Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. The Night

    There might be quite a bit of controversy over this, but bear with me. The night is an extremely influential part of the minecraft experience. It drives the player to explore with caution and a watchful eye for the time and drives several fascinating pieces of emergent gameplay. For example: a consequence of the night is the tendency for one to maximize the efficiency of daytime activities by clustering functional buildings closer together, so it takes less time to get from point A to point B. It also incentivizes choosing a base location that coincides with more than one ore type to do the same. These aspects of emergent gameplay are wonderful, and really shape how the game is played, however there is a problem. The problem is the presence of the bed. Before we go any further i'd like to point out that this has nothing to do with the spawn setting aspect of the bed. The bed, while now slightlyfarther along in the progression than it was before, still cuts these wonderful bits of gameplay apart. As a result travel efficiency is no longer required on relatively short distances because a bed simply resets the clock to a safer time. Additionally, exploration becomes far less interesting than it otherwise could be. Though I refuse to do so, i find that many people I have asked simply carry a bed with them whenever they explore for some ore or mineral or rock type or even vegetable they need for their latest project. In doing so they make exploration extremely monotonous and remove a period of time that makes the game more enjoyable specifically because it breaks up that monotony into manageable chunks. This also effects having bases long distances from each other. Sometimes having a base very far away from your main is necessary because of some extremely rare substance found there. The journey between the main base and the outpost, however, is not incredibly exciting since you can just plop a bed down right before sundown, fall asleep, and then continue on your way. But if there were no beds you introduce a new form of emergent gameplay. i can imagine people building up networks of safehouses between there most far-flung outposts with various amenities to safeguard the player through the night. Ultimatey i find the solution vexing, since beds should not be removed entirely, since spawn setting is a useful part of the game, but on the other hand it would not be wise to simply remove the night-skipping aspect of the bed, for then beds have no intrinsic value over straw-and-hide mats. I believe I have come up with a fine solution to this. My suggestion is that the night skipping aspect of the bed be removed entirely, but to counter-balance this with respect to the straw-and-hide mat it should give some type of health bonus to the player through the course of a 24 hour period.
  2. Hello fellows! Here some suggestions I hope you people find usefull to implement in TFC. I searched to see if there's something like that already suggested, but found nothing. I apologise if its already suggested and I didn't spoted. 1ª) CLAY BOWL: made by molding 5 clay in the hand (the basic process, you know the drill), which should yield 2 bowls (much like ingot molds) that should be cooked. After that, the clay bowl is ready to use the same way the wooden one, except that: - it should be returned to the inventory after eating the meal made with it; (more resistent, easy to clean, so it should be reusable) - it should not be turned onto gold pan; - it could have a chance to break when used, like the jug. 2ª) WATER SKIN made by cuting a piece of leather with the knife into a specific shape (same process to make leather armour and other leather stuff): - It should have half the capacity of the jug; - it could also be filled with alcoholic beverage, not only water; - it doesn't breaks! =p - it's stackable when empty! xD 3ª) Cobblestone, stone bricks and brick blocks should NOT GO INSIDE CHESTS, much like logs - Cobblestone should be stocked like logs: right-clicking on the ground with one pieace opens the stock menu were you can place four stacks of four, making a pile of cobblestone that can be placed on top of each other without falling. Just like logs, really. - Stone bricks, made with a rock and the chisel, should be pilled up just like ingots, by right-clicking it on the ground or surface. - Brick blocks should not be stockable at all, or, at least, placed into piles like logs. Not into chests, no no no. Chests should be for small, light and medium items only. Heavy/huge items should all be piled. 4ª) Fertilizer production with rotten flesh (give it a use or take it out of the game, it makes me crazy!) and spoiled food. Since feces will never be implemented (I would find amusing to find digestive byproduct drops, just like eggs, hovering inside were I pastured my cattle), then, by all means, make rotten flesh and spoiled food usable into a process to make fertilizer: - when you cut the spoiled part off your food, instead of desapering, the spoiled part is made into a generic item called 'spoiled food'; all foods just give that same generic item; - on a multi-block shape just like the forge but made with dirt (it has to be dirt), you throw 8 pieces of rotten flesh or spoiled food and one bucket of water; - 12 ingame hours later (maybe more time depending on game balance), and voilà! You have a block of fertilizer, just like charcoal, that you have to mine with the shovel, just like charcoal, and will drop fertilizer items that you can use on your poor-managed farms to make you happy and well feed. That's all, folks! I hope you enjoy these suggestions. I have some more ideas, but I'll think on them a little bit more before posting. Cheers! Edit: Apologize in advance for my english, I'm not a native speaker. Feel free to correct me if I accidentaly murdered the english grammar.
  3. Cold Suggestions

