Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Peffern

  1. I have to agree with Gismo on this one (sorry eternal) "it's bad if they like at IC2 code and take ideas from it." Looking at the concept is fine. Look at NEI vs TMI. Same concept, different code. That's competition, not copyright infringement.
  2. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    It's worth pointing out that hammurabi's code was one of the most successful systems of justice.Also it's one of the simplest. I have to disagree with jed here, i think a tool set would feel arbitrary and forced. What i like best about minecraft (extended to tfc) is that you are free to build a settlement however you want, to govern however you see fit, not to follow rules dreamed up by someone else. Not that your system doesn't appeal to me, it's just that the freedom to change a system of government/economy at will appeals to me more.
  3. Buildcraft

    I made a thread about red power I while back and before everyone hates on me this is my humble opinion. So, It strikes me that buildcraft is about very specifically automating the processes of mining building and resource management. Since these things have new meanings in tfc I don't think buildcraft is the right choice. I prefer red power in general because it suits my style better, but specifically for tfc red power seems like it would integrate better. Most of the tech in red power is fairly low level (a block breaker as opposedo a fully fledged quarry a la buildcraft) so it more easily adapts to tfc. But yes, I think there is something to be had here. Also steam punk. Just steam punk.
  4. Leather Gloves

    Gloves seems like an interesting suggestion. I don't know how the proposed tanning system works but maybe you could different levels (and uses) of gloves depending on how they were prepared
  5. Realistic water bodies

    I agree with this. Also water level needs to rise when it rains.
  6. Thunder Storms

    I agree with this but I have another thunder related idea. This one takes more to code but I think it would be rewarding. If its raining in Quebec is it raining in Malasia? I don't think so. Global weather is a stupid notch-based idea that doesn't belong in tfc. I think that rain storms should be biome by biome and that it would work something like this. There is already a temperature as part of the weather, why not have a humidity level too? The probability of rain starting in a given biome is dependent in three factors: the humidity, whether there is a storm in an adjacent biome, and the time since the last rainstorm. Thunder could be a different mechanic. The probability of the rain stopping is dependent on similar factors: the humidity, whether there is a non-raining biome nearby, and how long it has been raining. In effect this would or produce an effect like the storm was moving, in that rain would start, this would cause rain to start in the surrounding area, then rain would stop. Also, humidity would be affected by surrounding humidity. So being next to a desert would lower your humidity a little. Just an idea.
  7. Ships!!

    I recently visited an anthropology museum of native Northwest America and there was information on how thery made canoes. It turns out that this post hit it almost perfectly on the head. Basically my proposed system based on this is: Use an adze to chop down a tree, producing a trunk. Adzes and axes are used to hollow out the trunk. The trunk is then filled with water, and hot rocks are placed inside, heating it up. It is then covered and let sit ( similar to the charcoal pit) when it is done there is a canoe that can be picked up and placed. Also, I thought of a convenient way to solve the inventory problem of this: there could be 5 items, each representing a different piece of the canoe (I.e. canoe front etc.) when the canoe was mined and picked up, it would drop these 5 items. One of the items, when right clicked on water would, if the other four items were detected in the inventory, consumem and place a canoe. This is a fancy way of making the canoe take up five inventory slots, balancing it.
  8. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    The way it appears to me is that overpowered locks of any kind are just that, overpowered. The problem is that in real life, there are enough people and enough infrastructure to deter robbery by way of destroying the bank, the vault, just to get at a particular safe deposit box. However this does not exist in tfc. This needs to change. I like the idea of a jail. That ties in with the death penalty idea, that killing yourself to escape is not a viable option. That would be an incentive to stay in jail. However, this doesn't solve the problem of the proposed owning-land system of making it impossible to steal. People aren't altruistic and there isn't reason to force them to be. I propose a system similar to blood feuds common in Earth's history wherever law enforcement was weak. The system is that when anyone offends someone else, their tribe/family/faction declares war (essentially) on the offenders tribe/family/faction. While this doesn't protect against individual greifers, it leads into my next suggestion: weapons of war. I mentioned this a few times in the past, but I think we should have catapults and battering rams and siege towers and... You get my point. Minecraft had been sorely lacking, IMHO, good team based combat mechanics. If your whole faction where working together to siege someone else's faction, that's both more rewarding and more fun than sneaking into someone else's bases and looting everything while they're DCed. TL;DR Overpowered locks are overpowered I suggest factions get unread prominence to produce a "blood feud" style of justice Seige weapons EDIT: no fair, eternal got 800 more posts while I was busy over the summer
  9. hey everyone! I'm semi-back after 3 weeks of being gone. sorry for the absence, i couldn't really tell about it, all is good now. So hey, this thread is still here? I will stick back to my earlier argument that while I agree with Lumi, there really is no point in allowing tools to be repaired if a new one could just be re-created. My argument is that, with enchantments, and perhaps something along the lines of the Goblin Tinkerer from Terraria, there would be a reason to repair your tools, instead of making new ones.
  10. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Hey! Don't call me that. And yes, I am back(sort of)
  11. RedPower Compatibility

