Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by ECC

  1. There is a TL;DR for you all at the bottom ;)

    Personally, Vanilla is fine. I mean, it is great for starting you off with the MC universe. You learn the basics of how to play and from there you pretty much understand what any other mod would be about. In essence, its training.

    but... and this is why I've signed up to these forums and made it my mission to play this mod, is it lacks some more realistic aspects. Now, the one that bugs me THE MOST, is the total disregard for basic human needs. In minecraft, you never, EVER need water. In fact, the only effect water has on you is "ohhh noo, i drowned. - Bruce, Family Guy"; Then there is hunger... Currently, its an 'Okay' mechanic. Not great, but it is not that bad either. There is the issues of health generation and temperature being entirely ignored for the player, while the environment shows all forms of alteration. I aim to give you, the users, and the devs some way of changing that. Now, because I believe minecraft to be Open ended, I refuse to detail buff items used for any mechanics. I leave that purely to the developers here :).

    Heads Up Display(HUD):

    Currently, its rather crude, and bulky. After being entranced for several days by a very professionally done DayZ mod for ARMA II playthough, I have come to understand the HUD used and like how it tells so much, yet is so simple. I aim to do away entirely with the current HUD and replace it with a similar(to what i have seen) design. Of course, the coding behind this is far more advanced then what will appear on the surface. First, before i bother explaining in detail, the HUD must only replace its self when not played on a server using TFC. I suppose a simple check for this would be done for this, and the major issue is actually replacing it without causing bugs. Now, onto what it looks like. For those that don't know, the HUD im talking about has four main icons. Temperature, water, blood(HP), and Hunger. all four icons are displayed in a single column in the lower right of the screen. There is no displayed quickbar. And that is how it should be. status' of the player alters the icon colours from a green, to a red. When red, it blinks, on and off, the exception naturally being HP, where if that blinks, you are dead.


    So you placed your smelting operation in the middle of the desert did yah? For shame! Now you've doomed yourself to thirst. Whats that? You moved to the arctic thinking WHAT? Well buddy, your going to starve there.

    Yes, Basically, now temperature has a major playing role here. Depending on the temperature tells how fast your thirst declines, your hunger increases, and is one of the stats that effects the slow process of healing. Also, Illness is factored here. Now, lets detail:


    -Caused by season, biome, altitude, time, buildings*, proximity to lava, fire, active fireplaces, active smelting equipment, and any other heat source i may have not mentioned

    -Low heat warms the player slowly. Moderate heat begins to increase thirst faster. High heat increases hunger some and thirst very fast. Extreme heat does all of the former, and lowers health saturation very quickly.

    -Effects at extreme are closer fog line.


    -Caused by season, biome, altitude, time, proximity to water, ice, snow, and rain.

    -Low Cold cools the player slowly. Moderate Cold begins to increase hunger faster. High Cold increases thirst some and hunger very fast. Extreme Cold does all of the former, and lowers health saturation.

    -Effects at extreme are shaking cam, and closer fog line.

    Temp can not rise or fall beyond your circumstances and is not immediate. instead it is gradual. Moving from high heat to high cold(or vice versa) has a chance to cause health damage and/or illness.


    Some people can walk out into the ice in nothing but underwear(or less). I'll admit to being one of those.

    Some people can walk into the desert and be fine for days. Im not one of those, but im sure there are some.

    and some people cant handle even a degree of change. I feel sorry for them.

    anyhow, Tempering, or the act of exposing yourself to something to build tolerance or immunity. Every player would have an extra stats concerning tolerance. Why? because in real life its possible. I dont care about balance, I care about making things rewarding and theoretically real. Now, tolerance is never gained in a day, and shouldn't be. In order for this mechanic to work at all, it would need to be broken down into a simple to understand stat:

    Tolerance range: a stat that is what you can handle within a range. If a heat catagory falls in this range, it has no effect on you other then bringing you back to your 'average temp' This range can not exceed high temprature of any kind and starts off with both ends of the range being solidly at low cold/heat.

    When raising either side of the range, the side attempting to be raised with rise slowly(VERY SLOWLY) and the one opposite will lower even slower.

    visual examples:

    Newly spawned tolerance:


    Newly spawned subjected to high heat for a week(in game):


    If you notice, the player after being exposed to heat now can handle a larger degree of heat later, but a smaller range of cold. this works both ways and ultimately can end with someone who handles heat and cold almost perfectly. However, just because one of the ranges reaches max, does NOT mean it cant lower.