    So ive been spending alot of time in the cold, and thought I would share a few of the things I wish I could do: First, there really needs to be an alternative source for thatch. In cold climates, grass virtually never grows. This makes settling down there much much harder, as there is no local resource for pit kilns. I suggest allowing us to create thatch from the reeds that grow in fresh water, or perhaps adding some taiga shrubbery that drops thatch. Second, let us harvest snowballs. I found a sneaky way around this using water, IE if water breaks a snow patch it still drops snowballs, but using a shovel or by hand, it does not. We should be able to acquire these objects, and build snow blocks from them. I like my igloos, and cultures through the eons have used snow as a building material. No sense in leaving it out of TFC. Im on the fence about snow blocks responding to gravity or not (igloos roofs are snow after all), maybe you can limit their range like the horizontal behavior of the support beams? Regardless of how that works, snow blocks should melt. Just a simple mechanic where they disappear when in + temperatures for prolonged periods of time. Third, I think that snow should be allowed to build up over time. In exceedingly cold places were the temperature rarely gets above 0, the snow should be allowed to pile up 3-4 deep on the map.The snow already somewhat does this by forming a layer, then a deeper layer over time. It would be cool if it continued to pile up until it became a solid block of snow (the snow block). It would be really really cool if snow could build up to 3-4 layers, then over time the bottom layer will turn to ice, and another layer could be added to the snow, setting some maximum of 2-3 layers of ice and the aforementioned 3-4 layers of snow. The ice part could be tricky, what with it reverting to water when its broken or melted, but the idea of natural and dynamic glaciers in TFC is very appealing to a frozen copper miner like myself. There should also be a greenhouse mechanic. If I was to build myself an enclosed area, that was lit well, had direct LoS to the sky (through glass), I should be able to regulate the temperature inside of it somewhat. I wouldnt be in favor of being able to grow any arbitrary plant on a glacier, but a green house should provide acceptable growing conditions for hardy plants. These suggestions just come from dealing with the hardship of living in the cold. IMHO, the dynamic weather conditions are one of the signature features of TFC. Why give us these awesome weather mechanics, but leave tech progression crippled for those who want to experience it.
  4. Don't ask what's in the soup

    The general idea is a cooking system involving the Iron Cauldron as a large stationary cooking system in much the same way as a barrel can for water, but positioned over a firepit and/or maybe forge. You fill up the container with an appropriate amount of water, toss in a bone, then add other ingredients to the soup. After stewing for around a day or so, the end resulting soup would contain all the nutritional material of the food used to create it, as long as the ratio of food to water was viable, similar to how bread works I believe but on a larger scale. As this requires a bloomery in order to access the wrought iron or pig iron to acomplish, this would be more of a mid-late game cooking upgrade up from bread's ability to double its weight from its base grain using only stone and wood. However, the soup would have to be scooped up into bowls, which could not have any decay removed from them after. A bowl of soup would only contain 5oz of food, requiring that anyone wanting to gain a large amount of food from soup would have to remain nearby the cauldron enough to keep refilling it. The cauldron was a centerpiece of peasant households during the dark ages, allowing them to cook a variety of foods by boiling them together, and keeping them preserved through an endless cooking process (though the longer food was boiled, the more the nutrients sank into the broth or burned away from heat). The role soup would play is mainly a food to prepare and eat while spending large amounts of time in your base, while saving more travelworthy foods for exploring.
  5. Slow down on animal model details

