Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bunsan

  1. Astral Movement

    In a resource pack you could add in constellations, but as far as I know the sky has to look the same no matter where you are. This is a limitation of MC engine.
  2. TFC and The End

    So playing with the nether a bit more. I think the environmental variable crash might be due to to the fog feature. So since this is always on and creates a crash loop it is as it always been, the nether is a no go.
  3. Torch Poll

    You can adjust burn time in the configs or turn this feature off completely. As has been stated many many times. Or there is the Decorations addon that includes alcohol fueled permanent lighting.
  4. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Likely the ore dictionary is from NEI. There is a dev option to display that information. Also possible from minetweaker, but you would have had to toggle that on, if it still exists in build 3.
  5. Use for Obsidian?

    Were obsidian weapons used regularly against armoured foes? How did they fair. I can't imagine even obsidian arrows or spears being very effective against a metal armour. So the question would be where would they fit in? You need to be decently advanced to collect it and yet there efficacy would be surpassed at that point. Instead of a new material for current tools, perhaps a new tool where an incredibly sharp blade is required. I could see the properties being useful in advanced agriculture, grafting etc. leather working or something with textiles. I don't quite know what tasks in TFC would need an incredibly sharp blade that is best for scraping and slicing. And I don't see it just being a knife material since it would seem difficult to code it to work for knife task A, but not B.
  6. Use for Obsidian?

    Except that in order to harvest obsidian you need high enough metal tools to make the obsidian tools pointless. Also a obsidian axe would be impractical. The properties of it make it good for a slicing motion, not the blunt cut of an axe.
  7. Custom Painting systum.

    Keep an eye on the Decorations Add-on he has plans for a painting system.
  8. Crafting Sandstone

    I assumed that Dunk was eluding to using temperature, EVT, rainfall and such to make drying time variable.
  9. TFC is missing a goal

    I think the reason topics like this rustle my jimmies is that for years I've watched Mojang waste time on absurd time consuming features while ignoring buggy mechanics (boats) and not even adding obvious blocks that would not take much effort (stairs, slabs and walls for all building blocks). I greatly appreciate the approach of the TFC devs to invest time to make a playable immersive mod and build good base mechanics with interesting gameplay. They have made clear that they are designing and balancing for SMP. It is also a mod built for cooperation, which then leads to factions/clans. You can then find or setup a server that provides the kind of PVP/Raiding you would enjoy or completely avoid PVP/Raiding. This is why MC has been so popular for so long. It is a different game for every player and via personal rules, mods, plugins, servers, minigames, role play, etc. you can tweak it to your hearts content. And being the globalised digital world it is you can find people who share you interests. I play SSP only because being home with two young kids makes SMP impossible as years can pass between play sessions. So for me anything above leather armour is superfluous, but I make them because I enjoy doing it. Black/Red/Blue steel is just to make building faster. But if I played on a server with PVP then every little improvement is critical. I say this all out of experience. A friend and I staffed a good but poorly run modded server. So we put our money where our mouths were. We build a private pack, tweaked the hell out of it to make it bloody hard (our motto was Don't Cry). We then built and ran a damn good and stable server with RP and more. We built an amazing community. We only stopped because RL things made it impossible for my partner to continue. It was a great experience and I learn a ton of tech stuff. This is why MC is huge, not the wither or dragon. Edit: Sorry if this is a bit rambling, I've been up since 3am with my toddler.
  10. TFC is missing a goal

    You interpret it as me saying it has a clear end goal. What I'm saying is it doesn't need one, hence it is not lacking. TFC is missing a lot of things, but not all of them are lacking. As for 3rd party stuff. You could build your own mod or addon, but I was referring to already existing mods and tools. The desire for more is exactly the thinking that led to modded MC and then modpacks, as MC was certainly not built and has never officially supported mods. Notch even stated his dislike of mods. You can't expect TFC as one mod to do everything. It is also not worthwhile when other mods already exist to do the desired feature. Kitty worked very hard to get TFC all Ore Dictionaried and Bioxx worked to increase compatibility so people could add in other forge mods. It is the desire for more that led to the TFC mod packs that extend progression with other tech mods.
  11. TFC is missing a goal

    This is where you say the armour/tool progression in vanilla is an in-game goal. Yet you responded to TFC armour/weapons, bloomery etc as not being goals. You want distinctive challenges for your TFC experience. That is fine, being sandbox you can want and do what you want. No goal or feature is really mutually exclusive, except at times when technically they can't mix. However the tone of this has been TFC is lacking an end goal. Which is not true. TFC is lacking the end goal you want. However what you desire is not what the devs envision for their mod. Which goes back to my one point. This is modded MC, so the tools exist for you to add in something using other mods and tools to provide you with the endgame goal you desire. Unlike what many think it really isn't difficult to do. You don't need any special skills or knowledge, just desire, time and patience. For example: MineTweaker3 is quite user friendly and powerful. Just read the guides. Make recipes that allow you to summon a wither or dragon. Use infernal mobs to give them buffs so you can't 2 hit them with TFC sword.
  12. TFC is missing a goal

    I will point out that it was you that listed the tool and armour progression in vanilla as goals. Not sure how that, but not TFC tools/armour are goals. This whole arguement is why we now have Lego set that kids build to complete the image on the box, a creation of someone else, instead of taking a mess of random coloured blocks and building something. Hell you can't even buy just random block sets most places. Sandbox is just that. Bunch of raw materials and tools to do whatever you want. Build a castle or a mud pie.
  13. Time indicator for Torches

