Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by ChunkHunter

  1. Is the "path through the void" supposed to be populated with entities?  I went through a portal to be greeted by several zombies,  skeletons and spiders.  There were also creepers, endermen, zombie villagers,  pigs, sheep and horses...


    Also,  on my initial island,  despite it having "diverse crops" as an attribute, I didn't encounter a single garden.  There were a few beehives, so I've definitely got harvestcraft installed. 

    Edit: I've not encountered any clay yet,  either. 


  2. @Bioxx

    World Seed: [-3245831567207572282] | IslandMap: [0,-2] | PlayerPos: [BlockPos{x=2064, y=85, z=-7411}]

    I didn't recreate the world, simply re-loaded it - one thing I have noticed is that when I reload a crashed or portal-to-death world, the portal is ometimes duplicated (a stack of portals on top of one another - I just took a screenshot with 4 portals piggy-backed)

    the sytem won't allow me to attach a screen shot, unfortunately


  3. I have now at long last managed to go through a portal and not be pretty much instantly killed.

    It led me to what I can only describe as a winding path through the void, to another portal - whick pretty much instantly killed me.

    Is this "path through the void" how the portals are supposed to work?  (I'm quite happy to accept this - it even kinda feels "right"!)

    I'm currently sitting waitning on another portal exit from the other side of that path - it's been "Loading terrain" for about 20 mins now...


  4. Re that elk spawn - I think it's the default for all animal spawns - I had a similar thing happen with a mass cow-spawn - there was an amorphous whitish blob in view and as I got closer it exploded into a herd of cows :)  


  5. @Darmo That non-stacking is probably deliberate.
    If you look at the "expires on" date/time - you'll see that each item has its own expiry time. When you stacj, the lowest expiry time is applied to the whole stack.

    If you've got something that's about to expire and you pick up a new one, then if it automatically stacked you could feel rather short-changed.


  6. 42 minutes ago, Darmo said:

    Each island region does have it's own seed, which is separate from the world seed itself.  The region seed is what you're seeing in the creative mode screen, I think.

    Yes - I have just come to that same conclusion - it is listed under "Island Parameters" after all (facepalm)

    (If you've not done so already - check out that structure!)


  7. 15 minutes ago, Darmo said:

    Those are a geographical feature called 'spires' (if you play in creative, you'll see a list of 'island features' at the top right).   Near as I can tell they're supposed to be a natural formation.  They could probably use some work to look a bit more natural though. 

    I tried that seed and definitely did not start on a desert island, nor near any swamp.  Mis-copy?

    As for food, I think it's reasonable to assume that in this early alpha stage, the food balance is not what it will be in the end.  Bioxx has said in tweets you'll be better off in creative for now.   I actually welcome the scarcity of gardens.  I'm hoping it means there will be a more foraging-focused playstyle in the beginning, while one builds up a stock of seeds to settle down with.  Hunting and gathering type stuff. 


    I just dicovered that seed problem when I tried to recreate the world after going through 2 porrtals to the void.  I then read that portals to the void were "fixed" and discovered I had an earlier version.

    The "spikes" you mentioned are on the map with the "wrong" seed I gave.

    The structure I mentioned was made of bricks and *did* lead to an underground maze of passageways, populated by "denizens of the deep places" :) 

    I 'll find the co-ords and post them if I can create the world in the newest version 

    Edit: Co-ords of structure are 1560,84,-7146
    The portal I went through on a newly-created world still seemed to go to void, however.


  8. I created a world and got a desert island - with a little bit of swamp and occasional 2-block strips of green near rivers and the edges of what appear to be lakes.
    Not a hint of food around (but I'm new to MC 1.11.2 so I could be mistaken!)

    Maybe in the final release it would be worthwhile preventing the initial island from being so unhospitable?

    Also, what are the tower-like structures? Are these the entrances to  the rumoured "dungeons"?

    (seed is -8639291022458415048)

    Interesting - that's the seed reported on the creative mode screen, but it's different from the one generated by the "/seed" command...
    The one from the "/seed" command is -8639291022458480582.


  9. On 6-4-2017 at 4:32 PM, theJalden said:

    It's been a long time since I've really done anything in Minecraft, can someone remind me how to install this?

    (I had the same issue)

    Basically, if you've not got it installed already you'll need to install forge mod loaded for MC 1.11.2.
    Then once this is installed start a new game with the forge settings.

    Once this game has created all the folders it needs to, create a new profile for TFC2, using the Forge MC variant, and copy the two JAR files - one for TFC2 and the other for Harvestcraft - int othe MODS folder.

    Then you can run up that instance and Robert is your paternal sibling.


  10. On 21-2-2017 at 2:10 PM, ciekma said:

    Because you need some protection, to explore world and search flux. Additionally, once you have flux, you probably wont make leather armour, if you can forge metal one.

    You don't *need* protection while searching for flux.

    I hardly ever make metal armour as it's so much of a pain and costs so much maetal. Leather armour is all I usually make.
    I don't turn down the odd mob drop of metal armour of course.

    I did once make a set of red steel armour just so I could say I had done it but it took sooo long to gather all the resoures and then to hammer it all out.


  11. I don't understand why you think it's OK as a bottleneck for forging but not for armour?

    It's a real pain if you can't progress beyond simple copper tools - Finding Nickel and graphite are two other big painful bottlenecks, too if you want to progress.


  12. Yeah - the coloured steels are simply way to expensive, and WAY too time-consuming imho.

    I remember spending nearly 2 weeks of game play (admittedly only a few hours per day) to simply get a red steel anvil going, and I already had a black steel one.