    What the title says - as time goes on, I see more and more steps towards making animal models closer to how they are looking in the real world. I thought about this and realized this isn't as amazing an option as that might sound. Reasons: 1. Style compromising. Minecraft has quite distinct blocky style to it. Mostly. More often than not shapes are parallel or perpendicular to each other, which fits well with the looks of the rest of this world. Higher model quality looks out of place in this. 2. Animation quality. There seems to be a great deal of compromises done in the engine's innate animation handlers and providers - models do not have turning, jumping, falling animation states, walking animation triggers on any movement, including entity being moved via minecart. I bet there's no real hooks for resolving these problems either. Now, for simplified default models that isn't a problem. However, as detail count increases, it starts to look more and more stupid. There's a reason "big" developers are starting to rely on motion capture as graphics get better. 3. AI. Not that it is an insolvable problem, but I myself will actually expect more detailed entities to behave more life-like. As far as I understand, these things are a massive PITA to code into minecraft, which is the reason we had so little in terms of mods that add and/or improve this particular aspect of the game as opposed to mods that simply add some plain blocks with "magic" machines and some tools (no matter the actual mechanics of said blocks and tools), and considering that most of aggressive mobs just charge the player head on, occassionally taking detours for navigating pits and walls. 4. Performance. This one is miniscule and the least of a concern out of all three, but I just felt like having three bullets to my point, so it's in there too. I'm not saying I don't like models Dunk is making, mind. All I'm saying is these models are far better being used somewhere else, and for TFC we need to have simplified ones with a not a lot more details than in current vanilla minecraft models have. I'd say twice as much body parts (that would make 12-18 pieces) should be a max number.
  6. Books

    The book writing in Minecraft was a major factor in many adventure maps. Up until the big latest command block update. In TFC you always start of with the innate ability to create a copper pick etc. There is no learning needed (Wiki help obviously). But my main thing I have noticed is that although yes you progress from Stone to copper etc. there is no way of documenting it in like a journal and there are no left over books lying around to 'teach' your character how to make these tools that is required, if I wasnt aware of the wiki I would have struggled to figure out what was needed however if there were like an abandoned villages or an in-game guide to tell you how to make the items (Or a sort of guru character to show you the path) then that would make it a lot more interactive and would allow you to progress in a realistic/believable fashion because nobody is born knowing how to tie their shoe laces for example. So if you included books then that would be an easy way of saying "Oh this book washed up on shore I wonder what it may include" and that is how you can get recipes etc. Also the ability to keep a little in game diary would be cool and cute
  7. Generate surface rocks near hot springs and fissures as a mix of the three underlying stone types. Both geographic features would then be a little more appreciated and sought-after in exploration. This makes sense as both features [can] represent a subsurface upheaval. -TT
  8. Food Decay to Fertilizer

    I was recently looking at my foodstuffs, which I keep near my farms for convenience, when I noticed that half of it had fallen prey to decay. I then took a look around my farm to replenish what had been lost, only to find my nutrient levels had been depleted. Of course, cycling crops is an easy way to avoid that problem, but why not take it a little further? I propose fertilizer. Now, I know this has been suggested before in the form of manure, but I would like to take a less scatalogical approach to the whole thing. The idea would be that, because there is already a decay system in place, to take sufficiently decayed food and put it into a barrel, then seal it and wait. Inside the barrel, much like alcohol ferments and cheese forms, the rotten food would be composting. Then, after (and this is just an arbitrary amount of time because I don't know what would be a good way to balance it) a week, the composting would be complete, and could be removed from the barrel with a bucket. The compost could then be used on nutrient defficient soil to fertilize it. Additionally, the idea comes to mind that rotten flesh would, hypothetically, make for excellent compost. However, rotten flesh is very easy to obtain, so I would not recommend actually letting rotten flesh be used.
  9. 'Grafting'/Sapling tool

