Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by fofi9753

  1. Slow down on animal model details

    I believe this is what you're looking for: This is actually a really old image and the code is much more up to date now and handles a lot better. Pretty dynamic too, you can do a lot with it. In this image, all I've done is switched out the ingot model for this pottery model, which is why the pot is the colour of an iron ingot, and why there are ingots on my hotbar. As far as lag, I was messing around with different shapes and i only noticed lag on my laptop when I had full (64) stacks of ingot-pots each with 100 layers. (The pots are created by specifying layers, which are then rendered with 8 faces for each space between two layers. The pot in the image has 7 layers) which would be roughly the same as having 224 full pottery blocks on your screen at once (64 pots in a block with 100 layers vs 4 pots in a block with 7 layers = 16 times the number of pots with 14 times the number of layers = 14 x 16 = 224). Just some math for anyone who wanted it. Fire pit hasn't been attempted for 3d rendering. Personally, i kind of like them the way they are. Question: If we can have 3D models for placed ingots, why can't we have it for vessels? I think the fact that ingots can be placed and rendered in 3D contrasts highly with the spinning sprites we have for pottery. Also, while I'm at it, I'm going to express my desire for more 3D models in the game, using the example of mods like thaumcraft to back up my position. One of the main things that makes thaumcraft so awesome is the detailed 3D models and animations. Sure, functionality may be more important, but having some decent 3D models for certain very used items/blocks is really nice, and just adds to the overall quality and professionalism of the mod. Here's a link to another thread that touches on the topic of 3D models and has some interesting images:
  2. Slow down on animal model details

    On the topic of models, one thing that really annoyed me when I first saw it was the "model" for placed vessels and clay items. They really broke the immersion for me, and really didn't look good anywhere, causing me to "hide" the placed vessels, instead of proudly displaying them on a counter-top or shelf. It was kind of disappointing, Honestly I would have even been happier with a poor model with a texture, such as vanilla minecraft's horrible flower pot. I'm not asking for a detailed vessel model with curves, but some simple 3D object would be REALLY nice. If the issue with it is performance, then just add an option for disabling it in the new config option menu. That aside, great work on the mod, I love the depth of the features and the direction the mod is going in. Keep up the good work and amazing models.
  3. Well, first off, I spent some time the other day thinking about TFC's stone age, and the stone age in real life. My thoughts were mainly concerning weapons, because, well, hunting was one of the main sources of food in the very beginning. I suggest a new early weapon instead of the javelin (not removing the javelin from the game, just making it more practical to use later on) because well, I doubt the first cavemen were born with the knowledge of how to make and balance a spear or javelin, much less how to throw it accurately and make it hit point first. Besides clubs and rocks as meelee weapons I imagine the first ranged weapon was a rock hurled at some small bird or creature. I think this would fit in well with the whole combat revamp thing, since I think javelins are way too precise, cheap, and easy to throw in the early game. If there were some sort of skill level in throwable weapons such as the javelin, making it imprecise and deviating when you first start using one (I have thrown professional javelins IRL and believe me, its not as easy as just grabbing it anywhere and throwing it in front of you, it takes quite a bit of skill to be accurate and get far range without your spear doing a 180 degree flip and hitting the ground or target with the hind end), so I suggest the rock as an earlier, more primitive, and easy to use weapon. It also would fit in nicely with the change made with rocks in that they are no longer placeable as cobblestone and cobblestone must be crafted, so that rocks could be thrown with right click (this does, however conflict with the ability to knap stones via right click, a change that I didn't see too necessary). As for the whole skill thing, maybe certain weapons would be harder to use than others, for example, if we give a certain amount of skill a number (just as an example, not saying skills should be number based), a level 1 rock hurler will be more accurate with it than a level 1 javelin thrower, although the javelin, if it did land a hit, would damage way more than the stone. Also, at least with the javelin, it should be that the higher your level is the farther you could throw (accurately).
  4. Mechanical Power. Doing things Better, Faster

