Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Everything posted by Maga

  1. -___- So crafting 4 planks into a plank block can support a house. But using the same 4 planks and covering the block in a sheet of wool would collapse if a butterfly landed on it. Go mine cobble and lug it back to your house one block at a time, any more than that is too heavy to be believable. I made a possible new crafting recipe. Now It's a nice sturdy plank block with cloth stretched over it, hopefully you can look at this without the dreaded unbelievable panic attacks. Let's not miss the forest for the trees.
  2. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    I like the mysterious religious ruins bit. I had considered the idea of a 'artifact stone' or something along those lines... My concern is that in SMP the people would gut he building and the artifact stone would need to be unbreakable or people would smash it to make their swords/lanterns/armor etc more valuable on the server. unbreakable blocks on the surface is something I don't really like though... Perhaps a solution might be to have the entire structure (or if the stone is used, just the stone) re-spawn every 3-4 years so new players on the server have a means of obtaining the knowledge. As for the building changing the knowledge I think that would need to be every 10-20 ingame years to work better with a SMP environment. SSP people have the benefit of no map-borders so they could just look harder instead of waiting. Something else that might work well would be if a player who can't craft brass lanterns gets a few from his friend, putting one in your inventory by itself and 'crafting' it would give you a chance to learn how to make it yourself and consume the item. Thoughts?
  3. Items with building (structure) requirements

    Whoah... awesome O.O Make sure that it doesn't flow right up to the build limit tho, I don't want black puffy beacons coming from my smithy I would suggest that it give a blindness and a slowness effect for 3 seconds or so before you start suffocating though, just as a warning...
  4. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    Well put. It's important to always remember that adding to current gameplay is different from making it obsolete. I don't want a 'Ruined buildings' mod. I just want to spice up TFC a lil' bit.
  5. Responsible Forestry

    Would I be correct in assuming that a player would need to be around those chunks for the game ticks to generate saplings? If so then you're kinda screwed if you don't set up shop within a reasonable distance of all the trees you want to grow. In a case like mine where I live at least 2k from 80% of the tree varieties I would have to walk up north and wander around the area for years in order to get a fresh batch of forest to log, that would kinda defeat any purpose of building further south in areas with less trees. I get what you're saying though and it makes me reconsider whether or not adding my idea would be worth it. Lets say I live at x 5000. I have to run several kilometers to have any chance of finding the trees I want, loading chunks and lagging the server then again I suppose that's all part of planning your home location... Now I'm conflicted. Part of me still wants to grow a small grove of trees into a forest (even though it's not the proper biome/temp etc) but given that forests will be re-spawning in future builds It would probably be unbalanced. Oh well, for now I'll just patiently wait for the next build but I'm still hopeful for another layer of player interaction being added to forest management, be it a variation of my suggestion or something different altogether.
  6. Responsible Forestry

    As for myself I only started playing in 78.17 While I have never seen the mechanic you described it's great to hear that it works in 79. Despite this I still firmly believe that there should be a very time/effort/resource intensive way for players to actually grow a small forest into a large one over the course of several years. I am not opposed to making the seedlings require multiple waterings and longer times for turning into saplings. Maybe saplings grown from seedlings would 4-5x longer to turn into trees instead of 2x. Long story short: Make it tough, but make it possible. It would be worth it.
  7. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    >_> That's quite a tall order. Sounds adventurous but lots of building and the code to make larger structures not look awful and out of place could be a lot more work. Also, pretty sure bridges are a bad idea... They would need to spawn the river perfectly and if they didn't it would look silly. Making random generation find the spot to cross the river would be almost impossible. Having loot at the locations seems reasonable. Also, I've been thinking about how this would work in a large SMP setting where players that are new to an old map would still have a reason to visit the ruins.. let alone how to deal with the ruins being completely gutted by the first to discover them. Any ideas?
  8. IMO that would make it a lot less versatile. Unless you could make both blocks and panels, speaking as a builder I would prefer the full-block.
  9. I was looking at my herd of sheep and thinking how useless they were shortly before I posted this. While using wool is not realistic I think it's believable enough that it won't distract from game-play. The fact that it would create a use for wool is a major aspect of this suggestion.
  10. You didn't read my original post properly. Also, making different blocks retain heat differently in every and all different houses people build would take an outrageous amount of serious coding with very little benefit. I'm comfortable saying it will never be a thing.
  11. Buckets

    First of all, double post for the loss :/ This is not the place to discuss wells. The title of the thread is buckets. Let's keep the bucket talk on the bucket thread, no?
  12. Buckets