    Concerning the balance statement, building tolerance would require far too much time to be considered imbalanced. old players might find it does nothing after a while, but thats normal in any game with stats.


    The life giving element humans cant live very long without: Water. This stat nearly mirrors hunger, however at a quicker pace. The stats are Thirst level(what is displayed on screen), Thirst saturation(a timer that ticks down until when the next thirst level stat can be lowered), and finally, thirst exhaustion(every action adds to this, when it reaches zero, thirst is subtracted from and this stat resets. Saturation must be zero first.)


    thirst being zero

    If this happens to happen, and im sure it will, you will begin losing health saturation very rapidly, thus start dying. the visual effect is shake cam. Cure is raising the stat above zero.

    there is not much to put into this mechanic without describing items, something I wont do.


    Vanilla heath is a single stat. 20 bars of HP... Im not complaining, it works well, but it is unrealistic. under the premise of making it understandable however, lets leave the 20HP rule and add some other less ambiguous stats. also, Health does not increase solely from hunger stat anymore and instead increases when temperature is 'acceptable,' Hunger is not 'starving,' thirst is not 'dehydrated,' and Illness not 'true.' All four must be taken into account.

    Health saturation:

    All newly spawned start with this at full. when it reaches Zero, though any of the many, many ways, the player loses 1 HP. the stat then resets, and continues to deplete until the debuff causing it to lower is cured or ends. I want to focus on the debuff known as 'bleeding' ass it effects only this stat.


    is caused by any attack against the effected player that may wound. Bleeding lowers health saturation fairly rapidly, for a unlimited time unless otherwise stated. blunt attacks would by far have the smallest chance of this, where as slash and stab would be higher. bites from animals would cause limited bleeding. Stopping bleeding is simple, and requires the only item I'll describe. A bandage. bleeding is displayed as a + overlaying the HP icon.


    ANY debuff triggers this. as long as this is 'true' then HP CAN NOT by any mean(excluding vanilla) increase. Simple, crude, effective.

    Bleeding, Cold, Overheated, fire, starvation, dehydration, poisoning. all are debuffs.


    Unlike vanilla, This can kill you. It does not effect Health saturation, and instead attacks the health. One HP is lost per second. you die if it reaches zero.


    Classic Hunger lacks any sort of depth or worry. you can stand in place for years in MC and be fine. I am sure it has been brought up about changing it before, and while i agree, my take is here. This stat nearly mirrors Thirst, however at a slower pace. The stats are Hunger level(what is displayed on screen), Hunger saturation(a timer that ticks down until when the next thirst level stat can be lowered), and finally, hunger exhaustion(every action adds to this, when it reaches zero, thirst is subtracted from and this stat resets. Saturation must be zero first.)


    hunger being zero

    If this happens to happen, and im sure it will, you will begin losing health saturation very rapidly, thus start dying. the visual effect is shake cam. Cure is raising the stat above zero.

    there is not much to put into this mechanic without describing items, something I wont do.

    spent a while writing this, not sure if i wrote everything i thought of when i started writing it... sooo, deal, ok?

    TL;DR? Oh well. I spent MANY hours writing this, and took only one break during this: Sleep. Either read it all, or click that other topic you didn't read yet. lazy bums... ;P


  2. I am going to add something here. at any time, members are allowed to succeed from their own nation. However, the nation they leave may in fact choose action based on their law. Lets give an approach to what may happen:

    BattleGuadge and DarkHallow nations have ended the war via treaty. DarkHallows now owes BattleGuadge all steel in thier nation. I do not like this, I never wanted the war, and never pertispated as a warrior. I feel i should be exempt. Perfectly normal thinking. My king sends the tax collectors. The house is empty, nothing of value is left. Smoke is smelled, and the guards accompanying the collector realize instantly what has happened. Word has been sent, I have left the nation with nigh 300 ingots of value. DarkHallow is in danger as a result of my leaving, for I stocked more then enough to pay the debt. So begins the choices of my former king:

    Persue and capture

    Persue and kill


    Ignore and take action against enemy

    Ignore and beg the enemy too undertand

    Send assassins galore at everyone before leaving the server forever*

    My choices are no simpler:

    Return, and face the law

    Found my own nation

    Disappear into the wilderness

    Hide the treasures and begin life anew.

    Join the enemy.

    Work under contracts.

