Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Salt Water

48 posts in this topic

Heh, I hope if there is thirst/water/waterskins that there will be stills/flasks/alchohol, after all, dwarves work half as fast on water as they do on alchohol. :P

All the more reason to be brewing spirits and wine (and mead from that honey we'll be getting from beekeeping) :D

So we are going to push for having steam technologies, brewing... I can see how this is turning more of a dwarven fortress simulator. If things keep this way I expect a steam equivalent to redpower request soon! :P:D :D


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Honestly I'm hoping that it gets brought up actually. I wouldnt' complain about redstone systems being removed and revamped to be steam powered systems. I'm a bit of a steampunk fan as well (and have been playing the thief games again lately) but I think electricity could be a safe technology if it's done right.


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If we get rid of redstone, then we will completely lose compatibility with other mods : ( ... Maybe have a steam power system, then upgrade to redstone "electricity"?


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Hey All, Please keep it on topic! Steam punk is already in another thread I suggested (I think its actually the First suggestion thread posted on these forums :)

As for Fresh/Salt water, Bioxx has always been favourable of the idea.. I think agriculture might introduce a bit of that into the game but we shall see.


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If we get rid of redstone, then we will completely lose compatibility with other mods : ( ... Maybe have a steam power system, then upgrade to redstone "electricity"?

As hard or easy as having two new toys: a steam valve (turns redstone signal into steam force), and a "steam level" (some kind of steam controlled level).

Seriously, Crysyn is right; this needs to go in it's own suggestion... everybody with steam ideas, please redirect to this post: http://terrafirmacra.../topic/5-steam/

I've started one of my concept analysis, this time about how I see steam system working (bottom of first page). Care to check and discuss anyone?


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Hey - just wanted to bump this idea and see if our favorite devs had made any progress in the direction of salt water versus fresh water. I was reading the Horse Cart and pole drag bit and it came up. I would love to see ocean biomes being undrinkable, swamp water has a high chance to poison you, fresh stagnant water from ponds might have a low chance to poison you, and the only clean water you can rely on would be from rivers.


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Hey - just wanted to bump this idea and see if our favorite devs had made any progress in the direction of salt water versus fresh water. I was reading the Horse Cart and pole drag bit and it came up. I would love to see ocean biomes being undrinkable, swamp water has a high chance to poison you, fresh stagnant water from ponds might have a low chance to poison you, and the only clean water you can rely on would be from rivers.

This time I can say that bumping this seems a good idea. +1. Also I would like the addiction of salted water.

Some fishes can only live in salt water and some others, like some sharks, can only live in fresh water. This would separate lots of fishes, making the world even more believable. Also, in salted water there are corals. The salt water could be used for a lot of things. I mean the addition, not the block itself.


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Agreed. This bump was NOT a necro. A good revival at that too. Of course, Salt Water blocks would be able to generate far deeper than regular water blocks. Another thing I would like to say on the topic of water is a bit of an aesthetic change. Like the wrmer and more tropical the climate, the turquoiser the water gets. Have different water colors for different temperature, humidity and EVT regions.


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Possibly a faster way to desalinate water would be making a small system to use with the forge. (Possibly could tie in to a steam power system too, the used up steam and condensation could be routed to a collection area too)

Possibly using a brass sheet (Bismuth bronze could work too, evidently it is extremely resistant to corrosion) to make a bowl to boil water in, which is then placed in a forge. Water would evaporate slowly, increasing with heat, with a sharper increase at high hot-very hot that represents boiling temperature (Possibly turn it in to another item?). Careful not to run it all the way up to red though, or you will warp the bowl and have to hammer it back out! The bowl would leave salt behind that could be used for whatever, possibly combined with other salt piles in to a rock and eventually making rock salt blocks out of it (That may be quite a stretch though...)

A second recipe could be made with cloth (Or another brass sheet, which would work faster due to heat conduction.) which is then placed over the forge with a stand to hold a bucket under it.

Some things to optimize it would be having the cloth exposed to the outside that would cool it, allowing steam to condense on to it faster (This is where the brass sheet idea comes from, as it can conduct heat away faster, causing more condensation, along with just looking cool).

And then we have some newly purified water for use in a bucket or even possibly watering crops.


