Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by StrayWolfe

  1. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Thanks for trying out the mod. I have seen something like this in the Terrafirmapunk pack where animals in the wild are getting pregnant, but we are unable to find the cause and this mod isn't even part of the pack. I'm guessing that you are referring to animals impregnating themselves? Fire pits and forges have a hard coded group of fuels that work in them. To change that, the code for these blocks would need to be rewritten.
  2. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    OneWolfe had trouble with this in the Terrafirmapunk pack and I had similar trouble in with it in making this addon. It relates to how TFC handles food in the player crafting grid, take a look at the FoodCraftingHandler file in the Common.Handlers package and ContainerPlayerTFC file in the Common.Containers package. The player crafting gridwill pass any crafting recipe that results in an output that inheritsItemFoodTFC on to the FoodHandler. Within the food handler, it calculates the output item based on the input items. Since you do not have anyItemFoodTFC as inputs the output weight will be 0. In addition, the salted, pickled, dried and brined variables are by default true until an inputItemFoodTFC sets it to false.Since you do not have any of these inputs, all of those variables end up being true when the output is formed. So you will end up with an item with 0 weight, 0 decay, salted, pickled, dried and brined. Since the TFC crafting gridtends to be difficult to work with,I ended up having to make a way to work around it. So things like refining grains in my mod requires players to beat the grains from the picked item after it was placed on the ground. I also made a prep table to address making food with its own crafting interface just to work around the TFC prep table and crafting grid. For you, I would suggest looking at those files that I mentioned and finding a method that works for what you want to do.
  3. The crafting value is a number that the anvil uses to specify where the red and green arrows need to line up to make the item in an anvil. I have provided support for everything that does not require overriding the original TFC block. If I were to add support for things like the pit kiln, crucible, or other blocks, I will have to override TFC and replace the block with my own custom block. I am thinking about doing that in the future, but for now this is all of the basic support. As far as making custom molds, that would be tricky to implement.
  4. (0.79.26+) TooMuchTime-TFC

    This is not an error with TooMuchTime, instead it is an error with the eclipse workspace setup. I had this same problem early on while trying to learn how to setup the work environment so I recognize the error, unfortunately I do not remember how I fixed it. Follow the instructions from Bletch from the post he made on theAddon Devlopment Guideand you should not have this error.
  5. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    I'm still here and this mod is far from dead, just busy making other addons that will be released soon. I started helping with Terrafirmapunk and I let this mod fall behind, but I am coming back to it.
  6. WIP TFCTech Addon

    I will confirm that this did fix the "missing" rocks bug.
  7. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Sorry, I haven't posted how to make cheese yet. The recipe is slightly different from the standard TFC recipe. You will need to add 1 salt to every 1000 millibuckets of curdled milk.
  8. [TFC 0.79.29] TerraFirmaPunk - HQM SteamPunk Adventures

    You naturally heal over time, hot springs heal and healing potions work but I don't think there is a crafting recipe for it
  9. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    I have plans on adding a brick oven for cooking bread in the future. I am also thinking about using this post as the source of alpha builds and once I see that the build is fairly stable I will release it as a stable build in the addon forum. I will post the "unstable" test builds here for people to play with if they want the latest builds. I will update the beta build post less often but they should be stable builds. Thanks for all of the support and I am glad everyone likes the addon. I am currently working on adding some basic soups and stews for early game food. I will push the alpha after I am done and post it here. Then after I test it thoroughly, I will make a new official mod release post.
  10. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Sorry, I forgot to post my reply. The pickiness system should be working in the alpha. I am basing the system off of the spice of life. As for crops, that is further down the road. I will be following a food timeline for player progression. I will also be periodically updating the mod when it is released.
  11. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    The pickiness system is based off the idea from the spice of life mod with the hope to replicate the behaviors of that mod, pam's harvestcraft and hunger overhaul. The system is very much alpha and will likely change a great deal before I am happy with the system. Currently, the level of pickiness is basically the length of a list that is kept for each player and the length of the list is randomly assigned to each player. So one player will have a list length of 5 and another will have 15, so the player with a 5 is very picky and will begin wasting food quickly. Currently, the list keeps a record of the item type and not NBT, so it doesn't care if the food is a well done steak or rare, a steak is a steak.
  12. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    I am aware there is an attempt at adding minetweaker support for TFC but I was also under the impression that it was an abandoned project as there had been no progress other than the initial commit for around 6 months, which is generally a sign the project has been abandoned. I added the support for the TFP pack since it looked as if no one was interested in adding support any time soon.I now see that you added a licence to it 12 days ago by which time I had completedthe code. I already have support for the barrel, anvil, heated items, loom and quern with a rather large collection of capabilities as you can see in here. I intend to add knapping recipes which should be fairly simple compared to the barrel and anvil recipes. I built my methods based off of code from minetweaker mod support for buildcraft.I was not interested in pushing the code onto Jared as it appeared that Jared wasn't interested in the project and I wanted to see this project actually be utilized by players.
  13. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Thanks. I am glad you like the mod. I have been helping with adding mod compatibilities for TFC in the Terrafirmpunk pack. I will probably be releasing addons for parts of those compatibilities like a damage compatibility addon and TFC Minetweaker support addon. I been a little busy in the last month so I haven't been able to do much for any of my projects. I am to a point with Cooking with TFC where I am mostly balancing, optimizing and bug squashing. I am geting to a point where I can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I will release it when I am done with optimizing and balancing.
  14. [Rule #1] Just installed, can't start the map.