    So why have you not just added the lanterns (now decoration) add-on to add ascetically pleasing permanent lights to your home? Then you don't even need to worry about them after the initial effort of creating them. I'm looking forward to body temperature, more animals, more skills, animal migrations, weather etc. So how would you justify the time invested in this feature? You are speaking as if those who disagree as if we also don't have to relight our torches. I assure you my torch config is default and I play on Hard. I have a few lanterns in my house and forge area. I'll admit to being lazy and using pumpkins in my attic. Much of my land is unlit and I find relighting my mines an easy task since I'm walking by the torches that matter anyways.
  14. TFC and The End

    I think it is a consequence of fire specifically on netherrack, but haven't actually tested a burning piece of netherrack in overworld.
  15. This is a vanilla issue. I can't remember what update this showed up in, but you need something like a 5 block space between fire and a flammable block. Doesn't matter if those blocks are air or stone. Edit: Predictable Kitty Ninja post.
  16. TFC and The End

    I've sort of figured out the Nether. You could enter it for the first time without a crash most of the time. Occasionally you'd get a crash due to it having issue querying the rainfall and other environmental variables. This is a crash that will occasionally happen, but seems to only happen when first entering and generating all new chunks or teleporting within nether and generating or reloading a large number of chunks. I don't have skillset to sort that instability out, but it isn't game breaking outside a server context. Leaving the nether always crashed with a Ticking Entity, which was fire. Setting gamerule doFireTick to false fixed this and as of yet I've not found any problems being caused by this. I emphasise yet. Other interesting quirk. TFC Flint and steel only creates 1 portal block. Because of way they work you can only start fire in world by targeting side of block this means only 2 wide portals are possible. Oh an the single portal block is of course functional.
  17. TFC + Mystcraft?

    Only way to know is try, but I'm quite certain it will not work without a decent amount of fiddling. Not only are villagers missing, but many of the features Mystcraft would try to add would not be compatible with TFC. But I've never tried so who knows.
  18. Time indicator for Torches

    Clientside lag and a large amount of dev time for a feature that honestly rewards laziness. Especially since there is that lovely config to increase how long they burn or to turn it off. There is the lovely lantern add-on. The ability to reset torch timers. It is believable and realistic to have torches burn out. It isn't really believable or realistic that they can continually be relit and last forever. It is certainly not believable or realistic that they magically relight/reset when you are near them. The only thing I could see as plausible is that torch burn time be influenced by the spawn protection variable. In general I don't understand the need to light up the entire world. The mobs aren't that scary or difficult. If you don't like them go to peaceful, if you sometimes want mobs, but not while building toggle it. There are lots of options for everyone to easily tweak things up be more like they want. With all the features the devs want to add I definitely would not choose to have their time spent on this.
  19. TFC is missing a goal

    First metal tools, forge, each level of anvil, bloomery, blast furnace, full height blast furnace, each level of metal, each tool, every piece of armour, animal husbandry, farm with all crops, every fruit tree, every berry, master level for each skill etc. These are all achievements in TFC. I've found each of them more fulfilling than any vanilla achievement with exception to killing my first wither solo. Dragon is a joke, I've killed it with nothing but a bow, no armour, no potions and no pumpkin. Goals are player made and just mean you feel a sense of accomplishment doing them.
  20. [Solved] Graphite only spawns in schist

    Just a FYI. I was curious if WE could be used to get graphite to generate in the proper place using the //regen command. This would allow players/servers to more easily regenerate chunks to give them a chance to generate ore. It also makes it much easier to work around developed areas. Sadly it does not work. //regen does regenerate it back to what it was at first, but it does not call the TFC ore generation. So it will not cause graphite to generate and will also strip out all TFC ores. Just thought I'd let people know.
  21. [Solved] I don't understand the mortar recipe

    The wiki is slowly getting updated. Kitty does nearly all the updating. The devs want an accurate wiki with quality information. They are picky about who they allow to edit it due to the misinformation, honest mistakes and misunderstandings like those seen in this thread, that was rampant before. I've been playing quite a lot again since build 78 and only now beginning to feel I have a good enough grasp to start trying to contribute. And that is only for a few parts of game.
  22. Powder kegs not quite what they were...

    Yes, as I said Bioxx stated that he wants blast to be proportional to amount of powder in them. So half full = half the power. I imagine since Bioxx didn't like the giant crater the old ones left he was going to change the mechanics before reimplementing the power. But this was via a stream chat, not a Q&A, so hard to know exactly what he means.
  23. Ranged weapons vs. Skeletons

    Bow and arrows are very accurate in skilled hands. In MC a new player can quickly master the basics of it in short order. From what I've been told programming a weapon to be inaccurate and gain accuracy is quite challenging, perhaps scaling damage output on a skill tree. With that you would then also expect all weapons to be like that. Handling a sword, mace or knife effectively isn't easy and initially you are more apt to hurt yourself. So this could quickly become a large change. The OP was discussing slings in the context of stone age. Once you are in metal age you can make armour that greatly reduce damage taken. Beside which even in Stone Age you can avoid damage by being smart and using your environment to your advantage. Either way the devs have indicated they don't want range weapon for killing skeletons. I personally would like to see more depth in weapon and tool choice and mechanics, but feel this would be best done as an addon a la Iguana Tweaks for TiC.
  24. TFC is missing a goal

    TFC is a mod balanced for SMP. If you are wanting to test your mettle then an actual player can provide more of a challenge than any coded enemy. If you'd like more in an SSP format then I'd look at other mods you could get to work with TFC. A Boss doesn't fit with believability they are striving for in mod. Personally I never understood the need people feel for closure in a sandbox game.
  25. My pigs are gone, did my wolf kill them?

    Yes, but not venison.