Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Go to hell

277 posts in this topic

If and (hopefully not) when a flood of new forums members come with their "brilliant" suggestions, I can see the devs putting words like "simple" and "RPG" in the search bar and go through shooting down everyone after having to copy paste the same statement about the mods goals. Of course we also have Lum and Eternal to crucify them as well : D


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No one in the community has the right to "veto" what we put in the mod.

Some people will never realise this (that isn't directed at anyone by the way)

That is the risk you run when asking for peoples opinions. Sometimes they will assume that because you want their opinions, they have a say as to what makes it in and what doesn't.

I (and I'm sure plenty of other users agree) would be horrified if somebody did attempt to tell you what to put in and what not to.

I actually saw something along these lines which infuriated me (but it was from a drama related chat log from the servers section, long story)

It will never cease to amaze me how entitled some people get when you give them a little of something (whether that be input into a mod or a lift in a car somewhere)


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Some people will never realise this (that isn't directed at anyone by the way)

That is the risk you run when asking for peoples opinions. Sometimes they will assume that because you want their opinions, they have a say as to what makes it in and what doesn't.

I (and I'm sure plenty of other users agree) would be horrified if somebody did attempt to tell you what to put in and what not to.

I actually saw something along these lines which infuriated me (but it was from a drama related chat log from the servers section, long story)

It will never cease to amaze me how entitled some people get when you give them a little of something (whether that be input into a mod or a lift in a car somewhere)

yes, let's not bring up that discussion ever again. That went from bad, to worse, to everyone being on the bad side in some form *shivers*


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yes, let's not bring up that discussion ever again. That went from bad, to worse, to everyone being on the bad side in some form *shivers*

I agree, it is best left buried in the back of a small number of the forum users minds...

I thought you were criticizing my post for a minute before I remembered you were there :P


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How about cave ins of whatever block consists of the majority of the place be prone to randomly caving in. Something like an area above and around the player getting updated at random with the chance of causing blocks to fall. This would make the world so hard because you never know what hit you, because you will be too focused on running from daemons and generally shatting bricks


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That would be somewhat unrealistic, as the caves supposedly had existed for a very long time, and there is little reason why sauntering through should make them fall, just saying.


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Maybe whatever is in the caves wants you gone more than you think? And this dimension could be infinitely high and deep to the point cave falls happen all the time, so much that the level of ceiling to cave floor is mostly identical. This sort of would mean the rock would need to break off in chunks similar to slate.


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Hmm, maybe falling entities, like stalagtites, that would dissapear/shatter upon hitting something, which would also damage you if they hit you.


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apparently, I changed my mind with how world gen works, after some thought. Eternal can explain though i think


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I kinda feel bad about that >_>

Think I may have sorta railroaded Dunk into changing his mind

Another Nether idea Dunk is considering (with relentless prodding about how caves are depressing by someonecoughcough), is a world of volcanoes and toxic clouds and perpetual lightning storms.

To be fair tho, that was still his idea not mine, and I like it a LOT better. I think it's much more fitting given the mobs Dunk wants to implement, and the feel he wants for the dimension.

...still kinda feel bad tho...


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I kinda feel bad about that >_>

Think I may have sorta railroaded Dunk into changing his mind

Another Nether idea Dunk is considering (with relentless prodding about how caves are depressing by someonecoughcough), is a world of volcanoes and toxic clouds and perpetual lightning storms.

To be fair tho, that was still his idea not mine, and I like it a LOT better. I think it's much more fitting given the mobs Dunk wants to implement, and the feel he wants for the dimension.

...still kinda feel bad tho...

nah, you just made me realize that my idea wasn't going anywhere. When i thought about it, i couldn't really get a picture of it that i liked.

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Absolutely love the new idea :wub:


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I'm down with the new idea as well. Had to post... since... well, I overspent my likes again. :rolleyes:


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nah, you just made me realize that my idea wasn't going anywhere. When i thought about it, i couldn't really get a picture of it that i liked.

Maybe, but you got a picture that the rest of us sure do :)


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How about a new block in this nether, one that slows you like soul sand, but beyond that if you stop moving it slowly consumes you. Basically you can sink a little bit and get moving again, but if you sink down more than a certain ammount you just sit there stuck, slowly sinking to your doom.


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Hmm, seeing as you mentioned lightning storms (I will assume much more violent than Overworld storms) and lava pools, what about pockets of exposed potassium nitrite that, well, I think you catch my drift at this point. Yes this is a little out there, but with real world reactions to keep it believable enough. This means to be in some form of effectiveness, the rock that exist there would need a small explosive resistance (not all too small). Whether or not this would be harvestable to be taken to Minecraftia is up to you (even if it seems the earliest use is around this time I understand making it off limits)In my opinion you should not, though it burns me so to say yes.


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i would love mining with explosives.... but it's up to the devs on that one, heck just getting gunpowder would be nice from anywhere (not from creepers, there was production before the 17th century obviously)


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Hmm, seeing as you mentioned lightning storms (I will assume much more violent than Overworld storms) and lava pools, what about pockets of exposed potassium nitrite that, well, I think you catch my drift at this point. Yes this is a little out there, but with real world reactions to keep it believable enough. This means to be in some form of effectiveness, the rock that exist there would need a small explosive resistance (not all too small). Whether or not this would be harvestable to be taken to Minecraftia is up to you (even if it seems the earliest use is around this time I understand making it off limits)In my opinion you should not, though it burns me so to say yes.

Almost seems like the point of this new vision of the nether is to make it quite unbelievable, and quite nerve wracking as far as the experience goes. But, it also seems as if the vision has changed directions a few times.


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You can't say random explosion during a storm isn't a little nerve racking •3•


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I've suddenly been inclined to tell people not to think of this dimension as "the nether" as that is a minecraft dimension. This is TFCraft... maybe we have a totally different dimension (or set of dimensions even!) Maybe it's The Other :P


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I've suddenly been inclined to tell people not to think of this dimension as "the nether" as that is a minecraft dimension. This is TFCraft... maybe we have a totally different dimension (or set of dimensions even!) Maybe it's The Other :P


Seems to me like you were joking, but that would be awesome! Naming the Tfc nether "the other"


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That's why in my posts I'm trying to keep it vague as possible as being "there" or "this other dimension", at least until we get a name for the place. The Otheris great, but it may not suite the final atmosphere (whichwould be hard to do with such a broad topic covering name)


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Well the other dimension is still an abstract thought set at the moment. We haven't started and (afaik) we don't plan on starting actual work on it any time soon. It's just nice to have a concept up.


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I recently looked again at the Jed's thread about The Wailing, and using the google translator, i finally got why it had that name. Not -specifically- asking for The Wailing to be implemented *cough*DO IT*cough*, but maybe the TFC "nether" could be called in that fashion, just to fit both the style of the TFC dimensions name, and the feeling this nether-replacing dimension looks to have.

I was thinking -seeming as down there are lots and lots of things just to scare the shit out of you- it could be called "The roar" or something like that -except better :P-. Just a though.


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I was thinking -seeming as down there are lots and lots of things just to scare the shit out of you- it could be called "The roar" or something like that -except better :P-. Just a though.

In their tongue.... he is Dovahkhin, Dragonborn! (sorry, sorry, i had to)

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