    This looks to be your problem:Minecraft Crashes every time I open in 1.7.9 and 1.7.10
  15. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    I am glad you like the mod. Everything you have seen appears to be correct. You should NOT be able to use a knife on a stone or plank to make salads and sandwiches in the TFC way. You must use a Food Prep table to make salads and sandwiches, which means the early game in this version is rough. I have been developing a clay cooking potto make meals that is easy to craft in the early game. As for recipes in the food prep table, you must have the required ingredients and press the "Recipe" button to get the item. For example, you need flour in the left side of the food prep table and a jug of water and a mixing bowl in the right side of the table, press the "Recipe" button to see the item, then pick up the item to retrieve it. As for getting grains, well, I haven't said how to get them yet. Right-click the top of a solid surface like a stone, plank, or log with the harvested wheat, rye, etc. in your hand to place it on the ground. Then repeatedly punch it and you will separate out the straw until you get the grains. This will take 20 hits to fully process the grain. You can then use the grain in the same manner you would in TFC. I highly recommend using NEI with this mod if you don't already have it. NEI can show you how to make all of the recipes. I will eventually get to adding an auto-merge function with the food as it is a simple function but very helpful. I don't want to bother Dries007 with having to make a new release to account for something that I created and is easily done on my end. I will probably make an official release once I am finished with the clay mixing bowl and fixed all of the bugs that I can find.
  16. [Solved] [Not TFC Bug] [TexturePack Bug] Skin Glitch

    I might be wrong but those are not vanilla textures in the picture. Maybe try using the default textures and not a texture pack.
  17. I will confirm the bug OneWolfe is seeing is a bug with SteamCraft 2 and only SteamCraft 2. They failed to do a null check where it is required and so it will happen even in vanilla.
  18. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    This latest version will scale vanilla player damage and health potions to TFC levels. This definitely increases the damage of poison to reduce the player health in the same proportion it does in vanilla and stops just before killing the player, leaving the player at 20 or less health. It checks if the damage to the player is 10 hearts or less and multiplies it by 50 to reflect TFC damage. It also checks if added health is in the range of health potions and multiplies it by 50 to reflect TFC levels. Jar link
  19. WIP TFCTech Addon

    As Kitty said, you can make your own logpile. I would suggest using an event to detect when a logpile is intended to be placed then cancel that event and place your own logpile that extends the original logpile class with the overridden methods that you require to use your logs. It sounds like it is tough but it is actually somewhat easy and in some cases only a few lines of code. I've done this to replace nest boxes and hoppers in my mod and it isn't too hard.
  20. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    All this mod does is convert dropped vanilla chests to oak TFC chests and removes steamcraft 2 flesh block recipes from being being craftable. It currently requires TFC.
  21. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    It works with and without Steamcraft 2 installed.
  22. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    Ok, this should do it. It took me a while to figure out that SteamCraft 2 does not handle recipes like everyone else, which is why modtweaker did not affect it. Link to jar
  23. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    I'll see what I can do.
  24. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    Sorry, I don't know how FTB handles licensing but not only does OneWolfe have permission to use TerraFirmaPunk Tweaks but is also allowed to be the owner of the TerraFirmaPunk Tweaks. If need be, Ill put you on the authors list as the sole author. It is such a simple mod specifically for tweaking Terrafirmapunk so it would be better if OneWolfe was the owner. Let me know what I need to do to give further permissions.
  25. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    This will convert vanilla chests into TFC oak chests when they are picked up by players. Link to jar file Link to build files Link to github source