    Hire creepers to do my bidding*

    *had to add something stupid ;D


  3. 'so long as the jury and judge pass it'


    what if... lets say im not running a democracy? What if im running a dictatorship or monarchy? There is no judge or jury, the leader of the land knows all. while the server would be run as a democracy, each faction should be run as their own goverment

    Below, the lore I have done:

    "Water. Everywhere. Thirst. Not safe.

    Samuel Enderson was at sea. His mind, broken as the ship below. Dying of dehydration, he floated about on a chest. Already the hallucinations were rampant, as he watched a bird dive into the water and a fish leap in its place. He saw a green man swim about before finally disappearing in a thunderclap. Time passed, days, hours, minutes, He was not sure. A new hallucination took place and he groaned at the cruelty of it. A massive shoreline in the distance abundant with tropical trees and shrubs.

    Dim. Fading. Darkness, gone. He passed out.

    Pain. Light. Hurt... But alive.

    Opening his eyes, he sees a beautiful young woman and an old man standing over him. The woman is kneeling, pouring fresh water into his mouth. The woman stood, as the man knelt next, rubbing something onto his head.

    Darkness. He passed out again.

    He awoke some time later. Sitting up, he looked around. No one in sight. He touched his head, nothing there. He decided it was a dream, and stood up. Looking to the sky, he saw it was late. He walked from the beach, and into the trees, looking for wood.

    Walking back, he noticed movement. a large black beast. Quietly, he stepped back, setting the wood down. Before he can plan, the beast attacks from behind, Sinking its fangs deep. This beast was not the expected meal, a boar, but far more fierce, a dragon in disguise. 'Nay, a spider,' He thought. Already, he felt the poisons running up his arm, removing feeling as they slowly passed. Throwing the spider aside, he grabbed a log, and charged. The spider flipped over, about to attack again, when the log came down. A sickening crunch, and it was over. Grabbing both the dropped wood and the carcass, he moved back to the beach.

    He ate. He warmed. He slept.

    'Found another!' Sam woke with a start, as an unfocused figure stood above him calling out. 'Lets get you into town newbie,' the man spoke as looking him over, 'looks like you had a fun night. How was the spider? I hear they taste real good, special'y when in season.' Sam looked around entirely confused. 5 men, armed with spears and light armor scored the beach, sifting though bits of the wreak that brought him here. 'Where am I?' the often heard question of the shores rang out. Laughing, the tan skinned man replied 'Terra. Welcome to Terra, land of gods know where.'

    So is the story of the many who wash ashore."

    the last name 'Enderson' has NOTHING to do with endermen. Its a name I came up with a long while before endermen where introduced into MC. It just happens to be a fitting name in this case.

    Please note this is written with me knowing VERY little about the mod, and without me having played it at all. Also note, that this is not my typical genre, so im kinda playtesting this. I have better(MUCH better) but this again is me testing the water.


  4. I go to sleep.... see 37 replies... go 'wooo'

    then, realize you are all as bad as the members in my pb2 forum... loool.

    you need a forum games section, really. Might cut on what most forums consider spam. lol.

    anyone have any additions to this idea? Personally, I feel it has barely been fleshed out.

    EDIT: as an addition, PROVIDE SOURCES for any further information. Personally, i want something to read, but I would also enjoy seeing you all actually go though the same process' used for making it realistic :)


  5. 'The contract has been signed, your fate long before sealed. You will not survive today my friend, you will not survive,' a whisper of a voice spoke out before the steel plunged deep and the blaring silence fell. The next day, the guards found their king dead and a card reading 'Piget me nihil.' on his chest.

    RIP 1654-1702


    'I regret nothing'

    sorry, could not resist ;)

    anyhow, I take it that the rules for contracts and wills stand?


  6. "I defininately like the idea of drawing inspiration of the Greek Underworld. If we plan to change/add realms, I vote for this. Maybe a bit more variety in biomes though. In Greek Mythology there were several more levels in both directions for souls."

    I labeled the Prominent biomes only as I wish to leave it as open ended as possible for two reasons. One, This is not my game to dev, Two, its minecraft... the literal most open ended game in the world(other then then D&D)

    "TFC's end is definitely closer to this than all other suggestions, (thanks for listening =P) but will also contain a spark of vanilla and Bioxx and I."

    See above ;P

    I am willing to put much more research time into this, as I hate not fulfilling an idea, and this is one of the few i've had that researching would be quite fun for me(its a subject I enjoy)

    on another note, anyone catch the fruit tree in water reference?


