Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Trenix

  1. Torch Improvements

    That's a workaround, you're doing nothing besides manipulating the mechanic. A polished game shouldn't be easily manipulated nor rely on workarounds, kind of ridiculous that we must light the torch before we can pick it up again otherwise it'll just vanish. Better off just dropping us a lit torch to eliminate that tedious and unnecessary process. Also what if I accidentally broke an unlit torch? I've now just wasted material.
  2. make bushes.. unpickupable?

    Harvesting berries with shears is a big no for me, just doesn't make sense and gathering berries should definitely be part of the hunter and gatherer stage. That's the problem with vanilla Minecraft, there isn't a very low tier food that's extremely easy to get. This forces you to kill persistent animals early game which is really frustrating. The idea of restricting you from harvesting berries which aren't in season is a great idea, but when a berry bush isn't in season, the berries which were once on it, should vanish. Otherwise this could become very confusing and annoying. Placing a berry bush based on season doesn't make any sense to me and is far from believable. It'll be cool if we need to plant crops and bushes during a certain season before it's too late to plant for the year, similar to reality, but that should only be if bushes would be capable of being grown. However since they can't be grown, I don't agree with this idea because an uprooted bush should be able to be placed whenever.
  3. Dinner Table: New Saturation Mechanic

    I also agree with the day part, time goes by too fast. However in Minecraft I always despised the night and it’s mainly due to the mobs which are more annoying than they are challenging. There really is a big difference between the two. When people wanted survival mode to be more difficult, they didn’t mean making hostile mobs overly intelligent and strong. The night time should be awesome, because that’s when your light sources come to life.
  4. TFC recontructed

    Starting the game from scratch, like having the developers redo everything? That's asking for a little too much. It'd be better if maybe the developers would fill us in with what's going on with the mod and allow us to voice our opinion a bit more. We need some sort of democratic system, a place where we can vote on ideas and watch them rise or fall. A minecraft fan based community does this through reddit, though it really isn't managed properly. In there I've see suggestions that have been implemented and still haven't been taken down for years. You don't make suggestions to get recognition, you do it to have your gaming experience improved. I do like how the devs asked us about the torch changes though, that is definitely a plus.
  5. make bushes.. unpickupable?

    I'm all for the ideas of regrowing bushes with berries and up rooting bushes by digging up the dirt block below it.
  6. Domesticating Animals

    This idea comes from Haven & Hearth actually, but it would be great to see it in this mod. Basically in order to obtain a domesticated animal, you would first have to tame a wild one. For example, you would need to tame a wild boar in order for it to convert to a domesticated pig. The wild version of these animals would be more hostile or more scared of you than their domesticated counterparts. Since you're moving magical mobs underground, maybe these neutral ones can take over the surface.Some conversions...Wolf -> DogOcelot -> CatWild Boar -> PigMouflon -> SheepAuroch -> CowRed Junglefowl -> Rooster/Henect...
  7. Rename Protein to Meat

    Meat is the flesh of an animal as food. Flesh is the soft substance consisting of muscle and fat that is found between the skin and bones of an animal or a human. I donno, at some point the egg will become a meat as it becomes further developed.
  8. Woven Clothes

    Didn't know that, thanks for the tip. Though I always hated killing persistent mobs early game.
  9. Dinner Table: New Saturation Mechanic

    Sorry, I think I worded something incorrectly. In order to eat you're not required to use a table and chair. You can still eat without a table and chair, but the food wouldn't be very filling. Even right now with our current system, food that's eaten by itself isn't very saturating, it's better off being converted into a meal and then heated.
  10. Dinner Table: New Saturation Mechanic

    This suggestion was partially taken from Haven & Hearth's mechanic and it was extremely fun. If you want a chair or a table to be useful other than just for an aesthetic purpose, this is how you go about doing it. The idea is not to discourage you from exploring, it's just meant for you to eat more efficiently. It is very much believable too, eating while doing something isn't very efficient, because that distraction can cause you to overeat. This system would do the exact same thing. If you don't eat at the table like a normal human being, eating won't feel very filling. In return, this would require you to carry around foods to snack on, ultimately not putting them into good use, and always having that wasted inventory space. However, eating at the dinner table will be very filling, allowing you to go on adventures without the need of foods to snack on altogether.Also you certainly would not be taking your table, chair, and all your utensils around with you. That's a whole lot of valuables that you're putting at risk and it'll take up most of you inventory space just for it to even be possible. It wont be an efficient, therefore it wouldn't be worth it. It'll actually be more efficient just taking snacks along with you rather than attempting to exploit this system.
  11. Woven Clothes