    I like all these ideas, I have always wanted mechanical power, and I know and see that the devs see these posts, but I have not yet found a conclusive opinion of theirs... So my question is: will mechanical engineering ever possibly make its way into TFC? And even such a definitive answer is not necessary, simply a acknowledgment of the fact that they don't abhor the idea, for example, and that maaaybe in some very far in the future build it will find itself integrated in some way or another, even if it isn't in the same way most people mention it. Devs, please see this and answer, I'd be happy even with a negatory response, so long as It means I stop expecting and waiting for something that won't be implemented ever.
  5. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    I've been on some vanilla servers where to access the minigame areas/PvP areas you have to enter a portal, or a warp. That switches you from "dimentions" or "servers", it gives you a similar screen as when you are travelling to the nether. I'm not sure how they do that, because they are two different save files/worlds, maybe at the border of one server you automatically get transported to the next server, although I'm not sure what the purpose of the whole idea of interserver travel is, when you could just have one server with people farther away from each other.
  6. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    @Zerren can we get an update on what you are currently working on?
  7. Bauxite (Aluminum Ore)

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Like this one?
  8. Manganese. No not Magnesium...

    Why would we want another metal type? They're all exactly the same, unless you implement some metal that has different qualities other than more or less durability. There is really no point in adding more metals simply for the heck of it and because they exist in the real world. We already have high tier and low tier metals, what would be the difference with this one? Why not be content with red and blue steel as end-game OP metals?
  9. Studying seeds..

    Me likes this idea!!!!
  10. Falconry - Let birds hunt for you!

    One word: AWESOME Love the models by the way, did you make them? You should try to make the models for the birds of prey.
  11. More early game uses for straw

    ------------------------------------------- YAY!! multiblocks!!!!!!!
  12. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    Option A would definitely be really cool, but I think that the left click attack should be a bit slower than the sword either way. Is there any way to make the swing/hit animation different than the sword's? I think the left click attack should have a stabbing/poking animation and the charged right click attack should have the swinging/slashing animation, if its possible.
  13. More believable plank size

    I quite like your suggestion, Stungun, I think though that sticks should be the ones placed like "strips", this way you can make small stick huts and frames. Maybe thatch should be gravity affected unless it has another block underneath, such as a stick (as a frame). If the block underneath were a solid block it wouldn't allow you to use the thatch as a roof (because you can't walk inside a solid block), however, considering that Steve isn't a full 2 blocks high, there would still be room to walk under a thatch roof held up by sticks.
  14. MORE Hunger!!!

    Underwater diving and squid hunting should be a LOT more dangerous IMO, making it harder to see, slower to move, and with squid running away and diving back in to attack. Squid are an OP source of food right now. I don't think food drops should be nerfed, I believe that the amount of meat there is in one large animal (cow, deer) is actually enough for a person to eat for a month or so IRL. The REAL problem though would be that IRL that meat wouldn't last a month because of food spoilage, and that (apparently) is either impossible or very hard to be well implemented. If food spoilage isn't implemented, then I don't think the drops should remain the same, and nerfed greatly. However if food spoilage were implemented (that would be awesome), then the drop amounts would be just perfect. Also, not sure if its simply because deer aren't finished yet, but last I checked they dropped nothing (in other words, please add meat, hide, and bones drops for deer).
  15. Hunting Overhaul

    Awesome suggestion, well thought out and organized, I have wanted believable animal behavior in minecraft for ages now, just never got it. By the way, I live in Argentina, like the bolas idea (they're actually more commonly referred to as Boleadoras, and we call cowboys Gauchos). When using bolas you swing them around your head until they pick up speed and the three rocks (all attached by string to each other in a Y shape) separate. When thrown, they fly through the air and spin, keeping the rocks equidistant. When the boleadoras come in contact with the animals legs, they immediately wrap around them (because they were still spinning when they were flying through the air), bringing the animal crashing down, unharmed.
  16. Harsher Winter

