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  • Kittychanley
    • I'm currently looking into setting up a Patreon page for TerraFirmaCraft.

      I'm curious what kind of rewards you, the potential patrons, would like to see and would motivate you to potentially make a pledge. Because TFC2 is still in very very early development, the rewards from patreon page would be primarily aimed at development of the current Beta TFC, and not TFC2. The proceeds from this page would be split between our development staff.

    Here are some ideas of possible patron rewards:

    • Your name on our credits page:
    • Direct access to the current development builds of the next hotfix. In essence, you would become an official beta tester for new features. While TFC is open source, and therefore anyone can compile the latest development build to test it, we do not offer direct support for those who do so. This reward in essence would be us periodically compiling the in-progress code and sending it directly to patrons who could then play around with new features or bug test if they desire. It is important to note that these builds will be very unstable, and patrons will be highly encouraged to back up their saves before using them.
    • The ability to guest-star in an official TFC tutorial video, that will be posted on the wiki, such as my
    • Access to a patron-only TFC server, that is either running the current stable release, or the latest possibly unstable development build. While I cannot speak for our other developers, I would personally make sure to periodically hop on to this server and play along with the patrons.
    • Personalized Q&A. Patrons would be able to ask the developers almost any question (within reason) and get a personalized response back from a developer.
    • Periodic streams or videos of our development, testing, and documentation processes. See behind the scenes what all goes into making TFC and maintaining its wiki.

    If you have any other ideas for patron rewards, feel free to post them below. The only reward that I currently can think of that would likely never be added, or only added with a very high price tag would be for you to suggest a feature (within reason) that would then be added to the game.

    After looking at the different options for a patreon page, I am currently thinking that we would set it up to be a monthly pledge, rather than a per-content pledge due to the way we currently handle development of the mod. A monthly pledge system would also be great motivation for us to push forward with development and work towards stricter deadlines so we can feel that we are earning your donations.

    Edit: For now, I've created a page that's just for the wiki. Due to the way that patreon handles payment, and taking taxes into consideration, it may be a while before a TFC development patreon page is created where the money is split between the devs.


    User Feedback

    It seems like something that I would definitely be interested in, but I'd want to see what the payment requirements are for each feature, as I can only give so much a month and would like to know what my payment would get me specifically.


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    That's the point of this topic. We don't know what payments to set for what features, or what features should be added at all? We'd appreciate if our potential patrons spoke up and said what they thought were fair thresholds.


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    If I'm being honest I don't really care too much about personal patron rewards beyond continued development. Patron server sounds interesting.


    Maybe as a cumulative threshold you could produce a monthly article on the real life inspiration of a game feature that covers the discovery, evaluation on design/fun/believability, and how it gets adapted into the mod. Not sure what $ mark that would fit into, or how many months of material you'd have.


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    Must there be rewards for a Patreon? I think you should just set it up so people can support you for the great game you're developing without extra rewards and then maybe think of something.


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    I would pay for monthly updates, or updates in general.

    I don't think it would be a good idea to pay for certain features, because users often ask for things that won't make them happy. Everything beyond that I don't really care.

    I wouldn't mind chatting with you if you feel like it, but if I know that you are only doing it because you have to, then I don't really want to anymore.


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    The issue that I have with elaborate Patreon rewards is that it can take up a serious chunk of time to fulfill them, wich is less time spend on development.


    I do like the idea of a server, but the issue there is the $ amount vs time. I would prefer to donate a larger sum once, but Patreon wasn't really made for that.

    (How about a server that gets built and launched automatically with snapshot builds?)


    I think one payment per 'major' version might be a good option, though that makes it unpredictable how much you are actually donating.


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    What are your plans regarding server hosting? A decent TFC server that can hold 20 players at the same time will cost upward of $50/month. That seems like a lot of money that I think would be better spend if it's going towards the devs (food/drink/amusement) and development (tools/website hosting/etc).


    Would you perhaps consider a community hosted server instead? I'm not saying it has to be one of ours. Just voicing an idea here.

    As you may know having a server is just a small piece of the puzzle. If a lot of Patreons join the server it will also need staff to keep things running smoothly. This is, I think, not something the TFC devs should be doing. Unless you want to divide your time of course.


    Server maintenance can be a full time job. Especially if people are paying for the server, which they are essentially doing when they are Patreons. They will expect support and special treatment. That means banning is simply out of the question (Yes, you can ban people. But you will lose the Patreons in the process). How are you planning on preventing grief/theft/etc? Or is it going to be an anarchy/free for all server? Just having a town/plot management mod or plugin isn't enough.


    We (HappyDiggers) are willing to discuss hosting a Patreon server (free of charge of course) if you are interested.


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    I didn't post this before telling kitty about it, because I didn't want to get everyone excited over something that wasn't becoming a reality.

    I have some ideas about how to take on the question of management, but I will talk more about it with kitty first :P


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    I just thought of a great reward (IMO) as far as recognition. Ya know how the in-game calendar features the devs birthdays? Maybe add patreons' birthdays. If that would be too much, you could limit it to top supporters in general, or for a specific month, etc.


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