Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by killster550

  1. *channels the power of the sea in his mind to gently smooth the plane into the water, and floods the entire earth*


  2. *hunts down the invisible rabbit, boils him over a nice cooking pot, eats him alive, and detonates his shit with TNT*

    that shouldv gotten rid of you


  3. i just wiped out this entire plane of existance, that trancends even dimensions, everything you could ever possibly imagine just died....cept for me and srgnoodles of course ;)


  4. I am sure this was not your intent, but it sounded a tad arrogant. :P

    naah, just saying my people tend to not need translation and usually frown upon them (if i can take 3 cities worth of teenage gamers for real ;)


  5. fishing in general right now is just a magic rod without bait. in all there are a few distinct ways of fishing: by hand, by spear, by rod, and via traps (nets, cages, etc) and cages + rods need bait, but work a bit better than hand and spear, because you need extreme patience plus a perfect aim for that (water distorts the location of the fish a bit, remember)


  6. there is a difference in flinging around fireballs like skyrim or casting a barrier at great expense of your own life like in the witcher 2 (for example) the mages in that series are trained for life and they can barely block arrows for a few minutes before going KO, that times 10 is what im looking for in TFC, great (balanced) power, but at an equally balanced expense, which could be transformed via the Wave.


  7. what he's trying to say is that when we can just swap bodies around, we loze sight of our own individual conscience, and thus might end up becoming something inhuman, especially when brain modifying is involved, you could change a person so far he would have NO recollection of who he was...ever.


  8. maybe from a server or a pokemon or so :D

    anyway, on the point of magic, im a great fan of the mechanic behind the Death Gate series: where there is a so-called Wave of Balance controlling magic, so the more you use magic, the more powerful your enemies would become (when translated to TFC) and vice-versa, so eventually you'd be facing tons and tons of mobs all being really powerful while you're doing your magic thing, but if you want to be peaceful, you have to avoid magic.

    (now, this shouldnt be a server wide issue, or magic should be very high tier to achieve, to prevent noobs spawning and spamming magic in order to upset the Wave)


  9. what i'd like to see is the mining fatigue system being applied to alter the swing speed of weaponry (which i hope is possible).

    in terms of weaponry, i'd like to see a bit more ranged variety (slings anyone? they were a major weapon until bows came along) and for gods sake be the first people to have a game with an effective spear/polearm combat system!


  10. *takes control of marisa and weaves through the danmaku like raak1010*

    you will have to do better than that to stop me, Flandre Scarlet.

    *summons erza scarlet* now bow before your bigger, better looking, and much more dangerous sister!

    Posted Image


  11. you know, dayz direct communication works somewhat exactly like you guys intend ;) and as to the chat, you could always turn it off (i think?) if it botheres you, but ive indeed noticed chat being used in manners that break any form of immersion, like people communicating about their cats 30k blocks apart :/ although its somewhat essential for larger servers to still have an adequate, fast form of long range messaging, especially for admin support, perhaps as a server setting the chat could be toggleable per player?


  12. the pun, its terrible...

    btw dunk, dont forget the fact that a bison, aurochs, stag or even an ibex could still kill a man if he charges him, not even counting bulls and rhinoceros rushing at you. theres value to be had in making even our 'food sources' dangerous to hunt without planning (for example, if a fire pops up behind a deer, it'd run the other way, thats basic knowledge, but if you run it off a cliff, you get free food with the only effort being that you have to light fires in the proper way, and its a lot safer than spearing it ;) plus a spear tends to put a large hole in a skin if landed on a bad spot, theres a LOT of things to think about still ;)

    i'd like to see the earliest game achieve the level of the Cro-Magnon's when they started out: the first people to acknowledge a Humanoid deity, the inventive people, those that created art, and created a shitton of awesome weaponry and tools for us to play with. :D
