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Go to hell

277 posts in this topic

I wouldn't apoligize for insulting macs either, they deserve it. Useless shiny pieces of crap. You'd be much better off using a REAL Unix OS that comes bundled with a package manager and has associated repositiories. (as in Centos, scientific linux, ubuntu, and debian). Mac is built off a unix core and then piles shit on top and doesnt provide many of the most basic command line tools that SHOULD by rights be there.

We even have to go to Apple to get the compilers, instead of the open source developers, how lame is that shit?

...Well... that was a completely un related response to this post... .__. there's a reason why off topic section exist.

Though, i'm not really the indicated guy to criticize this -that's how it's spelled, right?-, as this post here is also totally unrelated. xDU

So, let me take the brainstoming list i made up before and remove the bad ideas/excesive things:

-The first time you manage to activate a portal, it would be unstable, and you would have no way at all to stabilize it until you get some materials down there. However, parcially to add some coolness to it, if it is activated anywhere under a block, some lightings will fall and break anything which blocks it's view to the sky.

-This materials are fairly easy to find, but there's a problem: your portal leads you to a random section of the nether -either the low, the center or the high section-, while what you're looking for can only be found in the middle section -maybe something you can get from a nether mushrooms forest-

-The portal, on the nether, wouldn't be nothing but some kind of hole in the middle of the air; you have to get a nether portal frame around it in order to stabilize both portals, which can only be crafted with this materials, or rarely found in nether fortress.

-While unstable, the portal will open and close itself at a pseudo-random rate; while it's night time on the overworld, it is more likely to be open, while in day time it's more likely to be closed.

-While stable, the portal will remain open all during the night time, and closed all during the day time. However, lighting storms can confuse the overworld portal, making it close itself until the storm finishes.

+If the portal gets hit by a lighting, it will remain open during a complete day; however, due to extra usage, it will as well remain closed for another day. Then it will finally come back to it's normal rate.

-The portal NEEDS to have an unblocked view of the sky. If you enclose it, it will remain open for two days, but then it will sundenly explode due to the energy overload, with a massive force -reason enough to keep your goodies as far as possible from it!-. The same will happen if you are unlucky enough for TWO lightings to hit it during the same storm.

-Due to the fact that you could travel to the nether through an overcharged portal and not be able to go back before it explodes in the overworld...

+The nether would be survivable, even though it would be very hard in comparison with the overworld survival.

+Though difficult, you can re-activate the nether portal you came from in order to get back to the overworld. It wouldn't re-build the first portal in the overworld, as it no longer exists... you would be taken to another overworld portal, which could even be millions of blocks away from your home... or, if you're lucky, just behind your house.

+The overworld portals would only be found in the middle of mountains, at sea level. At the moment of activating, the mountain -due to one of the side effects of the activation of the portal- would become a dead volcano. The portal itself would, as well, open a bunch of galleries in the mountain, some of them going down in the earth, and some of them going up to the outside.

+Why that last for, you may ask? as you go back from the nether through a new portal, which wasn't activated, it will open the galleries and create the mountain as any other... however, it would automatically behave as if it was overcharged, and will in some moments explode. The galleries are there just for you for escaping the explosion, which could easily take out the mountain itself!

Want to point out, i really liked the mountain thing 'cause it would make the travel back from the nether an adventure itsef when you're accidentaly trapped in the nether...


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well i've always thought of the nether as an alternate dimension that happens to be full of fire and lava as opposed to a "hell" world

maybe it could just be changed to a world of magma and fire that's under the earth's surface?

you would just dig down far enough and at about bedrock level, you would find the nether


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The mod is called MineUp srgnoodles


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The mod is called MineUp srgnoodles

yes i know about that mod but i was just trying to turn the whole "nether being hell" idea into a "the nether is just under the surface of the earth thats why its all fiery and lava" idea

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I'll obviously be reworking bits of the nether too, with the mobs, but I might put some input into the terrain gen. Any ideas?


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I'll obviously be reworking bits of the nether too, with the mobs, but I might put some input into the terrain gen. Any ideas?

Personally, I'm tired of having to go down to 1 heart from fall damage every time I want to go from one cliff to another in the current Nether. It's more like some infernal hard core parkour track than the final destination of the damned souls of Minecraftia. Some desolate dark plains would be nice in the stygian depths. Occasional areas of nearly impossible navigability are nice, but when they become the standard terrain generation then everyone just wants to sod the whole thing until they can find a plane or a jetpack.

Also, giant red caves are a bit... off. How about a sky? A nice black one. Or perhaps just a ridiculously high cave ceiling - mostly empty - with maybe a few monolithic stalactites scattered across the underside and no light.


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Personally, I'm tired of having to go down to 1 heart from fall damage every time I want to go from one cliff to another in the current Nether. It's more like some infernal hard core parkour track than the final destination of the damned souls of Minecraftia. Some desolate dark plains would be nice in the stygian depths. Occasional areas of nearly impossible navigability are nice, but when they become the standard terrain generation then everyone just wants to sod the whole thing until they can find a plane or a jetpack.