    This is just an idea I had thought of while playing, and I was wondering if this would be something any of you would consider. Basically it would just be some sort of tool that would increase the chance of obtaining saplings from trees over the chance of getting sticks, or maybe even eliminate getting sticks all together. This tool could possibly be similar to the scythe in that it clears out chunks of leaves at a time rather than just one at a time(or not!), and would possibly by some percent provide you with a higher than average drop rate of saplings, which would increase with the tiers of metal. Now, the thought behind this idea is not to flood your inventory with stacks upon stacks of saplings. That, in my opinion, would be quite overpowered, and frankly would take the fun out of the whole process. It is more to rectify the small problem of sometimes more than not, clearing a tree of its leaves and not receiving a single sapling. (I am aware that certain trees are not supposed to drop saplings for said tree. This item is not intended as a way to receive saplings from these trees) Of course, the item would give a noticeable increase in the drop rate(scaled with metal tiers! I wouldn't expect a copper version to have a large increase of drop rate by any means) Given what I've said here, let me toss out an example of possible parameters for said item: The grafting tool must be crafted from a metalThe rate/percent increase in sapling drop chance would increase depending on metal tier, with maybe some variation within tiers that have multiple tool metals(for example, black bronze would have a slightly better chance than regular bronze, and bismuth bronze would be slightly better than black bronze)The grafting tool would in turn decrease the rate of sticks, proportional to the increased rate at which saplings would dropThe tool could possibly be similar to the scythe in that it would remove multiple leaves at a time, rather than just one blockAnyway, that's my small idea. Thoughts? Questions? Comments about how terrible I am for suggesting this( )?
  10. Salt = Dehyrdation

    I thought that food you preserved with salt should dehydrate you faster when you eat it. After all, salt makes you thirsty in real life.
  11. comers

    So this is a very simple suggestion but i think it is really needed, So you know when your trying to like maybe outline something in planks and theirs that tiny little gap that only needs a little like 4 x 4 bit of block in it, so i was thinking maybe you can take a saw to a plank and make it into a corner to fill that little space. thats my solution of filling the corners now but i think it would be easier for it to just be a block
  12. So the idea would be there would be different types of sugar in game, or at least the source would be different. It was said that sweat, sour and other tastes are coming in the game so now we will need salt, sugar, lemon, and stuff to change how food tastes. So it might be needed that on different levels of temperature and humidity the source of this sugar cant be sugar canes. 2 other sources are the following: -Maple syrup (either from new tree type: Sugar Maple or from normal min game maple tree) -Sugar carrots (new crop, i don't know how they really call it, but in the EU we use sugar from these) EDIT: Now i know that the sugar carrotts i mentioned are called sugar beet
  13. Herbal Remedies/Poisons

    Since there is no Nether in the mod there is no potion making, and I really like potion making. (Mainly for the healing, speed boost, and poisons). Maybe they can add in herbs and flowers that have medicinal and poisonous properties to the world generation. Maybe they can even add in a recipe for a mortar and pestle, which can be crafted with stone (or rocks so we can start earlier) that can help prepare the herbs for brewing, or salve making. Technically there doesn't have to be a brewing stand to make these type of medicines, but I honestly think that it would be a good idea to add in some form of alchemy lab. (they don't have to, it is just an idea) Maybe they can even add in forms of sicknesses to go along with this. (This idea is purely optional) Some Ideas for herbs, flowers, and their properties. (Oddly I know more poisonous plants right off the back than helpful ones) Nightshade: Poison (surprisingly it has medical properties as well) Aloe: Medicinal (Salve) Monkshood/Wolfs bane: Poison (They both are the exact same thing) Hemlock: Poison (technically this is a tree) Mandrake: Poison (supposedly mandrakes also have medical uses) Willow bark: Medicinal (It contains similar properties to aspirin) Arnica: Medicinal (Salve) (Anti inflammatory) Astragalus: Medicinal (Strengthens the immune system) Vernonia amygdalina: Medicinal (treatment for dysentery) Valerian: Medicinal (Helps you sleeps, Maybe even in an "uncomfortable bed") Sweet Violet: Medicinal (Typically for coughs and colds it is made into a syrup, but if made into a tea it can relax your muscles, relive muscle pains, and headaches)
  14. saw mill muti block

    instead of just making a saw to make planks than logs i think it would be cool to do it basically almost exactly like in real life and need a saw mill to shape the logs into well whatever you want, plank, block, ect... i think it would be cool if it was a multi blocks just because i like multi blocks lol plus a normal saw mill is pretty big so having a saw mill in just one space doesn't seem to believable either um again i literally just thought of this so i plan to add onto it in later posts but i just want to make a post so i dont forget it. let me know what u guys think
  15. Dog Sled/horse and carriage