    ------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe heat levels should vary with light levels (in some cases). First off there is automatically a hotter at day and colder at night situation, not depending on what you may do to create artificial heat. And the there are seasons (And latitude, maybe altitude?), which also greatly modify the overall heat, not mattering any artificial situations. Alright, now, if it is possible, make it so that summer has the sun straight overhead, giving off more light, as such, more heat. In winter the lighting level would be similar to what it is now in rainy/thunderstorm situations, with cloud cover not allowing mobs to burn up in the sun. This would also be colder, considering there is less light, and if in a snowy biome/latitude, it will be even colder. Campfires give off heat and light (maybe they should be slightly boosted, for balancing issues, giving off a LOT of heat, considering they can melt metals, and a bit more light), as such, keep you warm. Torches can still give off light (a good amount), but barely influence the heat level. Clothing and armor also influence body heat level (Body heat and environment temperature are two different values on the F3 screen), but these require that you get some initial heat by a heat source, as they retain heat, not create it. Oh, and maybe the presence of cold blocks such as snow or ice reduce heat levels, but melt in higher heat levels (Doesn't really fit in if you're planning on building an igloo, but oh well). The heat level bar inside the campfire GUI would also be an indicator of how much heat the campfire is giving off. Summing it all up, there would be certain factors and conditions that modify heat levels, some more than others (such as season and latitude). Campfires and torches would all be external heat sources, and these influence you only if you are close to them (the closer you are, the hotter it gets). As such, it should damage the player if he walks over the red hot coals of his campfire, making surrounding yourself with campfires at night an actual practical defense (if you can keep the fires fueled all night). Fire was actually a method of defense against wild animals, just imagine the ring of glowing eyes peering at you from outside the ring of fire, slowly getting closer as the fire dims in a certain spot (White Fang style!).Once again, just a jumble of disorganized thoughts that pop into my mind as I write, hope you can make any sense of them, feel free to criticize.
  17. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    OMG its a zombie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ruuuun!!!!!
  18. Transportation Infrastructure

    Hyena Grin, on 20 Sept 2013 - 02:08 AM, said: It is largely arbitrary. But I suspect that if you could simply dump a metal minecart onto wooden rails (which presumably holds more) then there'd be not much reason to ever use metal rails. You could say that the metal minecart which carries so much more would simply crush the wooden rails. However there's no real reason to not allow wooden minecarts on metal rails. I don't know, there's certainly wiggle-room there. I think the idea of track durability might be interesting if it can be gracefully implemented. Perhaps the tile slowly cracks over time showing its wear. Though I would probably say that iron rails should be absolutely permanent. 'Durability' might be a flaw of wooden rails. Though I do think that regardless of the other drawbacks, wooden carts should not be as fast and retain as much kinetic energy; wood against wood produces a great deal more friction than steel on steel. Lowering speed offroad is certainly an option, but I think the end result is the same. It'd just be imposing slower walking speeds while exploring and I'm not sure too many people would be down with that. Ultimately that sort of thing is up to the devs. I don't personally feel like the default walking speed is too fast and needs to be slowed, but y'know. End result is going to be offroad: slowest, cheap road: fast, moderate road: faster, expensive road: fastest. Whatever the 'default' offroad speed is doesn't really matter. The increments of change will remain the same. I also like the horse-drawn version acting as a double-chest. It'd be a little tricker to implement, probably, but if it can I'm definitely in favor, especially since it would no doubt be harder to build, requiring an actual horse and all. (It'd also be fun if a second player could ride in the back of the wagon) I do have one question for people; what would you prefer roads looked like? They could be dug down an eighth, raised an eighth, or remain on-level with the ground but simply apply the new road texture. I think I like the road being dug down by one eighth to show that the road is 'depressed' into the terrain by traffic. But this might be problematic for some builds. Raising it by an eighth would probably be easier to manage in terms of builds, but wouldn't look as nice in my opinion. I agree to the lowering 1/8th instead of a whole half block, as for the texture, I assume that it would vary depending on the material it was made with, grass would become dirt, dirt would become packed earth (each of these would have a slightly modified texture, to differentiate). As for annoyance when exploring off roads, thats where horses and other means of transportation (such as boats) come in. Just think of the great explorers (Not only maritime ones), such as Marco Polo, I doubt he went all the way on foot exploring, I'm sure he used horses, camels, or any other kind of animal transportation available. I still think there should be a penalty for walking off roads. It's not like the wilderness has nicely trimmed grass, flat and even landscapes, as such moving through it can be quite tough, even if its just wading through tall grass. Roads not only give speed, but also comfort, and IRL theymake your shoes wear out less (Stepping on loose rocks will wear your shoe soles out and make your feet sore,and generally having to lift your legs higher to walk in uneven terrain is a lot more tiring). Horses or donkeys would make great travelling companions, especially if there is some sort of saddlebag implemented. One reason to build a road to your mining outpost would be so you could take wagons there. Carrying large cuantities of ore should only be possible with minecarts, burden animals, wagons, or ships. As such, you would be forced to build a road in to be able to transport the ore (ore logs,etc.) back to your base. If some sort of more sofisticated transport were implemented, In my opinion distances should somehow be made longer, as in large oceans or plains, that it doesn't seem like the network of bases/camps is all just one large player base. In multiplayer this would also encourage trade and merchants, considering they would bring precious resources from far away in caravans(maybe also robin hood style caravan robberies?). If you can make any sense of the above, feel free to criticize my disorderly jumble of loose thoughts.
  19. Transportation Infrastructure

