Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by noname_42

  1. [Can't Reproduce] Vanilla Ore Bug

  2. Searching with 3-char-words

    For some odd reason you can't search for words with 3 (or less) chars. This topic (not by me) breaks rule #1 as it suggest jam what has been suggested already. However you can't search for "jam" as it has only 3 chars. Is there any way to bypass this behaviour?
  3. [Added] Clay & Rock refunds

    My suggestion is that 1. Clay is refunded equally to the number of fields you have removed when forming it (5 clay = 25 fields, so every 5 fields you remove will refund 1 clay 2. Clay and rock are refunded if you abort the forming / knapping (rock only if you have removed nothing)
  4. [79.15] Meals: Food icon outside

    My UI is set to large as auto is too big for me in 1280x1024. I am using fullscreen. The tooltip claps to the left if there's not enought space to the right.
  5. [79.15] Meals: Food icon outside

    TFC Version: Forge Version:v10.13.2.1272 SSPSuggested Name: Meals: Food icon outsideDescription: If the text field of a meal is clapped to the left, the food icons are outside of the field. Screenshot: (See my beautiful red circle) Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?:YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? Fastcraft, Local Weather and Storms, Minetweaker, Presence Footsteps, Aroma Backup, Journeymap, Liteloader
  6. [Intended] Falling dirt/sand removes tile entities

    I think this is intended (except for the crash of course).
  7. Sculpting Skill

    Hello I'm suggesting a new skill: the sculpting skill Basically it is a masonary and woodworking skill in one. The skill effects the chisel and how it works. You gain it by doing things with the chisel like making bricks etc. First if your skill is low only the smooth and stair mode of the chisel are unlocked. Also if you are making bricks there is a ~60% chance that the rock breaks without resulting in a brick. If you are chiseling a block there is a low chance (2% no skill - 0.001% max skill) that the block you are editing completely breaks. The percentages could also be effected by the type of metal your chisel is made of. So what do you think?
  8. [Answered] Questions about (Sequoia) Sapling Spawning

    That's actually new to me. o.O sry for the derp
  9. [Answered] Questions about (Sequoia) Sapling Spawning

    You can get sequoia saplings only through creative mode Edit: As stated in the FAQ: Why aren't Sequoia, Kapok or Acacia trees dropping saplings? It is a design decision to make getting kapok/acacia saplings impossible, and for sequoia trees to not drop saplings. This is partially a balance issue (I know I could let you have small trees if I wanted), but it also has two other reasons behind it. [*]It introduces a concept to lumber that is lacking, scarcity. You might have all the wood you could need for a while if you start in a jungle biome but you'll find out sooner or later that it all goes away and you'll never again have purple planks unless you find another jungle. [*]It also raises awareness to the very real problem that we face on earth of our jungles being wiped out by systematic logging. (I'm no tree-hugger, but this sad). Edit: derped
  10. Sculpting Skill

    You could use blueprints to save your work and that's actually not very believable
  11. TFC DynMap

    I think this explains it. Good luck understanding it
  12. volcano request

    pain, hurt and incinerations
  13. volcano request

    Good idea as far as it is not that laggy like this
  14. Simply Love This Mod

    The only good thing with vanilla is creating adventure maps with a lot of command blocks. That's it.
  15. Maps and Cartography Skill

    I am using a map mod and consider it as cheating. However without a map it is quite impossible to keep an overview over all the ore deposits (except maybe a lot of signs) so I would really like to see a map from TFC that supports waypoints.
  16. [Minor] Shapeless beam recipe

    Just a minor suggestion: Make the crafting of support beams shapeless.
  17. [Minor] Shapeless beam recipe

    The vertical and horizontal beams have been merged so a shaped recipe is no longer needed.
  19. Drinking water

    make jugs.
  20. House in the mountain

    with the shaders mod. Note that a strong computer is required for this mod.
  21. Tool to add in creative mode.
  22. [Solved] Crash on sealing barrel

    Version: 79.12.427SSPSuggested Name: Crash on sealing barrelSuggested Category: SevereDescription: I sealed a barrel filled with rainwater and the game crashed. After starting the world again the barrel was sealed, however clicking on it caused the same crash again.Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods?Fastcraft, Damage Indicators, Voxelmap, Liteloader, Presence link of the Crash Report:
  23. Polished stone tools

    How exactly would you be supposed to make polished stone tools? Btw you should create a new topic for each suggestion as stated in the forum rules.
  24. [Solved] Crash on sealing barrel

    I redownloaded TFC and it solved my prob. Ty!