  7. "So then if there is no will, the town or alliance will take control of the character's items?

    And how do you wanna do the bookkeeping while we wait for the new update? Have a thread or something here?"

    Yes, faction takes control of anything not in a will or if the will is non-existent. Wills that cant be kept in books(pre-version support) would be put in this thread possibly. ultimately, what I would enjoy seeing, is someone committing murder, then hiding the will in order to do some sleezy profit ;D

    yay plot devices!


  8. Assassinations- Carried out via contract. Contract MUST stay on assassin during the act. If not found on the assassin, the kill is deemed 'Illegal.' If assassin is caught by the 'local guards' then that faction has rights to punish as they see fit.

    Merc work- Carried out via contract. Contract MUST stay either at the users home OR on the player in question. Merc's ignore alliances(they can kill allies if hired by a faction who is enemy of the contract.) Mercs are treated as warriors of the contracts faction and enemies may do as they see fit with them(including BUY THEM OUT)

    Wills: If a player dies(or mysteriously disappears due to RP related things) and owns a will, written via the in game book item, then the will is carried out. The will may do the following:

    -Determine where items may go. This may be vauge(Leave everything to one person) or detailed(leave 6 cobble to ConMan5, 1 red steel blade to BadBoy666, etc)

    -Determine who takes the deed to the house(if deed is owned.)

    -Determine what will be done based on cause of death.(if i die due to my own stupidity(lava), The following is done. If i die though age, my possessions are to be burned along with my house.)

    -Determine what is done with the remains(drops) if found. buried in a chest at the graveyard, cremated, etc.

    Remains MAY NOT, Unless items are specifically singled out (I leave my iron blade Kept on my person to XkillerX), be distributed to the faction will beneficiaries. they are either buried or burned.

    benefits of using a will system is RP aspects, Community interaction, and allowing people to help others though the misfortune. Cons are almost exclusivly limited to not writing the bloody will in the first place

    EDIT: Crap, was writing in the quick post screen and hit the button... Oops. and there is no delete option so i cant fix it. :(


  9. Copied from an existing thread. Excuse inconsistencies. I've edited what I can. I am using a few sources to slowly make this.

    The Underworld. Commonly mistaken name is 'Hades.' Hades is the lord of the undead, not the place he rules, though is sometimes correctly referred to as 'realm of Hades'. It is a place of the dead, all dead in fact. Not just bad, but the good and neutral too.

    What is found in the Underworld:

    three prominent biomes are here.

    Asphodel Meadows: a place of neither, in its purest form. Where souls lay that chose to never be judged

    -Biome Rarity: 86%

    -Prominent mob: Soul(Passive-Aggressive) (very common)

    -Other Mobs: Ghast(rare), Zombie (rare), Zombie Pigman (uncommon) Endermen(very-rare)

    -Dominant Stone: Red Quartzite

    -Extra Ore: None

    -Other Ores found: Iron, Surface world Quartzite ores

    -Temperature: Moderate


    -Other features: Occasional Pale Oak tree.

    Tartarus: True hell, where the truly evil never rest

    -Biome rarity: 7%

    -Prominent mob: Damned(Aggressive) (Very common)

    -Other Mobs: Ghast(uncommon), Zombie (common), Zombie Pigman (rare) Endermen(rare)

    -Dominant Stone: Red Basalt(Igneous Extrusive)

    -Extra Ore: Reaperstone

    -Other Ores found: Iron, Surface world Basalt ores

    -Temperature: Very hot

    -Moisture: 0%

    -Other features: rarely(5%), a fruit tree with water at its base will spawn.

    Elysium: Where the valiant go, those who did great deeds. An ocean isle, full of wonder.

    -Biome Rarity:7%

    -Prominent mob: Soul(passive-aggressive)(common), pigman(NOT ZOMBIE)(passive-aggressive) (common)

    -Other Mobs:Ghastling:(passive-aggressive) (uncommon)

    -Dominant Stone: Pink Marble

    -Extra Ore: Crystalite

    -Other Ores found: Gold, Surface world Marble ores

    -Temperature: Cool

    -Moisture: Moderate

    -Other features: Dirt, grass, water, and fruit trees spawn here, no lava. Fruit trees produce fruit 3 times as fast Grass gives off a light level of 12.

    I will not pick the method for entering the Underworld as i want to leave that as open as possible(vanilla got one thing right XD)

    blaze spawners are found in dungeons in the Underworld. Dungeons are made from stone bricks of the type of stone the biome has.

