Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. To release or not?

    Hey so, I have a question to put to the community. So after fiddling with Cauldron for weeks, I decided it's more work than it's worth at present. Instead I put together an anarchy server, plain TFC (plus fastcraft)no plugins, no supporting mods;and at the moment it's serving as a server amongst friends. PvP is left on, which is intentional for a number of reasons, and ideally I'd like to open it up to the public but I have a concern. Even with fastcraft I'm sure TFC increases in it's requirements per player significantly, and last I checked there's a reasonable number of people looking for a non-whitelisted TFC server where PvP isn't outright turned off. So my question is: Do I release it publicly? I don't like whitelists, I don't like PvE exclusive, both for a large number of reasons. But should I even be worried about getting too many players? And if that becomes the case, is this the kind of community where players will pitch in to help with costs should they increase past my means? Any adviceis appreciated.
  2. Black Sky server issue

    i started a server on the FTB launcher using the server pack you can download , but when i go into the server there is a black sky
  3. Need Cracked TFC Servers

    So I just started playing TFC and I found out it was fun, but I think it's a bit lonely, so I decided to play on a server But I play cracked Minecraft, so I'm only able to join cracked Minecraft servers ): Any kind of serversthat's always online (I mean that they don't shutdown for a long time or forever) I don't care if it's a small server or a big one, just that it's cracked (: Well you can just create one and advertise it so it gets more people on (: Also please give the server IP address and website page If you have one thats working I will edit this so that it'll show up Here Note 1: I play TeamExtreme Minecraft Launcher, it supports Forge(I don't know why) Note 2: If it doesn't have one its OK if it is yours create one please
  4. I don't really know how to get on servers, and my computer wont run TechnoFirmacraft. My friends haven't really played terrafirmacraft, but i still would like someone to play with that is at least 20 years of age. Sorry young fellows. Its personal preference. I have a lot of skill playing, and I'm rather intelligent. Id like someone around the same or more than one person. Lemme Know Thanks!!!
  5. UPDATE! Changed VPS to one with better resources and new host! Updated server info below! Greetings everyone, JSparrowist here! I setup a dedicated TerraFirmaCraft server and would like to share it with you all! I have a couple simple rules that must be followed! 1. Be respectful of others! If you cannot follow this simple rule, please don't bother joining! 2. No Griefing! Period! Destroying someone else's hard work for fun will not be tolerated and you will be banned! 3. No PvP! This may change should enough players desire the ability. As of right now PvP is disabled. As mentioned this is a dedicated server running on my VPS and will maintain as much up-time as my VPS host can offer, which so far is 99%.I will be actively playing on my own server and available to admin said server when not playing. I will provide contact details in case of emergency. Server Details: Server Address: Server IP: Server Port: 25565 Server Mods: Default Vanilla Install. Server Admins: JSparrowist, KennyRY Admin Contact: JSparrowistin game. Jack Sparrow on Steam. [email protected] via email. Checked Immediately. Ninjaskill TerraFirmaCraft will need admins other than myself and will actively recruit admins from the player base that are known to be nice and provide help or assistance to others in need. Lets be helpful to those who are new and wish to learn this wonderful mod! New mods in addition to the base TerraFirmaCraft will be considered as long as they do not alter the base game play and have something worth while to add. Have a mod you would like to see on the server? Simply request it using the contact above! I would like to keep this as simple as possible to join for the moment though. Thank you for your time and I hope to survive with you in game! Sincerely, JSparrowist
