Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. I have finished/updated a texture pack that is PureBDCraft Shpax style. Most credit goes to XuIIIHuKand his pack, all i did was update it to work with newest TFC and add some texture that weren't in the pack. Version 2.2-(MC: 1.7.10 - TFC: 79.15): Dropbox Link to texture pack- 100% (to myknowledge, if something is missing let me know and I will try to add it)
  2. TerraFirmaCraft 2 for 1.8

    So i wasnt sure where to put this, but here goes. Something that crossed my mind with the 1.8 rewite of TFC was if it would share the old forum and wiki sites or if it would use a new one. i guess it would all depend on the level of changes between versions as well as any additions, but i just wanted to see if the makers had and thoughts on the matter.
  3. Hello everyone my username is darknighht257 and I have been playing minecraft for a guesstimate of 3ish year , I started right before the 1.6.4 update, and I have been playing terrafirmacraft for around half that, so , year and a half give or take. Threw the years I have played tons and tons of mods, I barely even played vanilla and always wanted to make a mod for myself but the one time I tried, I ended up deleting all of minecraft's source files so I never really tried again. Being older now and more experienced with mods in general i would really like to give it another try, but this time I want to make mods for tfc. So basically what I am asking is, were would be a good place to start, like obviously I can just Youtube it but I was wondering if anyone knew maybe a specific video, or maybe a website, any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Hello and welcome to my brand new server! There is player VS. player, raiding is allowed, the world is fairly new (as of the time of making this post) so there is a lot of resources for new players to use. There is No whitelist on this server and I will be installing some plugins later on such as Towny. Server IP:
  5. Hey guys, I'm sort of new to TFC but I've enjoyed playing it the past couple days. I can host a 4-8Gb server with hamachi if anyone is willing to play with me. I would prefer if you had skype (A mic isn't required) If you're down to playing then add my skype tifk57.Looking forward to playing (:
  6. TreeTech network TFC b79.13 Server - [Whitelisted] We are no longer accepting applications due to some issues. Not accepting applications until further notice. Hosted out of Canada! The TreeTech network is a small network of servers (TFC, Vanilla, and more to come) We have very nice players and staff and our TFC server is based around Towny and the TerraFirmaCraft mod. It's lots of fun making towns with your friends! We accept new players all the time and the whitelist application is simple: In-game-name: Main interests: How long have you played TFC for?: Age: What do you build: How long have you played Minecraft For?: What will you contribute to the community?: What is your personality like?: SERVER RULES: 1.1: No greifing. Period.2.1: No theft. Period.3.1: Keep chat clean.3.2: No profinity3.3: No rude / mean comments for no good reason.3.4: Any shape or form of cyberbullying through the server chat will not be tolerated.3.5: No homophobia!3.6: No racsisim.4.1: Build a minimum of 150+ blocks from spawn. We want to keep a pretty clean spawn area.4.2: Collect resources 150+ blocks from spawn. Again we want to keep spawn pretty.STAFF:TFC Staff include:TFC-Mod: 15Darkstar15 (Nick)TFC-Admin: sierzoe (Zoë)TFC-Admin: Werrt12345 (Aaron)TFC-Owner: AwesomeBlock2000 (John)The mods are:TFC.1.7.10.b79.13 [Download]The plugins we run are:TownyGroupManagerLocketteHealthBarCoreProtectEssentials (Essentials Chat and Essentials Spawn)World GuardWe have been running since 1.4 (2012) as a vanilla server. MinecraftForum for vanilla server coming soon!If you are accepted I will PM you the IP
  7. TFC series focused on Building, If you guys have any requests on what you would like to see built other than what I have in mind (Blacksmith, furnace, standard home, Barn, windmill etc) then leave a comment and I will be more than happy to accommodate. Here are some of my builds in general (PlanetMinecraft--Imgur--Youtube). Episodes will be listed below with URL's along with a link to a full playlist for convenience. Please note this series is not centered around exploring all the new features of the mod and so on and so forth. It is ONLY for building, every now and then I may show a grinding episode on what you will need for the build but this is assuming you have some knowledge of TFC. Enjoy. EP1 EP2 EP3 (NEW) PLAYLIST TECHN0B.
  8. Hello fellow terraFirmacrafters. I think a Great expantion Pack would be the Millanaire mod crossover. what the Millanaire mod is about is basicallykingdoms in minecraft There's Trading, war, politics, army's, and kings I don't know Anything about how to code and I need your help to make it My suggestions are . A Kingdom With MORE than one Village (an actual nation) . technology and research (Something that you have to craft called a Research table where you have to keep the Gui open and put paper in it, its very grindy and the chance to discovera newalloy or the bloomery is very low and you have to gain the knowledge before you can craft it) . believable culture Etc. skin color, building style all based on where they are in the world. . become a King (to conquer a city you need to hire some peasants give them weapons and CHARGE! and after that it becomes almost like Sid Meier's civilization series if any of you know what that is :3) Anyway I hope one of you guys could make it I would reallyappreciate it.
