Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Crysyn

  1. Yeah but the sluices are inefficient on purpose to make them impractical once you get your initial set of metal tools and then just a fallback for if/when the worst happens. I do like the social aspects of this of people all chipping in their mined rock to get ore stores for the settlement and while I think large mines should have something more to them than a group of people with a set of picks in a tunnel... This one just for some reasons rubs me the wrong way I accept that that is potentially just me but turning any type of rock potentially into ore seems like one step to far is all. Also, as soon as you turned the rock into gravel with out separate gravel types corresponding to the rock types when it hit a sluice it would make rock gathered from anywhere produce ore found in the area the sluice is in that the gravel gets chucked into.
  2. foot holds

    I like this idea.. Even the small footholds make sense to me (have you seen how close the ladder rungs are to each other? Stop worrying about crap like that! ) I think this would be a good addition to the game and coincide with smart moving. (It should be noted that smart moving needs a ledge to climb on, this is just a way of marking -mid-wall blocks as 'ledge'able really). Also, regardless of this idea getting into the game or not I highly recommend everyone install Smart Movement along with TFCraft.. it is almost an expected to be installed mod at this point in time
  3. Trees should drop seeds instead of saplings

    While seeds are possible for growing trees (I mean an apple -is- what you would plant to try and grow an apple tree). It is actually much more common to do cuttings of a plant and then get them to root and grow into saplings as pointed out here. Could seeds be considered? Sure I am not against something else to do with the fruits. But we would then need to make all the seeds for all the other non-fruit bearing trees. We would need a way to collect them (though berry picking I think is semi-done so maybe that part is tackled?) and then I think the growth rate of seeds into seedlings is very low so some sort of failure rate (Which is why trees drop hundreds to thousands of seeds every year ) would need to be done. I do not think one system should replace the other in any case. So I vote against the 'Instead' part of this
  4. Ok so you look at it as a more advanced sluice that can take rock instead of gravel? can any rock be thrown into it and get ore out of it? are you going to get people to stop hunting for metals completely and just dig out strip mines to throw the stone into these things as opposed to having to go hunt for the ores? I am not sure enough thought has been put into this idea as it currently stands over the technical concerns of introducing a new ore-bearing-rock type of rock that can be spawned around veins of ore. Multiple ways of doing things I am all for, but they need to make sense in the world and not just be a thing to add to the world. [shrugs] At the end of the day Bioxx will do whatever he wants to do, but I think more thought needs to go into this before much action is taken in regards to it.
  5. I read up on these from the links you sent and these are not an alternative to the sluice. They would simply crush rock and the you would send it to a sluice for the crushed parts of it to be sifted. So yeah, not a replacement for the sluice.. Since we already have separated ore from rock I am not entirely sure this device is needed for us.
  6. Chest size fix.

    Hey all, The whole chest thing has been a debated topic with strong feelings on either side. Something else is coming down the road so its best that we just wait and see. There are enough suggestions and due to the title of the topic being to 'fix' what is not broken I am going to lock this until the 'else' is here. Until we get the whole picture of the inventory changes it is hard to gauge where we should suggest to go from here.
  7. Ultra Hardcore

    Was a lot of fun, hope tomorrow will be as well!
  8. Spotter's Guide

    If it were not down right now I would be updating the wiki a bit tonight... It shall have to wait again :/ Soo much info is outdated it needs a swift kick!!
  9. Bow types

    I find it ironic that a post saying to look through the posts for other ones on that topic already points the another post that is also not the original 'Do Bowyer and Fletching' post Anywho, Add to the other topics, no need to spread things out further
  10. cobble walls

    This is a fairly common site around a farmer's field, as well as hedges. Just some way to stack cobble stone in a 1.5 height for a wall to keep out most pests would be fairly useful.
  11. placeable ingots (show off your swag to the world)

    The piles were not just suggested.. It was Bioxx who said he would be adding in some way of stacking ingots like you can logs into a pile. Money is also a separate topic and #1 is the desire to make it so you can not stack tons of ingots as coins for transport then melt them back down.
  12. Hey guys, Keep the topic on target and friendly. People who have been banned from the server for one reason or another, this is NOT the place to grumble about it. Move to another server and move on.
  13. Dynamic Lights can put a dent in the FPS even on a high end system.
  14. THIS IS NOT TO MAKE THE PROSPECTOR PICK MORE ACCURATE That is at the top for those who were not part of the IRC conversation that lead to this post. The idea here is to give the prospector pick a secondary functionality in identifying the type of block that it is tapped on directly as well as scanning the area around you. With an alternate tap (shift click maybe?) it will identify the block type that it is clicked on telling you it is Granite or Basalt or Tetrakedrite. That's it!
  15. I am a bit against this as I am looking forward to writing these books on my own when we get them in 1.3. I would not want it to be automagically filled out for me, I want to pick the dirt, figure out the stone layers, note the biome and list what I have found there (trees/rocks). Then put the book in a public library with core samples, etc... Haha, I am against this idea too because I love pro picking dirt to find ore actually. Its a very nice way to get into ores as you are scanning JUST the surface so when you are dealing with stone tools you limit to a more manageable area where to find your ores.
  16. Basic Domestication/Evolution in Farming

