Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by EternalUndeath

  1. erm... I don't think someone really needs different sizes of bottles. Since the Inventory is filled sooner as willed most the time - why should I occupy more than one slot? We can talk about the stack-size of course - but more variety? No, I really don't think that's needed... ^^

    And for Milk... maybe a quater of thirst AND hunger filled? Seems to fit better imho.

    I think that there's a need for a new kind of 'bottle' in the form of a water skin. Instead of being 'empty' or 'full' it would have a durability bar that is drained by drinking and restored by holding right click when pointing at water. Filling an empty one drains 1 bucket's worth of finite water, and obviously doesn't affect generated water. Would hold enough water to fill your thirst bar twice over.

    Necessary when living near a nice lake-side forest? hardly. But you'd damn well better have one if you plan on visiting a desert


  2. Might be more prudent in the future to jot unformed ideas like this into a .txt file, and not actually post them until they're a little more fleshed out

    That said, the formatting on this is well thought out. If there was more actual content, this would be a very good post


  3. ok im gonna put a brake to you with this advice list

    1: dont double post topics, click once and have some patience

    2: learn what the mod is about, namely believeability (NOT REALISM) par example, its ridiculous to think you can cure thirst by drinking rain

    3: if you make a suggestion topic, check the search bar to see if its been posted before

    4: dont hate people when your idea is debunked when they properly explain why (or give a valid reason) instead, learn

    5: lurk more to learn about how people make their suggestion topics properly

    6: if you make a suggestion, make it a decent-sized one, not just a one liner with what you want, but think of the following reasons: why would your suggestion be good for the mod, what would it give us, how would it be implemented, in short, think about every possible aspect

    7: dont create a shitton of topics if they're all going to be oneliners, make a compilation and pay attention to rule 6

    edit: 8: if you want to post something unrelated to the topic at hand (i thought i was special-esque sentences,) go to the IRC, instead of on the forums.

    *sniffles and tears up*

    they grow up so fast...


  4. +1 from me

    I would love something new to do in TFC.

    And I do brew bear beer my self, so this is a fun idea.

    Posted Image

    Anyway, best OP on the forum right now

    Only, please make a pick-up-able non-stacking version of the barrel for easy transport of moderate amounts of booze - you can't open up a winery if all your product is in a cellar 1500 blocks away

    Also, temperature should have an effect on fouling chance.

    lesse, room temperature is about 22C...

    so I'd say that if foul chance is F and temp in celsius is T, then

    F = 0.20 + abs[0.128(T-11)]


  5. Also BS is the idea that distilled water is unhealthy. It's just water. Pure water. It isn't bad for you just because it doesn't come in a bottle with a pretty picture of a stream on the label. And pure water doesn't extract anything from you, it simply lowers their overall concentration in your body - the other stuff only LEAVES your body if you're one of those idiots that insists on drinking 16 glasses a day, giving your body no chance to reabsorb anything.

    I'm with noodles, sneak to drink.


  6. *dusts off his crampons and weighted backpack*

    I love thaumcraft. I really do - it's one of my favorite mods, and I can't wait to start my magicraft LP back up so I can play it again.

    But do you know why it's not in TFC? For the same reason molten lead isn't in fucking baby food.

    Doesn't mean lead is useless, quite the contrary - but in Thaumcraft, you are a STUDENT of the ars arcana. A pioneer of magic - you need a concrete way of showing you've discovered things, and the discovery gives you that yeahimawizard.jpg feeling.

    TFC is a scrabbling bare-bones roots of humanity life sim. You are not an archmage unlocking the secrets of the universe, you're a farmer trying to figure out why his carrots won't grow. Farmers don't hold scrolls of paper reading "You've discovered: Bronze!" over their head like Link finding the fucking compass.

    It has to fit the core aesthetics - I REALLY wish people would think of these things first before going 'Ooh that sounds neato!! *type*'


  7. Oi, dude! How the heck are you not noticing that I am aiming a plasma carbine directly at your head? Also, KILL3RCAT, IF YOU DO NOT HALT YOUR REBELLIOUS BEHAVIOR AND PISSING PEOPLE OFF, EITHER WE WILL DESTROY YOU ATOM BY ATOM OR DESTROY YOU LIMB BY LIMB!

    Shoot, I shouldn't really restart this conflict...

    ...If you had the presence of mind and cognizance to type that last line...

    ...why would you not just hold the 'backspace' key and refrain from posting in the first place?

    It would save you a lot of time, and the rest of us a lot of stupidity


  8. ... Why you searched for a video with spanish subs? ._. (or why you ended up in a video with spanish subs...)

    Nice song :3... though, i just forgot why i was searching for epic music. Derp ._.

    Can we turn this into a thread of epic music, please?

    I didn't, that just happened to be the best Nikopol AMV I could find.

    I suggest turning off annotations.


  9. I think that TFC should be a new option in the Technic pack for easylier (REALLY bad spelling there.) use and availability for people who can't install the mod or are too lazy too, and for other reasons.

    If anyone agrees with me about this please say so because I realy don't know what to say.

    To get to the Technic Pack website:

    Posted Image
