Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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331 posts in this topic

inspired by the /me wars in IRC that pop up from time to time, heres a way to kill everyone n such. No real rules, just all out mass murder or hugs or whatever. just start your post with /me and see how far we can take this until somehow all of us have died yet never died at all :D I'll start us off.

/me burns the house down


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/me transforms into a rare S-Class supermonster, a vampire, and anime-ishly kicks ECC into the sky .

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/me catches ECC and proceeds to get a stake and throws ECC in a pit of lava


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/me uppercuts Kimbblesrath, snatches his falling stake, breaks it, and kicks poor, falling Kimbblesrath into a wall, leaving a visible crater after falling into the ground, dazed.

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/me crawls to a hospital, grabbing tons of scalpels on the way


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/me follows Kimbblesrath, attracted to the sweet smell of his blood.

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/me sets up a scalpel thrower to attack Sda *somewhere* along my path.


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/me founded Kimbblesrath armed with his scalpel thrower, prepares fangs to bite Kimbblesrath's neck and suck his blood.

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/me creates a dummy Kimbblesrath and fills it with the hospitals blood bank, possibly poisoning the vampire


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/me sits back and enjoys how out of hand this is getting.

Posted Image


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/me bites Dummy Kimbblesrath's neck, and enjoys the taste of all the blood types, which confused me. Realizing he's a dummy, I was filled with rage, and began looking for Kimbblesrath.

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/me Uses my unicorn magic to seal Sda209 in an unbreakable bubble


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/me arrives and sees everyone run in terror


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/me stares at the nuke, sees it explode in wolfs vicinity, while i am planets away


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/me isn't a suicide, for this he placed the nuke near Killster. He only said that he had nuke, not a nuke near him.


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/me is glad


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/me had moved the nuke back to wolf before teleporting aaway and detonating it


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/me is still alive. You said that you just stared at the nuke...

However, how can you still talk?


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/me is a forceghost, and can talk whenever he wants to and to whomever he wants to, for more references to my power check the off topic name me thread (oh god tht was a good one huh SDA?)


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/me pours water all over body and passes through unbreakable bubble, then proceeds to find Kimbblesrath and TheWolf277 in the hospital, surrounded by SWAT teams.

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/me kills Sda209 with the SWAT teams. Good old friends :D.


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/me uses TheWolf277 as a shield, throws him into the SWATs, and charges at them, knocking all of them out.

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/me pimpslaps SDA out of the city, helps wolf up and cures him of nuclear radiation.

enemy of my enemy is my friend huh?


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/me read this thread, commited Seppuku.


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