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ATTENTION Forum Database Breach 03/04/2019
There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
If you used this password anywhere else, change that too! The passwords themselves are stored hashed, but may old accounts still had old, insecure (by today's standards) hashes from back when they where created. This means they can be "cracked" more easily. Other leaked information includes: email, IP, account name.
I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again. -
This forum is now READ ONLY! 01/20/2020
As of this post and forever into the future this forum has been put into READ ONLY MODE. There will be no new posts! A replacement is coming SoonTM . If you wish to stay up-to-date on whats going on or post your content. Please use the Discord or Sub-Reddit until the new forums are running.
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TFC (+Technofirmacraft) Alloy Smelting Calculation Helper [V1.2]
Bennneh posted a topic in Addons & Applications
Hi everyone, I've created my own Google sheet alloy calculator/helper that I wanted to share with you all. It was created for use between my group of friends whom I play Technofirmacraft with on a private server, and thought it could be useful for others. *Quick note I based my design off an older sheet made byvzertaman that he released back inSeptember2014 (forum post) This is why the layout is similar and i used his colours too because they were great identifiers. The calculations and formula's are my own and the idea has been modified to my own liking, I have in no way directly ripped this off as the calculations he did are basic SUM, PRODUCT and DIVIDE This sheet as a lot of linked cells for formula's, and updates with the changes you make What is it? It is aGoogledoc excel sheet made for a small group, but released for everyone to use. The ingot calculator will help you discover how many units of each material you need, based on the ratios of required ore/metal. The ratio’s are defaulted to what I (on a whim) declared ideal, but can be changed on your own sheet by editing the values within the range. The alloy calculator will help you work out how much of each ore piece you need to get to the ratio and amount of units you desire. This page can be altered using the “Game”drop-downbox(default to TFC) which is automatically alter the values per ore for the respective game/mod selected. (currently only “vanilla” TFC and Technofirmacraft) How do I use it? Access the sheet here: 1: Go to file, and select “make a copy.” This will make a copy of the sheet on your ownGoogledrive for you to use, this version is read only so that everyone can take the same versionI'veuploaded, and nothing can be changed. 2: Access the sheet from your ownGoogledrive (wherever it saved to, usually default root folder) Ingot Calculator You can only edit the green boxes on this page 1: Select the kind of metal you want to make, and how many ingots you want 2: Alter the ratio’s to your liking, depending on the resources you have available. I.e. If you want to make Rose Gold, but you want to use more gold than copper, alter the ratio’s on the right for Rose Gold to values within the required ranges (shown above them) and ensure they equal 100% 3: The values below the metal selection will update and tell you the total units created, and the required number of units per metal for the alloy you are creating. Alloy Calculator You can only edit the game drop down window, and the quantities column in this sheet 1: Alter the numbers in the quantities column to choose how much of each material you want to use in your alloy. 2: The calculator will put together all the statistics you need, to show you the total units per metal, total units overall, each metal’s ratio and how many ingots/remaining units left over 3: The “Alloys” grid on the right will give you real time updates to show you when you are within or not within the ranges you need for an alloy. The “In Vessel” rows will go green when your ratio matches the required levels. When all metals are within the required ranges, and they all turn green, the red/pink bar to the left of the alloy will also become green. This indicates to you that your alloy is correct, and this is the product you will receive. 