Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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That's not a knife...THIS is a knife!

30 posts in this topic

The knife isn't much as a weapon. How about as a tool?

I'd like to use it for leather working. You could have a similar interface to knapping where you 'carve' the leather into different things...armor, satchels, etc.

What I want more than anything is to carve some leather strips and use them to craft a slingshot. Then i'll have something else to do with the thousands of rocks I've got in my chests. Perhaps the sling shouldn't do very much damage at all, requiring several shots to get a kill. Also, if you guys were super duper cool, you'd let me use the sling to shoot the leaves off of the trees.

Of course, needing so much leather, cows will have to play a bigger roll. Which is ok. There should be more to farming anyway. It's fun. Maybe you could have a barn or corral to that has to be built to certain specifications (like the forge or bloomery) that allows you to get more resources from the cows. And, of course, sties for the pigs and coops for the chickens. I can have the farm of my dreams.

...Oh, and maybe a silo that can hold a lot of food.

...Oh, and an old fashioned water pump.

...Oh, and a vegetable garden.

...I could do this forever.


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i like the title of the post hahaha crocodile dundee :D


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...I could do this forever.

You could also spend five minutes and find every one of these suggestions on the forum already


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You could also spend five minutes and find every one of these suggestions on the forum already

I did a search and found nothing about his leather working (I found a similar idea but it was crap), Mr. wannabe moderator.


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I did a search and found nothing about his leather working (I found a similar idea but it was crap), Mr. wannabe moderator.

I've read about 10 different posts about leather working with all these ideas about knives to work leather, leather strips, slingshots, etc.

I'm not trying to be a moderator, It's his first post and I was stating that these idea's have been said before, sorry if I came off like a dick but it's the truth.

Lastly, how about you spend 5 minutes and find them on the forum before you pull out the attitude, keyboard warrior.

Edit - Pointless argument inbound. Not worth the time.

Edit 2 - A like from EternalUndeath, what witchcraft is this hahaha.


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+1 to all OP's stuff. I want a knife that cuts leaves faster, sticks are way too much of a hassle early game, until you get a scythe.

-1 to all the angry people stuff.


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Well done with the edit, I saw the clouds of a shitstorm on the horizon.

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Well done with the edit, I saw the clouds of a shitstorm on the horizon.

Not in the mood for a 20 post un-winnable argument today. Maybe later.


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Is it bad that I read this topic title automatically in the TF2 sniper voice?


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Is it bad that I read this topic title automatically in the TF2 sniper voice?

Crocodile Dundee quote, so the accent is appropriate :L

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Crocodile Dundee quote, so the accent is appropriate :L

I... actually think it's a line of sniper dialogue too

Probly a homage to the movie


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I... actually think it's a line of sniper dialogue too

Probly a homage to the movie

I suspect so, crocodile Dundee is as stereotypically Australian as the phrase "put another shrimp on the Barbie"

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why do people complain about reposts anyway when the original posts are usually old or hard to find ( and i don't give a fuck if they are easy to find ) why can people not repost it shows more support for the idea and more chance of people actually reading it


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I believe that knife gives you more saplings than using your hand or the scythe


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"Stone Knife Blades"

Yeah, because those are just the blades.

In stone age time they started out with tools that didn't USE handles, have you not watched/read any of the documentaries that actually talk about tool making?

In particular the knives would have been used as is, they wouldn't have had a reliable way to fit a handle (lashings at best, which would have been prone to slipping and causing accidental injury.)


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Still don't think this a historical mod if I were going to go make a knife in my backyard right now I would put on a handle. It would be usable without one but not as much these sticks also help balance the game to as you need to be near trees for this reason.


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why do people complain about reposts anyway when the original posts are usually old or hard to find ( and i don't give a fuck if they are easy to find ) why can people not repost it shows more support for the idea and more chance of people actually reading it

Because it clutters the forums and makes you look like a lazy pillock who couldn't even be bothered using the search function.