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Along with salt water, we should also addd the fact that not all water is fit for consumption, you don't just go into a swamp and start drinking the nasty pools of water there. soo maybe different areas would poison you with a smilar effect to food poisoning. places like swamps, forests and oceans would have the highest chance of poisoning you where as mountain springs and rivers wouldn't bew quite as bad

but if you do need to get water from one of those places, you would have to boil it by putting a bottle/bucket/canteen of the unclean water into a firepit and heating it up untill it's clean

or, maybe you could make rain barrels that collect clean water from the sky


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well, what also should be addressed first is the manner in which you can drink water, right now people like Spum just trap a TINY bit of water between chiseled stone, and splash around in it for a second :D


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First list defines generation listings. Second contains separate blocks and mechanics.
















Ground water - Ground, Wild - Consumable - Clear

Fresh water - River, Lake - Req Boil - Clear, Blue, Green, Brown

Fr. Swamp - Swamp - Req Boil - Dark green, Brown, Black, Dark Red

Volc. water - Volcanic - No consume - Clear, Red, Yellow, Orange, Green

Br. Water - River, Lake - No consume - Clear, Blue, Green, Brown, Dark Red, Black

Br. Swamp - Swamp - No consume - Dark green, Brown, Black, Dark Red

Salt Water - Lake, Ocean - No consume - Clear, Red, Green, Blue, Dark Red, Brown, Black

I am no expert and I honestly do not know what all can be consumed much less the real world colours. However, the separation of each water type is to expand the possibilities for future expansion and give map makers, server builders, and more the chance to clearly define and differentiate between items and tools. having the ability to place a certain colour of water and choose if it can be drank and if it requires certain 'work' to make it consumable can and is a powerful tool. Do not do your typical stomping on this post as even though i propose far more work with this it creates far less work down the road while expanding the mods depth.


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I really like everyone's posts on this. Water and the conservation thereof is a point in TFC that is <way> too easy to overcome. Having to either come across the right kind that is naturally safe to drink, or make it safe by another means is just great.

I think they should be put on tiers of cleanliness. This way, when they were to mix, both could default to the lowest level of cleanliness of the adjacent varieties of water.

Also, charcoal filters anyone?


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well, what also should be addressed first is the manner in which you can drink water, right now people like Spum just trap a TINY bit of water between chiseled stone, and splash around in it for a second :D

yes, you dont drink water simply by standing waist deep in it

maybe you would have to sneak in water to simulate bending down to take a drink, and it wouldnt be instant either, it would slowly fill the thirst bar

the other way would be drinking water/juices/milk from bottles and buckets, where they would act just like food does


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noodles, spum's standing toe deep in it :D and i approve your idea :D


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Perhaps if you had to 'punch' the water, simulating the action of cupping your hands to pick up a bit of water to drink.


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'maybe you would have to sneak in water to simulate bending down to take a drink, and it wouldnt be instant either, it would slowly fill the thirst bar'

and you ma'am, got the winning idea of the day. ;)

on another note, what should be the methods of 'cleaning' water? aside from boiling


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'maybe you would have to sneak in water to simulate bending down to take a drink, and it wouldnt be instant either, it would slowly fill the thirst bar'

and you ma'am, got the winning idea of the day. ;)

on another note, what should be the methods of 'cleaning' water? aside from boiling

Straining through a cloth perhaps? Would give quick cleaning but not very thorough. Or filter paper, a little more thorough than cloth but slower and still doesn't require fire.

Going to crazy jury rigging...

Make a glass lens or tin mirror to focus sunlight through the water, as UV radiation kills a lot of stuff in the water.

Mineral neutralizers for highly basic/acidic waters (Don't really like this myself though...)


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Wanna do a good water filter in a TFC way? Layers from the top: Gravel, sand, charcoal. Gravel and sand will filter the visible impurities, while charcoal can filter a wide variety of organic impurities. On the bottom, well maybe use a thicker filter paper. That should give you a good water fiter.

here you got a picture:


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i like the idea where you put a device above your forge to boil the water, but i would suggest a camp fire instead, you could use it for heating meals, cooking food, and boiling water. forges are for metals and things that need extreme heat, camp fires are for cooking.


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Why not simply use the firepit? You then add the jar of water on it and you can even cook things in hot water. This means also new ingredients for meals...if you use fresh water.


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I used to use a mod called Thirstmod ( which is incredible out of date now. It had a couple of nice ways of dealing with water. Any water source just on the ground could be drank (is that the correct grammar?) by standing in it and holding down the right mouse button. However there was a very good chance that you would be temporarily poisoned by doing so. It also had a rain collector and the ability to make various fruit juices, as well as a filter for bottled water that was obtained from a stagnant source.

I definitely think a rain collector of sorts and some sort of purification system would be very consistent with TFC. It will be interesting to see how they decide to continue to develop the thirst aspect of this mod.


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