    Provided it is implemented properly this is a brilliant idea. I believe it's been brought up in the past (1-2 ish years ago) Since then there have been some changes to generation code and I think wells and aquifers deserve another look... Off to start a thread
  13. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    @EternalUndeath To me the best way to do it would be to make it a config option with several levels. NONE for 0 structures. LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH for progressively more structures (so servers who want to pregenerate a smaller map because of hardware limitations would be able to have more than 3-ish structures if they wanted) As for 100x100 chunks per spawn, even that seems a bit high. Maybe there could be two types of ruins. One is basically a broken foundation with no walls, completely run-down and give no real bonuses (maybe crumbled wells and such), they would spawn a little more frequently to kind of set the tone. The other type would be the more structurally intact ones that spawn rarely and give things like the ability to decorate sheilds/armor, craft new swords types, lanterns, rare crops etc. My number would be one every 64x64 for the small ruins and one every 128x128 for the big ones. (that's chunks, not blocks) @dutchraptor I don't think the beginning of the game should be about hopping into the nearest run-down cabin and setting up shop, I love how the beginning of TFC requires planning and forethought as you slowly build something from the raw environment around you. I see this working best as a late-game goal where you (and better yet your friends too) get geared up for some serious adventuring once you've built a thriving settlement to return to.
  14. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    I'm not sure how this is even relative. These things would need to be RARE. Take how rare you think I mean, then even more than that. I've said this many times now and I'm hoping I can stop soon. I see no reason why anyone in their right mind would want to aimlessly wander the world for months/years in search for a run-down shack vulnerable to mobs before they build their own place to get geared up and settled in. Also, where are the forceful limitations? ... I don't see them.
  15. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    Thanks dutchraptor, well put. My goal with the original idea was to present a way to make exploring exciting long after you acquire animals. I started on a server and within a week had horses, donkeys, chickens, cows, pigs and sheep (several colors) as well as a hand-full of nickel deposits marked on my map. In my mind this pretty much marks the end of any reason to venture out into the unknown, seeking adventure and generally enjoying your surroundings. I think it's sad that people don't have more reasons to get out and look around their worlds. The addition of learning skills by visiting locations provides the incentive and (perhaps more importantly) allows for easy implementation of dozens and dozens of great ideas over time. I agree with you completely... but you seem to be talking about a problem that doesn't exist here. It's not like a player can't get by with a regular sword, torches, armor, crops etc. Adding bonus items/skills that are found/learned at remote locations would simply be a frivolous perk, more bragging rights than anything else. Also, I should make myself clear that I don't think these things should be thrown down willy-nilly all over the landscape. I'm talking VERY rare. I think it's important that people who have been playing a world or server for over a month should get the same new-player excitement that comes from finding cows or nickel for the first time. @eternal nice tower, pretty much exactly what I was thinking about... though taking into account the potential of the chisel would hope to eventually see buildings with much higher levels of detail... Maybe I'll give it a shot and see what I can come up with. I just doubt I have the patience to build the things I'm envisioning here.
  16. More stable straw

    I'm thinking a feed-box would be the versatile, believable and practical way to do this. Crafted with planks and having an inventory for several stacks of various animal feed. Could you elaborate on the specific mechanics or are the ideas for implementation still in the works?
  17. Sensible Crucibles (RESOLVED) <3

    It's not like people can't already wreck their alloys. People unfamiliar with metallurgy would learn to do it slow and safe. Once people know what they're doing they shouldn't be punished with pointless tedium. Just have one ore smelt at a time and apply the 10% drop each time an ore is melted and reduce the stack by 1. As a safeguard against major accidents with new players just make adding a stack of ores require the stack to be placed with the mouse, and dissable shift-clicking stacks of ores (similar to shift clicking stacks of molds into a forge, you have to place the stack by hand to get the molds to stack in the gui.
  18. Simple Backpacks

    I know that this is not a new topic but I think this way of approaching it would be balanced and add to game-play. Crafting a Backpack 8 pieces of leather surrounding a clasp. Metal Clasp Made on an anvil using an ingot of any metal type. The last three techniques would be pull, bend, bend. Backpack Mechanics The backpack adds 6 or 9 slots to the inventory and is worn in the chest slot. The backpack can hold items so long as they are not designated asHuge Metal type determines durability of backpack. The clasp takes 1 damage point every time the backpack is opened. Once the clasp breaks the backpack starts to drop it's items and must be crafted with a new clasp. (or for simplicity's sake just have the backpack disappear and the items fall everywhere) Obviously extra inventory is beneficial but wearing a backpack means no breastplate, increasing the risk of melee damage. Let me know if you have any suggestions on how to make it a better balanced addition.
  19. I recognize your username... you were trying to log in while I was on today. Hope to see you online, Wombat and I could always use another friendly face in our developing town.
  20. Simple Backpacks

