Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bunsan

  1. What is TFC?

    Try setting crops to die of old age and increase year length. That is usual suggestion for making food harder. Alternatively set goals or rules for yourself to increase the challenge. Something like, you can't replant trees etc. There is only so much Minecraft or any mod built on it can do. However you can do many things to limit or handicap yourself to provide a huge variety in playthroughs.
  2. Dyeing Armour

    From official bug list as a wont be fixed. Name: Dye Bugs Description: Leather armor does not use the ore dictionary, so it cannot be dyed with TFC dyes (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, White, Black, Light Blue made from Malachite, Flux & Sand). Note: This is a bug with forge, and affects all forge mods so there is nothing that TFC can do to fix it, other than let the forge developers know that it exists. Workaround: TFC dyes can be crafted together to create vanilla dyes, which work as intended.
  3. Help for those Adding Ores with TFCOres.cfg

    Yeah I added 2 suggestions that were influenced partly by your idea.
  4. This is a bit of information to help you troubleshoot problems with adding other mod's blocks into worldgen with TFCOre.cfg. It may be very context and system dependent, but this is what I've learned on my system, which is a iMac running fully updated OS X, Java 1.7.0u71 So I've been bashing my head against this again, which was frustrating considering that I had solved it before. Basically I would crash with a Description: Exception in server tick loop java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception in server tick loopat story short what I discovered is that the order that mods load matters. Because TFC starts with [1.7.10] for it's jar it is listed at top of alphabetical list and would go through pre-initilization, initialization and post-initialization stages before the mod (PFAA) who's blocks I was generating with the TFCOre.cfg. This resulted in the crash. If I dropped the [1.7.10] from TFC such that it was after the mod in alphabetical list everything worked as it should. I sorted that out previously, but recently despite this I started getting the crash again. Turns out add-ons, at least the Decorations add-on (who's jar not only starts with [1.7.10] but even without this would appear before PFAA in my alphabetical list) also needed to be loaded after the mod whose blocks you are adding.Now I will say this may be context dependent or a Mac/Unix issue. I have encountered a problem in past that was unique to Mac/Unix Java, in which it mattered if the mod started with a lower or upper case letter for the order they loaded and hence effected the detection of dependencies. I've not extensively tested adding blocks from lots of different mods, so I would only suggest taking these steps if you are having issue of the ores not spawning or crashes.Hope this helps a bit.
  5. I was able to generate this area in my instance. (Fastcraft 1.12 NEI stuff). I did replicate the chunks not loading, but never crashed. Logging out and back in pushed by character position back 300 blocks south. I eventually loaded the chunks by going north and loading area while heading south. Nothing special about area. Just ocean transitioning to beach then plains. Definitely something odd in the seed.
  6. Make sluices work permanently in one place?

    In my first 79 world I could not find nickel. However I knew that the third layer of stone in an area near my base was gabbro, hot spring had gabbro. So I set up a few sluices in that area to try and determine if it was worth digging tunnels. Sure enough a few of my sluices got nuggets of nickel. A couple also produced silver that I was lacking anywhere near my base. It still took a lot of digging and an entire steel pro pick, but I eventually found 2 nickel and 1 silver vein. That is how I believe they were intended to be used.
  7. Ore in API (build 80+)

    Again a build 80+ suggestion. Since I believe the code for ore rendering etc. is going to drastically change for 1.8, I'd like to make suggestion that would be best considered beforehand. If it is possible I would like to request the ore code in the API. kev12east had a similar suggestion in addon section. Basically it would be nice to have a means for addon mods to add ores/minerals to the worldgen that functioned like TFC ores. Ultimately I'd love to see a Custom Ore Addon that allowed you to create TFCish ores that would allow crossover into other mods while maintaining the look and feel of TFC.
  8. Added Compatibility for Pro pick (build 80+)

    Ah. For some reason I thought that wouldn't effect the propicking output, which doesn't make sense. That will make my current project easier. Cheers.
  9. First off this suggestion is intended for build 80+. I have a very basic understanding of the 1.7.10 code and very little concept how the new 1.8 code works. I've been working on expanding TFC using other mods. Mostly because I enjoy making modpacks, it entertains me. One of the issues is getting other ores into the worldgen. I really like how TFC does its Worldgen. This means using the TFCOre.cfg, which I've had some success with, or Custom Ore Generation, that has given me more issues than it has solved. Either route presents the same problem, how do players find the ore/mineral veins. So I'm wondering if with a few tweaks it would be possible to have ores entered in the TFCOre.cfg detectable with the prospecting pick. I have looked at the current code and I have a vague understanding of how it could work, but I'm likely wrong. I can see that there is a "if ore1 than stuff, if ore 2 than stuff and if ore3 than stuff" in the prospecting pick code. I'm wondering if it is possible to generate a list of spawned ores using the config file and then query this instead. I also wonder if it is possible to use config to determine the name of the spawned ores. So the string variable that contains the name gets it from the config file. This would necessitate the addition of another field to delineate that the ore is surface so that the prospecting pick didn't output "Very Large sample of Tetrahedrite Surface" I haven't learned how localizations work, so this may not be possible. I suggest this because useless and unspawned (selenite, microcline, etc.) ores/minerals could be repurposed to increase compatibility. Like I said I'm not a Java programmer so I don't know how possible this is.
  10. Make sluices work permanently in one place?