  6. ACTUALLY IM NOT ACCEPTING MORE REQUESTS FOR PERSONAL REASONS REMEMBER, THIS IS NOT A MODPACK SERVER, THIS ONLY USES TFC 1stOF ALL: THE TFCSERVER WILL BE NOW RE-OPENED! IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE TO:[email protected] EL SERVIDOR DE TFC ESTARÁ AHORA RE-ABIERTO! SI TIENES PREGUNTAS POR FAVOR ENVÍAME UN MENSAJE A:[email protected] 2nd OF ALL: NOW IF YOU WANT TO JOIN IN THIS SERVER PLEASE FILL THIS APPLICATION FORM:CLICK HERE! AHORA SI QUIERES ENTRAR EN ESTE SERVIDOR POR FAVOR LLENA ESTE FORMULARIO: ¡HAZ CLICK AQUÍ! 3thOF ALL: LOOK DOWN FOR INFO ABOUT THE SERVER MIRA ABAJO PARA VER INFORMACIÓN DEL SERVIDOR 4thOF ALL: IF YOU JOINED BUT YOU DON'T PLAY AN ENTIRE WEEK IN THE SERVER YOU WILL BE KICKED AND OTHER WILL REPLACE YOU(WHEN WE GET 30 MINECRAFTERS JOINED)(THIS IS TO LET NEW PEOPLE JOIN) SI HAS ENTRADO PERO NO JUEGAS DURANTE UNA SEMANA SERÁS EXPULSADO DEL SERVIDOR Y TE REEMPLAZARÁN(CUANDO TENGAMOS 30 MINECRAFTIANOS UNIDOS) (ESTO ES PARA QUE NUEVOS SE UNAN) PREGUNTAS SOBRE EL SERVIDOR [ESPAÑOL[ ¿Este servidor tiene plugins o algo así?No, es un servidor *puro*, eso quiere decir que no hay protecciones de ningun tipo, obviamente no voy a incluir a cualquiera ¿Está hosteado en un servidor privado?Si, es un host privado. Su pagina web la puedes encontrar aquí: ¿Cuanta RAM tiene el servidor?Este servidor tiene RAM ilimitada. Eso quiere decir 0% lag ¿El mundo es pre-generado?Si ¿Que normas tiene el servidor? No está permitido robar ni destruir/construir en casas ajenas, eso quiere decir que para construir al lado de alguien necesitas primero el permiso de la persona que está allí No insultar Solo puedes hablar en el chat principal en español o inglés No está permitido preguntar por moderador o administrador ni se puede pedir objetos. No puedeshacer publicidad de otros servidores ¿Qué versión tiene el servidor?1.7.10 ¿Qué versión de forge utiliza? (Pero creo que puedes utilizar la versión también) ¿El servidorposeelista blanca?Si ¿Cuanto tiempo está el servidor abierto? 24/7 ¿El servidor se reinicia solo?Si, cada 6 horas SERVER QUESTIONS [ENGLISH] Does this server have plugins or something? No, it is a *pure* server, that means no protection of any kind, obviously I will not include anyone Is it hosted on a dedicated server? Yes, is a hosted server. The host's page is here: [The server I bought is an Minecraft Unlimited] How much RAM have this server?This server have unlimited ram. And doesn't lag, Is the world pre-generated? Yes What rules have this server? No griefing or stealing allowed. That means that you need to talk with the user that has a house builded and talk with him if you want to build in a specific area No swearing You can talk in main chat only in Spanish/English It is not allowed to ask for moderator or administrator and ask for items You can't advertise another servers Version of the server?1.7.10 Forge version of the server? I think that will work to) The server is whitelisted?Yes How much time is open? 24/7 The server restarts itself?Yes, every 6 hours
  7. My Village

    This is my village build for our server. The idea began with a tavern I saw in a BBC article. I built a replica of that tavern on one server, rebuilt it on my current one and have continued building from there. It's still a work in progress but I hope you enjoy it. Also if you would like to see more pictures from this village and others on the server check out our gallery @
  8. Anyone wants mod pack coop?

    I don't have a really powerful PC, I can play with 3 or 4 people max. Unless someone else wants to host it for me. I can send the modpack by e-mail.