    Well aware of this. Additional slots would indeed have to be in a new tab. Ceramic vessels can't hold logs. Or anything else larger than smallfor that matter. You summed it up nicely when you said "most cases". There are times when I would like a backpack, and backpacks would fit nicely in TFC. Not against this. It would still be a handicap to the player, though not as much as the inability to wear a chest plate. Realistically the backpack would block both the chest plate and the quiver... Maybe that might be a better idea. Players could stash arrows in the backpack if they wanted, but the bow would not be able to pull arrows directly from the backpack, they would first need to be moved into the regular inventory. I like this better actually.
  21. Hey Rho, having lots of fun but recently I glitched through the world ...Like, the whole world :/ Was doing a smart-moving slide and ended up in a block. Then all the blocks without a face exposed to air disappeared and I started to fall into the void. I logged out in a panic, restarted my client etc etc but every time I log in I spawn at x=0 y=45 z=0. There are no blocks visible anywhere and I fall towards the void until I am teleported back up tox=0 y=45 z=0 and start the fall over again. I was hoping you could /tp my player to x=-1632 y=152 z=-6273 It's where I built my house and about a dozen blocks from where I originally glitched out of the world. I got the specific coords from a post I made a while back in Thanks for reading, please let me know via PM if you can help me out.
  22. Ingot cooling glitch (obsolete)

    Nothing appeared in my quick search. Retracted.
  23. When an ingot mold full of unshaped metal is cool enough to obtain the ingot by placing the mold in the crafting grid there is a way to get the ingot to cool instantly. Instead of clicking on the ingot icon that appears in the crafting icon, hover your mouse over it and press the key for any hot-bar slot. The ingot will move to that hot-bar slot, it will be completely cooled and the mold is returned like normal. Seems like a bug to me.
  24. Fall-Damage Inconsistency

    Upon closer inspection it appears I have derped. How unfortunate :/ In that case just pop on over to the code in Minecraft 1.6.4 that handles enchanting tables. I would think that the game needs to know what level you are when you open the GUI, checking to see if you have the required levels for the enchantment options displayed. If a solution can't be found in that code then I'm out of ideas for now. This is really making me wish I was a Java wizard.
  25. Fall-Damage Inconsistency

    If you feel you need to tell me this than I must have come across as a simpleton. Allow me to remedy that. Point taken, but I'm not asking for brain surgery.,just that we take the variables of fall height and player level into account. Code to obtain the player's level already exists. We determine the fall height by working off of the default Minecraft fall-damage values. The code for getting that already exists as well. There's barely any new code here, mainly the idea is just to obtain and then use these values in a more complicated equation than "multiply by 8% maxHP" Also, implying that I know ABSOLUTELY nothing in this field is akin to telling someone they have absolutely no common sense. Kinda hurts. Please forgive my lack of knowledge in this coding language as I answer these in order. -The same way we do now -Yes -I assume that since we already do melee damage reduction based on level we can copy the code to obtain player level -At every level -By being part of the equation to manipulate the default damage (more on this later) -Exponential, both in regards to level and fall height -It always matters in the equation, but eventually the answer will be rounded to roughly the same number regardless of level -See above answer, It's not static since the two values are used in conjunction, though independently. -It starts with the same method of 8% of max health multiplied by default MC damage and goes from there Now, I made an equation that models this scenario in a way that allows you to play around with it yourself and tweak it if you feel the need. Here's the link: Guide for graph: the x axis is the player's experience the y axis is the value that the current TFC fall damage output is multiplied by variablecis the significant number of blocks in the fall (see below) Below the graph is another equation that represents the fall damage if a player had 1000 health and we started with manipulating a value of 8% of max health a = a possible output value based on using a percent of a player's max health (set to 80 as default, can be changed) b = the player's experience level c = the number of blocks in the fall that deal fall damage (falling 3 blocks does 0 damage, so the equation starts at 1, representing a 4 block drop in minecraft. Note that even with an increase of only a few extra blocks of falling, it quickly begins to take a serious amount of exp to get any sort of significant reduction. All these variables are changed using the sliders below, note changing variablec will influence both the graph and the equation below. Tweaking the exponents and coefficients is obviously both possible and a good idea to get the right balance. This was meant to serve as a proof of concept. It would be nice if I was fluent in code but I'm not, and not at all in this language. I was bold enough to say it would be easy to code because I know it would use values that are already being obtained elsewhere and just combine them with nothing more than an equation. That's just the very, very basics of coding and some algebra. Hopefully I changed your mind, both about the relative ease of implementing this suggestion and my intelligence.