    Underworld trees will not burn. Lava source blocks will not turn into obsidian in the Underworld when in contact with water. Basalt stone/cobble forms when lava touches water.

    Stones in the Underworld take three times as long to remove. Stones may be crafted into all items surface world stones may be crafted into. Nether stones have a very low(0.01%) chance of cave ins.

    Crystalite before mining appears as a blue pulsating(light level 8) gem embedded in marble. It is stronger then steel. It may only be mined with a steel pickaxe. In order to craft tools from this ore, you need to have a red steel anvil or better. an anvil made from this ore has a separate GUI interface that allows tier 1 enchanting for NEW ITEMS ONLY. Blocks made from this ore are the only blocks to ignore gravity. Blue Lamps(ascetic torches) can be made with this ore and produce a light level of 15.

    Reaperstone before mining appears as a red-orange pulsating(light level 6) ore embedded in red basalt. It is stronger then Crystalite. It may only be mined with a Crystalite Pickaxe. In order to craft tools from this ore, you need to have a red steel anvil or better. An anvil made from this ore has a separate GUI interface that allows tier 2 enchanting for NEW OR OLD items. Red Lamps(ascetic torches) can be made with this ore and produce a light level of 15.

    When crafted together, Crystalite and Reaperstone make Adamantuim, a dull green metal. It is the strongest metal and can only be forged at the highest temperatures. In order to craft tools from this ore, you need to have a Adamantium anvil or better and the anvil must have a lava block within 2 meters(may be placed under a floor and hidden for ascetics) An anvil made from this material has a separate GUI for enchanting and allows the final tier(3) of enchanting for NEW OR OLD items.

    Lamps may be attached to ceilings. they produce white light(light level 14) no matter the colour lamp they appear to be. they stack up to 16. they are crafted with Iron, cinnabar(this is redstone equivalent, right?), and wood. after initial crafting, they may be combined with a Underworld ore to increase light level to 15.


    Souls: a ghostly human. Uses player model and a random skin from a preset skin list. The charicter is slightly transparrent.

    -Drops: NONE

    -Rare drops: Worn items

    -HP: 20

    -Attack: 10+rare weapon

    -Wears armor/weapons: yes(rare)

    Damned: A ghostly player, died by the very hands of the gods, and thrown into the pits for eternity. uses player model and random skin from preset skin list. Eyes are all red or all white and glow similar to spiders and endermen eyes. Herobrine skin(cant resist ;P) is mixed in this. The charicter is slightly transparrent.

    -Drops: Magma cream

    -Rare drops: Worn items

    -HP: 20

    -Attack: 15+rare weapon

    -Wears armor/weapons: yes(rare)

    Pigman: Orcs, beast people of good will and strong, honorable fighters. they are known to typically carry gold weapons.

    -Drops: Pork(1-4), Gold nugget(1-2)

    -Rare drops: Worn items

    -HP: 30

    -Attack: 15

    -Wears armor/weapons: yes(rare)

    Ghastling: Young ghasts are born in a dreamworld and live happily for several years before being swept out by the gods into the far reaches of the underworld. looks like a smaller 'happy' ghast. They are a light blue.

    -Drops: ghast tears(1-2)

    -Rare drops: NONE

    -HP: 15

    -Attack: 15

    -Wears armor/weapons: no

    May edit this later, nothing is finallized. only reposted for organizational perposes and do not expect any of this to be implemented in any way.


  10. "what you described is probably more like the end in TFC. (or what it will be)"

    First, bit off topic, but has anyone else noticed my lack of Quote tags? lol

    Second, Alrighty, so... for organizations sake, I'll copy my post to a new thread, make a few minor edits(Nether=end) I've always enjoyed greek mytholgy. Not so much roman, but greek is my thing.

    Thirdly, Thank you for what I assume is a complement. :)


  11. "Apparantly you didn't go through the entire topic as Dunk said what the nether is planned to be and so many times people have tried to bring in an already existing view of what this is, but we are trying to create our own version"

    Yeah, i was still reading, and altering the post as i read more and more... then i hit the submit before i was ready due to having multiple threads open. and with how high trafic this forum appears to be, there really was no thought on me trying to do any major edits from there so instead I put a Edit tag tryig to state 'oops, posted early'

    happens from time to time....

    oh and vanilla items was just me honestly bbeing at a lack of other ideas.


