Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Hello developers, some worlds, for some reason, have little to no deer. The server I play on has this issue as well. I'm not sure what the terms are to spawn deer, but I have a solution that may fix the problem universally .Give us the ability to craft salt blocks. Once a salt block is placed, that could better the chance to spawn deer around that area giving the illusion of "attracting" the deer. Optionally have the deer be attracted to the salt block and have an animation to lick it? I know that takes a lot of time, but I think the first way is a simple way to spawn deer within a radius in relation to the blocks placement. I really like what you've done with fishing, but I'd like to catch different types of fish that could give different levels of hunger back.Deep ocean could give me the chance to catch a huge tuna. Fishing in running water could give me the chance to catch a wild salmon. Ponds could have catfish. Now not all fish should have different values or hunger refill rates, but variation in nice to see. Maybe even different icons that represent different fish is fine.Thanks for taking the time to read this if you did, please leave a reply.
  2. Alcohol Heating

    So, eventually all of us in TFC run into a problem; too much grain. Eventually, we end up with hundreds and hudreds of pounds of the stuff. Alongside this, we also will soon have another issue: body temperature. We will, at some point, need to start to heat our houses, and none of us want to sit there feeding twenty logs per day all winter long. I propose a solution: Use alcohol for heating. I think that a good use for all that grain is heat. I say that, if we make alcohol, we will have the option of distilling it. How you ask? Quite simple: take a large vessel filled with any form of an alcohol, then place it over a forge or firepit. After that, a new distillery multi-block structure, with one overhanging block on one side (think large chests), that sits on top will be somehow made with copper tuyeres and filled with water, and it will fill the barrel placed under it with ethanol. The ratio of ethanol to original alcohol is determined by the original concentration of the alcohol, as it is already planned (From the wiki: "Adding an excess of food will simply consume the entire food in making the alcohol, although it is planned that in a future version this excess will increase the potency of the alcohol."); thus, 5000mB of 20% ABV whiskey will distill to 1000mB of ethanol. And what do we do with this ethanol? We burn it for heat. A new heating block will be added and placed in a room. After the player fills it with ethanol, it is lit and burns through one bucket of ethanol in 24 hours, or any other time set in config. The heating block will heat a 10x10x5 area, and only need to be refilled every week or so. Anyway, that's just my thoughts, feel free to add to this below!
  3. Whales and Whaling

