mean the pit kiln doesn't even have it's own page, it's a sub category in pottery. Yet the pit kiln isn't only about pottery, it's also part of metallurgy. In fact, I had trouble figuring out how to melt my ore early game because it was so hard to retrieve it from the wiki. Instead I had to figure it out through youtube videos. I do see that you're redoing everything, that's good to see. However I just hope the new layout will be more basic and less specific. Even your tool category gives way too much information, wurm's wiki just lists all the tool names, no information needed. If you don't know what something is, or what it does, you simply click it and figure out. The fact that the wiki isn't like this, is why you need to update every little detail in every page. The knife's description on the tools page is a perfect example of that. Wikis are supposed to be about hundreds of pages of tiny information.
  16. Wiki Edits/Suggestions

    Just a suggestion, the wiki needs to be greatly spread out. Having a bunch of information thrown at me at one time is very frustrating and confusing. Lets be honest, this game isn't as easy to understand as Minecraft. Majority of the time my face is in the wiki. So providing people information little by little would make the mod more enjoyable. Also having too much information on one page can easily make an editor forget to add important information about a particular item. A perfect example would be the ceramic bowl. You search for the ceramic bowl and you have to find your way into the pottery section.However I don't even want to know about pottery, I just want to know what a ceramic bowl is for and it's not even mentioned on that page whatsoever. All it provides me is the recipe to a clay bowl. It'd be nice to know that I can use it to make a meal or a gold pan, but it doesn't say that anywhere. I mean that's what a wiki is about, if I look up a particular item, it should tell me exactly how to make it and what it's used for. You're doing a great job but I highly encourage you to spread it out more. It'll make things a whole lot easier for everyone.
  17. Torch Improvements

    So recently there was a change in torches where they would burn out eventually, which is great. However the feature can use some future balancing and polishing...Change Torch RecipeInstead of putting one stick at a time into the fire pit to create two torches, how about we simply shift right click a fire pit, forge, or torch while holding a stick and having it give us two torches? It'll be less tedious and more convenient. Right clicking a stick on a torch should instead create two torches now, rather than one.Lighting Unlit Torches with ToolsWhile this is already possible by using a lit torch, you should additionally be able to light an unlit torch with either a firestarter or flint & steel. This is something I attempted, thinking it was already possible. The probability should be the same as starting up a fire pit.Unlit Torch ItemIn order to save your torches without having them magically disappear, it would be nice if when you broke an unlit torch, it would drop as an item. Actually thought this was also possible and ended up wasted resources because of it.Inventory Torches Should BurnoutWould be nice if you could somehow give a timer for each torch, where they could eventually burnout in your inventory after 48 hours, making them become an unlit torch. Though I have a feeling that this may be too complicated to implement.
  18. Rename Protein to Meat

    The nutrition section isn't really making sense to me. The categories go as follow: Fruit, Vegetable, Grain, Protein, and Dairy. The thing is, protein is found in fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairies. Many people still believe that you can only get protein through meats, when this is not true at all and I encourage everyone to research this for themselves. Renaming the protein category to meat would make a whole lot more sense. Also would be nice if the tab had a title above it like the rest of the tabs do, something like "Nutrition" or something.
  19. grain = seed

    I agree, sometimes the vegetable itself can be used as a seed. Also having bags of seeds doesn't even make sense, where do those bags come from?
  20. New Blocks: Table, Chair New Items: (Ceramic/Metal) Forks, Spoons, Plates, Cup, Ect. I'm hoping meals could still fit into this somehow, though they should not provide saturation anymore. Storage: Setting the Table The table would act like a storage which would only be able to hold utensils, like for example bowls, spoons, forks, and plates. These utensils would be visible on the table without having to check the table's inventory. Saturation System Utensils are the items that are linked to the additional amount of saturation you receive from eating foods. The more and better utensils you have on your table, the more saturation you will get. However, in order to receive that additional saturation you will need to eat your food while sitting on a chair that's next to that table. A table with no utensils would provide you no additional saturation, as would just sitting on a chair with no table. As you eat at your dinner table, your utensils would lose durability and will eventually break, requiring you to make more in order to continue receiving extra saturation from your foods. Reason for System Gives us more things to craft and manage.Gives us a reason to have tables and chairs which are aesthetically appealing.Rewards you for eating properly in your own home rather than snacking on foods on the go.
  21. Dinner Table: New Saturation Mechanic

    Well no because as I remember the game runs on ticks and each day has a certain amount of ticks. So if the ticks were somehow slowed, it really shouldn't affect our game play, only the day cycle. Lets say each tick in the game is a second, what if that was increased to 1.10 seconds? Days would become longer, right?
  22. Torch Improvements

    Yes because what if all of my torches went out? Now I'm capable of lighting them all up as soon as I get one lit. Ok you're right, then shift clicking it is.
  23. Torch Improvements

    No just simply right clicking and having this work also on a forge would work too. It should be the same probability as lighting up a fire pit. I see your point. Yeah I'll change my suggestion accordingly.
  24. make bushes.. unpickupable?

    Ok so these are my solutions to the concept, each idea is separate from the other. IDEA #1: Complete Agriculture Restriction For Stone Age Remove stone shovelsRemove stone hoes.Bushes would be incapable of being picked up unless dug up with a shovel.IDEA #2: Replanting Bush Probability Based on your agriculture skill, determines the probability that your replanted bush will survive after being placed.Bushes would be incapable of being picked up unless dug up with a shovel.IDEA #3: Skill Restriction You would not be able to plant anything unless you have the appropriate skill level in agriculture.Bushes would be incapable of being picked up unless dug up with a shovel.Agriculture will increase by picking wild crops, fruit trees, and bushes from berries (I assume this is how it already works).Yes I like the idea of having us be forced to use a shovel to dig up a bush.
  25. Dinner Table: New Saturation Mechanic

    Not sure if this is possible, but what if you could manipulate the code to slow the time lapse, rather than increase the length of the day. Our day cycle wouldn’t be longer, they’d be simply slowed, making them seem longer. It’ll be the same effect but hopefully wouldn’t affect the entire code, just an idea. Like I said, I don’t know if that’s possible.