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Less meat and food rotting

28 posts in this topic

I think it would be good idea to decrease the amount of meat player gets from wild animals. 1 or 3 seems fair enough. It makes hunting more important and gives more challenge. However domesticated animals should give as much meat as they do now.

Also a mechanism for rotting food should be implemented. This way player wont be able to simply hunt every meat mob and stock up on porkchops and steaks that would least for YEARS.

I got this idea when I was watching a TFC let's play and at first the food was a big issue for player (it was older version in with there was one food item per mob) forcing them to aggressively hunt mobs and start farm. While later they had later version of TFC and after first day spent hunting they had absolutely no problems with food.


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I think decreasing it directly is silly, but rotting makes sense to reduce the total.

I mean, really, a pig could feed one man for many a week, but getting it to last more than one without it starting to go funny would be difficult.


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Hmm... so, this would mean the need of salt, smokehouse and other things that were used to keep meat edible for long time. After set of time the meat would go bad and poison you if eaten.

Also it would be neat if the "fill" attribute would detorite with time after cooking.


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I think it would be good idea to decrease the amount of meat player gets from wild animals. 1 or 3 seems fair enough. It makes hunting more important and gives more challenge. However domesticated animals should give as much meat as they do now.

Also a mechanism for rotting food should be implemented. This way player wont be able to simply hunt every meat mob and stock up on porkchops and steaks that would least for YEARS.

I got this idea when I was watching a TFC let's play and at first the food was a big issue for player (it was older version in with there was one food item per mob) forcing them to aggressively hunt mobs and start farm. While later they had later version of TFC and after first day spent hunting they had absolutely no problems with food.

I see from this post that you're new here. Let me explain some things. Decreasing the dropped meat is silly like what renadi said, because there are 3 points:

1) Animals are generated with the terrain. This means that they don't respawn. Limited food source.

2) Animals take a lot to reproduce, this means that to have other steaks you need to wait a lot.

3) In TFC the food bar depletes very fast (at least for me). About once every two days. This means that 9 porkchops will not last for years.

Hope I explained myself




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9 not but 55, with isnt very hard to gather (I was migrating), do least for a long time. I was just throwing ideas around. However i do agree with your points.

Still the rotting food idea is something I found interesting. It could be made into system in with;

*raw meat isnt very filling and rots pretty fast (couple of days at max)

*cooked food is most filling, but it dosent least long (also it becomes less filling with time as it goes cold etc.)

*prepered (smoked or otherwise) food is more filling then raw meat, but less then cooked food. However it least for a long time


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just to tell you, about all you suggest was already suggested a lot of times and discussed to death. It may come or may not, the dev's were not very clear about that as i recall. But it makes sense that animals drop that much meat. Reproduction is slow and not working at the moment. You only have massive ammounts of meat if you travel. As soon as you settle somehwere your supply gets limited very fast.


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Reproduction is slow and not working at the moment.

Really it doesn't work? I never tried it. That means that I will survive with eggs and fish.

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'But it makes sense that animals drop that much meat'

you've never been to a butcher have you? You do realize EVERY part of a pig is edible/usable. You realize a cow produces more then your weight in edible material EVEN if your kosher about it, you do realize(continues to highlight how much food comes from animals)

what TFC gives us is actually quite small in comparison to what I expect from even butchering some of the young.

that is not to say that they are for the most part domesticated and though the years of breeding now produce more then they ever did in the wild, but still.


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you've never been to a butcher have you? ...

I believe you have misunderstood what the poster meant. You seem to be scolding them for wanting animals to drop less meat, but they said that it makes sense for animals to drop more.

That being said, yes, you get a ton of meat from animals. We used to literally buy half a cow once per year.


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We used to literally buy half a cow once per year.

... This is the last time i have lunch while reading the forums. Eww.

A problem with rooting is the food stacking. It is unfair that entire stacks root at the same time when half of the stack was just added to it, so there needs to be a way to avoid this.

(Eternal, i still remember the solution you gave, and i still like it. But, he's a new one, let me test him :3)


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ok how about this.

instead of a pig popping into pork chops and leather when killed, you instead get one pig corpse.

you then have to gut the pig with the knife. (giving organs to do with as you want, maybe food or for making tallow or something).

then you can skin the pig corpse to get hide (for later tanning into leather, i read somewhere on this forum that tanning was soon to be coming(?))

then you butcher the pig to get the meat, either with an axe or a special tool.

this keeps hunting in line with the feel of realism and means you have to work to get your supply of meat as opposed to just throwing a spear and POP meaty pork chops. which bugs the crap out of me along with pre-carved pumpkins lol

just an idea


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also suggested several times.


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also suggested several times.

But I think that if a thing is suggested several times by different people, it can be a good idea. To implement!

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Idk, if you have food rotting and you throw it together it wouldn't surprise me too much if it all starts rotting together.


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Idk, if you have food rotting and you throw it together it wouldn't surprise me too much if it all starts rotting together.

3/1/1000: You killed some cows, and cooked all of their meat (32 steaks). You saved the meat in your chest, and completely forgot about it.

3/31/1000: You killed more cows, and again cooked all of their meat (32 steaks again). You stack this new meat with the old one, and when updated, the previous one decides it's time to become rooted. The rest of your steaks, which were totally fine, repentinely root as well because of being stacked with the previous ones; no chance of cleaning, separating, nothing, it's just gone. Oops!