    Topic inspired by this post by Bunsan: you can see, I got pretty excited about it.Whales and WhalingORKill the WhalesThis topic is about whales, whaling, and cookies. I will address all three of these things in order. First off,Whales:Don't worry, I'm not going to demand you add all 78 types of whales currently recognized by science. Just 3. Or maybe 4, I don't really care. Anyway, to my knowledge, there were usually these three types of whales involved in whaling:"Right" WhalesI don't know why they're called Right whales, but they're fat, slow, and relatively easy to kill. Recommended for beginning Whalers. Here's what the Wiki says: WhalesRecommended for more experienced Whalers, they're bigger, stronger, faster, and all around harder to kill. Wiki: WhalesHuge, predatory whales. Can be 20 meters long. Big ones sink ships. Don't believe me? Check this out: don't even need to say that this is for experts only. It's not without its rewards, though:, on toWhaling:Ok, let's just add whales and make everybody swim after them with a sword to hack off body parts. That'll be fun, right? Yeah, no. I propose we add some newShips/BoatsThere are a few ways we could do this. One, we could have huge whaling ships, taking hundreds of logs to make, with smaller, faster boats tied to it, ready to be deployed at a moment's notice to go after a pod of whales and bring them back in to be sliced to pieces. Two, we could have the smaller, lighter, faster boats, and launch them from shore to go stab a nearby whale into submission. I'm open on how to put this in. Should they be able to be smashed, or not? Should only the small ones be able to be destroyed? I've put it in the poll. You guys decide. Also, with the small boats, you're going to need something to haul the whales with. I'm thinking a chain. Can make out of Wrought Iron or better, better chain lasts longer. Or better chain can haul more dead whales at once. Or just use a rope.HarpoonsAlright, we've gotten the whales, now how should we kill them? Ooh, ooh, I know, I know! We'll throw really heavy rocks at them! NOPE. Stab it with a harpoon. Probably make them out of Wrought Iron or higher. Blah blah blah, better material makes better stabby. If quenching ever becomes a thing, there should be a bonus attack buff on blood-forged stuff, but it should eat some of your health whenever you use it.DEAD WHALESThis will also talk a bit about how a butchering thing could be implemented. Whale dies, Dead Whale entity spawns in and sits there floating. Small boats can tow Dead Whale. When right clicked, chest inventory pops up with your harpoons and the dead whale meat, blubber, whalebone, if it's a sperm whale you could get the spermaceti by putting bottles in a special slot where they fill up with it. Maybe something like the tank cart from railcraft. When all items are taken out, or after a certain amount of time, it despawns.Processing:Cook the meat, boil the blubber (maybe in a crucible?) to turn it into whale oil, do something with spermaceti to turn it into sperm oil (pretty much whale oil, but more expensive) so you can use it for whatever (like lamps, the inspiration for this whole thing), yeah you're pretty much done. Find a use for whalebone, I've got nothing.Yeah, that's pretty much it. Open to suggestions. Xenolith, over and out. You thought I forgot about the cookies, didn't you? Well, I did. EDIT: HOW DO I MAKE THE GAPS BETWEEN ROWS OF TEXT SMALLER!?!?!?!
  4. Domestication through Mendelian Inheritance The concept of Mendelian Inheritance is in fact a rather simple one, as it is actually commonly taught to most US students (I cannot speak for other countries as I do not live there, sorry) in roughly 7th grade. For those who do not know I will sum up the concept for you. Starting in 1856, a man by the name of Gregor Mendel began conducting experiments on his pea plant garden these experiments ran until 1863. During this time he discovered and recorded some remarkable things which apply to every order of animal and plant but for the sake of this post I will be discussing the base concept as it applies to animals. Every animal has a set of characteristics unique to that individual alone. Shared traits are the result of a single mutation becoming a desired or useful trait in the species which allows it to survive and reproduce. This is the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin. Mendel took this a bit farther by showing we can actively change organisms by artificially selecting a breeding partner which carries traits which we wish to have in our final animal, plant or otherwise. Mendel created the concept of recessive and dominant traits and worked out how these could be applied to breeding with a simple chart. You first need to know what will be dominant and what will be recessive before making the mate selection if you are going to get the outcome you are looking for but; the chart below shows an example of this with human eye color. In this example I need to tell you that blue eyes as well as green eyes are recessive genes and brown eyes are a dominant gene for the chart to make sense. On the side is the genes of the father and across the top is the mother: Brown Blue Blue Brown Blue Green Brown Green As you can clearly see there is a 50% chance of the offspring having Brown eyes, 25% chance of the offspring having blue eyes and a 25% chance of the offsprings having green eyes. This is of course simplified way beyond a reasonable level but you will note that there is no chance that the offspring of this pairing will produce hazel eyes or some other color as it is not represented here. What I propose is a set of traits for the breeding of wild ancestors of livestock so that you are able to create breeds which are unique to your world and fit the outcome you are hoping for. These categories would have of course normal variation but within each category is recessive and dominant traits that, much like the eye color above, could be used to determine the way your individual livestock offspring turns out. This is how humans have been domesticating plants and animals for thousands of years and how we continue to do so even today. As for mod development, I understand that this can be a bit challenging to code, as I am also a professional programmer, however it is well within the realm of possible as it relies on simple programming practices such as switch case statements and basic genetic algorithms. I will try to steer clear (no pun intended lol) of talking about AI as I do not know if Minecraft actually uses the Finite State Machine model as I suspect it does so I will simply describe the animal’s appropriate behavior and leave the rest to Dunk The traits I believe would be most useful are listed here: [*]Size [*]Color [*]Horn/ Tusk/ Antler/ Spur Size [*]Temperament [*]Number of Offspring and or Fertility Rate [*]Natural resistance to hot or cold climates [*]Strength [*]Intelligence [*]Perception [*]Volume of Production Each of these traits can be sub divided into recessive and dominant genes and because my Menagerie listed below are all real animals much of it already has been. Those which refer to purely game statistics of course would need to be determined to fit the proper desired game mechanics as wild animals should still breed amongst themselves but I will describe each trait below for you as I am sure some sound a bit vague. Size This one is fairly straight forward. Size typically is a trait in the wild which leads to either dwarfed or giant versions of animals and which allows humans to breed chihuahua dogs that fit into a tiny purse. Of course what part is dominant and what part is recessive in the wild is mostly based on living conditions. Island Dwarfism is the result of a limited amount of space, food and water. The megafauna of the late pleistocene was due to an over abundance of grass like foods. If you are looking for smaller animals then breed smaller mates but in the wild bigger is typically always better. Color This one plays into another feature further down the list but is very important when you think about it. Animal colorations all mean something. A white tailed deer is a soft brown so that it can blend into its forest surroundings without worrying about predators being able to pick the deer out but; they also have a striking white tail. This is a warning to the rest of the deer that there is danger and that the herd must flee. So, color could be a warning or camouflage depending on what it is used for. Essentially every mammal is also susceptible to albinism so if dunk sees fit he may add that in but remember that this would most definitely be a highly recessive gene. Horn/ Tusk/ Antler/ Spur Size Size is again important. If you wanted a boar as a guard animal (they are very dangerous animals for those who may not know) then you may wish to breed males with larger tusks so they can do more damage. For those of you who are tired of taking damage from a freshly domesticated Junglefowl may be looking to breed that annoying spur right off the rooster’s foot. Again is it entirely up to what you want. Now I know that spurs will not be able to be clearly rendered dunk, but you could simply vary the damage it does so that if someone wanted a flock of attack chickens they could breed them that way lol > Temperament This one is very important and we actually have a study to go from that took place in Russia where they eventually bred a tame fox species. [] Temperament determines how aggressive or docile a species is. In the wild aggressive behavior can be a huge benefit, especially to solitary animals but on a farm, it can be highly dangerous. You can breed out aggressive tendencies by simply removing more aggressive animals out of the breeding pool and onto your dinner plate Eventually you will have yourself a docile, friendly version of the animal which will not attack you every time you walk by. Number of offspring and or fertility rate I have played and watched enough terrafirmacraft to think that I may want a pig that does not cause a pig-splosion every time she gives birth… and having a few extra cows would be nice. With this trait you can breed towards a high chance of producing less or more offspring simply by continuing to breed a line that produces at the rate you wish. In the wild having more babies is beneficial to more aggressive animals but for herds of grazers, having less is better as it permits the herd to protect their young better. Natural resistance to cold or heat This one would be a fun feature to play around with because you could breed shaggy cows or hairless dogs! It really depends on what you are looking for. This gene would be climate specific in the wild and would control fat and hair production so if you are planning on breeding larder pigs then you are going to want to get them from colder areas but if you would rather produce mutton and milk as opposed to producing