Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by transcengopher

  1. Traveling far distances, memory leak?

    Or you can try to give it less RAM so garbage collector is kept on its toes. Your CPU should handle this just fine, Minecraft is memory intensive, not CPU intensive program. By the way, memory leaks could be caused by several dozens of reasons, and hard/software configuration you gave us is nowhere near sufficiently informative, even if you're running minecraft on tear-clean PC and not using any mods apart TFC requirements and their versions are exactly as recommended.
  2. Localization

    == Good bye, wiki, rest in piece.
  3. Trees models

    I want those in minecraft. Screw it - I want those to become part of vanilla minecraft, so everyone can have tree-looking trees. Although there's slight problem: All trees from there while look gorgeous, are hand-made. So, there will be couple of trees for each type, without any fancy leaf configuration randomization and all that. I suppose, we can have varying trunk lengths and all. Also, either no growing stages on trees at all, or no dense forests, or dense forests with occasional leaf bugs and us fine with those bugs, or algorithm for growing tree that is near sentient.
  4. Suggestions for um... Suggestions forum

    Forum engines usually don't support this kind of changes right away. Either we rewrite some modules of it, which can be doubtful, because engine might not be open source, or we changing the engine, and all forum history most likely go in vain because the way posts are stored aren't exactly the same. And I say "we" although it is probably spAnser alone.
  5. Localization

    I don't see a reason not to. So, I think I will be translating things and putting it on hold for now.
  6. Localization

    So, I've fiddled with files for a bit. Basically, without hooks provided by bioxx all we can do is change text messages "Spawn" and "<player> killed by" to something more appropriate, like "Spawn Bear", as you can see on this picture, I've done it in Russian version: All other things seem to be getting their names from somewhere inside the code, and even if they aren't defined by damage like stone types do, I can't change their names. Come on, beloved devs, make it happen. I understand that this requires for you to pretty much change through a lot of code, but it's worth it in my books.
  7. Merry Christmas!

    In Russia we celebrate Christmas in January, so technically you can't wish me a merry Christmas yet. This doesn't means I can't wish it to you, so Merry Christmas guys! Celebrate this holiday near warm family hearth and bear this warmth inside you 'til the next Christmas comes.
  8. Your chisel creations!!

    That's about what I've done to forges several times, but better executed and thought out.
  9. Localization

    So, where do I find internal tiles' names? Or do I start from translating the wiki?
  10. Bloomery upgrade

    Actually, if RL bloomery runs out of fuel - you screwed. Ore chunks, molten rock and metal melt down into mighty cork and you will probably waste a lot of fuel to get something out of this bloomery again.
  11. New custom mobs, no minecraft mobs

    Yea, cuz bats are lizards, right? I know they aren't. ..
  12. The weird side of YouTube

    Okay, so. There's the video. http-~~-// Why is this video here? Because apparently this thing effects women to have strong sexual desire for astronauts. WHAT THE HECK.
  13. So, no Mayan robot zombies then? :<

    1. transcengopher


      So, I'm watching TGS Podcast №37 VODs, and they ARE MENTIONED MAYAN ROBOT ZOMBIES. HOW. WHA. I dhon't ewen...

  14. Ores are too hard to find starting off.

    This was my reaction as well, but I was feeling hipster and didn't want to post Picard.
  15. Enchanted Anvil

    Come to think about this, vanilla spawners should be working this way - checking if there is certain amount of monsters inside 16 or so blocks radius around it. This made so player wouldn't be completely lagged away and overrun by hundreds of zombies. So it shouldn't be that hard, I mean, we don't need to check for zombies that frequently. Or even chest itself could be spawning them and keeping track of how much spawned and how many of them got killed (zombies sending message upon their death).
  16. Enchanted Anvil

    As far as my memory goes, he spoke not about magic, but about fantasy, which isn't the same.
  17. Mineral Storage

    So, there's no point in breaking cinnanar into redstone, and I'd rather have both in case alchemy will ever find its way in mod.And I will finally be able to craft me some mercury-infused cloaks.
  18. Is it possible to move an Anvil

    I think, if you fist an anvil, damn well she will stay where she's at.
  19. I cannot for the life of me find any ores.

    They aren't. You will see once you delve greedly enough.
  20. New custom mobs, no minecraft mobs

    Can I have giant mossy owls pretty please?
  21. New custom mobs, no minecraft mobs

    Creepers are fine by me, they are natural habitants of the area. All undead will be moved to special places eventually, proposition as a whole is already being worked on. Dunkleosteus is working on mobs. Snakes probably aren't going to be in the mod, according to his words. Somewhere deep in the suggestion subforum lies thread with some of the mobs he is working on and want to work on. Just don't necro it.
  22. Yule Logs

    I do not understand what yule logs are. But Christmas tree is kind of cute idea, although I can't think of a way that tree got decorated like that if it wasn't you. I shall grab my chisel now.
  23. Crash Report -- Opening Knapping Interface

    Is the part about recommended forge build on the mod download page isn't clear enough?
  24. [b72] Easy Perfect Smithing [Known Bug]

    I don't recall me being able to stack toolheads with different durabilities. When this change happened?
  25. I cannot connect to any servers: Fml not most recent version?

    I bet the last digit difference will be enough.