    I have to say I really like the idea of this.. I am not sure if I would want a field of heirloom or wild wheat though!! Maybe a small one of both!?
  17. The one thing what needs to be added...

    Received a bit of news earlier that the latest forge due out in a couple of days will implement this There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
  18. Regarding the 'The problem of Cassiterite' poll

    Tin is a gateway/bottleneck metal, nothing more. We do not need it every where we just need that initial piece less important Literally, most of this is over getting the initial hammer to make flux. The second requirement is for an anvil and with Bronze, Black Bronze (My fav) and Rose Gold as all possible avenues, tin is just 1/3rd of the spectrum.. Long Live Gabbro! (Which we found two layers down only 500ish blocks away )
  19. The one thing what needs to be added...

    He did. And Mojang dropped the ball, they are not extending the ID count to 4096 as originally mentioned. The problem currently is that stairs USED to all be a single block Id until Mojang added in positional placement, Now they are all separate Ids.. So doing a little counting it would take 39 Ids to make stairs out of each type of cobble rock (I am not counting Smooth or Raw versions, they would take another 23 ids each bringing the total to 85 ids) and planks. Add in Ladders, Doors, Slabs.. each one of those you want those textures for would take up another 39 ids... This is the overall concern.. We lose the new content to be added that needs block ids because 390 of em are for 10 different items with 39 versions. Anywho.. Trust me I am a crafter at heart and I am dying for more design options to become available, but I do understand the limitations of the current system are the concern. Bioxx does have this on his list of things ToDo but it does require quite a bit of ground work to get done first.
  20. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    This is actually being removed so when you spawn you are very low on hunger and will need food.. It is just waiting the rest of the agriculture stuff to my knowledge. I liked this, The only concern with a nomadic life is how crappy minecraft can get with a large map.. So SSP this would be awesome but since Everything is going to be SMP in 1.3 this may cause issues.. Otherwise, good ideas.
  21. Regarding the 'The problem of Cassiterite' poll

    Technically stone is mined with a wedge and a hammer, not a pick axe in any case.. On the other hand with getting flux from Borax and a Stone hammer, you can skip straight to Copper and not have to do Tin/Zinc/Bismuth at all any longer. So there is actually a solution to hording tin.. All the alloys from here on out require one piece of tin so even a single vein find can last a good long while.
  22. While this is a bit off topic I just meant to put the random where it should be, and as Rogue mentioned its random when you are gathering it. Not when you are processing it (Cause honestly you should know that the piece of ore you just put on a fire is 1/4th the size of the last one you put on the fire). Anywho, it was to reduce how much metal you got from ore down to like 5% or 10% but then to increase and vary the amount dropped per block. TO keep the same ratio you would get 3-8 per block or 1-4 depending on which set.
  23. There is already an entire post about torches burning out over time and while they could vary based upon the material they are made out of please read the other post over the fairly invasive logistics of doing this sort of thing
  24. Question that will become a suggestion

    This mod is inspired by Dwarf Fortress and the technical details that Minecraft tends to hop over. It does not have any enforced ages and people do not have their own tech tree or the like to unlock. We do refer to 'ages' however simply for ease of conversation. Those ages are currently the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Steel Age.. Now before people ask where the starter metals are, they are part of the stone age.. Just like there are multiple levels of Steel under the Steel Age. These are just classical classifications for the separations, not literal what metal comes after another for their names. Secondly, Whats the suggestion here? I have moved this to discussion, once you get enough of your questions answered to have a suggestion I welcome you to post just that suggestion in the appropriate forum
  25. Water Dowsing

    No worries I am just not sure Bioxx would put in a dowsing rod and I know he will never put in a divining rod so you are out of luck there. Maybe when more finite water aspects are added into the game some way of finding fresh water besides taste testing will be done... Or some form of water well will be implemented or the like.