wool then you would need to find yourself some warmer climate sheep. Strength Right now there is no way for you to hook up a cart to an animal or to use an animal to pull a plow but you can use donkeys to carry things for you. If you wanted to add carts and plows dunk I am sure lots of people would be behind you but otherwise this gene may be useless by itself. Strength is self explanatory and could be used to improve an animal’s carrying capacity. Intelligence I know I promised not to talk about AI but it is a bit hard to avoid. The reason this one is so important is because “smart” farm animals are typically harder to contain but are excellent students when trying to teach them how to perform certain actions such as riding or truffle hunting. This would be something that would allow you to fine tune your animals a bit easier for the jobs they are to do and would come into real play when dealing with any of the animals you would like for pets. Perception This is a gene that would be exceptionally useful in the wild. It has three main components: Sight, Hearing and Smell. This is how we took a wolf and created the bloodhound from it. If you are planning on hunting truffles then you will want to take your docile pig line and breed the ones who have the higher success rates when finding truffles in the ground with their snout. If you want a falcon to be your hunting partner then you will need to breed those which are good hunters (they rely on sight). These features are the ones we typically breed our pets for but could apply to a bunch of different breeds and can be effected indirectly by things like longer hair length. Volume of Production This one is one which I actually saw a mod for a long time ago. This is the set of genes which determines output of meat, wool, milk etc from your animals. By using this gene correctly you can increase your yields or create varied sources for certain products like milk. I am sure that many people know about cow and goats milk but were you aware that sheep are also used for milk production? If you said yes then the chances are relatively high you are not from the United States as sheep milk is exceptionally rare here. But wouldn't it be cool to have a dual purpose animal on your farm that gave you two renewable products? I sure think it would be. As for player GUI implementation, I was not thinking that very much would be necessary. simply a skill that can increase with different interactions with animals such as feeding, breeding etc. This would be similar to the existent system for seeds which have them displaying a specific nutrient when your agricultural skill is high enough, you could tooltip the gene data of the animal at a certain husbandry level. This would of course be difficult to exploit but would give people a way to see where their animals are within the genes and breed accordingly. My Plan is to list 10 prey animals (Livestock) and 10 predatory animals (mostly for pets and population balance) I am slowly working on populating these two lists as I think that these animals would truly round out the natural world as well as the Animal Husbandry aspects of Terrafirmacraft. Hopefully you all both understood my ramblings and enjoy the idea enough to comment but Thank you for at least reading this. Prey animals Species name Aurochs Male Height 160 - 180 cm Weight 700-1500 kg Distinct feature Large pronounced horns which curve toward the front Color black-brown with a small light eel stripe Product Beef, Work Animal (plowing, pulling etc), Leather Female Height 135-150 cm Weight 500-1000 kg Distinct feature udder (barely visible), reduced horn size but still pronounced Color reddish brown Product Milk, Beef, Leather Fertility 40-60% chance # of Offspring typically 1, twins 1 in 7 births Gestation 270 days Eyesight bad depth perception (will stop at shadows to check for hole) normal color perception (better at seeing short wavelength i.e. green, blue) good movement acuity and 300 deg vision Hearing 23-35,000 hz frequencies Smell Excellent, can detect orders from up to five miles away (obviously needs some scaling lol) Social behavior Unisexual Herds. Males fight for mating rights during spring, occasionally leading to death or injury. The Aurochs are grazers that feeds on bushes and tree branches during winter. Temperament Neutral but highly aggressive if threatened Species name Bezoar Ibex Male Height 80-120 cm Weight 85-100 kg Distinct feature Large Scimitar shaped horns on top of the head as long as 144 cm also has a pronounced beard Color grayish to brown coat often with redish tint and dark brown or black stripes on the face, anterior leg surfaces and along the spine. Product Meat, Horns (could be used as tool material or a weapon) Leather, Pack Animal Female Height 50 - 80 cm Weight 25 - 35 kg Distinct feature Teats for milking, Less pronounced horns and little to no beard Color grayish to brown coat often with redish tint and dark brown or black stripes on the face, anterior leg surfaces and along the spine. Product Meat, Milk, Leather, Pack Animal Fertility 75%-80% # of Offspring 1-3 normally Gestation 147-180 days Eyesight Excellent depth perception (can easily jump 6 feet across a gap in a mountain and land on a tiny flat spot) Excellent Color Perception (can distinguish all colors and have exceptional night vision) Excellent movement acuity and 340 deg vision Hearing 78 - 37,000 hz Smell Excellent sense of smell (helps with feeding to prevent eating poisonous plants etc) Social behavior Unisex Herds, rutting similar to Aurochs. Temperament Neutral (Will flee if they sense danger and will only fight if cornered) Species name Eurasian Wild Boar Male Height 110 - 125 cm Weight 300–350 kg Distinct feature Large Tusks, Mane that runs along their back, thick subcutaneous tissue comprised mainly of dense fat that acts as armor against mating challenges, predators etc. Color Highly Varied, white to black through the red and brown ranges Product Meat, Hunting Companion (truffles or big game) Leather, Mount?(they are big enough…) Female Height 80-90 cm Weight 80-100 kg Distinct feature no visible tusks, much smaller than males, no mane Color Highly Varied, white to black through the red and brown ranges Product Meat, Hunting Companion (truffles or big game) Leather Fertility 80-85% # of Offspring 5-6 piglets and litters up to twice a year Gestation 108 to 120 days Eyesight terrible. cannot distinguish human figures at ranges of 15 meters Hearing 42-40,500hz Smell Excellent sense of smell. can detect truffles below 1 meter of dirt. will dig up dirt to reach food as well. Social behavior males are independent but females live in very closely related herds between 20-100 individuals Temperament Aggressive
  5. Hello all :)I wanted to throw into the ring my various ideas about drinks. The goal of this post is to outline the many drink concepts I have swirling around my head, codify them, discuss possible implementations, and put it all together in a nice package for people to read and discuss. I'm sure the fantastic TFC developers have considered beverages in complete and already have their ideas, but whats the harm in throwing some ideas out there. This is mainly to inspire discussion from the community Drinks are an important part of life for most of us, though there is quite a variety of drinks around the world. There are many categories of drinks, all with their fans and critics; Alcoholic drinks, non-alcoholic drinks referred to as soft drinks by some, brewed beverages such as coffee and tea, et al. I plan to touch on the categories named here, and throw in my two cents as to the possible uses of them, and implementations. _________________________________________________________________________ | A Quick Overview | _______________________________________________________ Currently, Steve has a rather narrow selection of beverages to enjoy at the moment in my opinion. He is limited to water(which has its uses, and is an important part of survival), alcohol(which also has its uses, though as a drink its primarily for relaxation), and Milk(which isn't drinkable at the moment if memory serves). Primarily focusing on water and alcohol, they both serve a purpose and have a function. Without water, you dehydrate, which leads to moving slowly. Good incentive to keep your thirst quenched. Alcohol gives various buffs and debuffs (or outright kills you if you decide to over-indulge) and gives a pleasant swirling effect to your screen. There are a plethora of beverages that the mods can devote their development time on, and everyone has their favorites, but I do not simply want to see beverages added that don't bring anything new. I feel that each beverage should be evaluated on its potential believable benefits rather than just adding drinks for its own sake. The beverages I will be focusing on will be from a handful of drink categories; Soft Drinks: This term is loosely used to reference a specific subset, specifically non carbonated non alcoholic beverages. Brewed: Mainly Coffee and Tea, what most people would think of as a brewed beverage. Alcoholic: some would say we already have enough diversity within this category of beverages, but I have a different approach to try. _________________________________________________________________________ |Soft Drinks | ___________________________________________________________ For most, when you think of Soft drinks, you think of carbonated drinks like soda. Sadly there is no carbonated water in TFC at present, so I use the term loosely to refer to various mixtures involving fruit juices. Some could argue hot springs could be harboring carbonated water of a sort, but that is a different discussion, right now I want to discuss non alcoholic non carbonated beverages. We have fruit, so why do we not have fruit juices you may be asking? In my mind, it's a simple matter of what benefit would be reap from having fruit juices? Thinking upon this, I wondered what believable benefit could be gotten from drinking fruit juices. First thing that popped into my head was nutrition. Having yourself a nice tall glass of OJ? (Orange Juice, not the football player!) Surely I would receive some nutritional benefit similar to eating the orange itself you might wonder. That was my go to solution, until I happened to peruse the forums and found kitty mentioning that the developers were trying to limit the amount of nutritional benefits you can get from food, for good reason. When you juice a fruit, you end up losing a good bit of mass in the conversion, things like fiber, pulp, seeds, etc. It is unlikely that converting 160 oz of fruit to 80 or even 40 oz and keeping the same nutritional content would be balanced, as now eating the fruit is sub-par, why do that when you can chug juice all day. With that in mind, I toyed around with the idea of having fruit juices improve food saturation, slowing the rate