4: The reset button at the top requires you to be signed into Google to use, this runs a basic script to reset all values in the “Quantity” column back to 0 Using these helpers, you can calculate what you need before you do it in game, meaning less wastage of materials, less wasted time and more time on the forge. You can go from looking up the units you need for a certain amount of ingots, to working out what exactly you need to melt to get your result. Version History V1.0 – Basic alloy calculator to show ratio’s on the left, inspired by vzertaman Added visual helper for alloy ratio’s on the right Scripted Reset button to clear quantities quickly Added “How to use” on the sheet for quick overview V1.1 – Added ingot calculator sheet for early steps for new players, on request of a friend whohadn'ttouched metal forming and wanted an extra step of help Added “How to use” on the sheet for quick overview V1.2 (24/01/16)– Added “Mod ore values” sheet, input ore values for TFC and Technofirmacraft Added “Game:” option on alloy calculator Re-functionedalloy calculator so units update with game selected Re-functionedore list so the titles also update values with game selected Bug History: None so far, first major release no bugs known Rights to use: This sheet can be used by anyone, anywhere in any space time dimension You may use this in videos and/or streams You may redistribute this to others All I ask is you don’t take credit for making it, as I haven’t taken credit for the original design Disclaimer: I am by no means in any way trained in using an excel sheet to this degree, this is the largest and most complicated sheet I have made in excel and there may be ways to improve the formulae and functionality, I created this to the best of my ability and it functions well when tested by me and 4 others. If you do have suggestions to improve the sheet, I am more than willing to look into it. The sheet may not be perfect, ore values may change or be incorrect, but during testing no incorrect values were found. I am open to suggestions regarding changes, improvements and any other thoughts you have. Please leave these notes in this thread for me so I can see them, I will respond and update this post as I go, any new versions of the sheet will require you to make a new copy to receive the up to date features. -
Hello fellow terraFirmacrafters. I think a Great expantion Pack would be the Millanaire mod crossover. what the Millanaire mod is about is basicallykingdoms in minecraft There's Trading, war, politics, army's, and kings I don't know Anything about how to code and I need your help to make it My suggestions are . A Kingdom With MORE than one Village (an actual nation) . technology and research (Something that you have to craft called a Research table where you have to keep the Gui open and put paper in it, its very grindy and the chance to discovera newalloy or the bloomery is very low and you have to gain the knowledge before you can craft it) . believable culture Etc. skin color, building style all based on where they are in the world. . become a King (to conquer a city you need to hire some peasants give them weapons and CHARGE! and after that it becomes almost like Sid Meier's civilization series if any of you know what that is :3) Anyway I hope one of you guys could make it I would reallyappreciate it.
- 19 replies
- Millanarie
- Kingdoms
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3/23/2014 I'm not dead! Good day to you all, and welcome to the show.. This is: ExtraFirma, a TerraFirmaCraft addonI'm xChainblade on Minecraft, by the wayWhat is this addon?This addon is designed to add aesthetic and somewhat fantasy items and blocks, including colored tallow candles, an extremely powerful crossbow that fires devestating tool metal bolts, beautiful metal lanterns in precious metal variety, a mortar and pestle with herb grinding and bandage crafting, and much more, here and to come.Why did you make this addon? What does it do?I wanted some more aesthetic choices in my building, but since TFC 'removes' a few choice lighting blocks (glowstone, redstone lamps, etc) I didn't have much option in the way of lighting. Thus, the lanterns were born. I got carried away and starting adding a barrage of new blocks and items, until the creation I've set before you has spawned.A crossbow to one shot a zombie, a candle to mood light a cathedral, a name tag to keep that Creeper, a Lead to guide your herd, or a fence and bookshelf to match your wood planks.This addon does NOT (except maybe the crossbow which has a damage config, or the plant dyes) break the balance, flow, or difficulty of default TerraFirmaCraft. I'm doing everything in my power to make this a purely additive mod, and not bring in or take out any systems that mess with the core gameplay. Any suggestions regarding increasing or lowering difficulty of any system in TerraFirmaCraft will be ignored.Content:Adobe Drying: Early game is very limited in terms of building materials. Thatch, logs, and raw clay blocks are really your only options. You can craft adobe lumps like Place 4 of these on the ground and let the block dry, and collect it. Craft 4 of the bricks you get from breaking the dry adobe in your 2x2 to get 2 solid blocks of adobe brick.Method of obtaining the beautiful 1.6 hardened clay coming soon. Candles: You'll first need some Tallow, which can be obtained by cooking Suet