  9. Hey guys- I really love the little jingle that it makes when you get an achievement (at least, I think that's the event). Is there any way to access that file? I've already expanded the .jar file and looked under 'sound', and that contains .ogg files of the music and other sounds like the bellows and rooster crow, but not what I'm looking for. Further inside there are .class files for events that I suspect may contain the sounds somehow but I'm not literate enough to figure it out. Thanks for your help!
  10. Basic survival Getting started Using the saw Prospectors pick Charcoal Pit
  11. I accidentally played TerraFirmaCraft with the latest version of Minecraft (1.7.10), and not with forge. Now when I try to play with forge, and in version 1.6.4 of MC, it crashes. Help please. Crash Report:
  12. This is a TerraFirmaCraft server!Download the Launcher fromHERE No client modding needed! Just follow the instructions on the download page! What is TerraFirmaCraft? It's one of the most complex Minecraft mods. The amount of items and gameplay choices is limitless(almost).In TerraFirmaCraft you will have to work hard to find a way to do any basic things or you can just check their wiki (www. and challenging technology advancement tree. There are over a dozen different ores to discover and structures to build, such as a bloomery, to help you advance.New world generation with more trees and new biomes.Features Best hosting hardware, lag-free, 32 slots, dedicated server, 24/7, high uptime (>99%)Engaged social communityThe server uses LWC for protectionBrand new, HUGE map (32k*32k)The owners are 2 avid minecraft players that have been playing since alpha. (Staff is needed too)No whitelist! Anyone can join to try it out (completely!), if you like it, you may register for extended accessSmall, simple and straight to the point spawn, no fancy bullshit, jump right into the gameplay!Rules Use English in public chat.No griefing or massive harrasement.No modding, hacking, cheating.No foul language or other impolite behaviour. So what are you waiting for? Join us now right below !! Our website : Current server status (Updated in realtime) :Click me Server IP : Banner (Links aren't allowed in this forum) : Clicky!
  13. Hey guys! I have started a new series where I use this mod. I am really not good at this mod so you can expect to watch me fail and waste sooo many materials in the process! Hope you enjoy and if you did like it, feel free to subscribe
  14. This server is no longer running. I have started a new vanilla 1.8 server. Info at ------------------- I have setup my own server with the following: PVP is turned off. These have to be installed on your client: Forgecraft (1.6.4 Version) TFC 0.78.17 Extrafirma 1.0.4-1.6.4 Download and Info available here. The following have been added to the server for grief control: Fihgu's Protection Fihgu's Permission-These will allow a user to lock their chests and the area that they are building in, and only give access to others if they choose to share.- Information available here.Also added are: McMyAdmin My server currently only allows 10 concurrent users, but I will upgrade that if needed.This will be a whitelist server to start with so if you are interested send me the following (In a message)Minecraft User Name:Age:Region of the World:The server is hosted on a Microsoft Azure server and is available 24 hours a day. Minecraft may be set to go to sleep when no one is logged in to conserve resources, but will wake up as soon as someone wants to log in.The server is up and running so just send me your request and I'll get you added to the whitelist and send you the URL.
  15. If you are looking for a small community for TerraFirmaCraft with role-play and white list then this is the server for you! This server is completely Vanilla except for FTC and it's for people who wish to play in a tight community with active players that can converse and create a city wide trade system with lots of trade and conversing with 0 conflict and over 9000% fun. This server is fairly new and we are looking for around 10-15 players depending on how it goes. If you wish to join please make an application following this format: Application: Full Name: Time-Zone: Skype: yes or no? Ingame Name: Age: Experience with Minecraft: Experience with TFC: Why you wish to join: If your application is accepted you will be replied to and the servers IP will be sent to you via Private Message with an ETA of 30 minutes! (unless I'm nowhere to be found). Hope To See You There!!!
  16. TerraFirmaCraft Logo

    I made this but I don't know what to do with it. Feel free to make it into something.
  17. So here is where i post videos on how to get through day to day life in T.F.Cwithout the nonsense of having to listen to little kidsspitinginto the microphone or having to watch a let's playseriesabout TFC. Just a simple tothepoint! here it is. Guide to TerraFirmaCraft [T.F.C] First episode [basics to survive. I.e food water so on...] Second episode [ Ceramics and basic metalworking] Third episode [Essential metalworking and alloy making-Forge] Fourth episode [Advance iron-Basic steel. Quern-Blast furnace-Crucible] Fifth episode [black steel-Blue Steel-Red Steel.]