at which you become hungry. A possible solution, but it could have strange implications and didn't feel entirely believable or impactful to me. Another idea I thought about was adding potion effects into the mix, things like speed boosts, temporary max health increase, temporary absorption. In the end, I leave these questions for the community to decide, while I continue to wrack my brain for possible solutions to this problem. In any event, Here are some ideas for soft drinks. Lemonade: I cant tell you how many times I have tried to deliver the age old saying about lemons, but every time I was stymied by the lack of lemonade in TFC. Jokes aside, most people wouldn't countenance eating raw lemons, the fruit is mainly utilized mixed into food and drinks to most of us. The simplest route to implement this would be crushing the lemon for its juice, whether it be by hammer, hand, or what have you. lemon juice + sugar + water, and you have lemonade. This method would be barbaric and cruel to the poor lemons though, so I would suggest the implementation of a new item, the Reamer. A simple tool made from wood, fired clay, or knapped stone, it would humanely juice the lemon, and it would be easier on Steve. I can only imagine him coming home from a vicious battle and trying to juice a lemon by hand, it would be almost unbearable getting lemon juice in wounds, scratches, or cuts D;. Various fruit juices: Of the food available to us, I believe the best candidates for juicing are oranges, tomatoes, apples, cranberries, and plums. these all have a good water content that make them suitable for juicing. There are other foods that we juice today, but they are typically pulverized and macerated to obtain their juices, and couldn't be reamed by hand to produce said juices. As for berries, I would recommend they be put into a generic berry juice, either by themselves or mixed, so as not to create a ridiculous pool of dubious juices like strawberry juice. That is all I have to say about soft drinks, these will come up later as basic units for other beverages. _______________________________________________________________ | Brewed Beverages | ____________________________________________________________________ Brewed beverages are another of the popular drinks around the world, tea and coffee having worldwide appeal and mass consumption. This section will involve adding several new mechanics and will be more complex than the previous section. Lets start with tea, shall we? Tea goes back a long time, earliest records show tea being consumed as far back as the tenth century BC in China. But enough history, most of us know tea, and how great it is. to add it to TFC, we are going to need to add new items and mechanics to give it justice. Starting off, we will need to implement a tea bush. Tea bushes are typically grown in tropical or subtropical climates, require at least 50 inches of rainfall a year, and prefer acidic soils. It takes 3 years for a new plant to be ready for harvesting, and in harvesting, only the top 1-2 inches are plucked. It can be harvested every 7-15 days during its growing season. The slower they grow, the better the flavor. Implementation of this would involve creating the tea plant, mimicking the characteristics mentioned, and then harvesting by hand. I feel the best method would be to allow us to right click to harvest every few days to collect tea leaves, while leaving the bush intact. Unfortunately, I do not know if the devs plan to bring that feature back, as it has been removed from tomatoes and other plants. (disclaimer: the following is based on traditional small volume methods, and isn't a perfect step by step process or perfectly accurate representation of actual tea making) Once harvested, depending on the type of tea. For this thread, i'm going to stick to black, oolong, and green tea. Black tea is laid out in the sun to wilt, losing some of its water content, and activating enzymes to help break down the leaf and produce tannins. Next, the leaves are bruised and shredded, breaking open cell walls for the enzymes to oxidize them. After oxidation, they are heated to dry them to a specified water content, thus finishing the tea. Green tea has a slightly different method, where instead of wilting them in the sun, the tea leaves are blasted with heat / steam to stop the wilting process. they are then dried immediately with no oxidation allowed. Oolong is a half step between black and green, wilted, bruised/shredded, but only partially oxidized. In game, I can see the implementation working something similar to this. Using a woven reed mat or a large cloth blanket, sun wilting the leaves, crushing the leaves in a quern, leaving them out to oxidize on that same mat/cloth, and then drying them somewhere warm. For green tea, it would simply be harvested, then dried. Now to move on to coffee. Coffee does not have as long a history as tea, the first credible accounts of coffee being drank in the middle east around the 15th century by monks. There are two major types of coffee in the world, Robusta and Arabica. Arabica is considered the better flavored of the two, as Robusta is bitter, but has a great body(just like my wife! haha! no plz stahp). To keep it short, ill move on to processing. Coffee beans and berries are de-fleshed, and the seeds are left in the sun on screens to ferment, followed by drying on the screens, making Green Coffee. As many of you are aware, there are some variations to this, most notably kopi luwak, which has the coffee berries / seeds being fed to Asian palm civets, who then excrete out the seeds, which are collected and sold for large sums of money. I know dunks aversion to coding excrement, but it would be neat to have that process, only using creepers instead. That will give the coffee some real POW! talk about an EXPLOSION of flavor! (I'll let myself out now). All jokes aside, next comes the roasting. Roasting is a deceptively difficult affair, requiring an experienced roast master to acquire proper coffee flavors, but its simple for translating into TFC. Simply roast green coffee to the desired darkness. After roasting, all that is required is grinding the bean to powder, and then you have your coffee, ready for brewing. I've saved mentioning Implementation ideas for last here, since they will be similar for both tea and coffee. The best way I see it happening is through the introduction of a kettle or pot with which we can bring water to a boil. A pot would have more uses to it, you can find plenty of threads asking for pots to make stews or soups, etc. With that said, it would almost feel like a missed opportunity to not include a tea kettle for one reason, its distinctive whistle. Hearing a recognizable sound in a game, like a tea kettle whistle, gives me a better sense of immersion, and when it's done right it can downright give me thrills of excitement, but i'm weird like that. With a method to boil water, we can produce the end result, tea and coffee. Throw the leaves / powder in the pot / kettle or pour a cup and steep leaves /powder in that. Of course, what is tea and coffee without a nice ceramic (porcelain) cup with floral designs? Another missed opportunity I am sure. ____________________________________________________________________________| Alcohol |___________________________________________________________________ Rather than try to justify more types of alcohol, my suggestions will be more in line with mixed drinks and cocktails. This ties in with my earlier section about fruit juices, as a large portion of mixed drinks are mixed with fruit juices. I don't think i have to bother with coming up with any mixed drink/cocktail ideas, i'm sure the community and/or dev team can think of plenty on their own. The purpose they would serve would be mirrored in what the fruit juices will end up doing. Slight bumps to Nutrition and/or food saturation with your alcohol buffs would be splendid, or whatever else the community comes up with And with that out of the way, I want to talk about an egregious oversight, the lack of wine in TFC. I am here to give out my take on bringing wine to the game. Wine is a drink produced from the fermentation of grapes or other fruits. Wine has an incredible diversity, but for the purposes of this thread, I will keep things simple. Grapes / fruits are harvested from the fields, taken to where they will be fermented and processed. for simplicity, I will only discuss white and red wines, of the non sparkling variety. Red wines are fermented with the skins and pulp of the grapes / fruit, white wine is fermented from fruit juice that is pressed from said grapes/fruits, there is no skin - juice interaction for white wines. the wine is fermented for one to two weeks, allowing wild or packaged yeast to convert the sugars to alcohol. after fermentation, juices are allowed to empty and collect in a holding tank, and the remaining must(grape skins) is pressed, this liquid is taken to a different tank, and kept separate from the free run juice. At the winemakers discretion, these two are blended to achieve the target flavor profile. After this, both wines can be barrel aged, or blended and finished off. With such a simplistic rundown to work off of, the implementation of wine in TFC is rather open ended. Of the things we would need to have a fairly authentic experience would be grapes, a press, and a non flammable drum to ferment in. Amenities include wine bottles, wine glasses, filters, and a decant(er)ing machine(that's a wine joke ). Barrels can serve as storage, aging vessels, vessel for pressing, etc. With the introduction of wine, I will be able to turn my nose up at those rival towns who make an inferior copy of my high class chardonnay and scoff at their efforts! __________________________________________________________________| Concepts |_____________________________________________________________________________ Now that i have discussed those things, I wanted to throw a few concepts out there that I have been pondering for a short while. One of which is a system similar to taste we have now, only applied to beverages. Food and drink share a few desirable flavors, sweet, bitter, and sour, but in my experiences I've never sought out a savory or salty beverage. I would recommend that if a drink specific taste panel be set up, salty and savory would be replaced by body(mouth feel). I suggest this creation to help give drinks a purpose, and to go along with my next suggestion, packaging food and drink together to create a sort of pairing bonus. This pairing bonus would be for matching flavor profiles to your character on the food and in the drink, greatly improving the saturation bonus for your food. Sorry for the wall of text, there is plenty of mistakes in it I am sure, but I hope to create some good discussion points in the community. Regards, Chocmerc
  6. Just A Little Archery Tweak.

