Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Go to hell

277 posts in this topic


... Jesus fucking CHRIST dude! Take a chill pill!

I was clarifying my idea, because you were taking it entirely too far, and I figured it might be an interesting idea to consider and maybe have in your head. MAYBE have a few objects in this mod implement this, like something interesting you find in a Nether or End temple or something.

I mean, of course I wouldn't ask him to make such a MASSIVE project, as to make a HUGE conversation tree for EVERY single block in the entire game, especially in this mod...

And also, why are you taking this so personally, and making it seem like such a big deal? I've made two posts of suggestions in this thread, and in neither of those I've really pushed the idea- I just set it out there, and made ONE post of clarification when you guys were blowing the idea a little out of the water...

Now, if my suggestion isn't going to be used, I really think this should be the last post regarding it, so let's just move on to something else...

EDIT: And no, by the way, I don't care if my suggestion is or is not used. I don't think my suggestion is 'perfect' and I am here, right now, accepting 'No' as an answer.


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... Jesus fucking CHRIST dude! Take a chill pill!

I was clarifying my idea, because you were taking it entirely too far, and I figured it might be an interesting idea to consider and maybe have in your head. MAYBE have a few objects in this mod implement this, like something interesting you find in a Nether or End temple or something.

I mean, of course I wouldn't ask him to make such a MASSIVE project, as to make a HUGE conversation tree for EVERY single block in the entire game, especially in this mod...

And also, why are you taking this so personally, and making it seem like such a big deal? I've made two posts of suggestions in this thread, and in neither of those I've really pushed the idea- I just set it out there, and made ONE post of clarification when you guys were blowing the idea a little out of the water...

Now, if my suggestion isn't going to be used, I really think this should be the last post regarding it, so let's just move on to something else...

EDIT: And no, by the way, I don't care if my suggestion is or is not used. I don't think my suggestion is 'perfect' and I am here, right now, accepting 'No' as an answer.

Eternal may have over reacted but his point is still valid. All the work I put into this mod is pro bono. I can't afford to spend time on features like that, it would just take so long. Sorry man.

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ok guys, to put an end to this, here is how it works: overworld surface, kind of a beginning to your life. Things are relatively tame, but dangerous to the unprepared. There will be wolves and bears that just want to kill you, and you will spend many nights huddled by your fire in a cave out of the rain, watching the gleaming eyes in the night. You will advance until these mobs seem quite tame, and your javelins and armour protect you from the biting teeth and slashing claws. Next, you can venture deeper underground, where you will encounter left over ruins to an ancient civilization. Ancient crypts trap the dead within which want to kill you. These will be much stronger than vanilla undead, but on the other hand, you should be getting some metal armour. (toying with the idea of spider nests, think the giant spider that wraps up frodo in LotR crossed with aragog and his shit in Harry Potter). After this you can enter the nether, where you will encounter all sorts of crazy shit, like volcanoes, lava lakes and rivers, noxious clouds and acid rain, along with a slew of heavily armoured and armed-to-the-teeth monsters from an archaic and ancient time. They will fly, swim and run towards you, shooting everything from acid to fireballs. After this you can enter the new end and/or another place that rogue and I aren't gonna mention right now. (aka, no spoilers)

like button, y u no let me like this thing 9001 times???

holy buiscuts this is about the best thing i have ever heard on this thread.

you win the TFC forums


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Apparently, my ideas are not half bad, so 'll add two cents here:

What the nether is:

The Underworld. Commonly mistaken name is 'Hades.' Hades is the lord of the undead, not the place he rules, though is sometimes correctly referred to as 'realm of Hades'. It is a place of the dead, all dead in fact. Not just bad, but the good and neutral too.

What is found in the nether:

three prominent biomes are here.

Asphodel Meadows: a place of neither, in its purest form. Where souls lay that chose to never be judged

-Biome Rarity: 86%

-Prominent mob: Soul(Passive-Aggressive) (very common)

-Other Mobs: Ghast(rare), Zombie (rare), Zombie Pigman (uncommon) Endermen(very-rare)

-Dominant Stone: Red Quartzite

-Extra Ore: None

-Other Ores found: Iron, Surface world Quartzite ores

-Temperature: Moderate


-Other features: Occasional Pale Oak tree.

Tartarus: True hell, where the truly evil never rest

-Biome rarity: 7%

-Prominent mob: Damned(Aggressive) (Very common)

-Other Mobs: Ghast(uncommon), Zombie (common), Zombie Pigman (rare) Endermen(rare)

-Dominant Stone: Red Basalt(Igneous Extrusive)

-Extra Ore: Reaperstone

-Other Ores found: Iron, Surface world Basalt ores

-Temperature: Very hot

-Moisture: 0%

-Other features: rarely(5%), a fruit tree with water at its base will spawn.

Elysium: Where the valiant go, those who did great deeds. An ocean isle, full of wonder.

