Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by stringburka

  1. Improved Stone Knapping Interface

    While I agree, note that if you hold shift while knapping you won't pick them up.
  2. Can planks be placed as planks?

    There's been suggestion on larger planks but I don't think Dunk has commented them. Personally I hope for planks to be 4x2x16 pixels or 4x4x16 pixels (that is, double or four times the thickness that is now).
  3. Brewing and beverages

    poor bear
  4. Combat and Weaponry

    Some things to note: - This would eat up a huge amount of item ID's, what with all the variants. - I *think* swing speed actually exists in minecraft. If you look at Hack/Mine, weapons have swing speeds there. And some comments: - There are a _lot_ of different weapons here. While I think it's nice to have some variety, I just feel this may be unnecessary and just further confusing. - Most people are just going to have a favorite anyway and always use the same things - there isn't much of a "different weapon for different scenarios" here, so I don't really feel the need for this. I mean, in real life there's a HUGE difference between a spear and a sword, they're used in different situations and with different styles. That isn't in minecraft, and I'm not sure if just adding more different weapons will make that much difference. - I do think that there's use for weapons with different characteristics. With the weapons currently existing, I think maces should have lower damage but higher durability than swords. I could see adding spears that can't block and have less damage but longer range and only uses a single ingot, but I don't think we need either a shield system, swing speed system nor a bazillion different weapons. That takes a lot of work and time that might be better put into other things. Though of course, I wouldn't oppose it as an addon (though I probably wouldn't use it) - For the purpose of having many different weapons to hang on the wall, I think that could be easily solved by simply making the shape of the weapon tied to the metal - right now, all metal weapons look nearly the same but with different colors. For example, it'd be easy to just replace the zinc, bismuth, bismuth bronze and pig iron swords with battleaxes - doing the exact same thing that they do now, just looking differently. The black bronze sword into a falcata and the blue steel one into a falchion. To match, one could swap the copper, bronze, black bronze and rose gold maces to horseman's picks. For example. They would be crafted like now and work like now, just with different names and sprites.
  5. Brewing and beverages

    Heh. Not much. I wonder if there's some way to alcoholize fat or proteins. It'd be interesting to have meatbeer. In real life, I mean.
  6. Brewing and beverages

    Yeah, potatos really fit there. On that note, when I studied for bartender, we learnt that pine foliage has been used to make vodka in modern times, but I can't find anything on it and now I start wondering if that's even possible. If it is, it'd be a cool thing to have.
  7. Brewing and beverages

    I think the investment is low-tech and simple enough that individual payoff shouldn't be that large. It's quite easy to carry around a lot of liquid, far easier than having to warm meals before a fight. It provides a benefit that isn't otherwise available (instant buffs) so I feel they themself can't be too powerful.The largest investment is that it takes a lot of time to get the higher-tech stuff, but not sickly so, and it's passive waiting, so you can do whatever you want during the time. I have two banana trees and foraged them for just like one morning and one half-day, and that gave me about a stack and a half of bananas. If bananas could be juiced, that'd be about 50 bottles of juice (or as many bottles of wine, if I waited long enough). I don't think that's a very high requirement of a large farm. Especially not if some berries/crops such as tomato also work - I think a crop drops 1.5 fruits average, and it should only take like two or three years tops to get a sizable farm. Yeah, ale would be the recipes I mentioned in the OP - basically, since the beer/ale here is made the way ale is made, it's mostly just a case of the amount of hops. But I'm no expert at brewing (and far to bad to talk about it in english, which have very different expressions for those things and a very different beer/ale culture).In the same way, making beer out of rice is done in the real world too, but rice is more known as an ingredient in wine, and it'd be nice to have rice wine. And in the same way, of course, having different juices for different fruits would be fantastic. I wanted to make the base concept simple, but adding ale, rice wine and different juices would make it a lot more interesting. I wonder how one would go about differentiating them though - I feel if we have beer/ale/rice wine, there should be some difference between them, but not to huge. When it comes to rum, I feel distilling is borderline too high-tech, but only borderline. It should be really late-tech to do it at least. But if it's possible, both brandy, whiskey, rum and vodka shouldn't be too hard to make (though I imagine vodka might be the hardest, as that's usually distilled to a much higher percentage).
  8. Brewing and beverages

    I meant plank, not plank block I felt it was an amount that made sense, considering the whole barrel is made out of material comparable to 10 planks. 4 plank blocks would also be extremely expensive for a small lid. Should've made a pic for that too xD But yeah, dockwithme's suggestion works too, but should still be plank, not plank blocks. More than 8 planks (2 plank blocks, 1 log) seems wrong to me.
  9. Brewing and beverages