    Currently, Archery in TFC is very, very, very, very, very, very slow compared to how it was done when archery was useful. Pretty much says it all, I don't know how accurate it is, but I think we can say that people that lived 1000+ years ago could definitely shoot very skillfully and quick, faster even then how vannilla MC portrays it, which is strangely more accurate then TFC. A lot of the claims in the video are probably horribly inaccurate, but that doesn't mean they're completely wrong, obviously he *is* shooting very quickly. I understand we're not trying to be perfectly realistic, just believable... But this isn't believable, at least not very.
  7. Stone Pillars

    One thing I love about Terrafirmacraft, is the amount of diversity it adds in terms of building blocks. With raw, smooth, brick and cobbled variants for all of the various types of stone, it offers a lot of possibilities. I do wish though, that there was some way of making stone pillars, similar in texture and function to the quartz pillars in vanilla. Not only can they be used for pillars, they can also be used to add unique textures to stony builds and can make floors pretty interesting. I was thinking they could be crafted with six stone bricks in the shape of a door, but anything works.
  8. [Breaks Rule #1]Fishing Bait

    You should be able to use bait such as worms when fishing to increase the chance of catching a big fish or increase the rate at which you catch fish.
  9. Hello, and first of all i want to thank everyone who is developing this wonderful mod. Now. I created a poll, where i gathered some ideas in the style of the mod, as i understand it. Please take your survey and thank you for your attention. Here's a mushroom inspiration picture.
  10. PneumaticCraft