-Biome Rarity:7%

-Prominent mob: Soul(passive-aggressive)(common), pigman(NOT ZOMBIE)(passive-aggressive) (common)

-Other Mobs:Ghastling:(passive-aggressive) (uncommon)

-Dominant Stone: Pink Marble

-Extra Ore: Crystalite

-Other Ores found: Gold, Surface world Marble ores

-Temperature: Cool

-Moisture: Moderate

-Other features: Dirt, grass, water, and fruit trees spawn here, no lava. Fruit trees produce fruit 3 times as fast Grass gives off a light level of 12.

I will not pick the method for entering the nether as i want to leave that as open as possible(vanilla got one thing right XD)

blaze spawners are found in dungeons in the nether. Dungeons are made from stone bricks of the type of stone the biome has.

Nether trees will not burn. Lava source blocks will not turn into obsidian in the nether when in contact with water. Basalt stone/cobble forms when lava touches water.

Stones in the nether take three times as long to remove. Stones may be crafted into all items surface world stones may be crafted into. Nether stones have a very low(0.01%) chance of cave ins.

Crystalite before mining appears as a blue pulsating(light level 8) gem embedded in marble. It is stronger then steel. It may only be mined with a steel pickaxe. In order to craft tools from this ore, you need to have a red steel anvil or better. an anvil made from this ore has a separate GUI interface that allows tier 1 enchanting for NEW ITEMS ONLY. Blocks made from this ore are the only blocks to ignore gravity. Blue Lamps(ascetic torches) can be made with this ore and produce a light level of 15.

Reaperstone before mining appears as a red-orange pulsating(light level 6) ore embedded in red basalt. It is stronger then Crystalite. It may only be mined with a Crystalite Pickaxe. In order to craft tools from this ore, you need to have a red steel anvil or better. An anvil made from this ore has a separate GUI interface that allows tier 2 enchanting for NEW OR OLD items. Red Lamps(ascetic torches) can be made with this ore and produce a light level of 15.

When crafted together, Crystalite and Reaperstone make Adamantuim, a dull green metal. It is the strongest metal and can only be forged at the highest temperatures. In order to craft tools from this ore, you need to have a Adamantium anvil or better and the anvil must have a lava block within 2 meters(may be placed under a floor and hidden for ascetics) An anvil made from this material has a separate GUI for enchanting and allows the final tier(3) of enchanting for NEW OR OLD items.

Lamps may be attached to ceilings. they produce white light(light level 14) no matter the colour lamp they appear to be. they stack up to 16. they are crafted with Iron, cinnabar(this is redstone equivalent, right?), and wood. after initial crafting, they may be combined with a nether ore to increase light level to 15.


Souls: a ghostly human. Uses player model and a random skin from a preset skin list.

-Drops: NONE

-Rare drops: Worn items

-HP: 20

-Attack: 10+rare weapon

-Wears armor/weapons: yes(rare)

Damned: A ghostly player, died by the very hands of the gods, and thrown into the pits for eternity. uses player model and random skin from preset skin list. Eyes are all red or all white and glow similar to spiders and endermen eyes. Herobrine skin(cant resist ;P) is mixed in this.

-Drops: Magma cream

-Rare drops: Worn items

-HP: 20

-Attack: 15+rare weapon

-Wears armor/weapons: yes(rare)

Pigman: Orcs, beast people of good will and strong, honorable fighters. they are known to typically carry gold weapons.

-Drops: Pork(1-4), Gold nugget(1-2)

-Rare drops: Worn items

-HP: 30

-Attack: 15

-Wears armor/weapons: yes(rare)

Ghastling: Young ghasts are born in a dreamworld and live happily for several years before being swept out by the gods into the far reaches of the underworld. looks like a smaller 'happy' ghast.

-Drops: ghast tears(1-2)

-Rare drops: NONE

-HP: 15

-Attack: 15

-Wears armor/weapons: no

considering the size of this post, I could copy it to a separate topic, couldn't I? lol

EDIT I accedentally posted this... was trying to go though the entire topic(and several others) and hit submit... oops


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Apparantly you didn't go through the entire topic as Dunk said what the nether is planned to be and so many times people have tried to bring in an already existing view of what this is, but we are trying to create our own version. Sure there are demons, just not the standard kind of every one's view. Don't try so hard to include vanilla things into this mod. If we even get alchemy it most likely will be nothing like vanilla and therefore won't really need vanilla alchemy items.

After this you can enter the nether, where you will encounter all sorts of crazy shit, like volcanoes, lava lakes and rivers, noxious clouds and acid rain, along with a slew of heavily armoured and armed-to-the-teeth monsters from an archaic and ancient time. They will fly, swim and run towards you, shooting everything from acid to fireballs


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"Apparantly you didn't go through the entire topic as Dunk said what the nether is planned to be and so many times people have tried to bring in an already existing view of what this is, but we are trying to create our own version"

Yeah, i was still reading, and altering the post as i read more and more... then i hit the submit before i was ready due to having multiple threads open. and with how high trafic this forum appears to be, there really was no thought on me trying to do any major edits from there so instead I put a Edit tag tryig to state 'oops, posted early'

happens from time to time....

oh and vanilla items was just me honestly bbeing at a lack of other ideas.


