Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Joey

  1. The weird side of YouTube

  2. Grinders

    Okay, okay, I moved E-B up to my ATTIC. Happy?
  3. Grinders

    DOn't worry guys, I've been able to lock up Evil_Bioxx in my basement, but only after him dealing some pretty nasty injuries to Bioxx. He'll be in the hospital for a good 2-3 weeks, and Evil-B won't be getting out again anytime soon.
  4. Loose Rock Placement

    fantastico I think so. What if... loose rocks spawned on the SIDES of blocks. dun dun dun
  5. I'd like to join the server, and you can whitelist me as: JoeyTehPwnzar The server I play on is either down temporarily/dead, so I'd like to have somewhere to play for the time being or even a long-term server if I enjoy it.
  6. Lighting System Revamp

    Well, hopefully mojang will get their heads out of their asses and start adding important features... like a lighting overhaul, which would ACTUALLY ALLOW modders to make color light and all this cool jazz.
  7. 1.4.2... thoughts?

    Very well put, puxa, I totally agree. They need to stop adding random little content that gets boring after a couple days and start reinforcing the game to be more moddable. (Less glitchy MP, fps boost, easy-to-download mods.) To put this in an analogy, it is very hard to add more floors to a rickety building with little foundation.
  8. I would probably make a giant MMO, where complex civilizations are built. Pretty much a world simulation. The game starts out, MASSIVE, earth-sized globe, with like 200 people to an area, each area equally spaced apart. The game would begin at the birth of agriculture, applying realistic geography, physics, BEAUTIFUL graphics, and eventually cool AI. As the game developer, I would provide the most realistic tools for creating a civilization/world. Pretty much anything can happen, and the world would be so detailed, that players can design their own mechanisms and buildings, and they would all be acted upon by natural laws. Servers could have between 1000-5000 players, or just 100, or just a group of friends roughing it out in caveman times. Eventually, after like 4 months IRL, a world full of players would be very progressed, and make starships. In the sequel, players can interact with aliens and colonize other planets. Also, the graphics would be very customizable. For someone who likes a simpler look, the graphics would be nothing special, or the graphics could be photorealistic. All up to the player. I am guessing the machines capable of this for people at home to do wouldn't be around for another 30 years, probably more, so yeah, not gonna happen anytime soon...
  9. Chunk Calculating

    Wouldn't this cause lag? Like a lot? Oooh, and... WeLcOmE tO tHe FoRuMs!!!!!
  10. WarZ or DayZ

    Alright... so most of us have probably heard of DayZ. Zombie MMO, all the big youtubers play it, very popular Arma II mod. But then, more recently, a game called WarZ came out. The beta is being released on October 31st, it is in an alpha state right now. Some people say WarZ is a crappy copy of DayZ, some say it's going to be very fun, and live up to the standard of Zombie MMO DayZ has set. I've personally never played either, but I have watched extensive videos of both, and they both look great IMO. What do you guys think? WarZ: great game with potential, or crappy rip-off?
  11. Weapon/tool 'finishing'

    I could imagine pointed helmets more easily... now THAT would be pretty kewl.
  12. How old do you think I am?

    Perhaps late teen years/late 20s? Either 17-19 or high 20s. Couldn't say.
  13. Weapon/tool 'finishing'

    the pointiest 'nips in all the land... taking out foes wherever he walks, without even the swing of a sword.
  14. Sage-man, archenemy of the evil Dr. Retardo

    Ahh, yes, no longer do new players have to be "welcomed" to the forums 43545 times before the thread dies. Good idea.
  15. Crops hybridization

    Why are you mad? he missed it, that's all...
  16. Crops hybridization

    Oh, and... WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Crops hybridization

    This is a really cool idea, go HERE to talk/read about it. (Already been suggested)
  18. you can't smelt in a forge, you either need a bloomery (smelting fireplace pretty much, look it up) or a firepit with bellows. Also, don't forget to use clay molds.
  19. No more domestic animals roaming the wild

  20. plant genetics = allsume

    That's awesome, puxa. Could the same thing be done when automatic breeding in the wild is implemented? It could be awesome to see an evolving world.
  21. Da fuq? Read at least couple posts above yours. (btw, the IP is at the very beginning of the post)
  22. plant genetics = allsume

  23. plant genetics = allsume

    Random photo? Don't jump to conclusions before you even ask what the bear means to me. In middle school, me and my friends wrote a comic called "Bearz." It was about the bears invading our cities and countries and claiming their place as the dominant species. Doing this comic made me discover my passion for drawing. Get ready for Bearz 2, motherfuckers.
  24. plant genetics = allsume

    Yeah, ethoslab on youtube, right? Or are you taking about someone else?
  25. plant genetics = allsume

    There, I have a photo now, happy?