Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by WingedRayeth

  1. Realistic Survival House Build

    Yeah, that is the trouble I had. I might try again and instead of doing a traditional roof, I may just do a thatch roof, since you can creatively use plank trim to make it relatively spider proof. I would post screen shots of my build, but I ended up getting rid of that world for a lack of metals in the area I had settled down in. I thought I had a good source of copper, but it dried up really quickly!
  2. Realistic Survival House Build

    Please do, I took some inspiration and tried to do similar, but I didn't like the result so much when it came time to do the roof, I'd like to see how you do it. You should totally make a guide for it!
  3. Realistic Survival House Build

    I like the idea, I'm going to steal it. Question though, I may have missed it in a bug report, did they fix the whole planks being super laggy?
  4. Rain Barrel for Irrigation

    I had this idea for a new item to help with mid to late game farming. Usually water sources are inconveniently placed and you have to clear a lot of land around a lake or river, or place dirt in the water and then let it sit for a while until it builds up the nutrient levels, before you can farm in the early to mid game, since you can't move water without the proper steel bucket. So I had the idea for a rain barrel that could be crafted once you have metal smithing. The barrel would consist of 4 Tuyeres and a wooden barrel. You would place the barrel in the middle of a 3x3 crafting grid and then the 4 Tuyeres around it to make a + shape. This item could then be placed on the ground and filled with rain or from a bucket, and it would irrigate the land up to 4 blocks away, like a water source block does,until the water runs out, with the water level draining so that maybe 1 or 2 buckets get used up per day. This would allow farming in dry regions and in open land that might not have ready access to a nicely placed source of water.
  5. Jute Twine

    I had this idea because I have a lack of sheep in my current world, but an abundance of Jute. It would be nice to have a recipe that would let you take jute fibers and turn them into twine that could be used in place of string or silk on your drying racks. My idea would be to use it with the spindle in a shapeless crafting recipe, like you do with wool, and this would make a new item, Jute Twine, that could be used in place of string or spider silk.
  6. A Hard Lesson to Learn

    I often die because I give new worlds a fighting chance before I delete them. I'm very picky about my starting base. I like an area with easy access to fresh water, flat terrain, trees, and a few different types of wild food, and preferrably in the range of 10k to 15k above the equator. This often leaves me running around really quickly, sometimes going into new chunks as fast as they generate, and sometimes a ravine will spawn right under me, causing me to fall to my demise.
  7. [Solved] Help: Can't start fires

    No problem, I figured it out by accident, I pretty much always hold right click on tools like that.
  8. [Solved] Help: Can't start fires

    You now need to hold right click on the fire starter. It has a cool animation that will play, and use up the durability bit by bit. Eventually the 4 sticks will turn into a campfire or your pit kiln or forge will light. It's rather neat.
  9. Rain Barrel for Irrigation

    The reason I suggested the Tuyeres is for balancing, and making sure you are well into the point where you are actually smithing metal, not just casting. So you need to have that copper anvil before you can make an irrigation barrel. And this would be a new item so you couldn't get away with using a large clay vessel, it would have to be a wood barrel. As for the rate of flow, I wanted something in between tedious and fire and forget. If you have to re-fill the barrel every day, that is tedious. If you let it sit for 10 days at a time, I think that would be too easy. Using 2 buckets a day seems like a happy medium. You have to re-fill the barrel about once every 5 days, which isn't tedious, but you have to keep an eye on it.
  10. Rain Barrel for Irrigation

    Oh I know, but it is convenient to have a water source handy.
  11. Rain Barrel for Irrigation

    I got the idea from my current world. I have a huge area of perfectly suitable flat land to the south of my house, a big wide area that I already cleared the trees out of, but all my farm land is to the north hugging a bit of lake I settled next to, and I unfortunately built too close to the lake to be able to properly square off the corners, and it takes a while to re-build nutrients because I set the config of my world to have a 360 day year. ^.^;
  12. Squid and Calamari

    I'm not sure if I should report this as a bug or not, but it seems squid no longer drop calamari, and instead only drop ink sacs. Did I miss an update or should I report this?
  13. Squid and Calamari

    Ah, that's why I wasn't sure if it was a bug. Even the fish like bass drop very small amounts so I wasn't sure if it was a bug. Odd though that the ink sacs would drop. I'd think if you are a fumbling butcher you wouldn't get them either. Thank you for your insight though.
  14. What do you do with excess food ?