    Please do not question the validity/balance of this. It probably deserves to be an addon or optional feature anyway, so quit yer whining. That said, I see a couple of things. Basically, there needs to either be a way to get the alloy furnace(which I oppose for the reclaiming recipes) or a way to replicate allot furnace recipes. I choose the latter. Bloomerying cinnabar will give you unshared liquid redstone. Combining 4 unshared liquid redstone with 1 unshaped pig iron yields 4 unshaped red alloy (which can be made into an ingot. A similar to cinnabar ore will be found, allowing the crafting of nikolite and the bloomeryification and metallurgying in the same manner. Brass already exists. Combining two iron and two tin yields 4 ferrous tin, which can be worked into a tinplate. Combing 8 sand with a hammer yields 1 sand pile, combining 8 coal with a hammer yields 1 coal dust pile, combining these gives a silicon pile, smelting gives a boule. Doping would be done in the crafting table. Cobble and planks, iron and gold, iron pickaxes, and emeralds(only for the sonic screwdriver recipe) would have to be usable of the TFC versions. All regular smelting recipes would be forge-able. Marble and basalt generation would be disabled until further notice. Did I miss anything?
  12. Research

    I played runescape. I hated this mechanic there and I hate it here.
  13. New Building System Thoughts and Ideas

    See the simple physics mod. This is exactly what eternal is saying, and it kind of fits.
  14. Lock Boxes

    So hide it.
  15. Lock Boxes

    No. For a couple of reasons: the first idea is way overpowered and the second just leads to endless frustration for an unlucky person like me.
  16. RedPower Compatibility

    I see it as, RedPower is not industrialcraft. RedPower actually emulates real life behavior in all of its machines except one: the crafting recipes/resources. That's where TFC comes in. By allowing a link within redpower and tfc, it would be possible to integrate the two. Whereas to me, industrialcraft is just a bunch of crafting recipes and machines that only have an end result of making more machines. Those are not the same.
  17. I like. how about water glows under certain conditions. I went to a bay full of dinoflagellates (bio-luminescent) and it was epic)
  18. Enchantments; The Photon Strikes Back

    Sorry guys I'm back. I had an extremely busy week and will be for the next 7. Hopefully I can still post a little though. As for eternal and lumi, two things: first I will help you guys troll a little more. You said creeper behavior can be justified: Creepers are sentient plant-based organisms. They grow as subtle clusters in the grass, however, when there is little light they can metamorphose (quite quickly) into the being that is currently outside your house. They explode because they have a symbiotic relationship with a certain species of fly. When the creepers explode, their seeds fall on the ground. However, the creeper fly (as it is known) eats dead and rotten flesh. So if a creeper kills with its explosion, its seeds get scattered via the creeper flies. second, I think this is enough...
  19. I'm waiting for the thread to evolve to the point where I can get eternal to come kill it with me.
  20. Recycling Anvils

    But it drops stuff on the ground when you leave the inventory.
  21. Calamari and Mutton

    And sometimes even things they DO die from... MSG cough cough
  22. Javelin Quivers

    One way to make it have only having one would to make it up on the armor as a chest plate.
  23. Recycling Anvils

    I use the old anvils as a cooling rack. A place where I can leave hot bars to cool without filling my inventory.
  24. New Health and Medicine System

    Do you code the GUI stuff or just draw it?
  25. Enchantments; The Photon Strikes Back

    That is EXACTLY what I hoped you'd say. Sorry I was using two disparate examples. Literally that exactly my argument on the other threads!!!!!!!!! I love your enchantment system so much I want to marry it and conceive its illogical children. Yay +1. I can't do +1 on my phone but I'll do it tomorrow.