  9. Hi. It is Christmas, and for me that means some free time for playing videogames. So I put up a TFC server, (might add some mods?) but what is a server without anyone to play with? So I’d like to start a little community! I feel TFC is best experienced when playing multiplayer. So if you want to join, feel free to leave a comment or just add me on Skype: [email protected] Would be great if you could add some information like this: 1.) Name? 2.) IGN? 3.) Age? 4.) How often will you play? 5.) Skype? Would like if you were interested in talking, because I think that makes for the best multiplayer experience. The world will start when someone joins. It is a dedicated server so the serve would be online 24/7. Right now I have these mods installed: -TFC Cellar Mod -TCF Decorations I’ll be happy to help if anyone need help installing those mods.
  10. Hi guys! How's it going?? I'm looking to start a community TFC Server with some good people!! I have already purchased the server, now i'm just waiting for people to be part of the community. There are 3+ Gbs of ram dedicated to the small community server so lag is not an issue here! Free bed upon joining!! (If i'm online) Sequoia Trees at spawn! I have created a folder with the mods installed on the server which are: 1.) Terrafirmacraft 79.24 (Of course) 2.) TFCcellarsAddon 3.) TFCUdaryMod 4.) Decorations (Have not updated mod pack yet) Download Rules!!: Respect everyone No Stealing No Immature behavior Have fun If you read the rules include "stone age" in your app To join, just fill in the application below 1.) Name? 2.) IGN? 3.) Age? 4.) How often will you play? 5.) Skype? (Only so i can notify you when you have being whitelisted & send you the ip) I look forward to hearing from you!
  11. Salut à tous ! La Nativ Gaming à ouvert un serveur publique basé sur un modpack entièrement créer de nos petites mains centré sur le mod Terrafirmacraft, évidemment. L'expérience que l'on vous propose se rapproche d'un Banished, voire d'un Animal Crossing, où vous êtes un des habitants en quête de reconstruction où chacun a son métier et contribue à l'évolution de la communauté dans le but d'atteindre un âge prospère de technologie moderne. Certes il n'y aura pas de PVP ni choses du genre dans un futur immédiat, cependant il n'est pas exclu que des événements et autres évolutions viennent pimenter votre vie d'exilé. Avec une base de semi-RP, le chat vocal en jeu renforce l'immersion déjà bien présente et rend notre village plus vivant que jamais. Un système d'urbanisation et de terrains est à disposition des joueurs permettant de faire des parcelles personnelles et de ventes privées. Les métiers sont -pour l'instant- répartis en deux catégories et comportent : Collecte de ressources: - Forestier - Agriculteur - Mineur - Cuisinier - Éleveur Artisanat: - Menuisier - Bâtisseur - Décorateur - Forgerons - Électricien Certains mods se rajoutent donc à Terrafirmacraft pour compléter l'expérience de jeu déjà bien changée avec ce seul mod. Quelques exemples : Electical age, Gliby's voice chat, Mr Crayfish, Progression, ainsi que les addons à TFC comme Cellar et Merchant. The link for this server has been redacted due to violation of Minecraft's EULA. A bientôt en jeu !