    I've been playing for at least few days, couple of hours per day, and I still didn't even get a copper saw. Instead I invested in a copper pickaxe and a prospector's pick. I mean isn't that the proper thing to do once you get copper? Leather requires you to have a barrel, which means you need a saw, which I'm assuming you're not supposed to be getting early game unless I went down the wrong route. Therefore getting leather is pretty hard to get early game from what I've experienced. Also I'd rather use straw instead of raw hide for clothing...
  12. Woven Clothes

    Wool and silk would be more mid game though. We need something for very early game.
  13. Domesticating Animals

    A little add-on to this suggestion, what about wild animals being non-persistent while domesticated animals being persistent? This will allow for hunting, especially early game. To properly balance this, the meat dropped from wild animals should weigh less than domesticated ones.
  14. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    That truly is awesome and I respect you for that, but there will come a time where you'll need more help than just a handful of people or yourself. I appreciate your hard work for maintaining it, but the more people working on it, the more up to date it will be. There may be people out there who will want to screw it up, but there is a history tab that can quickly clean up vandalism. I used to work on Wurm Online's Wiki, getting whitelisted was extremely easy. I've fixed VARIOUS of grammar issues and added much needed information for free. Wurm Online's wiki is updated continuously and is managed by hundreds of people, making it be up to date as soon as a patch gets released. I highly suggest you open up the doors for that, use the community you have, cause we're all here for the same cause, to play an awesome mod.
  15. Way to Turn off Monsters?

    Thanks for the help, I guess I'll switch over to peaceful for now. I hope it's not going to make things too easy. I like the difficulty of survival, but not when it comes to dealing with a horde of magical monsters that randomly spawn at night, forcing me to hide rather than play the actual game.
  16. Way to Turn off Monsters?

    Playing the Mod is very limiting currently, during the daytime I do what I can and then at night I sit around doing nothing. If I were to attempt to go outside, there is a horde of vanilla Minecraft mobs that are waiting to kill me and are near impossible to kill. So is there a way to turn off monsters without removing hostile animals such as bears and do I really need them in the game to play properly?
  17. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    I completely agree with all of RandomASCII's responses. In my perspective, the devs are clearly trying to create a community but at the same time filtering it based on their own needs which is counteractive. Here is some things I was told... These are not "pro" community statements. Why bother making a dedicated site/forum if you're not wanting to build up a community? Also people saying the mod is free, so therefore we should be thanking the devs for it. Yet what Minecraft mod isn't free? They're all based on donations, just like this one. However unlike other mods, those devs actually listen to their community and make their mods for them. That gives the community a reason to support them through donations, but what's the purpose of donating to this mod when the developers are just building the mod for themselves? Having a wiki requires you to have a strong community as well and no one gets thanked and paid to keep it up to date. What about us being bug testers and providing suggestions to future improve the mod, how are you going to say that a community has no part in a mod?Also have you ever listened to some Q&A's before? Whenever a suggestion comes up the devs don't just flat out say no, they instead say it's an interesting idea and then counter it if necessary. However they never directly say no. This brings a more positive atmosphere and maybe that's why I felt like I needed to strengthen my arguments. I've worked at a call center before as customer service, we're simply not allowed to say no. Go call a customer service line, you'll see for yourself. If they say no, they're going against their own policy.
  18. Rename Protein to Meat

    You're right, so some eggs may be empty and therefore not be even considered an animal. However a egg that's being developing I would continue to consider it as an animal. Therefore categorizing an egg whether it's a meat or not is debatable. I can see your point...
  19. Rename Protein to Meat