    I never have the problem of too much food. I changed my config files to make things a bit more difficult. I enabled crops dying, and I set my year length to 360 days. This makes the crops and animals grow a LOT slower, and it makes having large food stores a necessity in single play. I also turned off the decay protection on my food so it can very well rot away if I'm not careful in storing it and I leave it for a time.
  15. Food: Soups/Stews, more recipes

    I wouldn't mind seeing the clay large vessels getting used for this after you move on to wooden barrels. You could place it over a forge or a fire-pit like you would with a crucible, and then use it like a dutch oven or a crock-pot. You could place raw dough inside to make bread in place of the current method of tossing it on a fire-pit, or put in vegetables and meats with some water to make a stew, and then seal it for a certain amount of time, at which point the food becomes cooked and ready to eat. As a bonus, stew kept on the fire and hot could be safe from decay. Since the vessel is clay, it could have a chance to break once emptied.
  16. pegs, nails, rivets, and mortar

    The only problem I have with this is you need 4 plank blocks to make the workbench to get the 3x3 crafting grid. How would pegs work into this?
  17. Quick panning still works.

    Version #: 78.17 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SMP Suggested Name: Quick Pannig still works. Suggested Category:Minor Description:I noticed the patch notes say that quick filling a gold pan by placing gravel under the moving water was disabled, however I noticed it still works, I'm able to place gravel under a moving water block and pan it out in a few moments. I can't fill a pan with gravel under a source block however. Not sure if it is a game breaking bug or anything, but I thought I should mention it. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes *If you answered no to the above question, delete your config files and try to reproduce the bug. This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question. Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes If yes, which mods: Rei Minimap, Dynamic Lights, and Smart Moving
  18. [78.17] Good seed, lots of resources near spawn

    I rather like this seed, I did some exploring and it has both interesting terrain and some nice materials on hand.
  19. New device: Range: mid-game replacement for fire pit

    Interesting idea, I wouldn't mind seeing something like this in game. In the meant time though, as a suggestion, I myself use brick blocks once I get metal tools, and put my fire-pit into a chimney/fireplace. It helps make it more aesthetically pleasing.
  20. Coolgardie Safes

    Actually I think apples were popular because they are really easy to cultivate and grow, they have been grown in Europe and Asia for thousands of years. As for older varieties being more hearty, it should be noted that even as far back as the 1300s the phrase "One bad apple spoils the bunch." was in use, which, while usually applied to people, does come from the fact that one bruised apple will release a large amount of ethylene which causes nearby fruit to ripen and rot quickly. The fact that apples today bruise and rot quickly is because machines are used to harvest them and aren't as gentle on the fruit as hand picking. You have the same problem with citrus, oranges harvested by machine have to be processed quickly or they will rot, yet I have hand picked plenty for shipping to relatives in New Jersey from my home in Florida, and never had problems with rotten fruit on arrival. As for the original topic, I like the idea of some form of stone-age fridge to help prevent/reduce spoilage.
  21. More stable straw

    I seem to remember someone saying that manure or such things won't be happening. Though I do like the idea of having a way to feed animals without leaving them outside in a field. Perhaps thatch blocks could be used?
  22. Copper Hills (0.78.17)

    Just wanted to say, tried out the seed today. It's fantastic, a good location right near water and metal.
  23. Configuration option question

    Actually, as someone who plays the 360 day year, you won't have much luck with that. If you wait until spring on the default setting, only about 75 days will have passed. If you then change the year length to 360 the game will think you are still in mid August, putting you right back into the tail end of summer. I found that out the hard way.
  24. Gold Panning

    I'm getting started into this because I need ores. So far it seems to work pretty well to get the native nuggets, though now I'm curious what the limitations are on it. I know one of the posts said that you'll need to move to a new chunk eventually, but I'm wondering just when that might be.
  25. Decay for drinks - Freshness

    You make some valid points, I'd actually say the trade off would better be represented in that a leather skin could hold more and doesn't break, while the jug can't hold as much and does break occasionally, however the jug keeps whatever liquid fresh longer than the leather skin does. Either way though, it still feels like the system you propose would be more of an annoyance than a hindrance and it doesn't sound like very much fun in that case.