in a firepit or forge (8 tallow per 1 suet). (Gain suet by killing cows). Craft 4 tallow with an empty wooden bowl (shapeless) to get a Bowl of Tallow. Craft a bowl of tallow together and either a Spider String or Wool Yarn along with (optionally) any dye of your choice to receive 1 colored candle. (Bowl has 8 uses) Lanterns: A beautiful lantern that can be turned on and off via a shift right click with an empty hand. Crafted using 2 glass panes, a candle of any color, and 2 metal sheets of precious variety (brass/tin/wrought/sterling silver/gold/rose gold) like Composite Crossbow and Bolts: A vicious weapon that is easy to use and even easier to swiftly slay the most fearsome foes. Crafted using 2 Weathered Horns (gained by killing male sheep or cows), 3 small planks of any wood type, and 2 braided string (crafted like with either string or yarn), making the complete crafting recipe for the Crossbow An alternate recipe uses steel ingots instead of weathered horns.Bolts are somewhat harder, starting out as (the clay molding recipe is the same). The anvil recipe uses a single ingot. This gives you 1 arrowhead, which can be crafted into 4 bolts, first by making fletching to save on your feathers, and then by crafting the full bolts like Metal bolts of higher tier have greatly increased damage of those of lower tiers.Bolts are chosen from the left to the right in the hotbar (and MUST be on the hotbar), and are loaded in that order. Hold right click with an unloaded crossbow to load, and when loaded, right click again to fire. You can tell what bolt is loaded in the crossbow by its special text on hover.Bolts can be recovered at a very high success rate (>95%) if fired on monsters or terrain. Bolts fired onto other players are almost always lost on impact.Finally, crossbow damage can be configured from 50%-150% in the config file. Do note that anything above 100% does severe damage. Melee Weaponry: ExtraFirma currently adds two new melee weapons with a clear use: The Halberd and the Dagger.• The Halberd does more damage than a sword, and has a longer range (+2 blocks), but swings twice as slow. Used for fending off low amounts of enemies at a time safely (1-2), you can easily devastate someone with this vicious weapon.Grid recipe: anvil recipe uses the plan + a Double Ingot of a tool metal. Finished using two sticks, like• The Dagger does less damage than a sword up front, but given enough time and the ability to stick on your target, more damage over time can be acquired. A stab with the dagger applies the Hemorrhage debuff, causing the target to suffer 1-2% of their health in damage every 2 seconds. The dagger's range is actually shorter than your fists or a sword, so be careful.Attacking a hemorrhaging enemy has a second effect: exposing their weakness from the wound, you sometimes jab the same bleeding spot again for a massive damage eviscerate and applying a longer Hemorrhage debuff. There is an internal cooldown on this proc of 3 seconds.Attacking a player asleep in a bed is almost surely an instant death...if the upfront assassination doesn't kill them, the fatal hemorrhaging that is applied will.Hemorrhage can be removed with a Bandage, but doing so makes you not get the Regeneration effect from the bandage.Grid recipe: anvil recipe uses the plan + aSingle Ingotof a tool metal. Finished the same way every other tool is finished. Bookcases: Building an aspen and schist fortress, your library can look a little bright with the oak bookcases. Remedy that by crafting a wooden bookcase of any wood type like, using any books (TFC or vanilla). Medicine: In climates with average rainfall over 1500, you'll find purple Kingsblood plants. These benefecial herbs are key to creating basic medicated bandages, and can be grown by right clicking on one of the plants with a knife in your hand. This turns the plant into a smaller (ungrindable) version, and adds another to your inventory. This smaller clone with eventually grow into another Kingsblood plant.A similar method of growing plants can be done to the vanilla Rose and Dandelion, by crafting 1 of the plants with a knife (which takes 1 damage).You'll also need a ceramic mortar and wooden pestle. The mortar is first crafted like, and fired into the ceramic version in a pit kiln. Right click to place down the ceramic version, which will now accept valid, fully grown Kingsblood plants with a right click. Once the plant is in the mortar, right click again on the mortarwith a valid pestle, crafted like (currently only the wooden pestle exists), and after a certain amount of grinds, will turn the plant in the mortar to paste. Right click again to receive the ground paste. The pestle takes damage in the process, and will eventually break.Lastly, you'll need some leather strips for keeping the whole bandage together, crafted like Take these leather