Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by transcengopher

  1. Early metallurgy problems and potential solution

    Frankly, I don't see the point in the fact that I can't pour metal directly in the casting mold. Allowing "direct" casting would be able to solve some of the problems outright, like requiring 200 units to cast a blade. And I thank you, aliceingame. for giving me a brilliant idea. I will post it once I think it through all the way.
  2. Want to come back - help me find computer parts

    Asus Z87-K doesn't look like it supports SLI. So there's that. Far as power supply unit goes, 500W should be enough. Though I'd recommend something a bit meatier, like 550W or 600W. Just in case. ROM drive... I mean, is it even necessary now? I guess, it kinda is, but I don't think there's much to think about - whatever spins will be good.
  3. Want to come back - help me find computer parts

    $~1500 is a good amount to build PC out of. That'll last three years at least, without much of a problem. That's from my perspective. Now, wadda you want me to say?
  4. World generation bugs

    As of build 77.11, there seems to be occasional issues with world gen which makes parts of the world to look like this: In this exact case I can't track which blocks got replaced. This is not the only place where that happened, there are others around there too,
  5. Id just like to say...

    Mostly dark voodoo physicks.
  6. Looks like it's back again. Rendering thing is vanilla (or forge) rendering bug, And I'm not sure it belongs to this mod. As for fps drop, I will try to reproduce it once I get home.
  7. What's the point? Saw can be the first tool you make, using the casting system, anyway.
  8. Cooking specialization

    Absence of items to roast does not mean restriction. Why not add roasted vegetables, at the end of the day? Even some fuit are good roasted, like apples. And we also have shrooms.
  9. Mysticism

    You can sacrifice any death or battle to Odin. Just make sure to hang the living things. If crows show up - your sacrifice is accepted.
  10. I just pre-ordered Starbound.

    If you didn't follow the last events, there was a panel for Starbound on Insomnia 49 festival. Here's the two videos of it. And I also found a developer playthrough starting from this video.
  11. Build 77 Starting Shelters

    Which is perfectly normal strategy for life to date, I might add.
  12. [TFC B72] MAtmos Configurations

    Gopher hijack. I was thinking about expanding this sound libraries a bit, and I would appreciate your help in doing this. So far I have only one thing on the agenda - adding more bird sounds, so each one in particular isn't that common and annoying. So, let's see - what "birds" I should look into and where should I place them in the world?
  13. What other mods do you use with TFC?

    Yes, but that's a long time past talk. I guess, I'll necro this thing and hijack it a bit. Main thing I want to do is not just port it (which I did myself before Kreicus, but it doesn't matter) but expand on it using TFC blocks and biomes.
  14. New metals and early game

    We have enormously big vessels, that can hold vast amounts of items. I think tanning should be switched to take place inside of those instead of barrels.
  15. Zombie Issues...

    It's vanilla minecraft issue. There is a bug that above 128 height light glitches out and not always acts as updated even if it looks like it should to you, acting like alpha pre-survival Minecraft light. For those wandering, pre-survival light didn't have spread, meaning that it's either perfectly lit, or it's pitch black. And pitch black it was whenever any block was above the place. Excluding glass, of course, but not excluding leaves. I hope I explained well. So, technically, you can have a single floating block and get zombies spawning under it. And my god there's plenty of those in the forests.
  16. Are Black Steels & above worth it?

    You might want to make red/blue steel buckets as a way to actually move liquids around if you want to, but even this is a more of a luxury than anything else. And once you made the buckets, might as well start to make swords too.
  17. What other mods do you use with TFC?

    Is anyone interested in making mAtmos libraries for TFC? Well, I can make those myself pretty much, just need your ideas for quirks and other goodies.
  18. Cooking specialization

  19. Pottery is awesome, but I have to question a few decisions!

    I'm comfortable with vessels taking up the whole block in case of them rendering like that, especially considering how much stuff you can put in them. (Yes, pit kiln cooks only one vessel at a time - fine by me). Although, I have to question the style. Minecraft is about vague blocky representation after all, so I don't think it should be that slick. What about the same-ish shape, but with four faces instead of eight? This metal ain't coming back, I fear. This suggestion was in the air since pretty much the public release of the mod and was turned down multiple times. But since some rebalancing occured, I'm not sure.
  20. Pottery is awesome, but I have to question a few decisions!

    To wait while the metal inside the mold cools off. I honestly don't know if I like the fact that you pour molten bronze in the tool mold and it instantly solidifies.
  21. Animal Breeding Bugs in build 77.5

    Bugs go in support section too.
  22. WTF welcoming party

    Oh, they will come regardless of your actions.
  23. Zombie Issues...

    I wouldn't mind them not burning if they get a significant health decrease in comparison to normal zombie (leave them third of the health of the mature one, I'd say). Even if they didn't get nerfed in any other way.
  24. Zombie Issues...

    Well, you get all your dead babies in a big truck, drive it somewhere safe and then dump all of them in a pit using pitchforks.