Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by bsb23

  1. More Randomization by Seed (like the meals)

    I have to agree with renadi here sorry JAG, if someone could get this work done then by all means we should implement it just as much as we should leave the beloved symbols of Minecraft in. They by no means make sense, but gameplay wise can be explained (see my explanations of redstone and creepers) and therefore are believable. This kind of extreme amount of content is right up our alley we have a way to extend our content beyond reality why wouldn't we. Now the question is does Bioxx and Dunk have time to code something beyond reality especially something this massive.
  2. That might be in the config file although I'm not sure. I honestly haven't tried to enchant in TFC.*Looks at new guys name, looks at his own* Well this could get confusing.
  3. Beta 67+ (WHEN? *Polite Tone Added*)

    He also has recently released a new mod which brings our spawn protection mechanic to vanilla and potentially all other mods (except BTW probably). It was time well spent don't worry.
  4. Alloys Like Meals

    Not a bad idea you have a couple problems though. Metals would need to get a huge list of attributes that way we could tell if they could be used for something. That isn't as easy as it sounds as far as I know. Items would need a color variable so that we could change them based on their metals, same with their blocks. Next, I'm sorry but we can't use a basic average + percentage idea it needs to be a little more complex than that and believable. Like JAG says it hardly makes sense.
  5. Stone Variety And Metal Tiers

    Interesting... Metal alloys Common metal ores Minerals Alloy list is do-able, same with ores. Unfortuantely because of duplicates and impossible alloys for the timeframe we will need more than both of those lists. That means making our own. At least were not short on minerals though.
  6. More Randomization by Seed (like the meals)

    The problem with random alloys is that our recipes would have to be completely re-written to incorporate this. Everything only works with specific metals this means we would need to use a large set of properties per metal to see if they could be used in any particular recipe. All metal items would once more need a variable color also. Wikipedia gave me this though...
  7. PvP mode

    Disagree with the above, war is part survival it is just survival amongst species members rather than versus an environment. Lets be honest we aren't truly struggling to survive after a pretty quick amount of time. Not complaining just saying something will happen eventually. I wouldn't mind the addition of new game modes like a siege game mode or capture the flag however I certainly don't think this is what Bioxx should be doing.
  8. Emergencies

    I blame the French (always blame the French they usually have something to do with it )
  9. Sculpturing Competition

    Nope made them myself. Those sticks on my hotbar are editing tools. First you place the clay sculpture on the ground that places the base and a brick of cube-ish piece of clay. You can then add more clay by just right-clicking with clay. Next you make the tools I just grabbed the first one out of NEI then you have to put it in the crafting table and shift-right-click on the ground to get the rest. The tools do the following (in order from my hotbar) Select, Remove, Move, Rotate, Reset, and Stretch. Many of their functions can be reversed by shift-clicking.
  10. Sculpturing Competition

    Sorry artistic types there is no actual competition going on however a competing mod that adds sculpturing has surface. Factorization appears to be testing ideas and has release a creative-only test in their most recent update (or maybe a couple back by now). And may I applaud them by saying it isn't half bad, in fact, it's pretty solid. I made my own sculptures to test it using the FTB pack (you will notice other mod things in there as well) I believe you artistic types call it, modern art.
  11. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    Sorry but I'm not going to even attempt to herd cattle down into a mine especially after Dunk buffs them up.
  12. Post your story!

    I have an alphabet if you are in need of one Dunk but I warn you without a Rosetta stone or two it is completely uncrackable. It corresponds with IPA for the most part. message for you Dunk See Dunk, I told you that this code was impossible to crack without a Rosetta Stone. Do you like it?
  13. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    I'm thinking dirt isn't usually pounded flat with hammers. That isn't how we do it in the US but I don't know maybe we do that backwards also. We are thinking of item transportation that is a little more advanced then pushing things across a road I could do that already
  14. Particles

    I agree with Jag definitely needs to either become a dust cloud or little rocks flying everywhere I'm not sure which you are going for yet. Rocks don't rise, but dust needs to be more dense. Can you change the shape from flowers too?
  15. More Randomization by Seed (like the meals)

    We would definitly need to reorganize the forums like I had posted earlier, I can't remember where though.
  16. More Randomization by Seed (like the meals)

    I honestly wouldn't mind a couple random things if normal things of the category still spawned. Edit: Example, our metals still exist but new random metals also exist.
  17. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    The first rail-like structures were the stone channels used by the Romans to my knowledge as much as I love wikipedia. But anyways, I agree with Menoch sort of, rails should be harder but shouldn't require a community or even five people otherwise we lose a lot of SSP options. Just make it simple. Sticks for bed are placed one by one. Allowing planks/sticks in the world would be necessary for this preferably sticks. Next the actual rails they just need to normal so we don't have to make curved rails also. That would just suck. The piece would flex based on position of other rails like they do now but could not have a cart drive over without wrecking the cart. Finally when you have the track set down the way you want it you nail the spikes in using a hammer. Instead of sticks we might want to make a new item known as a rod. It would have the current stick texture the old one would look more stick-ish. Using a knife on a stick would make a rod same with using a saw or a ax on a plank. These rods would become placeable. Maybe sticks would to but they would look like crap.
  18. Stone Ladders?

    I use them in mines a lot because they cost no resources they are extremely convenient really.
  19. The Feather Bed

    That is why you use the beds sir. If you are in a bed you can't be hurt look at my original post I explained this already. It would be smart to sleep in a bed. Beds are indestructible when someone is sleeping, I'm sure I could explain that but is it really worth it?
  20. Writing/Paper/Books/etc.

    Love everything besides the removal of squid although an alternate source would be excellent.
  21. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    I vote we use that the stone tracks that were previously suggested, it's cheep, it's easy and we can still make metal wheels cost a lot. Also I vote for a rail redo, lay down ties, then lay down rails and then the spikes at least for normal rails.
  22. Fireplace/Hearth Multiblock

    Can't we just leave the firepit as is and just make it require ventilation aka a chimney. I agree with your tweaks though cooking in the forge is ridiculous. Pots, pans and spits should happen eventually especially with the new meals however I don't know how soon.
  23. The Feather Bed

    Nice argument, I like but you are omitting something that you brushed over here. Who am I protecting? Those who have played and put more work into the game, know what the heck they are doing, and don't make stupid choices. And punishing the opposite with a daunting enemy worse then anything anyone could code, ourselves. Does this benefit the stupid greifers? Yes and no, they will be able to steal from noobs who have no idea what they are doing and therefore won't have much stuff but at the same time they will probably be stolen from themselves. we give meaning to a block that is becoming more useless by the minute and continue our survival attitude by requiring just that much more thought. this also would bring another buisness into the game. The hotel.
  24. The Feather Bed

    You don't randomly disappear either unfortunately I can't just make you randomly active in an at all believable manner. Sorry i can't fix everything.
  25. More Randomization by Seed (like the meals)

    This certainly is better however this is the mod that people come to for exacts and specifics. People may take offense to us messing with reality. Would it work, I guess so. Is it worth the fuss that people will put up simply to make our worlds slightly more varied. I personally don't think so. Not my decision but it is my opinion.