Also, giant red caves are a bit... off. How about a sky? A nice black one. Or perhaps just a ridiculously high cave ceiling - mostly empty - with maybe a few monolithic stalactites scattered across the underside and no light.

I like the idea of no light. The way I see the nether is not exactly the "hell" most religions talk about. I think of it as more of a demonic place? A place where no mortal being of earth should ever go, with fire and darkness and horrible monsters that have lived for thousands of years. An ancient place.

I view The End as more of the "afterlife" sort of place... probably more like limbo. The End will be dead quiet, there will be no noise. Endermen will be getting an overhaul too, my vision of them is of giant, gaunt skeletal beings (sort of like grim reapers?) collectors of souls (although not really). The Enderdragon will be getting an overhaul too, it will be bigger, it's movements will be slower and it will look more fearsome and realistic. Imagine the Balrog from the fellowship of the rings crossed with a giant skeletal dragon minus the fire. That's sort of what I'm going for.


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I like the idea of no light. The way I see the nether is not exactly the "hell" most religions talk about. I think of it as more of a demonic place? A place where no mortal being of earth should ever go, with fire and darkness and horrible monsters that have lived for thousands of years. An ancient place.

I view The End as more of the "afterlife" sort of place... probably more like limbo. The End will be dead quiet, there will be no noise. Endermen will be getting an overhaul too, my vision of them is of giant, gaunt skeletal beings (sort of like grim reapers?) collectors of souls (although not really). The Enderdragon will be getting an overhaul too, it will be bigger, it's movements will be slower and it will look more fearsome and realistic. Imagine the Balrog from the fellowship of the rings crossed with a giant skeletal dragon minus the fire. That's sort of what I'm going for.

Well actually if you check the OP I was indeed going for more of a Grecian version of hell than a -shudder- catholic one, so it looks like our ideas ended up meshing rather nicely by coincidence, lol.

Your vision of the End makes me happy in ways I should probably tell my psychologist about. Also, that 'the wailing' thread? I think it was meant, less as a 4th 'dimension', and more as a re-write and re-coding of the rather disappointing End. No need for extra worlds, just a retooling of an 'old' one.


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Well actually if you check the OP I was indeed going for more of a Grecian version of hell than a -shudder- catholic one, so it looks like our ideas ended up meshing rather nicely by coincidence, lol.

Your vision of the End makes me happy in ways I should probably tell my psychologist about. Also, that 'the wailing' thread? I think it was meant, less as a 4th 'dimension', and more as a re-write and re-coding of the rather disappointing End. No need for extra worlds, just a retooling of an 'old' one.

The problem with games today is that they do fear wrong. They aim for the "surprise" fear, the grotesque kind where they make horribly ugly zombie things that jump out at you and shout "boo!". It's the longer, creeping fear that I'm going for. The kind that you look dead in the face and know that you have no hope. The inescapable kind. The kind that gives you hints and lets your own mind conjure your darkest nightmares. It's the fear that alfred hitchcock used and the one that i think is the scariest.

Creating fear is an art and one of the most sought after qualities in a game is how much emotion it inspires in the player, either through the story line or through events in the game.


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The problem with games today is that they do fear wrong. They aim for the "surprise" fear, the grotesque kind where they make horribly ugly zombie things that jump out at you and shout "boo!". It's the longer, creeping fear that I'm going for. The kind that you look dead in the face and know that you have no hope. The inescapable kind. The kind that gives you hints and lets your own mind conjure your darkest nightmares. It's the fear that alfred hitchcock used and the one that i think is the scariest.

Creating fear is an art and one of the most sought after qualities in a game is how much emotion it inspires in the player, either through the story line or through events in the game.

...Play the early Silent Hill games and take a closer read of the Wailing thread. I can only hope inspiration sneaks up behind you and stays there wordlessly, waiting for you to turn around.


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...Play the early Silent Hill games and take a closer read of the Wailing thread. I can only hope inspiration sneaks up behind you and stays there wordlessly, waiting for you to turn around.

no time for playing games, TFC sucks up all my time =P

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no time for playing games, TFC sucks up all my time =P

At least then watch some gameplay from the 2nd one on youtube then or something... it's brilliant


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On terrain generation, did you read earlier posts with the layers? Sorry if it's too Catholic, Eternal, it was how i was raised. :/


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On terrain generation, did you read earlier posts with the layers? Sorry if it's too Catholic, Eternal, it was how i was raised. :/

I did

I also remember speaking highly of the idea. I'm not quite egotistical enough to believe that any idea that isn't similar to mine is a bad one, lol

...yet >_>


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On terrain generation, did you read earlier posts with the layers? Sorry if it's too Catholic, Eternal, it was how i was raised. :/