strips, two string or yarn, a wool cloth, and the paste and craft them together like right click with the bandage in your hand (if you aren't at full health) to use. This instantly heals you for a small percentage of your health and applies a 1 minute regeneration buff on you if you're not bleeding, or removing the bleed if you are. This also applies a 3 minute 'Recently Bandaged' debuff on you, which prevents the use of another bandage or healing item for the duration of the debuff. Misc. Items and Extra Crafting Recipes: Many crafted recipes I felt were left out or forgotten from TerraFirmaCraft, so I added a few that I use and thought other people might use as well. These include:• (Brass)Name Tag: (Right click on a sign with text to rename the Name Tag to whatever is written on the first 2 lines of the sign.)• Steel Tracks: Crafted like the Wrought Iron tracks, but with Steel.• (Vanilla)Iron Bars: Crafted like the vanilla iron bars, but with Wrought Iron ingots.• Compass: Four Wrought Iron ingots for a casing surrounds a chunk of Magnetite ore, which follows the magnetic field of Minecraftia.• Redstone Logic Tiles:• Carpets can be re-dyed using 1 dye and 8 carpets. Surround the carpets with the dye.• Red and Yellow Dye: Obtained by grinding a Rose or Dandelion in the mortar.• Brown Dye: Obtained by grinding a Weathered Horn in the mortar.• Green Dye: Obtained by grinding a Cactus in the mortar, or an Olivine ore with a hammer. (green and lime) Ropes and Rope Anchors: Once Iron is obtained, you can craft a sturdy Rope Anchor, which can be placed on a wall and used to lower a rope down to a maximum of 128 blocks. Crafted like with either Wrought Iron or Steel, they can be placed on any sturdy block's side, and when right clicked with a Rope (jute), will lower a rope. When right clicked with an empty hand, it will raise the lowest rope 1 and place the rope item back in your inventory.Ropes can be climbed like ladders, and can only remain when the block above them is either a Rope Anchor or another Rope block.Ropes are non-functional when used in conjunction with Smart Movement and Player API. This is on their side, since I properly implement isLadder().I can't easily fix this. Download Link: DELETE YOUR EXTRAFIRMA CONFIG FILE EVERY NEW UPDATEv1.0.4: Requires 78.9 or higher. Versions:v1.0.3: Requires 77.14 or higher.β: Requires 77.14 or higher. v1.0.2: Requires a build 77.13 and below. Changelog: v1.0.4: 1.6.4 UpdateThis update mostly was just for the 1.6.4 port, and I had to fix quite a few things to my code that were changed in base TFC. Alchemy update will come next.• New:Added the Fish Net, a block that can be placed in water and supplied with any dough or maize seeds to passively trap fish•New:Added Icepetal and Whiproot plants. Icepetal found in cold regions, whiproot found in wet regions. Can be cut/cloned with differing growth times.•New:Added pastes for both of the above, ground in the Mortar•New:Added the Calcinator, used to craft some recipes involving in-air burning and high temperature heating (solids)(uncraftable yet)•New:Added Soda Ash and Quicklime, crafted in the Calcinator using Salt + Flux + heat. Used in some recipes (glass)•New:Added the Retort, used in heating liquids to specific heats(uncraftable yet)•New:Added the Alembic, used in distillation of substances (uncraftable yet)•New:Added the Beaker, used for mixing liquids and solids to be further refined (uncraftable yet)•New:Added Alcohol Burner, used for heating alchemical apparatuses, fueled by Ethanol(uncraftable yet)•New:Added Leather Bag, used for storing (6) items of size small or smaller. Great for an herb or mining bag! Can be placed down similarly to the ceramic vessels not yet•Changed:Rose Red, Dandelion Yellow, Cactus Green, and Horn Dust are all now crafted in the mortar•Changed:Hardness of Adobe Bricks severely reduced to allow punching•Changed:Lamps now recognize Walls as valid post destinations•Changed:Rope hooks now require Rope instead of braided string. Grow that jute!•Removed:All of the fences. The stock TFC fences are better looking anyway•Removed:Some internal items that were no longer used (plans)•Removed:All of the metal plates. You can now place metal sheets on blocks, which is a far more useful system than mine was.