    Horse drawn wagons? Don't consume food or thirst bar, can carry waaay more, and provide a relaxing ride. BTW, you should link your other inventory thread to this one so people see it, the two threads compliment each other and are quite superb. (I'll just post the link myself, I guess): EDIT: oh, and maybe when you do the whole road mode thingy on the shovel it transforms the say, dirt, into packed earth, a new block, that doesn't landslide. And I think that walking on non-road blocks should provide a slight speed penalty, primitive roads bring your speed back to normal, and high quality roads give you a speed boost. This would also give a reason to pack the earth around your house in the clearing in the woods, considering you'd be constantly walking around the area.
  20. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    Something that I really like about certain mods is the fact that they use multi-blocks, maybe you should try to add in some, maybe in the brewing process. by the way, don't know if its possible or you think its a good idea, but I would love to see something like this added: maybe all those features except for the zipline/handlebar part. The rope arrow thing would only be able to be shot out of a more powerful bow than the vanilla one, in this case, the crossbow. The rope bridges would look reeaally sweet with TFC's world gen and mountains. Maybe make it so instead of placing leather you place hides? I do believe the placed rope texture needs to be reworked to look like a more primitive rope. The cloth could just be TFC's normal wool cloth, but maybe you can add more fibrous plants, such as hemp, to make rope with? Hemp could also be used medicinally as a pain killer/medicinal marijuana. If hemp is too much of a "joke" addition, considering weed is obtained from it, maybe you could add flax, which you process to get flax fibers, which can be used to make rope or linen (simply another alternative to cloth, same functions). (Maybe make the placing leather/hides part of the tanning process necessary? tanning racks perhaps?) Keep up the great work in this addon, even if you don't add the things I'm asking for. EDIT: (just a quick video showcasing some of the features, watch it all, from beginning to end)
  21. Custom Render - Firepit

    ..but this is only me playing around with different things. Don't expect to see this in TFC. wow that looks really sweet!!! you should ask dunk/bioxx to implement these models..... if, of course, you'd want them to.
  22. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    Awesome! I would really look forward to some sort of new transportation features and vehicles, maybe improving the rail system both graphically and functionally? Donkeys and mules with saddlebags sound pretty cool. Maybe since horses aren't really climbing animals (they're quite delicate) you should make so that they can only jump high if they've picked up some speed, and donkeys/mules can climb steeper slopes/mountain paths easier? I know you aren't trying to radically change original TFC features, but I would love for someone to make some sort of a mechanical power/windmill/waterwheel addon. EDIT: Oh, I almost forgot, maybe you can somehow re-add the scribing table(with a better model, ike the one from thaumcraft with the inkwell and feather and stuff). The scribing table would serve to edit the written books, name nametags, and maybe rename itmes? You would only be able to write books using this table and crafting an inkwell and quill (These you would place in a slot much like the quern handle, and would have a visual indication on the table model). Just a few ideas.
  23. Numerous Addition/Mod Suggestions

    We've been asking for mechanical power and primitive power systems for ages now, and I think the answer has been negative every time. I'd love to know what the devs think of this now, if they think its possible, plausible, or outright never going to be a part of this mod.
  24. Shipwright Steve

  25. Casted Tools and Sharpening

    On the contrary, heating up the forged item and then plunging it in a barrel of cold water is a very much used method in antiquity for hardening and finishing metal tools and swords, it was called tempering. I have tested it myself when making arrowheads for my bow and arrow IRL, heating up the arrow heads and immediatly cooling them off would harden them and make them blunt less when hitting hard objects.