Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Teagan75

  1. Clothing

    I agree that temperature and clothing should factor in to tfc2. I have wanted this for a while now. It would definitely change the way players play the game then. Shelter and food are always #1 on survival trips and should be in this game. We shouldn't be able or at least strongly discouraged to run around dodging mobs the first few nights. With the island tiers being mentioned, I guess clothing would need to be tiered. Otherwise, I was going to suggest that the type of clothing you make should be determined by the climate and what is available and not progression based. Cattails as it is in game already, would be everywhere so everyone would have access to it just like grass so you might as well get fibers from the grass and not add in an extra purpose for cattails. Jute for burlap clothing would last longer than straw.
  2. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    yes that is the second crash after the first initial one that puts that json file in
  3. Apiculture in TFC2?

    I am one of those who hate Forestry. It is too grindy and takes too long to be useful. If there were to be bees in tfc2 let it just be for making an alternative to sugarcane and nothing more.
  4. Settlements and Human Mobs

    I like the idea of human NPCs replacing the MC fantasy mobs. I agree that they shouldn't do tasks for you because that would make playing multiplayer needless. I always liked that this game encouraged communities rather than solo play. I think a familiarity mechanic with them that leads to trade would strike a balance between those who play on servers with a large player base and those who do like the challenge of solo play. When I play solo, I end up having too much food and other resources after a while and would like to be able to trade with NPCs for new stuff I may not have yet or something I can't get myself. The latter suggestion would make the NPCs beneficial to multiplayer if it is something no one can get themselves and something desirable.
  5. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    Well, I forgot I was messing around with that one. I installed a fresh instance and didn't do anything to it except changed the config for TFC Tweaks which is what I need to do in order to use TFC fluids in Railcraft correct? That is when it crashes before the main menu. I can play the game fine with TFC fluid hacks set to false but not when it is true. Edit: I use MultiMC so I tried doing the same thing on the AT Launcher and it still crashed. I can't give any more info than I already have since that is all I have done. Edit: Here is the same crash from the ATLauncher Edit: I removed all mods except for TFC, TFC Tweaks, Railcraft and TFC Railcraft and everything loaded without a crash. Fluid hacks were set to true. So it is an issue with another mod. Edit: So with more testing, I was able to load in every mod except for liteloader. I get the above crash when fluid hacks are true and liteloader is in the mod folder. I took it out and everything loads in.
  6. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    I am but I tried loading the game without it and it still crashes with fluids hack enabled. The crash won't even let me get to the menu screen. Edit: Made a new instance of the game that never loaded in a custom texture pack and this is the crash. As far as I can tell, its the same one.
  7. A reason to leave the land!

    I feel that the idea of a portal or fast travel would not fit the theme of TFC. I know that TFC2 is suppose to be a rewrite, but I would assume the basic theme would remain the same. What about giving us more transportation options such as horse and buggy/carriage or ship mechanics like Either way, jumping from stone age/metal age to portals seems a far stretch.
  8. Injury

    I liked the idea of this mod with its use of medicinal flowers, cloth/linen/silk for bandages. Minus the bundles, I think this would work well in TFC. The addtion of a mortar and pestle and perhaps a cooking pot to enhance the creation of bandages.
  9. Injury

    Injury is a very interesting concept but perhaps too complicated. However, there have been disease mods for MC out there. I would definitely love to see bandages just for on the go healing. I think medicine in general is something that would enhance TFC. Loved the bandages from the old Extrafirmacraft addon.
  10. Did I miss something in the changelog because the textures are missing for copper and black bronze swords? Other than this everything looks awesome with this pack Edit: so i see the textures are in the pack but they show up without it in game
  11. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    1. Installed build 7.0 from AT Launcher 2. MC crashed but theinjectedDependencies.json was in the config folder this time 3. Changed the fluid hacks both to true 4. Game crashed again 5. I can get to the main menu only when fluid hacks are false
  12. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    ok thank you, but yes i was trying to change the config after loading and starting a new game. Even after crashing it didn't add the json file in.
  13. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    oh no and this can't be done crashes if I change it now...oh well
  14. Compatibility list

    not without major config tweaks and scripts
  15. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    no problem...I have all the addons available from your pack on the launcher. Just wanted to find out here first before I made a bug report. Thanks edit: It was a resourcepack issue...derp. There was an "invisible" spot I had to scrape.
  16. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    yeah i am not missing any spots....been playing TFC for a couple years now and this has only started now. Tried right clicking each spot with knife....tried dragging knife across until all spots are scraped. The only thing that could be different is that I updated to version 79.28 which is different than the version on the AT launcher.
  17. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    has anyone been having issues when scraping hide on the leather rack? I scrape it like I have always done in the past, but when I pick it up it stays as soaked hide. I am using this modpack so I don't know if the issue is TFC or a conflict with this modpack.
  18. Dear Forum Staff, whats about that Technic Launcher?

    i believe it is because the technic platform doesn't give proper credit to modders nor asks permission to redistribute the mods in a modpack and FTB requires that for modpacks.
  19. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    FYI in the config earthquakes are not disabled. I had to disable them myself. modpack version 2.10.1
  20. Railcraft

    well i know that it can used but only with a lot of mod tweaking. The TFC modpack Technofirma includes it with recipes converted already. you can always use CustomNPCs mod and make recipes for yourself.
  21. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Is anyone else having an issue with electrical age machines, wires, etc. suddenly disappearing from their game with a huge lag spike? They aren't blowing up, even the machines in a chest disappear. Edit: they aren't missing but are invisible, however they are no longer working and right clicking them doesn't bring them back and neither does picking them up and trying to replace. It shows EA block of generalities when i hover over them. I have to restore from a backup each time and I can't figure out why this is happening.
  22. I agree anvils and full barrels would never be able to be transported on your back. I haven't actually updated your mod to use the tucker bag. A few uses and then is destroyed is at least a step toward balance. I wasn't thinking of rail carts all over the place but a push cart, but that is probably just as unrealistic as the tucker bag and full barrels on the back. I was just making a comment and it in no way stops me from using your addon at all I have used and continue to use the golden lasso from the Extra Utilities modso I actually have no issues with this at all
  23. ok I like that you are thinking outside the box with the Tucker Bag (I have been wanting backpacks for a while that aren't an exploit for TFC), but is it believable that you could carry a cow or a horse in a tucker bag by yourself? I mean even if you put it on your back would it be realistic? Have you considered weight with this addon? I was hoping for a cage and cart transport of sorts but maybe that doesn't work with Minecraft very well. I don't know.