  12. Apparently, my ideas are not half bad, so 'll add two cents here:

    What the nether is:

    The Underworld. Commonly mistaken name is 'Hades.' Hades is the lord of the undead, not the place he rules, though is sometimes correctly referred to as 'realm of Hades'. It is a place of the dead, all dead in fact. Not just bad, but the good and neutral too.

    What is found in the nether:

    three prominent biomes are here.

    Asphodel Meadows: a place of neither, in its purest form. Where souls lay that chose to never be judged

    -Biome Rarity: 86%

    -Prominent mob: Soul(Passive-Aggressive) (very common)

    -Other Mobs: Ghast(rare), Zombie (rare), Zombie Pigman (uncommon) Endermen(very-rare)

    -Dominant Stone: Red Quartzite

    -Extra Ore: None

    -Other Ores found: Iron, Surface world Quartzite ores

    -Temperature: Moderate


    -Other features: Occasional Pale Oak tree.

    Tartarus: True hell, where the truly evil never rest

    -Biome rarity: 7%

    -Prominent mob: Damned(Aggressive) (Very common)

    -Other Mobs: Ghast(uncommon), Zombie (common), Zombie Pigman (rare) Endermen(rare)

    -Dominant Stone: Red Basalt(Igneous Extrusive)

    -Extra Ore: Reaperstone

    -Other Ores found: Iron, Surface world Basalt ores

    -Temperature: Very hot

    -Moisture: 0%

    -Other features: rarely(5%), a fruit tree with water at its base will spawn.

    Elysium: Where the valiant go, those who did great deeds. An ocean isle, full of wonder.

    -Biome Rarity:7%

    -Prominent mob: Soul(passive-aggressive)(common), pigman(NOT ZOMBIE)(passive-aggressive) (common)

    -Other Mobs:Ghastling:(passive-aggressive) (uncommon)

    -Dominant Stone: Pink Marble

    -Extra Ore: Crystalite

    -Other Ores found: Gold, Surface world Marble ores

    -Temperature: Cool

    -Moisture: Moderate

    -Other features: Dirt, grass, water, and fruit trees spawn here, no lava. Fruit trees produce fruit 3 times as fast Grass gives off a light level of 12.

    I will not pick the method for entering the nether as i want to leave that as open as possible(vanilla got one thing right XD)

    blaze spawners are found in dungeons in the nether. Dungeons are made from stone bricks of the type of stone the biome has.

    Nether trees will not burn. Lava source blocks will not turn into obsidian in the nether when in contact with water. Basalt stone/cobble forms when lava touches water.

    Stones in the nether take three times as long to remove. Stones may be crafted into all items surface world stones may be crafted into. Nether stones have a very low(0.01%) chance of cave ins.

    Crystalite before mining appears as a blue pulsating(light level 8) gem embedded in marble. It is stronger then steel. It may only be mined with a steel pickaxe. In order to craft tools from this ore, you need to have a red steel anvil or better. an anvil made from this ore has a separate GUI interface that allows tier 1 enchanting for NEW ITEMS ONLY. Blocks made from this ore are the only blocks to ignore gravity. Blue Lamps(ascetic torches) can be made with this ore and produce a light level of 15.

    Reaperstone before mining appears as a red-orange pulsating(light level 6) ore embedded in red basalt. It is stronger then Crystalite. It may only be mined with a Crystalite Pickaxe. In order to craft tools from this ore, you need to have a red steel anvil or better. An anvil made from this ore has a separate GUI interface that allows tier 2 enchanting for NEW OR OLD items. Red Lamps(ascetic torches) can be made with this ore and produce a light level of 15.

    When crafted together, Crystalite and Reaperstone make Adamantuim, a dull green metal. It is the strongest metal and can only be forged at the highest temperatures. In order to craft tools from this ore, you need to have a Adamantium anvil or better and the anvil must have a lava block within 2 meters(may be placed under a floor and hidden for ascetics) An anvil made from this material has a separate GUI for enchanting and allows the final tier(3) of enchanting for NEW OR OLD items.

    Lamps may be attached to ceilings. they produce white light(light level 14) no matter the colour lamp they appear to be. they stack up to 16. they are crafted with Iron, cinnabar(this is redstone equivalent, right?), and wood. after initial crafting, they may be combined with a nether ore to increase light level to 15.


    Souls: a ghostly human. Uses player model and a random skin from a preset skin list.