  18. Hello!, im hosting a new server. I would like it to be a medieval theme so please try to build in medieval style Server Required: [*]Terrafirmacraft Optional: [*]Dynamic Lights [*]Map Writer [*]Damage Indicator [*]Smart Moving Any mods or plugins that you would like to see on this server, please let me know Applications: Mods/Admin (1 Admin, 2 Mods) Minecraft Username: If a player was hacking, (which is against the rules and HIGHLY discouraged.) What would YOU do?: If a player was using inappropriate language (includes Racism, Homophobia and profanity, all of which are against the rules and strongly discouraged.) What would YOU do? Skype: (optional) Age: Applyingfor Admin or Mod?: Rules! Do-s:Tell your friends about this server.Build to the BEST of your ability.Play with Friends!Don'ts:DO NOT use inappropriate language, (Racism, Homophobia, Profanity)DO NOT build Crappy HousesDO NOT build near spawnDO NOT build 1x1 TowersDO NOT griefDO NOT hack (includes X-ray, nodus client, etc.DO NOT ask for items, if an admin is found giving itemsto lower ranked players, they will be instantly have their privileges revoked.DO NOT ask for OP, if an admin is found giving OPto lower ranked players, they will be instantly have their privileges revoked.
  19. We are having problems at Comcast's end. The server is now inactive. It may or may not come back Hello all, welcome to TerraForge. Rules: 1. Behave, pvp is on, but don't be abusive, i might also build an arena to placate everyone's bloodthirst in the future. 2. Raiding is allowed as long as it is a retribution or if the place you found is abandoned (ask before doing anything). 3. Swearing and offensive jokes in chat are allowed, just don't overdo it, also behave in chat. Server IP: --------- Technical difficulties Server Info: This is a server dedicated with 4 gigs of RAM running 95% uptime with a prime internet connection, 20 player slots and is using the following mods and plugins: TerraFirmaCraft ExtraFirma MyTown TradeBooths (To Incentivate player trade) SmartMoving And with the Essentials Plugin Simple installation of the modpack is as follows: Download the precompiled pack and install and play. *MultiMC is highly recomended but not needed (It's a great tool to have). We hope to see you here.
  20. Hello everyone, Krimarie here! I have recently started a new Terrafirmacraft series on my channel! Here is the first video, I hope you enjoy! Have a wonderful, wonderful day! Playlist for series:
  21. TerraFirmaCraft Barbaric Survival [bS] Vanilla TFC Server Barbaric Survival is a vanilla, TFC, whitelisted server. The server has been running for some time now on a new higher performance server host; fully equipped and ready to play, with a new map as of January 3rd, 2014. We are a smaller community of well acquainted members, engaging in friendly activity with each other playing TFCaft. We're happy to meet new people from any part of the world, as long as language isn't to much of a barrier. Our community members are very trustworthy, easy going and easy to get along with. If you enjoy living in towns, building villages with other members, or cabins deep in the woods, working with others in small groups or going lone wolf; we welcome you here at Barbaric Survival. BS is recommended for members ages 18 and up. The server is 100% Survival/Vanilla TFC, meaning no API and no plugins added, as well no additional mods (other then FastCraft, as recommended for performance enhancement). We have a subreddit for members of Barbaric Survival to discuss topics on the server, and to converse and share with each other, as well to be updated on news and content that is server related. Please visit, to find out more. Please contact me on redditwith any questions or concerns. TFC Version: Beta 0.79.17 IP: Some screenshots of our community from the previous world, taken by myself and other members of the server. Rules: If you are not going to be active for an extended amount of time, you must notify me(WetCheerios) of the time you will be gone and the reason for your leave, otherwise you will beremoved from the whitelist on this server.(*Important)There is a Soft World Border limit in place, please don't exceed a 2000 block radius around spawn unless a specific resource cannot be found within it.(*New)Please don't raid or steal from others.Unless mutually agreed upon, don't kill other players.No Hacks or additional Mods that may give you an upper hand (mini maps are fine), we want everyone to be equal and fair.Please don't abuse bugs or glitches in the mod, and if you find any please report them to me and/or the TerraFirmaCraft community.Please only farm the amount of animals needed for you to survive on the server, as mass farms can cause issues.Just use that noggin of yours and you'll do just fine (Common Sense). *Update: New Official Map! Released January 3rd, 2015. **Update: Whitelisting is currently CLOSED, please do not leave an application as it will not be answered. Whitelisting Application Form (Please apply in the reply section below.): Age: Minecraft Username: Why would you like to join?: What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Any additional information that might help your case: Time zone, location, name(*Optional):
  22. Hello and welcome to... Let's play TerraFirmaCraft! Come with me as I brave the wilderness in order to build a new civilization! New episode every few days! First Episode Second Episode Third Episode Fourth Episode Fifth Episode PlayList :