  12. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No):Yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. TFC Version #: Version #:cauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54Please note that an actual number must be provided for both of the above fields.Simply saying "current" or "latest" will result in your post being locked, due to the fact that in a large number of cases, users who say they are using the "latest" or "current" version are actually using an outdated version.SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer):ServerDescription:When I copy TerraFirmaCraft,TickProfiler and FastCraft,server don't want to run. When I remove all of mods - It works.OS: Arch Linux8 GB RAMi5-4570GTX 760Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No):YesIf you answered no to the above question, delete all 3 TFC config files (TFCCrafting, TFCOptions, TFCOre), do NOT edit or add to any of the files, and try to reproduce the bug.This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No):YesIf yes, which mods?1. TickProfiler2. FastCraftIf you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No):Yes,I have installed Cauldron for server.On normal Forge server TFC works perfectly.If you answered no to the above question, uninstall Optifine/Cauldron and try to reproduce the bug.Both Optifine and Cauldron edit the base classes of forge that TFC uses. Because of this, we cannot officially support any issues that happen only when these mods are installed.In the majority of cases, TFC is not causing the bug; Optifine/Cauldron is and TFC can do nothing to fix it.All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question.If you refuse to uninstall Optifine/Cauldron, and cannot reproduce the bug when the mods are not installed, do not bother making a bug report, as it will be locked and link of the Crash Report:
  13. Server Crash on certain occassions

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No): YES TFC Version #: 79.20Forge Version #: (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer):Description:Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No): NO, Because this is not my server and I currently have no access to it.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No): YESIf yes, which mods? Fastcraft (Server and Client)If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No): I don't have any of link of the Crash Report: NA (not my server) Hello Guys, long time no see. I've got a server up with 2 friends so we're 3 altogether but I currently have no access as of the time of this writing so I can't give as much information now but I guess this is a more general problem. Our server crashes semi-randomly, especially when travelling large distances and coming back, in other words, the travel is ok, but when you turn back to get home it crashes, it doesn't even depend on how far you travel, we had crashes when we were like 1 km away. It happens pretty rare but it's a really annoying bug, basically one of us who has been on the voyage (everybody can experience this bug) bugs out and the server crashes. OK, we logged one after another in to check who has the corrupt files or whatever creates this bug, we guess it's a memory leak. The one guy that bugs out, when he logs back in, he spawns in a void-area and falls down all the time (a common thing in Minecraft actually). So we have a workaround which is quite a pain in the back: Reloading the entire player by killing his files and then giving back the inventory and xp and whatever. This can't be the proper solution so I'm asking for either better workarounds or a fix all around, maybe we overlooked something. Help greatly appreciated, Many loves and kisses.
  14. Hello all!This is a server for those who like TechNodeFirmacraft and want to play in a community!Mining together. having a pro smith, giant factories run by actual people and not machines, its all possible as long as the players want it to be possible!Thats why this server is whitelisted, if you want to join you should really first have some TFC experience and some TNF (TechNodeFirmacraft).Also I and I hope you to, would like all builds to be realistic, it stays TFC ofcourse, AND FIX YOUR CREEPER HOLES!TNF: Server:24/7EU hostedCreeperhost Zombie (not the best but luckly this isnt a heavy pack)Interested:If you'd like to join please react to this post or send me a private message or send an mail to: [email protected] containing the answers to the following questions:What is your IGN?What is your real name?Do you have skype, and if you do what is your name? (please do, you have a better chance of being accepted)What is your TFC Experience?What is your TNF experience?Why you? (promote yourself)What are your specialties? (Mining, Farming, Building, Smithing, Making those nice machines)I would be glad to see you soon on this TNF fan made server!-Itsa me Stephen
  15. [Solved] Server Mods issue

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No):Yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. TFC Version #:0.79.18Forge Version #: note that an actual number must be provided for both of the above fields.Simply saying "current" or "latest" will result in your post being locked, due to the fact that in a large number of cases, users who say they are using the "latest" or "current" version are actually using an outdated version.SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer):SMPDescription:I start upa server, andI got everything running smoothly,all the files are in place, etc. I open up TFC, and go to multiplayer, first issue under the connection bars, there is a red X, when hovering over it, it says Incompatible FMLmodded server present, and under that 5 mods present,I continue and hit join and it saysMod rejections [FMLMod;terrafirmacraft[0.79.18]] Ireceived no crash logs, or reports.Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No):YesIf you answered no to the above question, delete all 3 TFC config files (TFCCrafting, TFCOptions, TFCOre), do NOT edit or add to any of the files, and try to reproduce the bug.This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No): NoIf yes, which mods?If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No):If you answered no to the above question, uninstall Optifine/Cauldron and try to reproduce the bug.Both Optifine and Cauldron edit the base classes of forge that TFC uses. Because of this, we cannot officially support any issues that happen only when these mods are installed.In the majority of cases, TFC is not causing the bug; Optifine/Cauldron is and TFC can do nothing to fix it.All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question.If you refuse to uninstall Optifine/Cauldron, and cannot reproduce the bug when the mods are not installed, do not bother making a bug report, as it will be locked and link of the Crash Report:
  16. FORGOTTEN MIRIAS ForgottenMirias is the server TFC of the Italian community Forgottenworld, the server is started on 01.04.2015 and has a new map, anyone who wants to join us is welcome! Forum: Launcher: TS: Dynmap: MOD/ADDON: TerraFirmaCraft-0.79.15 BiblioCraft Carpenters Blocks CraftHeraldry CustomNPCs ElectricalAge_BETA MineTweaker NEI TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin Waila-Mod WailaHarvestability YeGamolChattels Lanterns LeatherWaterSac Merchants TFCUdaryMod PLUGINS: ChestShop CombatTagInstakill CoreProtect Essentials Towny