    so in game i just lost a whole bunch of seeds to the winter and i was pretty upset about that and i was thinking man i wish their was a way to just move faster or something, now bare with me because this idea literally just poped into my head lol, it might be completely stupid actually lol but for a little bit it seems kind of cool so i thought i would just write it down and see what happens from their and maybe other people can improve on it. Now what im thinking is if you can ride horses or not in TFC only because i have never seen one lol, but i have seen plenty of wolfs, so i thought it be cool to be able to make like a dog sled and like only be able to use it in winter or something, but than to like build onto that idea have like acarriage for horses to and have thecarriage be able to store stuff like a chest or something along those lines. It would be like Oregon trail type stuff lol. Maybe even have like different types ofcarriage like one with a forge in it or something, idk lol just spit balling here. still need to think on the idea a little more but im curiousto see what other people think so let me know peoples XD
  16. Make Stone Age Longer.

    Make Stone Age Longer. How to eat Ice Cream? Take your time, in small spoons and really enjoy, or eat all at once and have brain freeze. Some People play Terrafirmacraft Like is a Race, Going from new spawn to Iron Age in 3 days. If they are luck in finding all the metals they can even get to red steel in a week. But after Red steel you are basically playing creative on hard. There are no more challenges to the game. I like to take things slow and really enjoy the mod. I wish there was more content to the mod. But not just in the sense of adding things to do in the game. I want to have more to do in each age of the mod. Some limitations on the game are purely for game balance. Like the crafting grid. You need a saw and 4 wood blocks to unlock the crafting grid. So you only have access to a lot of things after you have a metal saw. I would like to have a limitation on the metals based on agriculture. Somehow it would be impossible for you to smelt metals until you have a base with animals, a full farm and orchard. The idea is to have a lot more to do in Stone Age, and then go into setting a place to live and agriculture. Only after that we would go into Pottery and all the metals. I have heard a few times that one or other idea would not be implemented because stone age is too short. So why not make it longer? I listed some of the ideas bellow. Have in mind that what I wish to discuss in this tread is the concept of making the mod longer. The merit of each individual thing is not the issue here. I also understand that this would require a lot of work so I don’t really think it will happen. v First stage: Nomadic exploration Ø This is the first part of the Stone Age. Here our hero will collect the seeds that he will need to establish himself. We need to be able to survive in the wild on this stage. Not comfortable but survive nonetheless. We need the full crafting grid early on to implement all this. Ø Straw work: § Straw hat to protect from the hot sun § Straw basket (it will only carry seeds, nuts, cones, pods whatever you want to call then). All trees produce seeds of one kind or another, eating the fruit gives you the seed) just have to right click the leaves on the right season to get seeds. Ø Stone Age tools: § shovel, axe, and Hammer, Knife, Hoe, Javelin, Bow, Mace, Wedge (new tool). Ø Leather work: § basic clothing for cold weather. § Leather strips, § Tent § Leather Water sac (a full water sac can refill your thirst bar for two days in very cold weather and 1 day on very hot weather). Ø Wood work: § Using an axe on two logs we can craft a canoe. § Using a wedge and hammer we can make planks. § Planks can be used to make walls and even a door. Using Leather strips to tie the planks together. § Planks cannot be used to make wood blocks. (You will need nails for that). Ø We need the ability to dry meat and fruits so they last to a minimum and maximum of 1 year. Also raw grains should last without any preserving method. Steve needs to survive the first winter without a House. Ø The camp consists of the tent, the campfire, and simple makeshift fence made of sticks. They are really ugly and not durable but will protect against night animals. Maybe another idea is to have 4 campfires together to create a bonfire that will keep animals away. Straw bed or a bedroll will set spawn. Ø We need changes on animal behavior. Animals should have two commands: follow (just like a dog does) and don’t follow, this would not be like the sit, they would be free and need confinement then. (For balancing we can have a limit on how many animals you can have following you, like 10) Ø Ancient nomadic civilizations would travel for thousands of miles with all sort of animals and they were not wearing a leach. Ø Hunting big game is a very dangerous activity especially if you are alone. An injured animal may attack back. v Second Stage setting a house: Ø Clay work: § Adobe is the first durable material to construct walls. Is not gravity free but it can be stacked to make walls ( The roof would be made of straw or thatch) § All clay jugs, pans, pots and molds are breakable § On This stage we can also have the clay oven. § Is time to start planting all those seeds, but you going to need to make saplings first by planting then on clay pots, only when the saplings are the right size you can plant then directly to the soil! § Clay is heavy and it breaks easy, it was not heavily used until people settle in farms. (nomads would not use many clay utensils) It was firing clay that people start to notice the metals and had a way to melt then. No Clay no Metal. § Once you settle you can start tanning leather. You should not need metals for Leather. Leather armor will make hunting a little easier, but not enough for the monsters underground. v Third stage: Copper Ø With metal tools we can start mining and finally make gravity free blocks, You need metals to do Stone work Ø Stone work will require a trowel and Mortar. Ø Wood blocks will require nails and a hammer. Ø The stone oven and stove. Ø Roads. Ø Metal armors will give a better chance against the underground monsters.
  17. Water Flow Distance