    forgive me if this is in the wrong place, i wasnt sure if i shoud put it here or in the Addons section. ok so i did a general search and turned up nothing. would anyone be able to make an addon to make TFC compatible with PneumaticCraft? the main thing that it seems to need fixing is some way to make the plastic plants generate besides the way the due by default in the mod since the nether and end are off limits. this cuts out purple, yellow and red plastic which is needed for some of the more useful crafts. if i had any skill or knowledge in coding i would do it myself. thanks for taking time to read this and any feedback or comments are welcome.
  11. On background music

    Ilikethis modbackgroundmusic very muchThis is also the reasonIbrowsetheEnglishwebsite(I'm Chinese and not good at English)To tell the truth, this site is doing a good job.But I was notfound in the abovethemodbackground music.So, how do I get the background music? P.SAll of the above are mechanical translation obtained if that makes you feel uncomfortable and I'm sorry
  12. So, any of you who have lived in a climate where there is snow regularly in the winter will know that 80% of the time, it isn't sunny. What I propose is quite simple: when the temperature drops below 40 ºF (4 ºC), there is a ¾ chance that the day will be cloudy & overcast. (Think vanilla deserts during rain). I thought of this when I was playing and noticed how much colder & more winterlike it felt when the sky clouded over as it snowed.
  13. lead lamp

    I know this is a common thing but I feel itmust be stressed. Lead is latterly useless. I have a idea for it that is mainly a later game thing (iron age) lead wood lamps these lamps would not be affected by rain or snow, create more light and best of all use lead. unlike torches, these lamps would use fuel. my idea would be sticks because if you are like me you have a million sticks later game and have no uses for them other then tools. this way I can empty 12 large chests full of sticks in a useful way. a stick should last longer that torches and the more you put in to thelamp the longer it burns but the dimmer it is. it should be made with a lead sheet in an anvil to make a unfinished lamp, then crafted with glass to make a working one. you would the place it, load it and light it with a torch.
  14. Personally I find horses lame and pointless in terrafirma because, to tame them it takes multiple days and lots of my food stores. So I wish they were more worth while. here are my ideas: cart or wagon: the tfc inventory is tiny and, theonly way to get around that is barrels so why not have a barrel cart/wagon to hold then? a cart would need 1 horse and a wagon would need 2! different breeds: I feel like there should be 3 breeds of horses: Paints, Mustang, andClydesdale. There should be aPaints (1.5 blocks tall)which is slower and cant be ridden(maybe scared of water?) andneeds afriend to pull a cart and cant pull a wagon and is easily tamed.The normal/current horse (2 blocks tall) Mustang, 2 are needed for a wagon and 1 for a cart (please make it a bit faster). TheClydesdale (3 blocks tall) slow yet faster than a paint, carrys 2 people(if you want ) pulls everything by its self(that means wagons)but is hard to tame. this is all realistic, there are horses that big and strongand that small and weak. cart could hold 6 barrels and wagons hold 15 (other numbers are acceptable), maybe add a cart that can hold people or animals (please I hate chickens because they are so far out). please discuss the cart/wagon crafting method. you can also discuss if you want different saddles per horse because that makes cense... please talk about any ideas relating the topic...and fill out the pole so dunk and bioxx can see.
  15. Astral Movement Poll

    Link to Astral Movement page Please post comments there.
  16. Custom Painting systum.

    Paints Erick Ryan Drinkard 1/5/15 (7:36 P.M) To whom it may concern. I have just started on my journey into the Mod TFC and find it most beautiful. I alsoHave a suggestion for this mod, It is in the form of custom painting using dyes on a paper canvases ina format similar to paint. You are however limited to the color of dyes you have on hand such as black or blue so you can only paint with those colors and with however much dye you have collected. I also feel that this could be implemented in glass work and pottery some how and would love to see it implemented in the mod on a future date. Please RASAP with a comment or feed back on future up dates and if they will contain or not contain this suggestion. Yours Sincerely: Erick R. Drinkard
  17. Weapon Suggestions