If someone isn't even willing to research whether or not their idea's been done, why should we believe that they've done any research into their suggestion? And if you haven't at least checked up SOME facts about what you're suggesting, it's not a suggestion worth posting.


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In stone age time they started out with tools that didn't USE handles, have you not watched/read any of the documentaries that actually talk about tool making?

In particular the knives would have been used as is, they wouldn't have had a reliable way to fit a handle (lashings at best, which would have been prone to slipping and causing accidental injury.)

Yes, certainly some tools would not have handles, but I mean those knives are knife handles, I imagine if you tried to just hold the knife it may cut your hands up quite a bit.

Either way, I assume it would depend on where/what/why/how etc it was made, nobody can say for certain :P

Side not, I did not mean to offend.


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its fine I was clarify

Yes, certainly some tools would not have handles, but I mean those knives are knife handles, I imagine if you tried to just hold the knife it may cut your hands up quite a bit.

Either way, I assume it would depend on where/what/why/how etc it was made, nobody can say for certain :P

Side not, I did not mean to offend.

Its fine I was clarifying in case anybody became confused as to what I meant.

I still dont think it makes any sense to START with tools with handles. That sort of tool is a tech level slightly above the beginning of the stone-age, maybe make the handle an upgrade that gives more uses and requires string to lash the handle on?

I would think a big bone (like a femur) is slightly more durable than a thin wooden stick, so maybe those tools should be stronger (I haven't tested them to be sure whether or not they are)

That could make the following progression:

handle-less stone tools -> wood handles -> bone handles

How about metal knives or swords with bone hilts?


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The knife isn't much as a weapon. How about as a tool?

I'd like to use it for leather working. You could have a similar interface to knapping where you 'carve' the leather into different things...armor, satchels, etc.

What I want more than anything is to carve some leather strips and use them to craft a slingshot. Then i'll have something else to do with the thousands of rocks I've got in my chests. Perhaps the sling shouldn't do very much damage at all, requiring several shots to get a kill. Also, if you guys were super duper cool, you'd let me use the sling to shoot the leaves off of the trees.

Of course, needing so much leather, cows will have to play a bigger roll. Which is ok. There should be more to farming anyway. It's fun. Maybe you could have a barn or corral to that has to be built to certain specifications (like the forge or bloomery) that allows you to get more resources from the cows. And, of course, sties for the pigs and coops for the chickens. I can have the farm of my dreams.

...Oh, and maybe a silo that can hold a lot of food.

...Oh, and an old fashioned water pump.

...Oh, and a vegetable garden.

...I could do this forever.

We're not trying to create a ranching mod here lol. There is going to be more work put into leatherworking, such as tanning hides. Knives may play a role in a butchery system, but that's in the future. Silos and corrals are up to you. If you want to build one, you can. This mod is intended to cover history from the stone age to the medieval period.


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We're not trying to create a ranching mod here lol. There is going to be more work put into leatherworking, such as tanning hides. Knives may play a role in a butchery system, but that's in the future. Silos and corrals are up to you. If you want to build one, you can. This mod is intended to cover history from the stone age to the medieval period.

If we must take one thing from the theme of this thread, how about placeable hay bales using wheat, in the model of log piles? Perhaps make it so that nearby hungry animals with pathfinding to the bale will automatically remove one wheat from it and refill x amount of their hunger?

At present feeding domesticated mobs is a pain in the ass, and hay bales are in-feel with the mod, take advantage of your AI programming skill, and well suited to the whole 'fall of general storage to make room for the rise of specified storage' thing you guys are aiming at


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If we must take one thing from the theme of this thread, how about placeable hay bales using wheat, in the model of log piles? Perhaps make it so that nearby hungry animals with pathfinding to the bale will automatically remove one wheat from it and refill x amount of their hunger?

At present feeding domesticated mobs is a pain in the ass, and hay bales are in-feel with the mod, take advantage of your AI programming skill, and well suited to the whole 'fall of general storage to make room for the rise of specified storage' thing you guys are aiming at

This is unnecessary as animals will eat the grass off the ground for sustenance.

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