    Thanks for the feedback all flamestrider: that's a good way of promoting cellars. Isn't a new temperature system in the works/talks at least? I though dunk had written something about temperature being reworked to be more dynamic, but I may remember wrong. If it is, cellars would probably be a good way to insulate. Hmm, and to that on a slightly off-topic part - what if the temperature in a block was equal to it's base temperature + 1/2 light level? While light isn't heat and it would be a simplification, it'd make days be warmer than nights outside, and would make torches increase heat while darkness made it cooler - without having a complex system for it. Cycrow: That is an option, but I wanted to make it simple enough that it could be implemented without that much work. Boozeception is pretty complex in many different ways, occupies a lot of item ID's et cetera. It's also _much_ faster than how TFC works. The benefit of using the vanilla cauldron is that it's easy to implement since it's already in, it's quite simple to balance, and it doesn't need a lot of work to be able to both remove and add liquids to it - the IC2 barrels can only have liquid removed, which I don't really like. In addition, they are always closed-lid, and I don't see how a closed lid barrel would cause spontaneous fermentation very well (it clearly can, I've had several juice bottles start to ferment, but it's after like 6 months on a shelf)
  10. Rare Phenomenon and Artifacts.

    I think this would be excellent material for an addon, and I'd probably try it out a few times. I do not think it should be part of the base mod though.
  11. If you want to edit the wiki.

    Not really interested in editing the wiki (know too little about the game so far), but wanted to point out something that seems to be incorrect, at least to me. On our server (b75), red apple and green apple trees are both harvestable in november, and red apples are not harvestable in september. I do not know which month red apples begin or end being harvestable, just noticed that the bananas were ready in september and red apples where in november. Thought it unnecessary to start a thread on such a minor subject xD
  12. Well, I already have a bronze anvil lol But if nothing else, the bisbronze armor at least looks awesome (and we need two to three sets on the server so it's a good thing you warned me - now the rest of the armor pieces can be true bronze)
  13. goshdarn and i just made 32 bisbronze ingots. well, better than nothing anyway
  14. Ah. Thanks a lot. Good thing bismuth bronze is better then, it's less straining on the copper!
  15. Thanks for the answer. Does that mean that brass for example is completely without a purpose atm? EDIT: I realize that must be the case, as seems to be the case for many other metals. Regardless, my other question still stands; is there any difference between a bismuth-bronze chestplate and a rose gold chestplate, for example?
  16. [Simple] Armor Stand.

    THANK you for this! Been wondering how to store armor at all up to now. Metal armor is expensive enough that I don't want to wear it all the time, I don't want it to get destroyed from normal day-to-day stuff, like, falling 3 meters 30 times a day. I want to save that expensive thing for when going monster hunting, and usually only wear leather. This will greatly increase the worthwhileness of armor. Ten thumbs up to you.
  17. On Replacement/Removal of the HUD

    This does sound cool, and like a really good idea. I would add that it'd be nice in that case to have some kind of way to check your current status, like pressing a key to check temperature where it'd say something like "it feels chilly" or "it's hot as hell" or something like that - much like how it works in Roguelikes. I think the same thing could be done with hunger, thirst and exhaustion too easily - like, you don't have a meter, but the first sign, far before dehydration (for example) would be the line coming up "I feel a bit thirsty!" (like ze's thinking it). But for damage, poison, drowning etc - I fully agree. You also usually know when you've been hit so...
  18. Use for bones

    Some pictures from Kutna Hora near prague (was there once, amazing):
  19. [b75] Crops not growing in SMP

    Thanks a lot! Is there any way to affect temperature except differing biomes? I'll check the temp where I currently am. Thank god crops are based on calendar and not loaded chunks - it's possible to grow stuff far from your home, just travelling there for harvest once a year!
  20. [b75] Crops not growing in SMP

    Now, I've never really done much agriculture before so I don't know for sure how it works, but I think my set up should work. Picture. It has been like a year and a half in-game and it hasn't moved at all. Some plants has grown for two and a half in-game year and not moved. A few crops have grown, partially or completely, but it's only a few. I'm using forge v489, and tried to downgrade to 486 but that caused the server to crash constantly. Any ideas, anyone? Is it a bug or am I doing it wrong? EDIT: To clarify, I've tested with a lot of different crops, it's just not those two in the pictures.
  21. [b75] Crops not growing in SMP

    How does climate affect things? I was not aware of that at all. I think the biome is "tall hills" or some similar name, but it doesn't work in "river" either.
  22. [b75] Crops not growing in SMP

    Has anyone had the same issue?
  23. I remember reading that somewhere, but now, I can't find anything about it in the wiki. So, is there any benefit of building those on the top of a mountain compared to at the bottom of a ravine? What other factors are there to heat level, besides fire type, fuel type and bellows? I tried searching, but either my search-fu is really weak or there's no good documentation of it easily available. Thanks for any help.
  24. [b75] Hammer dissapearing bug

    Tested with stone hammer on door, chest and around random ground blocks. This does not happen to me.
  25. Does height affect heat of firepit/forge/bloomery?

    Thanks a lot for the help.