    Just because the flesh is being developed does not mean it’s not flesh. Just because a fetus is still being developed doesn’t make it not a human. There are eggs which do have an embryo and also are capable of hatching a chick without ever having to be fertilized. You see something like milk will never turn into an animal or something with flesh, but the same can’t be said about an egg. You and others can convince yourselves that something which is not yet fully developed is non-existent or not yet classified. But people like me think otherwise, and that does not mean we’re stupid. -Removed for a second time.- There are babies that can been brought up as vegans with no ill side effects. I also went vegan a few times and it's probably the best experience I've ever went through. I felt much healthier, I had more energy, and I thought more clearly. Please don't make up lies stating how important meat is, many people live without it and have much healthier lives than if they were still eating it.
  20. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    Well I think I've tried to explain myself enough when it comes to realism and believability, even more so on the news’ post. It's one thing to not like my suggestion because you simply don't like what it has to offer, but it's another thing to just avoid it being that it contains accuracy and realism, none in which would negatively affect gameplay. I've even read other suggestions to see what I've done different, I just can't figure it out. What it seems like is that asking for changes to already existing content is just frowned by the devs. Hell if you have a fish item that looks like a bass and is labeled an eel, I will also say something about that. There should be no need for a discussion about believability with that.
  21. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    Yeah it kind of seems like the developers are making the Mod for themselves rather than the community. This topic shows that the majority want the firestarter changed and the forum admin just gave me a direct no. Link: I want to keep playing this game but I seriously don't understand what I'm even playing. I got here because TerraFirmaCraft was advertised as a survival realism mod, practically everywhere you go. After playing it I realized it was true. However when I got on the forums, I'm being lectured the meaning of believability in which the dev has clearly altered and manipulated to something I can’t even comprehend and making it seem like the game has nothing to do with realism whatsoever. To use a definition and then to not fully agree with it, stating everyone portrays it differently, is a little confusing and simply doesn’t even make sense. What the dev later explains is the exact definition used anyway! Believability and realism go hand to hand, you can’t have believability with some realism, but you can have realism without believability. So when I suggest accuracy and realism, ones that really don’t impact the game in a negative way which would require the devs to make things easier but believable, why am I getting this lecture? I mean this is the same game where you must drop 3 sticks on the ground and set them on fire with a primitive tool just to simply make a firepit. I mean you need to have some education to even know that rubbing two sticks together can even create a fire! So like I said, I really don’t know what I’m playing. It’s a Mod based on realist survival, but yet it isn’t. Therefore I don’t know what suggestions I can present which won’t go against believability. That’s a real shame because I got plenty of information about realistic survival and I know exactly how it can be added within the game to keep things simple and fun, but why go through all the trouble of educating everyone when I’ll simply get a no and its end of discussion.
  22. That's perfectly fine, would be more fun making clay bowls manually than just getting four out of one. This logic already works with a stone knife, mind as well continue it with other tools. Why not make it into a flower pot?
  23. Water vapour from mouth when its cold

    Asking for more realism without anyone giving you the whole believability speech? Anyway, I don't think it's worth it. It just doesn't add much to the game beside more for us to load.
  24. Improve Firestarter

    That I understand, the developer is still in charge but if the developer is going to give me a forum where I can provide suggestions, I will do so. I'm a very vocal person and enjoy getting involved in reasonable discussions. The likelihood of anything being changed, is highly unlikely. But that's not going to stop me from making sure my point is fully known. Would they rather see a simple suggestion that is terse and provides little to nothing, or a suggestion that's backed up with reason and great lengths of detail? I'm open for debate, just how it is. Hope no one takes it personal, I still enjoy this Mod. Very good, you're right. You got me on this one, I wont deny it.
  25. Rename Protein to Meat

    Like I've already said, an egg is a meat. This is a matter of common sense, it's not really up for discussion. You can find that out practically everywhere, its general knowledge but you see this is exactly what I’m trying to say. This whole crappy food pyramid has you and others confused to the point that you don’t even know that an egg is a meat. I’m not going to blame you, because it really isn’t your fault. However I will try to emphasizes how people need to be a little more accurate with information or else confusions such as these happen. It’s making us dumber which is not a very good thing and its going against what the developers actually want, us to learn something from the Mod. Just take a look at the definition of dairy, “containing or made from milk”. Is an egg made up of milk or animal parts? Animal parts means it’s a meat.