Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kittychanley

  1. Automated Message:This topic has been locked for breaking rule #1 of the support forum form submission. The solution to your bug or crash can be found by following this rule. Rule #1 - Read the Official Bug Listbefore submitting.
  2. [Solved] Brine lost on transfer

    I'm marking this as solved, since the conversation in IRC made it appear that the source of this bug was that you weren't sealing the barrel before you broke it.
  3. GameRegistry worldgen trees

    That also needs to be written in lowercase. "terrafirmacraft" is the string that we use as our modID, and all of the string comparisons are strictly case sensitive. This is fairly normal convention afaik in java programming unless you are dealing with direct user input. It also allows for two different mods to have the same modID, but capitalized differently.
  4. Non-flammable sticks? why?

    Primarily because of simplified code, and also because sticks are made into torches in the firepit. If they could both be used as a recipe ingredient and a fuel, there wouldn't be consistent shift-click logic.
  5. [Solved] Weather, potion effects

    Yeah, since I'm doing a bugfix release in the next day or two anyways I went ahead and added in the scale up for magic damage. So poison potions will do 25 hp per tick instead of 1. A player starting at 1,000 HP drops down to about 400 HP after getting hit with a normal splash poison potion. Also made sure to add in the check so it won't kill the player, their health with just stay around 1 - 25 HP until it wears off.
  6. GameRegistry worldgen trees

    By case sensitive, I mean that it will only recognize "terrafirmacraft" it will not recognize "TerraFirmaCraft" the same goes for "log" versus "Log"
  7. Are you sure you are looking at the items in a TFC container like the player's inventory? The cooling down mechanic has to be specifically written for containers, so it won't happen if the items are in containers from other mods, like vanilla chests or something.
  8. GameRegistry worldgen trees

    Looking at the syntax you provided in the example, I would assume the correct way would be to simply do Block b = GameRegistry.findBlock("terrafirmacraft", "sapling"); I know for loading blocks out of the config files in TFC we useBlock.getBlockFromName instead of GameRegistry.findBlock It's also very important to note that all of those method parametersare case-sensitive.
  9. [Solved] Weather, potion effects

    When it comes to rain, TFC is just using the vanilla mechanic so any compatibility issues there are with the other mod, and not with TFC. There is no way to add compatibility with food/hunger from other mods. As for potions, I have no idea why it's not working for you since we don't edit potion effects, and actually use them for stuff like hunger/thirst debuffs and hot springs regen. To double check, I just loaded up a survival world and drank a poison potion. It worked just fine giving me the poison effect display in the inventory, the particles, and the periodic damage that decreases health.
  10. Millénaire for Terrafirmcraft

    Automated Message:This topic has been moved from Show Off > Addons & Applications to Addons & Applications > Show Off > Addon Discussion
  11. [Solved] Placing metal sheets on non firebrick blocks.

    Are you sure the sheets you were using in survival were completely cooled, and had not been worked? There is no check in the code that specifically checks for fire brick blocks, and I just tested and was able to place them in survival just fine on a bunch of different blocks.
  12. Squirrel *FINAL*

    Just wanted to say that this is absolutely adorable. Would it be possible to also add a texture for black squirrels? They'd be a super rare variation kind of like the vanilla pink sheep.
  13. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    That's why we're working on TFC2, which will be for Minecraft 1.8/1.9. It's not feasible to port TFC beyond Minecraft 1.7.10, so we're just starting over.
  14. [Solved] Brine bucket

    That's exactly correct. If you go the large ceramic vessel method, you'll have to carry it on your back to move it over to the empty barrel.
  15. [Solved] Brine bucket

    Or you could just use bottles to transfer the liquid.
  16. [Rule #5] Improvements and new systems

    This topic has been locked for violating rule #5 of the Suggestions forum. 5.Limit threads to a single general topic.
  17. Full forum requires user account?

    Pretty sure it's because you're in the contributor permission group instead of the normal member one. Bioxx forgot a bunch of permission stuff when he set up the new group, so I'll talk to him about fixing it.
  18. Large mountain biomes suited for mining
  19. Full forum requires user account?

    Could you double check that when you follow the link, it doesn't add anything weird to the end of it like a redirect? I've tried multiple browsers, none of which I'm logged in on, and I can view the page just fine without any permission errors. The permission error code you provided suggested it might be something like a weird redirect being added to the page, or a typo in the URL if you copied it instead of clicked it.
  20. GameRegistry worldgen trees

    Are you writing this compatibility mod, or is this for a config file for a mod somebody else wrote? I'm not familiar with the findBlock command with the registry. I know that most config files want the unlocalized name, which would just be terrafirmacraft:sapling terrafirmacraft:sapling2 terrafirmacraft:log and terrafirmacraft:log2. All the other ones like WoodVert are for player placed logs, not trees.
  21. GameRegistry worldgen trees

    What exactly do you need them for? Are you just looking for the unlocalized name?
  22. Some question from new user

    That's it. Rain, EVT and Temperature are all there is for anything climate-related. The body temperature code that is there is just what Dunk had started with, and never finished. It's not used anywhere at all.
  23. Large mountain biomes suited for mining

  24. Some question from new user

    EVT is just another part ofclimate, so determining where trees, berry bushes, peat, and animals are placed duringworld generation. It's also used in determining the current color of leaf blocks on trees.EVT is not used for any active modifiers like tree or crop growth.High value has nothing to do with temperature; you can have cold areas with high EVT values. All it does is counteract the rainfall value to determine the overall wetness of an area. So say you've got a mild temperature area with high rainfall. If the area hashigh EVT, then you'll just end up with average moisture because the two cancel each other out. If the area haslow EVT, then you've got a swamp-like climate.
  25. Large mountain biomes suited for mining

    This doesn't really fit with the new island world generation. While TFC2 will still have stone-based ore generation, the primary factor will actually be the tiered island system. There's also the fact that the largest an island can be is 4096 x 4096 blocks, and you need to include the beach and other transition biomes. There will be mountains on islands, but you likely won't ever see an island that is nothing but mountains. The ore vein generation in TFC2 is also very different, with veins likely spanning the entire island. The smaller vein/cluster generation from TFC1 won't be used.