Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by gxblt

  1. Remove snow accumulation limit

    And add snow on top of highest mountains! My Inca/Dwarven double city would need that as their only water supply is to bring them from the rivers below the clouds. Maybe we could have an one block wide stream randomly spring from melted ice/snow? Oh, and also, make hot spring water usable for agriculture. And a stone or wooden dam, which can store rainwater and can be used to irrigate the land. Just my 2 cents. Well 4 really...
  2. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Minecraft user name: gxblt Your Age:15 Your Time Zone:GMT+2 Location Country and State:Europe, Finland Tell us a bit about yourself: I have played TFC quite a lot before. I have only gotten up to steel though, but I have built nice castles and farm villages before. I'd like to play on a server because I'm a little lonely in TFC. I have usually around two to three hours of playing time daily. And, yeah, I'm really fifteen, but I'm relatively mature. Edit: Wohoo! I made the page four!
  3. Alternative beds

    Wait, stone beds? Am I missing something or is this your country#s tradition?
  4. Last comment wins

    Dodges the shot, kicks corki99 into an untempered schism, thus making him never born in this timeline.
  5. Last comment wins

    *Shoots a necro gun at AllenWL* *Opens rift to the Time War* *Hell broken loose*
  6. No spells, no magic, but I think that the brewing thing would be nice. It could be made to look very much like magic to the foolish, like forms of primitive pyrotechnics, for examplesnap your fingers and get sparks from fine magnesium and charcoal powder. Hallucinogenic drugs, paralyzing poisons, maybe tonics that boost your concentration and thus ease smithing? Packets on flammable materials that combust upon impact? Crystals from dehydrating metal salts? A lot of magic and alchemy stuff can beadded tothe game while still having scientifical proof. Of course Steve does not now much about chemistry but with trial and error and a **** ton of accidents he would eventually grasp the basics.
  7. Metal ornanents (Goldsmithing)

    Oh god yes, I can see my dwarven vaults filled with gold and silver coins, rings, crowns, gold encrusted weapons and armor, silvery diningware, pearls, gold bars, fine silk, ivory canes, jeweled scabbards, harps with silver springs and such.......... My treasure hunger is tingling at this time of the year.
  8. Cats, Rabbits and other Pets

    I think breeding rabbits wouldbe fun. And it would be a reliable food source, too, as they breed like... rabbits?
  9. coal coke, use for that ton of coal

    I think that method would be pain. Instead, we could have a coke oven, Railcraft style. Throw lignite or bituminous coal in, wait, and BOOM, coke. Coke should last slightly shorter than charcoal to balance things out. Finally, the last link to my full underground late-game city. Kinda like Erebor.
  10. Rotting wood and weathering?

    Nice idea, but it would cause a lot of lag. Imagine every single air-touching wood and stone block updating every single tick.
  11. Fleeing Animals and Territory

    Good idea, though I don't see why wearing a smelly predator fur would be any better; the prey smells it thirty thousand miles away.
  12. Harsher Winter

    As said earlier, Hyena Grin, love your ideas. And hate you because I didn't get to say them first.
  13. All for that, at last a reasonable post about inventory size. God, i want this. Now. Love you. And yes, having to build individual workshops, not just because you have to, but because it's easier and more practical, is what I'm loved to thin for a long while. I always imagine my own settlement having libraries, cellars, coops, stables, barns, slaughterhouses, attics,carpenter shops and kitchens and stuff, just because it's nice and easy and practical. And fun to build.
  14. Ingame money

    NO. NO. NEVER.
  15. Soups and Salads

    Read my comment, you have? Yoda happy.
  16. Last comment wins

    * Arrives with a battle-ready TARDIS operated by Gandalf* Hell yea, I have the technology to cross franchises! *Erases you all the time* BWAHHAHHAHAAHHAHHAA!
  17. Ranching: tending to your animals

    A slightly better option for dry hay are leaves, or kerppuor lehdes as we call them in Finland. The leafy branches, about 1-2 m long, are harvested in midsummer and left to dry in a barn or a specially dedicated building, alato.They form a great part of the animals winter diet. Also, chikens were fed the dried berry-full branches of rowan trees, which improve their egg-laying capacities.
  18. [77.11] Looking for island spawn seed

    Try -47596010187365728. It had a small island and few smaller about a 100 blocks north.
  19. Harsher Winter

    That's why animals would need to be fed and given drink. Right now raising cattle is more passive than agriculture. Poultry is way too OP without the chikens needing a few bits of grain a day.
  20. More dairy uses and more

    Who said that? When? In what reality?
  21. Big List of Mobs

    NO NPC's. NO mythical creatures. NO magical golems made from solid cubic meter chunks of gold, god, no. NO Nether. NOW you've got a pretty good suggestion.
  22. Mountable animals & more realistic mobs

    Two things. NPC's? NO. GOD NO. NO. The addition of the would ruin the the thing entirely. At least to me. It should be more like '' building your civilization and tech tree in the wildernees and rule the virgin world alone and unmatched'' than '' making a camp at the woods and shopping at the village market''. Another thing, why rat meat should be poisonous? I mean maybe nowadays, but at the old times they didn't have to chew plastic bags n' toxic wastes. And the chinese eat them. In fact, why not to have domesticated mice? They would devour some grains but they reproduce SO fast that it would be a good food source.
  23. Harsher Winter

    Hmm... maybe.... yes. Think you have something like, let's say, 10 fresh apples. You add one little soft and gnarly and fermented and wormy apple there, all apples become bad. Why? Nobody wants to eat and apple which is covered in lumps of spoiled apple and smells bad. OR the degradation values could be a combination of the joining stacks value.
  24. Newbie help!

    This seems like the most commmon mistake newbs do.
  25. Harsher Winter

    Just like in Finland.