    Just a random idea I had: what if water would flow different distances depending on what it's on? Over dirt, for example, it might only flow 4 blocks, simulating it 'soaking in'. Raw stone might have the default seven blocks. If smooth stone had a greater flow (10-20 blocks, say), it would allow for aqueducts in the metal age. Non-solid blocks might have a flow of zero, since they have holes/gaps. I wouldn't expect to see anything like this for a while, since it seems likely to be a lot of work for little reward, development-wise, but I don't really know.
  18. Hunger Tweaks

    I have been playing TFC on and off since B60ish and I have watched some good things come and go. I really like the new nutrition system idea but I've run into some serious issues with the general food and hunger that I feel need to be addressed. In order of relative importance as I see them: 1. Hunger needs a Warning Sound Effect. Grumbling Belly Noises to let the player know in a non-visual way that he's hungry. Taking Damage from hunger is already too late,a simple sound effect that plays at 30% then 20% then 10% would help greatly. 2. Slower Hunger Damage. Taking half your health on the first tick of hunger damage is insane. 3. Slower hunger depletion. Gandhi fasted for three weeks several times, but TFC Steve drops dead 25 hours after his last meal. I have personally fasted for a week without any harm coming to myself. Now thirst can kill you a lot faster than hunger, but still not usually in a single day, unless you are staked out in the desert. 4. Cooking should be applicable to foods other than meat. You can cook carrots too. With vegetables for instance, cooking should improve taste but hasten decay. 5. Since you have chosen to use ounces as your measure of mass, please set the normal consumption rate to 4 ounces per use.Unless there is some really important reason to have a stack of food be 32 uses, eating 1/4 pound at a time seems like a nice easy to handle ratio. Well that about covers my hunger tweaks suggestions. I hope at least the GRUMBELLY NOISES can make it into B79 -Llywylln
  19. Wells and watering crops

    Hello. I'm new to this forum and I recently started playing this mod. I liked it very much, but I was not very pleased with how water and crops interact in the actual way.. I don't like how you can only manipulate water with steel buckets only in the late game, forcing you to plant crops two blocks next to a source of water having to make water channels for it to flow so that you can extends crops. I'd like to make a more inland farm with the shape I want where I want. My idea was to let us water crops with the normal bucket by picking up water normally from the original source. I don't know if rain affects, but if it doesn't, it definitely should affect to the crop irrigation. I'll explain my idea a bit more detailed. Imagine you have a crop that is not next to any source of water and the hoe marks it as black. Watering with a bucket so it has water JUST FOR A SPECIFIC IN GAME TIME until it changes back to a dry crop, having to water it again and making it so with one bucket you can water more than one crop block so that it it not very tedious to go one by one, but not being to overpowered system to have easily growing crops. Wells Being able to craft a well and place it anywhere on the ground, providing a finite source of water that recharges up over time. This could be done using Stone of any kind, a wooden bucket and a rope, the pole could be done with copper or if you don't agree, with bronze or even iron, but not further tier metal, since I think wells should be accessible not in the late game like metal buckets. Personally wells would fit better in my opinion with this mod's theme than a blue metal or red metal bucket do. This where my ideas for now. I'm not native english speaker so sorry for my English. Any good and constructive critics about my grammar mistakes and/or my suggestions are welcome. Thanks :-) Edit: I'll be updating this post just with some pictures of how i thought it.
  20. Charcoal Texture