  23. TFC coremod download?

    I tried to install terrafirmacraft (for 1.6.4)but forge says it needs terrafirmacraft core. The download guides on the wiki do not say you need the core but other websites do. I cannot seem to find a download of this core. Can anybody help me?
  24. Hello gentlemen! If you would like to join this wonderful server, you must get Terrafirmacraft, and Custom NPCs. You can get smart moving for a better experience, but it is optional. So! Once you have Terrafirmacraft, and Custom NPCs, you will be able to join this server. LINKS FOR MODS: TerraFirmaCraft: Ancient Warfare Mod: (OPTIONAL)(Get Player API Forge 1.0) Smart Moving (14.6): Custom NPCs: Server IP Adress: By the way, if you need help, than follow these steps in order to install the mod. Step 1. Open your minecraft, and make a profile. Call it whatever you want, but make sure the version is 1.6.4Step 2. Launch the profile you just made. And once it is at the main screen of minecraft, quit the game.Step 3. Go to and search "Minecraft Forge Downloads"Step 4. Then, on the far right, next to 1.6.4 Latest, click the Installer Version.Step 5. Open ito once it is downloaded, and click install client.Step 6. Go onto your minecraft launcher and delete the profile you made that you called whatever you wanted, that was 1.6.4.Step 7. Rename the forge profile that minecraft forge generated.Step 8. Launch the profile you renamed.Step 9. Then, when its at the main menu, quit the game.Step 10. Go to this link: 11. Click on the "terrafirmacraft" link, and then click download terrafirmacraft.Step 12. Once the TFC 7zip/winrar (whatever archiving program you use) folder is done downloading, go to start, and type %appdata%, and then press ENTER. Then click on .minecraft and then click on mods.Step 13. Drag TFC 7zip/winrar folder into your mods folder. To get to your mods folder read step 12.Step 14. Go to the link in step 10 again, and click on the custom npcs link.Step 15. Scroll down till you see Download. Underneath download should be Older downloads. Click Older downloads.Step 16. Click Custom Npcs 1.6.2/1.6.4 And download it.Step 17. Drag the custom npcs 7zip/winrar folder, into your mods folder.Step 18. Go to the Ancient Warfare link, and click the first link, the download.Step 20. Drag the AW jar file into your mods folder.Step 21. Open minecraft,and use the TerraFirmaCraft profile, which is the original Forge profile that you renamed in step 7.Step 22. Launch the game, and join the server using the ip at the link in step 10.Step 23. If you had the patients to do all this, well, I am proud of you. Have fun on the server!P.S If you wanted Smart Moving, which is also on the server, Ask me for help on the server. You do not need smart moving to play on the server, as I said, it is an optional mod.Have fun on the server!Here is a picture of the server.
