Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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331 posts in this topic

/me creates such a bad /me, that god's facepalm destroys me and everyone else who ever made a /me


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*rematerializes again*

*nukes the living shit out of this plane of existance*


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Well then it is very fortunate i am not affected by space of this dimension in any way ... hmhmhmhmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh


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i just wiped out this entire plane of existance, that trancends even dimensions, everything you could ever possibly imagine just died....cept for me and srgnoodles of course ;)


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Still alive you pesky Tortoise xD

You can't ever get rid of me xD

Drinks invisibility pot xD


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*hunts down the invisible rabbit, boils him over a nice cooking pot, eats him alive, and detonates his shit with TNT*

that shouldv gotten rid of you


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Wow you showed my cousin Sherley the true meaning of terror , too bad so sad xD

*Tazers kilster and sets up an airplane crash into the sea with him tazered and aboard .


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*channels the power of the sea in his mind to gently smooth the plane into the water, and floods the entire earth*


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/me Anti-crist. Wach ya gonna do now God?


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/me christens the antichrist, turning him into that which he loathes with all his life, thus creating a paradox causing the Antichrist to destroy itself in utter madness


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/me recives superpowers and is invincible, and kills every evil in the game, including Herobrine and Israphel. Take that Yogscast!


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/me uses spell to make SnappGamez-san un-invincible, and proceeds to suck his blood and kick him into next week, Rosario-Vampire-style (I recommend this series, the manga is much better than the anime).


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/me runs around with a shotgun, shooting everything in sight with exploding buckshot. Then eats a sandwich, and goes swimming with jaws at the local swimming pool. Then takes a time machine to next week, grabs SnappGamez, takes him to the Eoarchean era, gives him a time machine that runs on batteries, takes said batteries out, comes back, goes to the swimming pool, and eats jaws.


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/me Walks in, looks around, catches a bullet from AllenWL and dies.


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/me summons an army of the undead and kills everyone with it


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/me says "NOPE" and everything turns into nothing.


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/me wonders if Sda209 included himself when he said 'everything turns into nothing' and comes back from the nothing-ness of the void


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/me uses black magic a summons a greater demon of krone to kill Sda209


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/me uses stronger dark magic, and forces the greater demon of krone to sing the a kid song which makes the world blow up due to weirdness overload and melts down the command block circuits preventing any post after this one having any effect


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/me uses hacks too rebuild everything


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/me uses the newly restored command blocks to blow everything up again and uses a unreversable power to stop hacks, cheats, any form of resurrection, rebuilding, and restoring.

Then eats a salad


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/me Uses Q powers to break laws of physics and put you in a prison in the Q continuum that is unbreakable


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Me switches places with the combustible lemon


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/me creates the Vashta Nerada and commands them till reaches victory


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