  17. Can someone show me to a Minigame server, if there is any?
  18. [*]Server Status: or 24 / 7 running Rules: Application: MISC: Mod Links: [*]Streams Mod [*]Cellars Mod [*]Water Sac Additional Help & Information: [*]Server Idle To prevent the server ticking (Food decay etc.) the server goes in standby-mode when no player is online. Therefore Dynmap is sadly not available when no player is logged in. [*]Shader Config if you wish to use shaders with custom water blocks including Streams river blocks, edit your shader's gbuffers_wqater.wsh file to replace the line:if (mc_Entity.x == 8 || mc_Entity.x == 9) {with the following line:if (mc_Entity.x == 8 || mc_Entity.x == 9 || mc_Entity.x == 426 || mc_Entity.x == 427 || mc_Entity.x == 428 || mc_Entity.x == 429 || mc_Entity.x == 430 || mc_Entity.x == 431 || mc_Entity.x == 500 || mc_Entity.x == 501 || mc_Entity.x == 502 || mc_Entity.x == 503 || mc_Entity.x == 504 || mc_Entity.x == 505 || mc_Entity.x == 506 || mc_Entity.x == 507 || mc_Entity.x == 508 || mc_Entity.x == 509 || mc_Entity.x == 510 || mc_Entity.x == 511 || mc_Entity.x == 512 || mc_Entity.x == 513 || mc_Entity.x == 514 || mc_Entity.x == 515 || mc_Entity.x == 516) { [*]Server Hardware: CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1271 v3 @ 3.60GHz (8 Cores) Uplink: 1000 Mbit Ram : 6GB true Ram [*]Server IP / Adress
  19. [Solved] Need Help With TFC server

    Hello I'm new to TFC Just wondering if I need to put anything special in Level-Type to have TFC terrain gen on my server Thanks
  20. I`m having a problem. I`ve set up the server just as the official guide told me to, and it seems to be working. The important thing; I´ve set it up with hamachi. When Im in minecraft and try to log onto the server it seems to work perfectly, the world generates fine and i can do all the normal tfc stuff, but my friends cant connect to the server even though they´re connected to hamachi. So my question/problem, does tfc servers work with hamachi and if so, how do I fix this problem? Please help, it would be much appreciated!
