Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ___Frank

  1. 77.9 Build-Anvil Non-Shown Rules

    That's the game. Find the right rock type and start searching for copper. Alternatively, if you're playing SMP, try the chat window and see if someone wants to trade you Zinc for Copper.
  2. Ingame money

    It's a nice idea but monetary economies can complicate things - especially if everyone can mint their own coins. You could simply trade the metal bar directly when you're bartering with other players instead of breaking it into smaller pieces (that could max out your inventory slots). Alternatively, if your community is set on using money you could use gems since the various qualities of these could correspondence to various denominations. It all comes down to what you and your community want to do. If you and your friends in SMP want to use something as money in your game and you have fun playing with those rules then it works
  3. Anvil trouble

    Find at least 10 "native copper nuggets" or tetra. Melt them in a vessel. Pour them in a mold. Pour the mold into a tool mold. Watch Dunk's video for a walkthrough or read the link aliceingame provided.
  4. Sticky piston easter egg?

    Before you break it, back up your save folder. You do this by navigating to your .minecraft folder and copying your save folder to another location. If the world crashes, you can always restore it by reverting to the backed up copy. I'll trying that seed out tonight if no one else has before then.
  5. Sticky piston easter egg?

    That looks like Vanilla coal in the foreground. What's your seed?
  6. 77.9 Build-Anvil Non-Shown Rules

    As aliceingame explained, you can no longer make Tier-0 tools (e.g. zinc). You need to start at copper. There have been a number of changes since Build 76. The change log in the download menu is a good place to read up on the changes. Dunk also prepared a video on the main page. Welcome to the forum!
  7. That's awesome. I'm looking forward to it.
  8. [0.79.25]

    Thank you for hosting this server. (Спасибо. Сожалению, я не говорят на русском.)
  9. [*]In-game name: ___Frank (3 underscores) [*]Age: 21 [*]Where do you come from: Canada [*]Native Language (must be able to speak english): English [*]Read all server rules?:yes [*]Where did you hear about our Server(s)?:here on
  10. Nice Dunk! Build 77 is already pretty taxing on my system and I fear that something like 3D pots would give it a stroke. I would be nice to convert clay items back into clay. I would be nice to melt an obsolete anvil down so you could recover the metal once you've moved up the tech tree.
  11. Good job Jackd23. I'm impressed. I agree with Mastropiero. 1 log should give you one plank. If I had a wedge and a hammer, I could make 1 fat, crooked and ugly plank at most. The lack of planks in the early game isn't game breaking for me - I find it challenging - but I really like what you did with this mod. I like how the player has the option to enable planks. Minecraft really is one big lego sandbox anyway and we all have our reasons for playing in it.
  12. [0.77.5] Animals follow you extremely slow

    Here's the thread:
  13. New metals and early game

    It depends on the seed. It's March 7th in my game and I've travelled countless kilometers. I've found Granite, Marble, Quartzite, Shale, and Mudstone. They just keep alternating. I have plenty of "useless" ;-) tier 0 ores but no sign of Igneous Extrusive stones. In other seeds, I've started right next to copper and I could get started right away. It can be quick but it can also take a very long a time to get started. I hope I find some copper soon. Edit: I found my first Dacite rock on April 1st.
  14. New metals and early game

    It can take a very long time to find copper. I like the new build and how it lengtens the stone age since you can't make Tier-0 tools but I'm not a fan of the 1.6.2 hostile mobs. I always found the minecraft hostile mobs to be ridiculous but that's the paradigm were working with. I would much prefer if the weird creatures spawned below sea level leaving you got be attacked by aggressive wolves, bears, etc. above ground in the early game. It's just a personal preference. I would rather a pack of territorial wolves hunting me down than a hoard of mindless zombies.
  15. A Place to Lay Your Head

    I like the straw mat idea.
  16. Zombie Issues...

    MC baby zombies are like Matrix agents; when you see one in the stone age, you just run!
  17. Bones + Kaolinite + Clay = Stronger Jugs

    I think skeletons dropped bones before this update. I remember picking some up. It's the first time I see animals drop them. The bone china recipe isn't very accurate as there's no feldspar in the game but maybe this recipe is close enough. Bones can have a lot of uses like fish hooks for your fishing pole, a needle to make leather armour, arrow/spear heads and of course the vanilla fertilizer that bonemeal once was.
  18. How about swapping the graphite powder for bone powder in the fire clay recipe? Instead of heat-conducting fireclay, you could get higher durability china clay. It would be nice to have water jugs that break less often, ceramic food bowls (their wooden counterparts wouldn't last as long) and different tiers of pottery. A rudimentary pit kiln wouldn't be hot enough to fire higher-tier pottery. What do you think?
  19. Build 77 Starting Shelters

    By far my favorite. Thanks Temujen.
  20. Build 77 Starting Shelters

    I didn't know that clay blocks floated. This is a great idea mayaknife. Thank you!
  21. [Solved] Does b77 have higher system requirements?

