Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ante185

  1. same as regular vessels I guess? but larger?
  2. Nutrition: picking up where meals left off

    It would be pretty damn cool to make your own cook book! But since you start at full health, water and hunger doesn't make sense the nutrition should too?
  3. Ingame money

    I would very much like someway to divide ingots (Heck that would make making alloys much easier) but if it's the real deal with coins and all that i'd say that sevi's way would (Out of all the once here) be the best way to go!
  4. Early metallurgy problems and potential solution

    Isn't heat a metadata/'damage value'? (Same as what makes coloured wool apart) as far as i know if the meta data is the same then they can stack (they would both cool down at the same time as they where "created" at the same time) how ever how to make the metadata carry over to the stack.... i dont know anything about that. (heat is a metadata right?)
  5. thoughts about scavenging

    Exactly, isn't that what you use for camp fires, kinda.
  6. More dairy uses and more

    I wouldn't go cry in a corner if this came in an update, and I really want to my own pizza!
  7. thoughts about scavenging

    I think that really any wooden item should be burnable including but not exclusively tools (You would get back their heads) -Sticks would delay the fire dying, possibly by increasing the heat a little (Provided it is below metal smelting heat) and decrease the heat fall of a little bit for a while (Or something like that, this would also be the case if you have to, for some reason burn you tools) -Planks would burn hotter and faster then their log counterpart (Small pieces of wood/fuel burn quicker > more heat in less time) And scavenging should defiantly be improved, not to the point where going scavenging is like going to the supermarket but it need some addons and some depth
  8. My fault! there was a misunderstanding between me and my propick, I didn't knowI had to "find" ("Found __" instead of "Large sample of ___")
  9. I had just gotten my first copper pickaxe and propick so I went over to a place where I had found ores before and opened a small mine shaft. some of the rocks I mined didn't give any drops, I didn't think much about that but some blocks DID drop something but then it was just gone as if it was never there.... (I saw that those where ores)
  10. nope, it just disappears right in front of my nose, the rocks are fine for some reason....
  11. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    NOO! He cant add berries! I don't want another Age of Empiresgame!! (Age of empires is awesome)
  12. what are the Items shortnames?

    ill check that right away! thank you
  13. what are the Items shortnames?

    every item has an specific shortname aside from the unique number ID they have, for example, gold ingots got as its shortname.
  14. Whispers #1

    10,000 orcs manlily launched dwarves with a giant slingshot
  15. Idea for firepits!

    I'd say make it so that if you are standing on it for too long then you would take damage?
  16. Couldn't dirt and gravel have a slight chance of dropping rocks? say if there's 40% chance of dirt dropping a rock then there could be the same chance for that rock to be any of the local minerals?
  17. TFC translation

    I've started on a Swedish translation, if anyone else knows Swedish then you can take a look at it, I have dyslexia so even though my spelling has greatly improved from practise, practise and a bit of more practise I do still make spelling errors