    Large scale use of sluices were only seen in large open pit mines where the base material was loose. Since it separates based on the densities of the material in real life it was used to seperate out gold and gems. I don't think other metals are seperatable in sluices, especially since most don't occur in their native form. Even for gold and gems I would assume that you'd have to adjust the flow rate for the particular product you want. So the TFC sluice is far kinder and versatile than real life equivalent.
  11. Make sluices work permanently in one place?

    From the topic I linked. Before sluice farms were terribly OP. That was why they were changed. However the mechanics aren't set in stone. Bioxx said he'd think about changing them, so that is about as good as you'll get at this time.
  12. Make sluices work permanently in one place?

    Not all veins are close enough to surface to spawn surface stones and certainly not detect with prospecting pick. So the sluice is a great way to determine if a chunk is worth digging way way down in.
  13. Powders and Dyes

    Most logical source for brown dye would be acacia trees. Pretty sure the TFC acacia is modeled after a different variety, but the heart wood of an Acacia native to India has been used for a very long time to produce a brown dye called black cutch. A simple process of crafting lumber with saw to get wood chips that could be further ground down with quern.
  14. Sponge support for Minecraft 1.8 and later

    The implementation of the sponge API is a forge mod. So how I understoof it Sponge API is Bukkit and the sponge mod and forge make Craftbukkit. I know there was some internal debates going on with a few devs still wanting to modify stuff external to forge, so maybe the ethos has changed a bit. Without the ability to contribute I've only been casually following the project. From API release Update "In order for server administrators to use the amazing plugins the community creates there needs to be server software to run those plugins with. Sponge, the implementation for the Sponge API, is being worked on as well, and will be released as soon as possible. This part of the development process is more complicated and was put on hold until the API was more finalized and Forge for 1.8 was released as both of those things are dependencies for the implementation. However, now that we have a stable API release and Forge 1.8 we are able to start working on the Sponge implementation and we will be sure to give out a timeline."
  15. Sponge support for Minecraft 1.8 and later

    The sponge API is a forge mod. Last time I was looking at it they had to run just through FML as a stable Forge 1.8 wasn't available. As such it should eliminate most of the problems caused by modification of forge classes. I would also expect that anything that in the past lockette, Prisim, etc. hooked into will still function with sponge API.
  16. Make sluices work permanently in one place?

    A recent topic on sluices that may be informative.
  17. Tin Compass?

    The iron molecules in your steel knife are very ordered and the magnetic dipole of them is also quite easily aligned. Despite this it would only cause the compass to point at it if it was close enough. You'd not be able to use it to find your knife if it was lost somewhere in your home. Iron ore is disordered, diffuse and substantially further away. I'm not a geologist, but I would imagine triangulating the location of iron ore based on deviations would take one hell of a lot of computing power and extremely sophisticated algorithms.
  18. Decoration addon, formally Lanterns addon, allows gems to be placed. Only in center of block side though. They also emit light.
  19. Tin Compass?

    Deviating the compass from pointing to true north is possible, but pointing to the ore, which was what was suggested, is not.
  20. Can't plant seeds. [Solved]

    You need to wait until they become grass blocks and till those. Tilled dirt = no nutrient; tilled grass = full nutrients.
  21. Tin Compass?

    It would also basically be magical.
  22. Thaumcraft compability/crossover

    If you don't know about it yet. Minetweaker recipe manager is a very helpful. It is a bit frustrating at times and still fairly limited, but it is still a work in progress. I use it to setup things which I then tweak and replicate manually. Also learning to use /mt hand to get unlocalized ID and copy it to clipboard saved me a lot of time.
  23. [Solved] wolf problem

    Does the wolf follow you or does is it clearly still wild. Remember wild wolves can never be tamed enough to get collar or sit without being tied up with rope.
  24. Food preservation in large vs small vessels

    Please no. My exploring pack is a barrel full of vessels and a few other things. Not being able to put small vessels in a barrel would be a huge loss in exploration and mining.
  25. TFC and The End

    I've been going through the code base (I have a basic understanding of Java but it is mostly puzzled out). TFC has a dedicated WorldChunkManager for the Hell Biome. I don't know the base code well enough to know what all the parameters are or where they are assigned, but I do wonder if hard coding the environmental variables would solve the crash or if it is the query of the variables is the issue. If it is the query then I think a biome if/else would work to bypass it in Hell biome only. My digging also answered my initial question. TFC has 3 generation types Unknown is Ocean, Flat is Hell and Default, which is everything else. Because there is no End Biome in TFC it uses default/unknown, which is why it is same as overworld. I'm guessing that there is a line of code that sets world spawn upon generation and that is why world spawn is changed to Dim 1. Back to reading.