    Charcoal Texture: My suggestion is to replace the existing charcoal item texture for something that resembles a charcoal lump and not a briquette. Lump: Briquette Here is a texture
  21. Change the perfomance

    Hello guys.. I really like TerraFirmaCraft.. and I would like to record it, and upload to YouTube, cause I have people that watches my channel and wants me to do it, but I have some problems. When I am playing, I have a bit of lag that freezes the screen for a second, and it is really annoying.. MOJANG did a very great update with the snapshot 14w30c, rendering just the area what are you looking at, and I have hundreds of FPS when I play, with MAX settings, everything smooth and nice.. so, can you guys update the TerraFirmaCraft to play without any lag? I have the latest Java for 64 BITS, I play everything at high, I just have the problem with TerraFirmaCraft, and don't know exactly why.. I play with 100 or more FPS, but it lags every 20 - 50 seconds or every minute or two when rendering new area, and never happened to me when I walk to new area, it just happens to TFC. I have 8 GB of RAM and a GTX 570 and I play a lot of games on Ultra or Very High with no problem.. I also tried it with Optifine, and multi-core rendering.. I have then 300 or more FPS, but the lag spikes when entering new area is still annoying that freezes everything 1 second.. and I have the save option to save every 3 minutes, so that is not the problem.. I also tried to play with JVM Arguments:-Xmn1G -Xms3G -Xmx3G ( but it still not helps me to prevent those spikes ) FPS: Settings: Entering new area :
  22. Coal into Coke

    Not the kind you drink, but the stuff you get when you burn coal. This could be made from processing coal that you dig up (as opposed to charcoal that you make) by baking the coal in a charcoal pit type manner to produce coal coke. The benefits would be it would burn much hotter in your forge, allowing you to smelt more ores without the huge reduction in heat from adding ores to the crucible, or it could be made as a requirement to make some of the higher level ores because a hotter burning furnace is needed to melt them. Or you could make it a fuel requirement for the blast furnace in place of the charcoal. But mainly, I'd like a material that you could use to burn your forge hotter without having to sit and constantly pump your bellows, at the expense of needing to process it further beyond just digging it out of the ground.
  23. I don't know if the devs have read it, but I'd highly suggest the book "The Knowledge: How To Rebuild Our World From Scratch". It basically outlines how, after a world-shattering apocalypse leaving a small number of survivors, we would be able to "reboot" civilization and jump-start the technology progression tiers without having to relearn and rediscover everything from scratch. It does this by going through history and detailing how certain inventions and discoveries led from one to another, how they work and how to recreate them. A lot of it follows current TFC tech progression, obviously, which is why I was wondering if maybe the devs had read this already. If not, I'd suggest checking it out for a few other ideas on content to add and systems to flesh out for a more interesting and believable progression through tech. :)Discuss!
  24. Tomato fix (fruit not vegetable)

    I was playing TFC and needed some fruit to increase my nutrients, I found some tomatoes and was very happy but just afterwards I noticed that they are classed as vegetables. This is not a major bug or glitch but some time it would be nice to have this fixed because it annoys me slightly and maybe others.
  25. Better tree models

    I have always loved the look of terrain if it was made well. I have never known why terrain looked so good until I figured it out, TREES! I feel that trees are one of the biggest factors in the overall appeal of terrain. But the trees in TFC just look like your old bland vanilla trees. That is why my suggestion is that tree models should be Improved. How they should be improved is that they should use the models from the biome terrain mod ( ). The models look simple, small, but beautiful, they really seem like trees you see in real life. My problem with tree repository trees is that there big, bulky, and complex, they just take up too much room. That is why I like biome terrain trees, they add lots of atmosphere with there small but complex look. If your wondering what the link was, it was a video cinematic for the biome terrain mod, it really makes it all look nice. Thanks for reading! (if you do I hope so)