Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Peffern

  1. ~snip~

    But they would have to work independently of the player. If I have to be constantly telling them to repeat a task then it doesn't help me any. There should at least be a way to set them on repeat mode.

  2. Hang around Lumireaver, JDCollie, or Jed some more.

    What am I, chopped liver?

    But anyway, I like the idea of the nether being in layers, but I just was wondering if it could be made so in order to dig you have to be accomplished in the previous level. I.e. monsters deeper do more damage to people who aren't holding an item from the shallower layer? Not a big fan of things like this, but maybe?


  3. Since this thread appears to have been necro'd and re-necro'd. I'm going to necro something else, the old sims argument. The immersive feel of mc and TFC is a key point for me. I don't want to feel like a person controlling Steve, I want to feel like I AM Steve! And that means no levels, no stats, and no obscure computations. Those are fine for works generation and farming but when it comes to the player I want there ti be as little between Steve and me as possible. And I'd anyone takes that last sentence in a perverted manner I will get very angry(not pretty). :)


  4. I've always wanted a more realistic tree-growing mechanic in minecraft. I very much like the way fruit trees grow in terrafirmacraft right now. I would like if loggable trees grew in a similar fashion. However I have one or two additional suggestion. Trunk blocks that grow upward (obviously different for some trees) and branch blocks that grow outward from the trunk. The branch blocks could become leafy blocks. The leafy block, when broken, leaves a normal branch block behind, and could drop saplings. The branch block could give sticks and the trunk could give wood. The trunk could slowly get wider over time and of a tree was of a certain width, then it could require a certain height to maintain growth(to discourage clear cutting)


  5. Wish I knew how to code in Java. I'd totally help.

    Ooh ooh I can do that!

    But back on topic,

    I think most of this stuff is either confirmed or already suggested. Good to have it at the top of the thread list though.


  6. Confused peffern is confused.

    Anyway return to topic.

    I agree that we should have rope to climb and make bridges but think of how easy it would make 'sploring. I like TFC partially because it makes 'sploring ravines and mineshafts more fun.


  7. Nice to meet you all. Now, this is the Internet and anonymity is our largest and greatest asset. I'd like to protest your demographic analysis. Even given that your analysis is correct (which is questionable) in what way does that prevent people from providing useful constructive criticism which is the point of this forum?


  8. I guess (puts on grudging face) you should go with eternal's old idea. The one where you find a rune and then have to do all the skilly stuff about working it into a tool. Ok eternal. You got a dev on your side I'm not going to argue. [surrender]


  9. Eel oil could also be used for lanterns. See other thread. Also has anyone else noticed that in fantasy novels they're always eating eels?

    Ahem ahem game of thrones ahem ahem


  10. you dont get my point

    my point is, as long as you dont know what the other guy is doing its not infringement, but as soon as you look at another party´s code, you stole it

    No YOU don't get MY point.

    As soon as you look at their code, it's stealing. We agree on that.

    But if you just, for example, play IC2 for a while, then write your own system to have similar effects, then it's convergent development and is totally fine. The thought process should be "I want ti right a buff/debuff system based on beverages. Oh look, IC2 has one of those. I'll go play it. Okay, now I'm going to write some code of my own."

    Never looking at IC2 code. Hey, look at pipes vs tubes! Same deal.


  11. Yep, it is a great community we have on here. Ryuugumo is the blacksmith by profession :)

    I think I would say that rambling is an important part of this forum :P There are more derailments here than there would be on a railway made entirely of hairpin bends :P

    I remember when this forum was just eternal, lumi and me tearing down ideas about character stats right and left. (ahh the good old days :P)

    Not to sound like an old coot but I'm a blacksmith too (pleading face)


  12. But with a set of tools you won't be forced to fit a mould of particular restrictiveness necessarily. I am talking about very non specific tools which allow the users to enforce their preferred styles of government. Look at civcraft. They have given the users just enough tools to make their rules enforceable without restricting the players experience :)

    perfect. I'm glad my feedback was appreciated. (this is not sarcasm)

    Id like to avoid something like the faction plugin which is extremely limiting in my opinion


  13. True true. I actually have had the experience of a legitimate government with 10 people, but with fewer than that I agree (had a communist settlement and a corrupt leader stole all the resources and built a mansion. We sacked it and ran away :P)

    But even still there is a complex balance of having resources at your control to help govern and being forced to fit a mold.
