Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by xAxis27

  1. Crossbows

    Crossbows sound like a great idea, but i'd like to see them unavailable for some time until you get better tech, so you see an evolution of weaponry. Steam-pressing planks to make compound bows and the like could work too.
  2. Torches should burn out

    OR perhaps we can craft solar powered lights that gain energy during the day and burn all night.
  3. Salt Water

    Ground water in beaches can be collected through evaporation. By placing a cloth over a hole and weighting the center, water evaporates and then drips into a container. So in TFC, digging a hole and perhaps placing paper or cloth and a bowl inside, you could produce water from beaches.
  4. Torches should burn out

    maybe torches can burn out, but the area that would be lit still prevent hostile you would have to relight, but still dont get mobs in your house.
  5. cobble walls

    I strongly approve of THAT, sir.
  6. Use for sticks?

    Awesome idea, and could be easily done i think.
  7. Punching Trees

    Honestly, I don't see this feature as being particularly essential, lol. But maybe it has its place...
  8. Getting Thirsty

    Agreed. maybe in the beginning, you just right click a water source and if it is fresh water, it replenishes thirst, but salt water will act like bad food does to your hunger.
  9. Kill mobs, get corpse

    Perhaps with the addition of a cleaver and a butcher's table or something...
  10. Knife++

    Three-point deadfall traps using block updates and falling cobble?
  11. Salt Water

    I wouldn't want to drink swamp water even if it looked clean. it could be coded in there easily since it is a biome-specific thing.
  12. Food

    Me too. Clay pits can be built in the same shape as a forge, but below the Y-64 level to act as a preservation or fermentation vessel, just like how Kimchi is made.
  13. Early power systems

    I think a few mods have done "ages" or similar things. It would be a lot of work, but if TFC had the option to build a windmill or geothermal power sources disabled until you progress further annd unlock the knowledge... I like how Age of Empires did it, where you bring an amount of materials to your Town Center before being able to progress.
  14. Grinding Stone Enhanced

    Maybe skinning requires a knife, and gives you strips which you use to combine and make leather pieces. and the grinding stone can also use flint and leather too.
  15. Grinding Stone Enhanced

    i like this. it reminds me of item crafting in skyrim. along with this thinking, it would be cool to see tanning racks and the like
  16. Torches should burn out

    mobs specific to their proper biomes too. i'd like to mention campfires warding off mobs too
  17. Knife++

    i vote for using the finite water mod in TFC
  18. Spotter's Guide

    Agreed! Keep producing them, I am a fan.
  19. Torches should burn out

    Personally, I would like that. It would be realistic, yes, but with the amount of torches being placed and used, micro-management of torch life would take up all of the player's time. Challenge is good, but the goal is still to have fun.
  20. Salt Water

    Salt water + evaporation = salt for food preservation. Maybe fresh water can become a resource in itself by only being available in the small, generated ponds?
  21. TerraFirmaCraft Building Overhaul

    It is always tough to make good suggestions without being familiar with the code, but perhaps something can be done using the connecting properties of fences/beams that can be adapted to make thin walls work without breaking the voxel engine.
  22. cobble walls

    That also gives another use to clay. I think using all the abundant resources in multiple ways adds to the realism.
  23. I second this idea. For a pick that can find traces of minerals, it should also tell you the obvious.
  24. World Height - more room underground?

    That sucks. I do hope it can be figured out though. If possible, mountain generation above 128 would be SO awesome.
  25. Compost

    Gas lamps!