Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by RogueHydra

  1. Go to hell

    Well it wouldn't be blatant since everything's made of blocks ;D And even then, if it isn't identical (including name and construction of the model/mesh/animations/etc.) then it's not infringing. I'm not entirely sure, but nearly every "portal" is the same as someone else's as it stands.
  2. Caves?

    I actually use a texture set that just takes the default tiles and makes em bigger (and square) and run the game full screen.
  3. mining technics (how do you work your mines?)

    I second this... maybe the dwarf thing too. HA!
  4. Caves?

    I refused to start DF with a texture pack. I was determined to learn it with the tiles as-is. It took me a few days but I finally got it down (though I haven't played in a few months so I don't know if I remember enough).
  5. Go to hell

    I for one think that the nether should have different biomes
  6. simple texture pack

    Nope, it does not. Black on a computer screen/monitor/etc. does not affect its energy usage except maybe for LED displays (and even then it's negligible). In the case of an LCD monitor, all it's doing is adjusting the prism and polarization to block the light. The best way to save energy is just turn the brightness down (just like it saves battery life on your phone to do the same).
  7. Unable to get cobblestone or smooth stone

    Vanilla stone blocks don't spawn. If you're trying to get the raw stone blocks as-is out of the ground, mine out the adjacent blocks on all 6 sides. Also, IIRC, you can use the chisel (I think it requires a hammer in a slot as well at the same time) on a raw stone to make a smooth stone block which you can mine out. Bricks are made by placing your chisel and a rock in the crafting grid.
  8. Unable to get cobblestone or smooth stone

    Those rocks you're getting are the cobblestone. Smooth stone - please clarify, the chiseled blocks? or the raw/rough stone you get from digging out adjacent blocks?
  9. Snow Uniformity

    I have certainly loved adding Smart moving to the game. You can crawl, climb, and sprinting is changed to use a stamina bar. Swimming is also changed as well. I think you can even hang from specific ceilings in vanilla (iron bars?) It definitely makes spelunking more interesting (crawling through 1x1 tunnels - even when mining).
  10. Blacksmithing Changes

    ^ I like that idea
  11. Caves?

    HA! xD
  12. Snow Uniformity

    But that is also somewhat realistic/believable if you think about it. I love that added challenge. Especially since I now play with smart moving.
  13. more ways to get string and making it usefull

    There's already a discussion on the hide tanning so I'll leave that alone, but I do believe most if not all of the ingredients are already in place in the game.
  14. Temperature medition

    Heh alrighty
  15. more ways to get string and making it usefull

    There's always sinew
  16. Additional Chisel Functions

    I think there's just a lack of realization that stone chisels and wood chisels are different in design. Using a stone chisel on wood isn't going to work very well if at all. I think someone somewhere suggested a plane. Maybe down the road a separate set of carpentry tools or at least a carpentry-only workbench.
  17. Installation issues

    Main front page (albeit pushed down now since it's been a bit since 1.3.1 was released) it says that 1.3.1 is not supported yet.
  18. How to find ores using a prospector's pick

    ^ Holy crap! Someone that's seen the original TV series. (not post/thread related) Thanks for the guide. I've been playing a long time in the stone age and totally forgot how to get started with mining.
  19. installation compatability issues EDIT

    ^ Thank you.
  20. 46c Experimentation: Ores

    Just to check things out, I've actually hopped into creative mode and checked roughly 10 maps and went roughly -4000, to 4000 in each direction and have yet to see any surface deposits. I thought I was just unlucky with the first couple of maps I've been on but it seems to be the way of the ore now. P.S. Would you like the title of the thread renamed? Or are you guys actually still using 46c?
  21. Good way to get stone bricks/blocks?

    To make the bricks, you place a rock in your crafting grid with the chisel. If it hasn't changed, to make the smooth blocks, you right click on raw stone before mining it out.
  22. Installation with multimc and nostalgia

    Another reason to keep backups!
  23. Temperature medition

    I don't see why you people should be arguing about what you think is better. It's highly inappropriate for the opinions of which is liked more or less. Stop fighting.
  24. Stone Anvil

    Re logging doesn't seem to want to fix my problem of not being able to load my forge : I did run across the issue of the anvil not working after a while but reloading the game made ti work just fine.
  25. Charcoal Pit Functionality

    I actually had an issue recently in my SP game where the fire pit burned for 2 straight days. So I took it down and re-built it (carefully because it was still on fire the whole time). I built it from scratch again and it worked perfectly the second time around - even built a second pit in a different configuration and it worked. It could just be an oddity.