  25. Заметки по игре на сервере, о действующих и будущих игроках, игровому Миру и его принципам Вы можете играть как один, так и в команде, это естественное желание каждого и администрация не в праве вам навязывать какой то свой выбор. Но мы не хотим чтобы на сервере начинался хаос, неприязнь друг к другу, чтобы кто то, уходил из за кого то или портил отношения с кем либо. Мне кажется, если возникнут какие то спорные вопросы, между племенами, или одиночками, мы сообща, постараемся решить все по справедливости, либо по обоюдному согласию сторон(пвп,войны,набеги и прочие нюансы) С прошлым составом игроков, у нас не было ВООБЩЕ ни каких проблем, надеюсь так будет и дальше! Помните только что нарушение, моральных правил, и тех что прописаны на сервере, наказываются исключением из вайт-листа без возврата пожертвований и реабилитации игрока в дальнейшем Не портите внешний вид Спавна если не умеете строить по теме и красиво, его строили для вас, но не вы, я не думаю что вы будете рады, если в вашу постройку внесет администрация или кто то другой, свои коррективы. Как вы заметили, на сервере нет привата, зачем он нужен если вы все, нормальные люди которые пришли поиграть в свое удовольствие, не мешая ни кому. Если вы хотите, вы можете ограничить свою территорию забором или еще какими то указателями, на вашей территории(если еще нет дома) или доме, должна быть табличка с указанием чей это дом, или территория, так же название племени,если вы в нем состоите. Зачем это нужно? ну например, во избежании дележки шахты с ресурсами, или прекрасного ландшафта который вам понравился и вы решите построить там тематическую постройку, ну или для отпугивания ваших "врагов" если они у вас есть, или ваш соплеменник, зайдет на огонек перекусить и поесть не боясь напороться на враждующее племя, ну или к вам в дом забежал человек, который у вас в принципе никогда не жил, и "другом" вашим не был, но он усердно ковыряет ваши посевы и сундуки, и об этом грифере сообщат администрации Если вы решили переехать - такое очень часто бывает, прошу вас, как игрок и администратор, уберите свой дом, засыпьте ямы, приведите хотя бы внешне территорию к первоначальному виду, посадите деревья или цветы Чем будет приятнее смотреть на этот Мир, нам, тем больше будет желания у других, посетить наш сервер, да и страшный вайп, отодвинется на долгое время. Есть такие люди, в многих играх,у которых получается попасть в струю, вылезти в "топ", а есть и наоборот, тут, на сервере, да как и во многих играх, играют ради себя и для себя, я не запрещаю вам, помогать друг другу, или отказывать в помощи кому либо и чем либо, но поймите, например - у вас есть все, вы потратили кучу времени на игру, добились всего, получили тот кайф от игры, который хотели, не портите предвкушение его другим людям. Не стоит слишком много просить и слишком много давать, первый зарабатывает репутацию попрошайки, а второй своими действиями сокращает желание играть первого по тому что у него это уже есть, хоть он даже не знает как это добыть, ну и воспитывает в первом, что ему должны все, включая администрацию, за это буду наказывать. Так же хочется отметить, приватный,закрытый сервер тем и прекрасен, что на нем не играет 100500 человек, вас мало Мир огромен, в нем достаточно еды и воды, так же и островов, и гор, и ресурсов,да не спорю, бывают ситуации, вот идешь с добычей через тысячи кубов к своему дому, вот-вот умрешь от голода или засухи, а в паре метров чужой дом со всеми благами цивилизации, попросите у хозяина думаю он вам не откажет, если хозяина нет, уведомьте администрацию или соседей или друзей хозяина дома что вы у него были и что то взяли, чтобы вас не обвинили в воровстве, не поленитесь вернуть взятые вещи или посадить на место "выкопанной катрошки" новую, и прочее, оставайтесь людьюми! Тема будет дополняться по мере вдохновения автора. Unfortunately servert interested in only the Russian community : ( Доброго времени суток, любители мода TerraFirmaCraft! Хочу Вам предложить приватный сервер для игры, мы планируем развиваться и улучшать в дальнейшем, так как мы сами играем в этот мод и изучаем его. Отсутствие лагов, быстрое решение проблем, если таковые появляются, возможность взаимодействия игроков и администрации,мы создадим сообща такой сервер TerraFirmaCraft, в который вы сами захотите играть! Что же мы предлогаем : Приватный сервер с white-list Собственный лаунчер [1.6.4] TerraFirmaCraft 0.78.17(мод, усложняющий режим выживания в сторону реализма) Приятная компания и интересное общение! Аддон ExtraFirma (Добавляет эстетики в мир TerraFirmaCraft, свечи, лампы, книжные полки, арбалеты, медецина и прочее.) SmartMoving (Добавляет анимацию, новые движения, возможность забираться на высокие выступы) ReiMiniMap (Удобная миникарта) DamageIndicators ( Индикатор жизни, урона) В дальнейшем возможно расширение аддонов! Вы можете пройти собеседование и начать играть! мой Skype: SamuelDeadKing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good day , lovers of fashion TerraFirmaCraft! We are engaged in the game servers over the past two years , and successfully cope with all the difficulties and problems. I want to offer a private server for the game , we opened it recently, but his plan to develop and improve in the future , as we are playing this mod and study it. Lack lags quick fix , if any appear , interoperability players and administration, together we will create a server TerraFirmaCraft, in which you do want to play! What we offer: Private server white-list Net launcher Version 1.6.4 TerraFirmaCraft 0.78.17 ( mod complicating survival mode towards realism ) Addon ExtraFirma ( Adds aesthetics to the world TerraFirmaCraft, candles, lamps , bookshelves , crossbows, and other medetsina . ) SmartMoving ( Adds animation , new moves , the ability to climb high ledges ) ReiMiniMap ( Easy minimap ) DamageIndicators ( LED lifetime , damage ) In the future possible extension addons ! You can pass the interview and start playing ! My Skype: Samueldeadking