Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bunsan

  1. You can make hidden doors too. Place them and then break the block you placed them on. Then you can walk right through them.
  2. The cause is TFCTech and the cause has been reported.
  3. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    Nice to see some more packs. Unless I'm blind I think you forgot to include a download link.
  4. (0.79.26+) TooMuchTime-TFC

    I have no idea why it is doing that. Looking at the stack trace the issue is a line TFC BlockSetup that does Blocks.snow_layer = snow. So maybe it can't find the relevant vanilla reference. Sorry I'm not able to be a huge amount of help atm.
  5. (0.79.26+) TooMuchTime-TFC

    I use IntelliJ myself. Have you included TFC as a library?
  6. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    It is the build 7.0. I had been doingit this way to not spam everyone to update when an addon they don't use updates.
  7. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    Build 7.3- New Mod - Finger in the Wind by Konlii Updated Mods - TerraMisc 0.10.0 - Better Foliage 2.0.9 - VoxelMap 1.6.7
  8. I'll try and push a TerraFirmaPackupdate today to update some of the mods.
  9. Powerman in case you are missing it. Zeldo is asking so that pack makers using the curse launcher can use your mod inpacks as a third-party mod (i.e. Mods not distributed on curse). Because youdemand pack makers to post here it doesn't qualify to be used in curse launcher packs.
  10. Crashlog or it didn't happen.
  11. (0.79.26+) TooMuchTime-TFC

    Oh we probably hardcoded it, as we tweaked it specifically for our pack. We made it available to wider community when another pack started to use it, whit is fine as it is MIT License. I can look to see if I can tweak it to give configs for each season. But it is low priority for me so don't know if or when I'll get to it. It is MIT license and I posted the repo in the OP, so feel free to fork it and change what you want.
  12. Enchantments for TFC

    Heh great minds think alike. I had said the same thing to Anesos last night.
  13. [Solved] Brine lost on transfer

    You need to describe how you tried to transfer it. Personally I use a large vessel. Click on open barrel to take fluid, then click on barrel I want to add it to. For a barrel you'd need to seal it, break it, put it in your hand and then click on the open barrel you want to add it to.
  14. [Solved] World Generation

    It would require a rewrite of the mod. TFC does not use biomes like vanilla, TFC biomes aren't even registered with forge methods. So the wild caves mod would need to be changed to look at TFC variables. Even then it would likely look out of place with TFC rocktypes.
  15. Simplest solution is to use a mod like CustimItems by 0tho, Tabula Rasa by CofH and others I can't remember. Give the blocks the appropriate characteristics and point them at the TFC textures. Minetweaker recipes for them.
  16. [Solved] World Generation

    Gonna need more info. Your own mod? An existing mod?
  17. Tips on moving cows

    The falling through the world is visual client side bug. Relog and you should be fine. Although your ropes may have vanished. These are vanilla issues.
  18. Tips on moving cows

    Hardest part was teaching them what apyramid is.
  19. TFC does have its own mushrooms, but I don't think they cangrow into the large variety. Although I've never bonemealed them to check.
  20. Tips on moving cows

    Quite the opposite. Moving animals on water is far easier. They water ski quite well. You can go full speed without concern of the rope breaking. It is quite entertaining watching a half dozen cows flying along behind you The only one that is challenging is chickens as they have a tendency to drown due to the boat desync. Stopping occasionally does help prevent this.
  21. WIP TFCTech Addon

    That is a desert, but not a desert biome. Biomes exist and determine the topography of the worldgen. Then the climate and rock type layers are placed on the world, independent of the biome. Then the tree layersetc are determined and taking climate under consideration trees spawn. To a certain extent some world decorations are determined by biome. Alsonote biomes in TFC aren't actually registered in the normal way so other mods don't recognise them.
  22. Immersive Engineering + TFC Crossover - WIP

    Excavator is like mining laser and creates ore and has nothing to do with what ores are near it. Read the IE manual for details. The issue is that because TFC ores aren't a full ingot value they aren't ore dictionaries to the oreIron oreGold etc values. It is these values that I.E. Uses for output and looks at the Mod list you enter in the config. There is a minetweaker module for the excavator. I'll see if I can dig up the details whenI have more time. I know I gave them to OneWolfe previously. Found it. //Excavator To add a entirely new vein to the world. //MineralString, MineralWeight, FailChance, OreStringArray, OreChanceArray,DimensionIDArray,isWhitelistOrBlacklist//true=blacklist; false=whitelist mods.immersiveengineering.Excavator.addMineral("Sediment", 30, 15, ["sand", "sandstone"], [50, 15], [0, 1], false); To remove 1 output from all veins. //MineralString mods.immersiveengineering.Excavator.removeMineral("Bauxite"); To add 1 mineral to an existing vein. //MineralString + OreString, Chance mods.immersiveengineering.Excavator.getMineral("Magnetite").addOre("oreNickel", 0.75); To remove 1 mineral from an existing vein //MineralString + OreString mods.immersiveengineering.Excavator.getMineral("Magnetite").removeOre("oreGold"); So what it is: MineralString = the Vein name. MineralWeight = the rate that they spawn in the world. I believe it is dependent on how many vein types there are and how they are weighted. So (MineralWeight/Sum of all MineralWeight for all veins)*100 = % chance a vein will be that type. So if you have a total MineralWeight of 150 when you add up all veins. The MineralWeight of vein X is 15 then the chance of a vein being vein X is 15/150 * 100 = 10%. FailChance = is the chance the bucket comes out empty. OreStringArray = The actual ID of the ore itself as a ore-dictionary string. OreChanceArray = The chances of getting the various ores in the OreStringArray (so in example sand would be 50/65 = 77% and sandstone would be 23%). DimensionIDArray = The dimension IDs that this vein can spawn in, just 0 for TFC. isWhitelistOrBlacklist = put true if you want to appear everywhere except that dimension and false to only appear in that dimension.
  23. [Can't Reproduce] Master Prospector and Coal Bug

    It gives the unlocalized name. in ItemProPick line 84 if (block == TFCBlocks.ore && rank == SkillRank.Master) meta = ((BlockOre) block).getOreGrade(te, meta); Line 88 tellResult(player, new ItemStack(TFCItems.oreChunk, 1, meta));
  24. WIP TFCTech Addon

    So I'm curious about the logic for the change fixing the issue? I have the same problem and my code is the same to what your code was prior to fix.
  25. [Solved] cart with chest?

    There isn't a TFC storage minecart.