    -Drops: NONE

    -Rare drops: Worn items

    -HP: 20

    -Attack: 10+rare weapon

    -Wears armor/weapons: yes(rare)

    Damned: A ghostly player, died by the very hands of the gods, and thrown into the pits for eternity. uses player model and random skin from preset skin list. Eyes are all red or all white and glow similar to spiders and endermen eyes. Herobrine skin(cant resist ;P) is mixed in this.

    -Drops: Magma cream

    -Rare drops: Worn items

    -HP: 20

    -Attack: 15+rare weapon

    -Wears armor/weapons: yes(rare)

    Pigman: Orcs, beast people of good will and strong, honorable fighters. they are known to typically carry gold weapons.

    -Drops: Pork(1-4), Gold nugget(1-2)

    -Rare drops: Worn items

    -HP: 30

    -Attack: 15

    -Wears armor/weapons: yes(rare)

    Ghastling: Young ghasts are born in a dreamworld and live happily for several years before being swept out by the gods into the far reaches of the underworld. looks like a smaller 'happy' ghast.

    -Drops: ghast tears(1-2)

    -Rare drops: NONE

    -HP: 15

    -Attack: 15

    -Wears armor/weapons: no

    considering the size of this post, I could copy it to a separate topic, couldn't I? lol

    EDIT I accedentally posted this... was trying to go though the entire topic(and several others) and hit submit... oops


  13. "PVP is forever limited to wars and duels"

    I honestly think the only illigal PVP should be between 2 allies, 2 nutrals, and newly spawned(death or KO). Non faction, Confirmed esponoge/assasins, and creepers should be allowed. this encourages users to chose thier actions wisely and also to keep people from not being in a faction.

    "Any building help would be awesome"

    Alright, I'll be building the following(assuming MC does not crap out in SP, something i have yet to test out of fear. XD):

    Shipwreak(underwater, out a distance)

    Reef(would need to be built on the server you host)

    Shipwreak washup(New arrival Spawn)

    Mysteroius Hut(Spawn on KO. Supposed to be medican man house)

    "Hmm .. If we have 3 writers, why not submit three sample stories, and pick one of them ? I want the flavour text to be the best it can be, even if that means I don't write it :P"

    I've got something half written already. Wont be much, but thats because i want to leave it as open ended as possible. We are playing MC after all

    fell asleep writing this, dont know how much i missed before replying.


    "how 'bout when you die, your stuff gets divided among the town and you at the same time, maybe with an auction"

    No. Lets get this done properly. First off, lets assume all the following: Each town is fairly sized(10 or so players), each town has a cript/graveyard, the charicter in question is dead or missing(Role play: captured without witnesses, ) TFC is updated to MC 1.3+. every player may write a will, in game. I assume this would be done with the book item. this will would be kept somewhere in the house of the player. the will depects where all the items will go if the player is dead/MIA(clauses, clauses, clauses). assuming there is no will, the items are sold off at an aucton. assuming the players remains(drops) are found, and no will exists, those drops are burried or creamated, based on town custom. if burried, items are placed in a chest at the graveyard. if creamated, its thrown into a fire never to be seen again. All items other then player drops remain in the house for 48 hours. Player drops(if found) are taken to a chest in the graveyard and wait for 48 hours beefore being burried, given out, reclaimed, burned.


  14. I can write for you, I actually have some materal to show you the quality I can do it at for you. Agree on the arrival method, and I can give you the story with a fair level of detail. I'll just need some In game names(RP names, not actual IGN's)

    btw, I love/hate writing with a passion. Do it write, or not at all /wordplay

    I can also build for you, I used to work on Tale of kingdoms, before tyber gave up on the project.


  15. Hopefully, by the time i finish this, it'll be after another person posts and I wont deal any 'no double posting'

    Elegant solution to spawning with resources: Mayflower approach.

    you spawn in on a premade ship, with some very basic resources(day of food(bread), basic weapon, and a flint tool 4 torches) you have only a chestplate armor(minimal teir.) This helps start a player off without being defencless in a PVP envirement, and allows users to quickly start work without what I've seen in LP's as a pesky search for that first bit fo protection. Farming of such resouces from newbies is entirely useless as all gear is minimal teir(aside from the weapon, a 2nd teir item.)

    Depending on the charicter bio/class, the items spawned in with differ. a few examples below:

    Colonest: No alterations

    Merc: Next teir weapon or armor, replace food with melon

    Farmer: weapon lowered by single teir, lowest class hoe added. two food items.

    Royal: Highest food item(Unless goden apples still exist in tfc), merc level weapon, no armor, No tool.