    Thank you aliceingame, Lykourgus, and Kittychanley. I was able to play the game with a different laptop. As expected the graphics card made all the difference. Processor AMD E-450 APU with Radeon HD GraphicsMemory (RAM) 4.00 GBGraphics AMD Radeon HD 6320 GraphicsGaming graphics 1908 MB Total available graphics memoryPrimary hard disk 399GB Free (453GB Total) On my first night I got attacked by the cutest little zombie. It was cute until mommy and daddy came...
  22. My laptop runs 1.6.2 smoothly but now that I've installed b77 it grinds to a halt. I nuked everything, did a fresh install. I've closed all other non-essential processes to free up memory but the game is sooo slow. Every once and a while java stops responding. I throttled absolutely everything down in the options (e.g. render distance=tiny, smooth lighting=off, graphics=fast, etc.) but the game remains unplayable. Here are my modest laptop specs: Processor Intel® Pentium® CPU P6200 @ 2.13GHz Memory (RAM) 4.00 GBGraphics Intel® HD GraphicsGaming graphics 1754 MB Total available graphics memoryPrimary hard disk 601GB Free (684GB Total)I figured that since I could run minecraft 1.6.2, I would be able to run b77. Does b77 have higher system requirements? Is there anything I can do short of buying a new system? Can I somehow downgrade the graphics even more? I've been tinkering all evening because I was really looking forward to this new build.
  23. Starting Shelters?

    I build the start of a charcoal pit. I can fit absolutely everything I need in the 3x3 area. I store wood in the walls of my shelter as I progress and then I build my house once I get my first saw. Then you can light a match and walk away from your (now empty) shelter hollywood-badass style. It's pretty awesome and you get charcoal ;-)
  24. Arctic Expedition

    This was such a great idea Bihlbo. I love challenges like this. It reminds me of Skyblock 2(?) where you start in the winter. I started a map with the seed "Artic", gathered my starting materials and teleported to 0,150,30000 (Oops... apparently that's South) before switching over to survival mode. I swapped the 2 stacks of rocks for 3 extra saplings and a stack of torches. I swapped the potatoes and cabbage for some wheat. I hiked (north into the artic) south into Antarctica (I got my coordinates mixed up) until I found a flat patch of land near the shore. I buried my sapling under a block of dirt with some torches hoping they would take root while I got busy building one serious igloo. I gathered snowballs. The best method was heading to the top of a hill far from my base and placing 4 blocks in a cross with an empty center for me to dump water into. Once the water froze I could remove the dirt mold and break the ice (source) block allowing the water to flow in every direction down the hill. I collected LOTS of snowballs but it left a mess of ice cubes from the flood. I finished my igloo on April 7th and uncovered my saplings at the center. As if on cue, it began to snow but luckily my saplings were sheltered and safe. Waiting for them to grow was maddening and I gathered pigs and prospected my surroundings in the meantime. I was expecting to axe down a fast growing pine first, then a medium growing white cedar and then an oak. I was thrilled when the white cedar popped up (May 6) and then an Oak (June 1). I found some sphalerite and copper but the real challenge was getting some ink for the plans. The problem with the winter is that if you break the ice to go squid hunting it will refreeze above you. I built a sheltered squid trap but I never got any ink from it. The weather warmed up in June July August and I regretted not bringing any seeds to try my luck at some agriculture. Onions might have grown fast enough in the short window of above zero temperatures but who knows. The good news was that in the shallow lake in front of my home the ice thawed and refroze such that squid would get trapped and it was like shooting fish in a barrel with my spear. I regretted rounding up 6 gilts and a boar in my igloo. The lag from the piglets was unbearable and I had to wait for them to grow up before butchering them. After 3 or maybe only 2 litters (I don't know, it was a mess) I killed the other gilts because piglets were already pushing each other into the walls, my fps was plummeting, and I really couldn't handle anymore piglets. I don't remember what happened in the confusion but I ended up with stacks and stacks of pork and I decided to only keep two of the sows. It might have to be one if two litters ends up being nuts like last time. Overtime I crafted a propick, pickaxe, saw, and sword before getting bored. Setting up an underground tree farm in my sphalerite mine for charcoal was taking too long and I wasn't too impressed with the fast-growing pine that had yet to make an appearance amidst all the cedars and oaks. I gathered some seeds from the summer grass and learned that at 5.5 degrees, I could plant garlic and cabbage seeds but rye seeds refused to take root. When the frost came they all popped out of the ground. I happened upon some onion seeds but the temperature kept jumping under zero so I didn't try. There's lots I want to do like expand my underground tree farm until I have a steady wood supply, build a bloomery, build a copper anvil, build an automatic chicken farm and a glass skylight but I think I already passed the challenging part and now I'm just watching trees grow. If I were to do it again, I would only bring 12 saplings (no pine!), 64 sticks, and 32 logs. Here's a picture of my igloo after a heavy snowfall. Thank you for the wonderful idea Bihlbo. I would also love a recipe for snowshoes! :-) haha
  25. Thank you for explaining this aliceingame and VegasGoat!