  21. Hello im looking for a few people to start a small server. I'm looking for people that are mature enough not to grief and raid each other but like to have fun, are 15 or over and know the basics of tfc. Application Name: Ign: Age: Why you want to join: What skills you would bring to the server: How often would you play: Skype:
  22. You guys asked for it and here we are bringing it to you. That's right, a modpack with TFC as the base mod and many progression options later on, including but not limited to Thaumcraft, Progressive Automation, Automagy, even Hardcore Questing mode directing you all the way through TFC! It doesn't even end there! Continue reading if you are intrigued: Features: Significant increased difficulty in early game thanks to TerraFirmaCraft. 200+ Quests planned (currently 100+, will be updated continually through beta) to help learn new mods and experience known mods in a new light. Mod integration and pack creation by Charles and CBro, rewriting recipes, new oreDict entries and changes to the value of items (Vanilla cobblestone is valuable, what?!). Brings back the fear of darkness from early MC, making shelters 100% absolutely necessary. A complete rebalance of fighting. An absolute overhaul of vanilla systems, including, health, food, hydration, sanity, physics, water mechanics, mining, encumbrance, storage/inventories, you name it. Everything is significantly more satisfying to accomplish, even gathering sticks to make torches (which has another complete overhaul). My only advice going into this pack is you need toforget everything you know about Minecraftand start unbiased. Mobs will act differently, they can hear you through walls and track you from what seems to be forever away. No punching trees anymore! Gravity and cave-ins are possible. Endgame is truly rewarding! No more plugging up a quarry hooked up to an infinite power cycle any more, there is nothing that is infinite, but there are fun loopholes to exploit and feel powerful about. Be the first one to find a new one! This modpack is like NOTHING you have ever seen before, remove all expectation because you will be surprised by everything. This is not Minecraft anymore, this is D.I.E. Currently the creators have over 150 hours into creating this pack and it has been in Alpha for months. It has been tested several times by the community over at and we feel as if it is ready for a public release. We are hosting a public server and would love to see you there! You will find us personally on our publicServer UPDATE: Released 0.9.1 with several updates, including lots more quests, the TFC lantern addon mod (thanks to grimbug for the suggestion) a lot of recipe balancing and mod updates. It was a focus on SP Stability as top priority and in those efforts made our server a lot more stable as well. Check out the Home Base for the full changlelog! How to Download: Currently the pack is hosted on theMineYourMind Launcher. Please take a look at our changelog, modpack list and credits over at ourHome Base. Sample of mods: TerraFirmaCraft Thaumcraft Automagy Progressive Automation Electrical Age Hardcore Questing Mod (100+ quests and challenges) Invasion Mod Nodal Mechanics SecurityCraft ZombieAwareness
  23. Hey guys, I'm sort of new to TFC but I've enjoyed playing it the past couple days. I can host a 4-8Gb server with hamachi if anyone is willing to play with me. I would prefer if you had skype (A mic isn't required) If you're down to playing then add my skype tifk57.Looking forward to playing (:
  24. TreeTech network TFC b79.13 Server - [Whitelisted] We are no longer accepting applications due to some issues. Not accepting applications until further notice. Hosted out of Canada! The TreeTech network is a small network of servers (TFC, Vanilla, and more to come) We have very nice players and staff and our TFC server is based around Towny and the TerraFirmaCraft mod. It's lots of fun making towns with your friends! We accept new players all the time and the whitelist application is simple: In-game-name: Main interests: How long have you played TFC for?: Age: What do you build: How long have you played Minecraft For?: What will you contribute to the community?: What is your personality like?: SERVER RULES: 1.1: No greifing. Period.2.1: No theft. Period.3.1: Keep chat clean.3.2: No profinity3.3: No rude / mean comments for no good reason.3.4: Any shape or form of cyberbullying through the server chat will not be tolerated.3.5: No homophobia!3.6: No racsisim.4.1: Build a minimum of 150+ blocks from spawn. We want to keep a pretty clean spawn area.4.2: Collect resources 150+ blocks from spawn. Again we want to keep spawn pretty.STAFF:TFC Staff include:TFC-Mod: 15Darkstar15 (Nick)TFC-Admin: sierzoe (Zoë)TFC-Admin: Werrt12345 (Aaron)TFC-Owner: AwesomeBlock2000 (John)The mods are:TFC.1.7.10.b79.13 [Download]The plugins we run are:TownyGroupManagerLocketteHealthBarCoreProtectEssentials (Essentials Chat and Essentials Spawn)World GuardWe have been running since 1.4 (2012) as a vanilla server. MinecraftForum for vanilla server coming soon!If you are accepted I will PM you the IP
  25. Looking for a build 79 server, ideally running just terrafirmacraft. If they have their own modpack, that's ok, too. No pvp or griefing.