Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by halfmaster1

  1. blueprints are way too op

    I think that they should remove blueprints altogether. It makes detailed work completely unskilled.
  2. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Transcengopher, I just want my Borax to be valuable. Also, for some reason I can get charcoal way faster than coal, especially when the coal is far away, and I heard that coal works better IRL, but I may be wrong. Also, for the last one, I can't really argue with that, except mining is supposed to take a long time. It is way to easy to get minerals now. Anyways, my new batch of ideas: Hunger should go down slower the lower it gets, to allow you to save food at the cost of health and sprinting (I don't know if it affects sprinting). The more you eat a food, the less it fills you, to encourage a varied diet. It would go up again if you stop eating it. Meals wouldn't be affected. Edit: also, at Jag, I think I agree.
  3. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Jag, that is a really good idea! Yes! Also, one person on this forum who blacksmiths IRL was talking about how much better and hotter coal burns. Can't remember who Oh, a one more thing that wasn't in my last post: Very small veins of ore scattered along the walls of a cave, maybe 4 or 5 blocks, using the idea that whatever formed the cave also formed the ore. Caves need to be more lucrative to explore. I'm really not sure about that idea, though.
  4. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    That would be fine as well. I just want to actually want to use my Borax, to go to the bottom of the underground river and actually try to mine it. Also: 1. Coal should be much more efficient than charcoal, why should I mine the 5 coal veins I found when charcoal is faster and easier to get? It should either burn hotter or last longer (or both). 2. There should be large veins of cobblestone underground, to make mining harder, sort of like how there were gravel veins in vanilla, but bigger.
  5. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Why is this thread not pinned? Okay, a few new ideas: To make borax more useful to get flux out of dolomite, and limestone, and the like, you need to actually mine it with a hammer. Also, instead of dropping 2 flux, there would be a 20% chance of dropping one, otherwise you'd get nothing. Because I have found borax, but why mine it? There is way more dolomite.
  6. Trees models

    I also think that trees should grow in stages. You can grow a full sized sequoia, but it will take 3 years ingame. Other trees would obviously max out at different sizes.
  7. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    I just found an underground river with a ravine in it. Wow. Pictures are coming soon.
  8. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    I might actually make a tunnel. That is right on the edge of the mountain range. I am just worried that if I put a tunnel there, it'll make the mountain look funny. My house may do the same thing. I can't decide if I should just have a view to the mountains, or actually be in them.
  9. You guys are so unlucky when it comes to ore. I found my first vein in day 7. Or was it 10. I can't remember, but it was something like that.
  10. Animals!

    I think that animals should only have a size, and everything else would be based off this, such a meat yield. When you breed 2 animals, the resulting animal can be slightly bigger of slightly smaller than the average size of the two animals. The bigger the average size is though, however, the longer it takes to breed, so if you manage to breed a cow the size of a house, it would take 10 years to get another one, while if you have tiny little mouse sized cows, then they would give birth in a week of breeding. Obviously you'd want bigger ones, as they'd give more meat. The breeding time thing is simply to prevent people from getting biome sized cows. They could, but it would take millions of years ingame.
  11. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    I was looking for a place to build my house, and I wasn't expecting much because the area around my shack is flat and boring, but: Awesomeness to the west. There are just too many places that I want my house to be. I was thinking about putting it here, on the flat on the bottom left, but it is completely surrounded by cliffs, so it is hard to access. Another picture of that flat from a different angle:
  12. laddars

    Don't get rid of the vanilla ladder, just allow this to work like the stone ladders.
  13. Idea for new the awesome new chisel setting you added!

    Slabs. Use these first, then go into detailed mode.
  14. Big Sapling bug

    I can confirm this in build 69. I haven't tried in a while.
  15. Which other forum did you join apart tfc?

    Fantastic Contraption forum, which is now dead (My account on there is about 5... maybe only 3 years old). Line rider: My first forum ever. I was such a noob on that forum. Gamemaker: On the first forum, I had well over 1k posts, maybe even 2-3k. The new forums I have only 55 posts, but the ones in Off-topic don't count, so I actually have about 300-500. Also, 1st person. Edit: Oh, and Mc forums.
  16. Farming makes even less sense now. [NEW OP]

    Yes! Thank you, that is awesome.
  17. Excess Metallic Ore

    I also think there should be ore piles. Sort of like when you throw ore in a bloomery, except it works anywhere (and doesn't smelt, obviously).
  18. Farming makes even less sense now. [NEW OP]

    Anyways, that doesn't really mater, I just need to be more carful about running out of nutrients. What I need to ono is if crops grow while they are in unloaded chunks, because my farm is a fair ways away from my house.
  19. Non-Nugget Ores - how to search

    I just dig a really long tunnel underground, perfectly straight. I mostly only get zinc and coal though.
  20. Farming makes even less sense now. [NEW OP]

    There was a 69 at the beginning of my post?
  21. Farming makes even less sense now. [NEW OP]

    I am in build 72, and I am tilling grass blocks. That is why it starts off with a lot. When it goes dow, it only halves, it doesn't go to 0. Also, the dirt block thing is rather annoying, seeing as I flattened my farm, so most of it is dirt. It is taking forever. Also, seeing as some of you may not read the OP again, do crops grow in unloaded chunks?
  22. Wait, there is a higher height limit! I just thought that buildings couldn't be as tall as in vanilla.
  23. Farming makes even less sense now. [NEW OP]

    I have tested this in another world. It seems that right when you hoe the land, the nutrients are very high, but then regardless of whether you plant something or not on it, it drops to about a half of it's original value in about a minute. It doesn't do so gradually, it will just change.
  24. I need Dynamite!

    I have seen uncompressed gunpowder explode. Now I am confused!
  25. New custom mobs, no minecraft mobs

    How about a bird that lives in surface caves, that sort of looks a little bit like a dragon?