This could happen a lot more than you would think...


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if rotting was handled in such a way that a timer begins to tick down from the time it drops from the animal to the time it turns via metadata, then different kills wont stack UNLESS somehow it happened all at once. cooking a food before it rots would reset the timer though, and im not sure if thats how it works in my kitchen :/


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if rotting was handled in such a way that a timer begins to tick down from the time it drops from the animal to the time it turns via metadata, then different kills wont stack UNLESS somehow it happened all at once. cooking a food before it rots would reset the timer though, and im not sure if thats how it works in my kitchen :/

If the meat wasn't in any state of descomposition yet, it is pretty much how it works : as the heat kills most bacterias on the meat, they will have to build up again in an even less suitable environment to start the decomposition.


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Actually, just heating meat without adding anything makes said meat more suitable environment for bacteria as long as there is still water in it, if I understand how rotting works. Adding salt and other spice, removing water, letting mold fungus to grow on it - that makes it less suitable, although mold fungi itself is not very pleasant thing to have in your food.


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Actually, just heating meat without adding anything makes said meat more suitable environment for bacteria as long as there is still water in it, if I understand how rotting works. Adding salt and other spice, removing water, letting mold fungus to grow on it - that makes it less suitable, although mold fungi itself is not very pleasant thing to have in your food.

Mostly true, although the heating itself WILL kill the bacteria by denaturation of the constituent proteins and DNA, so it wouldn't just reset the timer, but run another one, so that cooked meat goes bad faster. Salt does work well work preservation, since it dehydrates all cells nearby.

Other spice however most likely don't help preserve the meat, they simply mask the taste (after all, you can eat slightly rotten meat and not get sick, your stomach acid will kill some of the bacteria).

Removing water works too, but you will have it covered by smoking or curing the meat either way.

Smoking does work, since as said above it dehydrates the meat AND smoke has antibacterial properties.

Mold isn't necessarily toxic, the common one is, but if you've ever eaten blue cheese you know it can be completely OK if you use a proper type of mold.

BTW, if we'd include meat rotting, why not also bread/grain going moldy using the same mechanic?


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Also, and I know I'm probably alone in this, there was a mod a while back called nature reclaims, where buildings themselves could rot, stone could turn to cobble, stone brick to cracked stone brick, and wood to rotten wood, which would look a tad different and sometimes break when stepped on, I absolutely love this idea, it preserved buildings that were actively being worked on or near so it only affected things that were left in remote locations, but it could seriously add character to a long standing server, I've gotta check if it's still around(thought it'd be wholly incompatible with TFC)


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Smoking meat so it lasts for a long time is an ancient and simple technique. Why not just think of the meat as smoked?


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Smoking meat so it lasts for a long time is an ancient and simple technique. Why not just think of the meat as smoked?

Mmm, smoked salmon...


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Mmm, smoked salmon...

You also like it. Me too. Why don't add the salmon as a fish.

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Smoke Salmon, Not Cigars


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I don't know what's seen as best on these forums, necroing old threads or starting new threads on topics that have been up before, so I'll chance and bump this up. I REALLY think a limit to how long food is good would be a great addition to the game. It'd really increase the "survival" part of the game, make different foods have different uses (meat being effective but with limited longetivity et cetera).

(quick note on the word: I don't know what the english word for "how long food stays edible" is, and google translate from Swedish gave "durability", "permanency" et cetera which feel weird - longetivity is the closest word I know, so I'll be using that for "how long food stays edible". if someone could tell me what the english word is I'd be happy)

My suggestion for how it could work: Almost all food will have an initial longetivity depending on type, measured in days. For simplicity's sake it could just decrease the longetivity once at midday every day, so it doesn't have to care about exact time of dropping. So, at midday it decreases the longetivity of all food by 1. If a food has 0 longetivity at midday, it turns into a rotten variant (simply rotten flesh for any meat, and a "compost" item for any vegetable) that is unedible. Or, it could simply disappear, whichever works best. The longetivity would be displayed on the item in the same way as heat is displayed when putting an item in a fireplace; each food item would have a "Longetivity: ****" or similar, with one red star for every week and one white star for every day in excess of those weeks.

Raw meat items would have very limited longetivity - 2 or 3 days (maybe 2 for porkchops and chicken and 3 for beef?). Cooked meat would have a longetivity of 4 days, but it would be reset at the moment of cooking.

Eggs would have a decent longetivity, like 4 weeks or so, while cooking them sets their longetivity to 3 days. Milk would have like 4 days longetivity.

Fruit would have varying longetivity, from a week (bananas) to unlimited (rice etc, no reason to set like a year-long durability)

I don't think it would be that difficult to implement, and I think it would really enhance gameplay, force new strategies for food supplies etc. Animals could keep the same amount of drops, or even have increased amounts of drops as they aren't edible forever. Animals would be more useful if you're many people splitting it than when you're alone.

In a future stage, other food preservation methods could be introduced, like salting, smoking, pickling etc. There could also be methods of storage that protect them, such as storing them in underwater containers for keeping them cool, or even adjusting it by biome. That's more "advanced" stuff though.


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