    I had some ideas for some weapons that I haven't seen suggested. 1. Sling-The sling would be crafted with leather and/or rope. it would be a ranged weapon that would deal bludgeoning damage and use stones as ammo. Its range would be less than a bow, but slightly longer than a javelin. 2.Bolas-Crafted with rope and stones. It would deal the least damage of any ranged weapon and the shortest range, but it would cause slowness to the target to simulate the creature becoming entangled in the bola. 3.Atlatl-This would be crafted with sticks and a wood plank. It would use javelins as ammo, but would increase the range and damage of the javelin. 4.Pike-This would be crafted with a javelin head above 2 sticks. It can't be thrown, but has a long reach. When the player holds right click the pike would be held out in front of the player. Any creature that walks/runs into the pike while being held out takes damage. The pike would also slow the player down. 5.Harpoon-This would be crafted with a javelin head, rope, and a stick. It would be used mainly to catch squids. It would be thrown at a creature. Then once it hit its target the player would right click and pull the creature closer while dealing damage. This is my first post. What do you guys thinks?
  18. Compost/Fertilizer

    Right now, fertilizer isnt the most common thing. and when you decide to make a new farm plot in a pond or something, it takes FOREVER for the ground to be worth planting in. we are also missing the aspect of food waste, and don't even get me started on all that rotting flesh over in the corner with no use. i suggest we add a compost pile! it would allow for the natural production of fertilizer, and a place to stick all that darn rotting flesh. egg shells could be added after cooking an egg, along with some extra item given if your food goes bad to shove in the pile. maybe we could even have our tame animals give us to the pile now and then, and if we don't pick up after our animals, it would act as a monster attractant to the smell, and maybe a nausea effect. to balance it out, it should take about half a year or so to have the fertilizer useable after rotting in the pile for a bit.
  19. Use for Lead

    It could be cool to make like casting channels to move molten metal outputed from the blast furnace into a crucible, and usually there where lead pipes like 100 years ago.
  20. Fishing

    Personally i love the 'spear fishing' mechanic It's really neat and i haven't seen it before. But I think fishing as a hole could be redone Heres some ideas ... Bait: The idea behind this is that there are different leveled baits and the better the level the better chance of adecentcatch. To catch level 1 Bait you will need a net (See below) Worms : Lv1 - Appear on grass when it rains. Magots : Lv1 -Appear When food decays in a vessel or chest. Flys : Lv1 -Appear When food decays in a vessel or chest. To catch level 2 bait you will need a glass bottle and right click on them Grass hoppers : Lv2 - Find in grass (...) Rag Worms : Lv2 - Find on beaches To catch Level 3 Bait you will need a poking stick and a Bucket filled with salt water (see below) Hermit crabs : Lv3 - Find in shallow Salt water. Rods: The idea behind this is that as you progress through the ages you can have better tools to use for fishing with different effectiveness. copper rod : Lvl 1 - 30% (effectiveness) - Lvl 1 Bait bronze rod : Lvl 1 - 35% - '' biz bronze rod:Lvl 1 - 40% -'' Iron rod : Lvl 2 -60% - Lvl 2 Bait and above Steel rod : Lvl 3 -70% -lvl 3 Bait and above Blue Steel rod : 75% - '' Red Steel rod : 80% - '' Items: rod cast - clayforming net - string and sticks ? poking stick -stick and knife Mechanics: different sized fish depending on bait and how effective the rod is. (Possibly fish breeding But that a bit advanced)
  21. Trains ?

    Trains undoubtedlyi'm sure this already has been given alot of thought but in myopinioni feel like the minecraft rail system lacks something and i think TFC should touch upon this. I've often wanted trains with cargo wagons running between mines Steam Locomotives Sure The trains in Minecraft are great and help you get around but how do they go? Already alot of redstone contraptions have been removed and to fit the general theme of the mod i think there should be the introduction of steam trains. They'll be simple to run for example they could run of of logs (Primitive resource) Charcoal (next Tier) Coal (Best Tier) and water. Salt water will be slightly less effective to add emphasis on getting fresh water. Cargo Wagons Simple yet effective. Personally i would rather have cargo wagons to move items from point A-B This could be another way of using the size system there could be multiple types of cargo wagon. ~Small (Small items) ~Medium (Medium Items) ~Large (Large Items) ^ ^ ^ Around 16 inv. Around 8 Inv. Around 4 inv. Slots Per Unit Slots Per Unit Slots Per Unit These are just basic ideas at the moment there will be more to come. Thanks for your time. ~ICY
  22. so i was going through some of the suggestions ( been lurking around for a while) and I noticed a thread about mechanization and the discussion led to the fact that it isn't really needed for something like tfc. but what if that changed? I had this idea in my head for a while for a waiting time when using crafting tables, like having to take time to craft things rather than it being instant. this could work by when you put the ingredients in the bench correctly it shows the item but you need to press a button and the arrow would fill up similar to a furnace in vanilla minecraft. of course some items would take longer to make than others, like the difference from chipping bricks and putting together two sticks to make a fire-starter (one would take something like 15 seconds the other being instant, give or take) this would be a little annoying with how things run in tfc now with the lack of a physical crafting bench, because if you were to exit your inventory in the middle of sawing wood you would need to start over. this annoyance could be solved with the addition of some sort of physical early game 2x2 crafting bench that you could start crafting something and be able to walk away and it would continue to craft it ( maybe made by shift-clicking a log with a stone hammer ) the trade of being that maybe it takes a little longer than if you used your internal crafting bench. the same goes for the 3x3 crafting bench, once you craft it you would still get you internal 3x3 bench in your inventory but would also get the actual bench for the purpose of setting up you workshop to make things easier on yourself. if this was added somehow ( i don't know how easy it would be, i'm no coder) then mechanical set-ups would be feasible as a way to process stuff way faster than just crafting it, like making a saw mill that would cut logs into lumber at a fast enough rate that building your mansion could actually be achieved a reasonable time-frame. of course mechanization would be later game, like once you get steel. So what do you think? Good? Bad? Too difficult to code?
  23. Ranged weapons vs. Skeletons