I hope you were joking ! There is nothing wrong with taking influence from anything :)

I'm certainly not a fan of religion, but the first thing I thought when I saw your post was "awesome, evokes a "Dante's Inferno" feel" :P

I did

I also remember speaking highly of the idea. I'm not quite egotistical enough to believe that any idea that isn't similar to mine is a bad one, lol

...yet >_>

Let's keep it that way ;):P


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Wasn't the Nether originally made as a sort of unaligned seperate plane of existance? Not governed by the labels of 'good' or 'evil', nor expressively hostile to people from our plane. It is just what it is. t's like the endermen traveling to the Overworld and suddenly being assaulted by pools of deadly liquids to them and drops of acid falling from the sky. It's just how this dimention works, and they should not necessarily be here. Notch's original vision is just cooler than the masses of people who just see hell.

Which brings up the idea of damaging nether rain, which would be alright with all the overhangs generated in there.


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Wasn't the Nether originally made as a sort of unaligned seperate plane of existance? Not governed by the labels of 'good' or 'evil', nor expressively hostile to people from our plane. It is just what it is. t's like the endermen traveling to the Overworld and suddenly being assaulted by pools of deadly liquids to them and drops of acid falling from the sky. It's just how this dimention works, and they should not necessarily be here. Notch's original vision is just cooler than the masses of people who just see hell.

Which brings up the idea of damaging nether rain, which would be alright with all the overhangs generated in there.

Without wanting to sound like I am pushing the thread, if you are looking for something more "ambiguous" try this suggestion:

Although Notch may have envisioned it as an ambiguous realm, what he made was hell. Lava, fire, brimstone, tortured souls. It has all the trademark features, all it's missing is the name :P


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Also to add on to Jed's post, the biome is called, "Hell" if you open the debug profiler.


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All of those mean very little with all the weird extra stuff that doesn't have anything to do with the concept of hell, or the End having the biome name of Sky.

(I'd like that suggestion thread more if it wasn't trying so dang hard)


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Sneak peak at nether guys: it will have demons (great hulking things, looking a bit like were-dragons, draconic features, scales [probably] tails and wings, but completely bipedal) and some sort of lava wyrm or something. Basically, a giant, armoured serpent, with a head that looks like a fanged cross between a snake, a dinosaur and a crocodile. It will live in lava and shoot fireballs from it's mouth. Any thoughts?


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Sneak peak at nether guys: it will have demons (great hulking things, looking a bit like were-dragons, draconic features, scales [probably] tails and wings, but completely bipedal) and some sort of lava wyrm or something. Basically, a giant, armoured serpent, with a head that looks like a fanged cross between a snake, a dinosaur and a crocodile. It will live in lava and shoot fireballs from it's mouth. Any thoughts?

Good, none of us have really gone into mob discussion yet and this would definitely go with the 'yeah you're fucked' feel endemic to some of the more hectic parts

I personally think that the big burly fuckers should be pretty rare tho


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Good, none of us have really gone into mob discussion yet and this would definitely go with the 'yeah you're fucked' feel endemic to some of the more hectic parts

I personally think that the big burly fuckers should be pretty rare tho

they certainly might be, although I want to give the impression that this is NOT a place you want to set up shop.

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Sneak peak at nether guys: it will have demons (great hulking things, looking a bit like were-dragons, draconic features, scales [probably] tails and wings, but completely bipedal) and some sort of lava wyrm or something. Basically, a giant, armoured serpent, with a head that looks like a fanged cross between a snake, a dinosaur and a crocodile. It will live in lava and shoot fireballs from it's mouth. Any thoughts?

Only one. Yes.

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When i read the description of the wyrm, i immediately thought of the little green Lego dragon's you used to get in the early 2000's. :3

Also i thought of the Mighty Morphin Green Power Ranger's Zord after reading bout the demons. Either i'm too old or too young.


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Sneak peak at nether guys: it will have demons (great hulking things, looking a bit like were-dragons, draconic features, scales [probably] tails and wings, but completely bipedal) and some sort of lava wyrm or something. Basically, a giant, armoured serpent, with a head that looks like a fanged cross between a snake, a dinosaur and a crocodile. It will live in lava and shoot fireballs from it's mouth. Any thoughts?

I do have an idea for other nether mob... although it maybe -is- hard to code... I was thinking about a necromancer, that could invoke skeletons -not necessarily the overworld ones-, make fire under your feets, and, extremely rarely, be riding a ghast -that is, if you keep the ghasts in...-. Like if it wasn't enaff with dragon-like demons and those wyrms, this guy comes in to ruin your nether day :P

Also, IF you guys are gonna keep the zombie pigmens, maybe overhauling them... I mean, i like them as they are, but for some reason i don't feel like they fit in the nether, for me they should be from a purgatory like dimension :mellow: ... it could be just me, of course :P


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