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"Apparantly you didn't go through the entire topic as Dunk said what the nether is planned to be and so many times people have tried to bring in an already existing view of what this is, but we are trying to create our own version"

Yeah, i was still reading, and altering the post as i read more and more... then i hit the submit before i was ready due to having multiple threads open. and with how high trafic this forum appears to be, there really was no thought on me trying to do any major edits from there so instead I put a Edit tag tryig to state 'oops, posted early'

happens from time to time....

oh and vanilla items was just me honestly bbeing at a lack of other ideas.

what you described is probably more like the end in TFC. (or what it will be)

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what you described is probably more like the end in TFC. (or what it will be)

now we just need a little as theme for the end ^^ kinda noteblock style ^^

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I'm with Eternal .. I like the Lament (I wonder why ¬.¬ :P)


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Holy fuck 14 pages

And how did we get to lament and The Doors from the OP?


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Holy fuck 14 pages

And how did we get to lament and The Doors from the OP?

Posted Image



-A drawing i made 12 years ago, thinking it would be useful in the future.-


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as i posted before:

make a extra page on the home page under info or faq where every in the forums mentioned (so there can be still suprises) feature gets a short show and tell+ a link to the forumthread

this would stop a lot of "hey i got a great idea"- posts like this one form eating forum space

also a list with stuff/guidelines that will not come, so for example the "coils something something "pulley-maybe" thread would not take hours of thinking and writing, because everybody knows the chances are slim

put it in notifications if there is a change, also "you have to read THIS SIIHTE"in the terms and condition

this would help alot with these posts, it would also allow deleting dismissed threads or responses = less space=downscaling=money saving= more money for the devs


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as i posted before:

make a extra page on the home page under info or faq where every in the forums mentioned (so there can be still suprises) feature gets a short show and tell+ a link to the forumthread

this would stop a lot of "hey i got a great idea"- posts like this one form eating forum space

also a list with stuff/guidelines that will not come, so for example the "coils something something "pulley-maybe" thread would not take hours of thinking and writing, because everybody knows the chances are slim

put it in notifications if there is a change, also "you have to read THIS SIIHTE"in the terms and condition

this would help alot with these posts, it would also allow deleting dismissed threads or responses = less space=downscaling=money saving= more money for the devs

well yes, but then we're held more solidly to our word. In programming, it's better if you leave as little evidence as possible about what you promise as features.

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well yes, but then we're held more solidly to our word. In programming, it's better if you leave as little evidence as possible about what you promise as features.

Like some kind of promise ninja ?

Yes, Notch and Jeb have made that mistake too many times. If you look at the "upcoming features" section of the minecraft wiki, it practically reads like their "man, I wish I hadn't said that online" list. I would bet 3/4 of those "features" will never be implemented :P


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Like some kind of promise ninja ?

Yes, Notch and Jeb have made that mistake too many times. If you look at the "upcoming features" section of the minecraft wiki, it practically reads like their "man, I wish I hadn't said that online" list. I would bet 3/4 of those "features" will never be implemented :P

that is exactly what it's like. You make a lot of promises, but more often it's a list of "things I wish I had time to do"

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"what you described is probably more like the end in TFC. (or what it will be)"

First, bit off topic, but has anyone else noticed my lack of Quote tags? lol

Second, Alrighty, so... for organizations sake, I'll copy my post to a new thread, make a few minor edits(Nether=end) I've always enjoyed greek mytholgy. Not so much roman, but greek is my thing.

Thirdly, Thank you for what I assume is a complement. :)


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that is exactly what it's like. You make a lot of promises, but more often it's a list of "things I wish I had time to do"

So how 'bout them vanilla red dragons, eh?

So glad those were implemented


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So how 'bout them vanilla red dragons, eh?

So glad those were implemented

Don't forget lanterns, a friends list for online, capture the flag mode, controllable mounts, range limited maps, dual wielding and the list doubtless goes on :P

I don't begrudge the devs for not implementing them at all, they are busy people. They should have been more smart like Dunk though, and not been so loose with their promises :P


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A more conservative system may work better yes? something similar (or the same thread) as the directory, this could have links to all ideas that are Definetely accepted and coming soon (ie one update away) ones being considered, and the rest that are rejected. Just my two cents of the matter.


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since we are already off topic, can anyone explain to me how version porting works ? (i am trying to get into programming, so no " why does it take so long?" question)


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Well part one is waiting for a stable build of both MC and Forge, which can take a while, this just recently happened in the past few days. Not all too clear on the next bits, but there is also the fact that they want to push out large updates, not ones that make you world reset for bug fixes (exaggeration).


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Hang around Lumireaver, JDCollie, or Jed some more.

What am I, chopped liver?

But anyway, I like the idea of the nether being in layers, but I just was wondering if it could be made so in order to dig you have to be accomplished in the previous level. I.e. monsters deeper do more damage to people who aren't holding an item from the shallower layer? Not a big fan of things like this, but maybe?


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What am I, chopped liver?

yes you should probably change your name now Chopped Liver

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