    If I'm not mistaken, there are currently no ranged weapons that deal any damage to skeletons, as all ranged weapons (javelins and arrows) are piercing damage. This seems problematic to me, as ranged combat used to be the only effective way to attack them in old TFC. There have already been concerns about there being no dedicated blunt stone age weapons, but I think it is even more concerning that there is no way to fight them at range, even after metal is acquired. At the moment, if I'm not mistaken, the best way to fight skeletons (besides not and running away) is to charge them with a hammer and try to kill them before they kill you, tanking the arrows as you smash repetitively, and that's a ridiculous notion. The problem is not how much damage or how quickly your weapons damage them, but rather, using weapons that prevent you from taking damage yourself. Not only do I recommend the already-requested idea of making a dedicated blunt stone age weapon such as a club, but more importantly, I recommend making it a throwable weapon, as the javelin, for effectively dealing with skeletons. While I realize such suggestions have been mentioned before, I mention them for a specific purpose (and also one that has become relavant only relatively recently) - to effectively fight skeletons. Clubs definitely had historic versions made for throwing, and it makes sense from a believability and roleplaying point-of-view that the player characters would use weapons and tactics designed to take out the sort of enemies they're facing (blunt weapons are specifically designed primarily for skeletons in this world, after all). In fact, I'd think it would actually be unbelievable if they didn't exist - one of the primary enemies has no effective weapon to deal with them. An alternative would be some sort of shield to block arrows as one advances, although that would be more complicated; either way, though, I think some sort of weapon or defense should reasonably allow one to fight skeletons without taking any damage if done properly.
  24. Prevent grass growth

    I cant imagine that this idea hasn't been though of before but I wasn't able to find a topic about it. Basically I'm looking for a way to keep grass from growing on to dirt with out having to make a new dirt block for each rock type(which is why I'm guessing this isn't currently available). So that got me thinking about the attributes that food can have, is it at all possible to give a dirt block some attribute, while keeping it the same block, that could be used to prevent grass from growing on it? If it is possible (that's a big IF) you could be able to shift right click dirt with salt or craft dirt and salt together to apply said attribute. Now I'm guessing that's probably not possible so an alternative could be adding a block similar to the chiseled block, which is able to use the different textures of rock, limiting how many block would have to be added. There are many problems with this suggestion I'm sure, but I would love to be able to have grass free dirt.
  25. My eyes are bad, hence the font size. Post of inspiration: For the lazy: This suggestion is for adding the following: metal wire, a ring jig, metal rings, chains, chainmail, chainmail padding, and improved armor to the game. For the rest that like reading, let's get started! Metal Wire: To make the wire necessary you'll need your trusty anvil and you basically hammer the wire out while it's stillmalleableuntil the smithing arrows line up and what results from the smithing would be 10 lengths of wire. Ring Jig and rings: To make a ring jig: you'll need 3 wooden planks(P), 2 wooden lumber(L), and a stick(S). S L O O L O P P P You would then right-click it with wire in hand and coils of the metal wire will drop while 1 wire is removed from your inventory. Next, simply put the coil and a pair of shears in the crafting interface and you will get 64 rings (split into 4 stacks) of the metal you used from that one wire. Chains: You now have a pile of rings in your inventory that you can heat all together to working temp, then put them all into the crafting interface and fill the entire thing with the heated rings to get an unfinished chain square that you can then take to the anvil and hammer to completion. Then, you will do that again with the squares to get a sheet of mail (Total cost for a sheet is 81 rings and the fuel used). Sheets and squares of mail will be used for armor, for a moremiscellaneoususe you can make them into unfinished lengths of chain by simply taking the unfinished rings and put them into a line in the crafting interface to get a length of wire (you can combine them up to a length of 30) for enhanced storage as well as a possible currency for role-players. Inspiration for currency use: Chainmail armor: A full set of chainmail armor comes in 3 pieces (made of chain, not the padding) consisting of the coif (hood), hauberk (torso and leg armor), and chausses (shin guards). Here are the following patterns for the chainmail: Chain Square (SQ) | Chain sheet (SH) | Nothing (O) Chainmail Coif: 99 rings to make it O SH O SQ O SQ O O O Chainmail Hauberk: 567 rings to make it SH O SH SH SH SH SH O SH Chainmail Chausses: 324 rings to make it SH O SH SH O SH O O O Chainmail Padding: Now, the padding is very simple to produce, just put 2 cloth in the crafting interface to get padding pieces. Then, do the same pattern of the armor you are trying to pad for the padding itself. EXAMPLE: To make padding for the Chausses, use the same pattern that you would with the chains with padding pieces regardless of if the chain items were sheets or squares. Once the padding is made, just put it and the appropriate chainmail armor piece in the crafting interface and now you have functional armor. Improved Armor: To make improved armor, just take a chainmail hauberk, the hauberk's padding, a chestplate, and the legplates and you now have a set of improved armor. Keep in mind that the metal for the chainmail and the plate armor have to be the same kind, otherwise you're just being silly. Armor Stats: In reality, chainmail was made for deterring slashing damage, and it was weak to crushing and stabbing based attacks. With this in mind, its stats would be around this area. Also, if I did my math correctly, the metal required to make a suit of chainmail is 1.5 ingots. That alone will make chainmail a very cheap armor to produce for players, so there will be some balancing that must be done if this is included. Those that know armor production will realize "HEY! It takes WAY much more rings than that to make a suit of the stuff!" and they are right because: A: it doesn't have to be realistic, just has to be believable to work and B: I also make the stuff,and it is a very long and tedious process. I would like to thank everyone who decided to read this post as well. Have a good day!