Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Found 9 results

  1. Aesthetics(not vaporwave) And Querns

    First:Scaffold Very Good to Build Very High Things like AQUEDUCTS and help to build more things with a High Altitude,well,it´s only this i want to talk about Scaffolds,They Help Second:Aqueducts(water pumping) Help In: Water Supply(duh); Irrigation; Transport Water in multiplayer game; So this is the reason that have a Water Pumping in TFC Thirt:More Types of Quern Well,this is only for help us because: Will Have Mills in Game!so us dont will have to go to the quern and stay clicking to Grind Fourth(and more important):Bread Furnace This is good for multiplayer to make your Bakery in your Friend´s City,and to make a kitchen Well im not good in english so haves a lot of errors
  2. Roman Forum

    Im NunoSilva3000(IGN) and I´m looking for a server to build the Great Roman Forum. If you dont know what it is, it´s a group of roads intertwined with each other that leads all of Europe to the "heart" of Rome. Sometimes players dont know were to go, so i wish to provide a way to let them move around the world without getting lost. This can become a player ran business based on construction of roads and employement of adventurers to scour the ends of the world for news building areas.
  3. Here is a list of ideas I have for decorations and landscaping: Beauty Bark: Bark crafted from logs used as decoration in gardens or yards. looks like small strips of bark evenly spread on top of the ground.Bonsai Trees: A small tree that can be made from some saplings that can be somewhat customized in shape.Display Case: Good for indoor decoration and can carry most items. Size should be an option, as well as style.Tablet: Can be chiseled from any type of stone (hopefully including obsidian) and works like a sign, but can also have images chiseled into it too. (writing and images engraved with a black line. More visible than chiseling normally into stone.)Fountain: A multi-block structure that uses modular pieces, so it can be fully customized. Once built, can be filled with most water vessels.Paintings: Different from vanilla paintings. These have the size chosen when crafted, and the picture chosen when placed.Obsidian: Nothing really specific, just please let us do some cool decorative things with it! So what does everyone think?
  4. Hi ! I just want to share my last creation, trying to design a fantasy windmill refuge, or "steampunkish" house (but i don't really like to use this term without steam and combustion machinery, more dirty than pretty as well for me). It's like an inhabited broken windmill (locked and cut shaft inside). I played few times TFC, but each time i was mainly focused on the forge building, stables... and i didn't take time to build my own house :/ (more than just the minimal vital stuff). So this time i open a Creative world, google this kind of MC building style and... tadaa ! It's not finished but i like the result for now. It's based on resources i have in my actual game : Hickory & Maple / Limestone & Marble (or Granite? i'm not sure) and TFC mods mentionned below. Yeah... a survival reproduction will be not for tomorrow but i will try slowly. You can see here TFC v0.79.25 with - TFC Additions by raymondbh, - Additional Block Variants by Therighthon, - Ropes+ by AtomicStryker. Thanks to them, and TFC creators and community here obviously !
  5. Bunker Hill Ideas

    I made a new world a few days ago and, after making my first hut and bronze materials, I decided it was time for a new house! I designed a bunker template within this mountain, but I'm stuck between what theme or wood scheme to go with. Therefore, I decided to consult the master builders of the forums! Comment on what you feel could look good, and any new suggestions would be highly appreciated! I have the Decorations Add-on installed, which adds mud bricks and alabaster, if that opens up anyone else's creative mind. -iPotato
  6. Hello! I have discovered the definition of "smithing". I have spent the last few days gathering and smelting bronze ingots to get to the iron age. How much bronze you ask? Only 128 ingots XD. Honestly that was not horrible to collect. Using an old poor Cassiterite mine and a Rich Native Copper mine, I was able to amass this amount with a bit of work. I went through 1 1/2 bronze picks and several stacks (160 oz.) of bread throughout the crafting. I forgot to take pictures but I will say, there was a ton of ore. I calculated the amount of copper ore collected and I had gathered a little 17,000 units of it, enough for 170 ingots of copper, but why would I do that? I began the process of smelting the ore using 8 pit kilns, each with 2 clay vessels, each filled with 8 ingots worth of copper. I had made around 22 clay molds for making the ingots so the pouring wasn't a problem. Surprisingly, this was the shortest and easiest part of the build only taking around 45 minutes. I stacked up all of the ingots and took a screenshot, I will do my best to upload it directly : . (I hoped that worked). I spent the next 1 hour of that day and another 2 hours today welding and forging all of the ingots into double plates, using 2 stacks (around, I don't know exactly how much) of flux and 4 stone hammers, I made 2 copper hammers in the meantime. I came out with 32 bronze double plates and Adept in general smithing, I crafted the bloomeries and hopped on my donkey, riding towards the next town, Russelsmith. Many set backs accured, manly the almost death of my donkey several times, but eventually I made it to Russelsmith and put down the bloomeries in the foundry. I took a final screen shot: . I spent alot of time on this so tell me what you think, I calculated that I will be able to process 32 Iron at a time. I plan on using all of this iron to create a rail line between the two towns. The top area is a servicing deck so I can load the bloomeries Edit: my donkey died
  7. Very good building seed

    Hey guys, Looking for a good seed to just build on. Maybe something with just a flat plains biome? Or a very scenic mountain biome. Really, I just got bored and wanted to see what I could build in this. If you know of any it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  8. Clay

    Is there any chance of using clay for bricks again or for other uses? Making a big clay ziggurat would be amazing.
  9. What types of shelters have you built? I can't find ideas for a home anywhere, so I figured I'd ask you guys. You can use this format to share your builds: [b]Title:[/b][b]Description:[/b][b]Screenshot(s):[/b][b]Blocks used:[/b][b]Difficulty (1-10):[/b]