    Assasin: No food/armor. Posion or potion of harm

    feel free to talk balance.

    EDIT: ''Should the death of a leader or leading body lose the war for that faction ?''

    The enmy could mount a SINGLE rescue attempt for saving a living leader, however if dead, they may pick a new leader ONCE(if that one fails, game over) Confirmed Multi accounters CAN NOT take leadership. all other options are waving white flag or death.


  16. "although leader death would probably be slightly unfair"

    1: Cost of leadership

    2: its a possibilty, not a mandatory event. Capturing a single man/woman can proove difficult in a large faction, where as killing him/her is simple and effective. Dangerus either way, but minimal losses if you kill outright. A living leader means the enemy may attempt rescue.

    3: Chess. All Im saying here.


  17. I signed up after seeing this topic, and have yet to read all three pages, but want to add to this ideal some under the assumption that what I have to say has not been brought up.

    "There will be 3 states of diplomacy, war, peace and alliance. When at war, factions may attack one another directly. Their individual members can also attack one another one sight (should they wish). If an enemy player is rendered unconscious they can be taken prisoner. (this relies on you playing along, if an enemy is kind enough not to permakill your character, you are obliged to report to their prison, although you can be broken out, unlike the bedrock prison). Factions at peace are not allowed to directly attack one another. Their players also can't attack others on sight. You are still allowed to send assassins and thieves, but this could result in war if they are caught, so be prepared for the worst. Allied factions can build in each others towns (presuming they agree to it) and can help one another in battles and sieges (explained later). They can still send criminals after one another. Additionally, you can't be allies with a faction who is allied to an enemy."

    I want to point out the fact that political tension builds when allies are friends of your enemy. two options are left for the middle ground, and neither shows promise for anyone should perhaps the waring factions decide the middle man is either unneeded or a problem. Option a, is to declare a side, witch drops it into the war immediately, strengthening(or weakening as the case might be) the beneficial side. Option b, is staying white; choosing to say 'I'm both of your friends, I can't get into this.' this in particular leave factions in distrust of the middle man and can result in either or both sides choosing to sever losses and declare the alliance null, leading to a larger war. Ultimately, I want to state, that by allowing alliances of all forms, you allow greater drama to play out. In order to make things 'fair' if the white faction attempts to aid either faction, and the enemy finds out, an attack may be made. this option would allow even further drama, making it ultimately a even more rewarding experience.

    "When diplomacy fails, there is always war."

    I want to touch on this, as I find that not always war comes from failed diplomacy. I live a life where I must play diplomat to everyone, carefully choosing who I want as a friend, who as an enemy, and who to stay neutral(long story). Sometimes, it ends in the dissolving of an alliance, the end of a treaty, or just the typical household disagreement. But this is an argument of philosophy for a different time and topic.

    "There is only one way to win a war with a faction. By permakilling all of it's active members. This can be done in a combination of battles, sieges and assassinations. If you siege a town and manage to kill or rout all of the defenders, you can do with it what you wish, e.g. either claim the town for your own, or loot it and level it to the ground."

    Two. Four actually. Take prisoners. Instead of killing them all, you capture them, sentencing, etc, etc. Allows members to keep a long worked character and more. Its all about being fair. Then there is the leader. Take the leader, via capture or death, and you have effectively taken the army. not always the case in real life, but lets play chess on this for the servers sake. Finally, there is the great white flag. A good leader knows when to fight, and when to save that fight for a later day. This would be when diplomacy comes back into play and documents are 'signed'(i imagine using the new book item to make the document) detailing the cost of the loser. the enemy of this surrender can accept it or decline it. war ends or continues per what occurs.


    Ahh, I can't mention enough how much I enjoy such things in games. Stealth, manipulation, planning... I love it. Just one thing lacks in MC that would make this acceptable and possible... User tags show though walls. Its a shame, as how quick combat begins and ends in MC can be(though I can't exactly call it combat..) If there is a plugin that can handle this, then I suggest you take the route to remove tags from being seen at all. I also ask that you have a global chat, and a local chat, where only users within a certain number of blocks(for realities and usabilities sake, lets say 64) can hear each other in local. I ask that in some way faction chat is limited to the same distance or disabled. You want to create a way to keep people close. a way for the plots to grow. ways for the server can be fun and dramatic at once.

    There is a bit more I could add, but I think my first post here is large enough. Pardon the spelling errors if I made any. I am sure there are many.