•???: probably some other things as well, it's been in the pipe for a few months now so I can't remember it allv1.1.0: The Alchemical Update (A running list and a work in progress)• New: Added Ethanol, crafted by distilling Rum, Vodka, or Sake in the alembic•New: Added the Rain Collector, a block that can be placed on top of a Barrel to passively fill it with water as it rains. Must have an unobstructed view of the sky and be raining•Changed: Enabled the bolt quiver, which can hold 4 stacks of bolts. Crossbow prioritizes the quiver's bolts over your inventoryv1.0.3:• Added Halberds, a long range, slow weapon used for fending off few enemies from a longer range• Added Daggers, a short range, fast weapon used for assassinating a single target at a time, causes a hemorrhage and can strike twice on bleeding targets• Cleaned up more code• Added in framework to easily add new weapons of any type• Added a Steel Pestle, same as a wooden but lasts far longer• Added in copper versions of the redstone logic tiles, can use silver ingots for double outputOld:v1.0.2_β:•Updated to TFCraft 77.14 and above (new API)• Enabled the placing of torches on ExtraFirma fence posts• Updated mappings to MCP 8.05• Fixed OptiFine sillyness with the ropes and anchors• Minor bugfixesv1.0.2:• Added wood fences of all types, crafting with 4 sticks and 2 small planks in the center• Changed mortar to be fired from a clay mortar, recipe• Added Rope Hook, crafted using 2 iron or steel ingots around an iron or steel plate -Right click on the hook with a braided string to lower a rope 1 block• Added halberds, but will soon be craftable and do damage• Fixed some bugs involving arrowhead craftingv1.0.1:• Candles come in all colors. When crafting a candle, add a dye to the recipe. Crafted candles cannot be re-dyed.• Fixed floating candles• Green dye can be created via crushed Olivine and crushed Cactus. Crush these the same way you crush rocks for flux.• Method of crafting tallow now uses suet. Gain suet by killing cows or sheep. Cook suet to get 8 tallow. (Less annoying when cooking beef and mutton)• Cleaned up tons of code• Added some Shift Help tooltips for Adobe and Name Tags• Added decorative blocks for Malachite, Jet and Olivine, crafted using 4 of the ores, reversible• The bow is now a Crossbow with higher damage, but a 3 second draw time (all old recurve bows turn into crossbows, arrows only renamed). (Crossbow does massive damage. A red steel bolt has a chance of killing a spider, skeleton, or player in a single hit.)• The loaded crossbow now shows what bolt is loaded in the tooltip• Crossbow damage can be configured in the config file using a multiplier, 1.0 default• Added two status effects: Recently Bandaged and Adrenaline -Recently Bandaged prevents you from using another bandage until it wears off -Adrenaline greatly increases your run speed, attack damage, crossbow draw speed, and pain suppression for a short time• Added Kingsblood, a flower that generates 4x rarely as a Rose in a climate with more than 1000 rainfall. Can be grown soon, used for herbalism and medicines.• Added Stone Mortar (block), used for grinding herbs and plant matter into pastes. Made with smooth igneous only.• Added Stone Pestle, used with the Mortar. Takes damage each use. Made with smooth igneous only.• Added Minor Healing Bandage, crafted using Kingsblood paste. Heals 12% of your health instantly, and gives 1 minute of regeneration 1. Applies the 'Recently Bandaged' debuff, preventing the player from using another bandage until the 5 minute debuff wears off.• Added leather strips, used for crafting bandages.• Added config options to configure crossbow damage, some crafting recipes, and bandage debuff timerv1.0.0 :• Initial release What I need from You:Any and all bug reports, crashes, instabilities, incompatibilities, good suggestions, and anything you can think of that will better the mod in a constructive manner. Give me a good reason, and I'll give it a good thought.ExtraFirma is also configured to already accept any localization files in the form of .xml. Use the default en_US.xml as a template when submitting other languages.Legal?: This mod is licensed under everything TFC is licensed under and is property of myself and the two main TFC developers, Bioxx and dunkleosteus.I edit, distribute, and reproduce NO files or assets from Terrafirmacraft in this mod. Some art assets are based heavily on assets provided by Terrafirmacraft to keep visual continuity, but none are direct copies.
- 333 replies
[0.79.17] Barbaric Survival - Vanilla TFC Server | New Map - Jan 3rd | Whitelist - Closed
Tris514 posted a topic in Servers
TerraFirmaCraft Barbaric Survival [bS] Vanilla TFC Server Barbaric Survival is a vanilla, TFC, whitelisted server. The server has been running for some time now on a new higher performance server host; fully equipped and ready to play, with a new map as of January 3rd, 2014. We are a smaller community of well acquainted members, engaging in friendly activity with each other playing TFCaft. We're happy to meet new people from any part of the world, as long as language isn't to much of a barrier. Our community members are very trustworthy, easy going and easy to get along with. If you enjoy living in towns, building villages with other members, or cabins deep in the woods, working with others in small groups or going lone wolf; we welcome you here at Barbaric Survival. BS is recommended for members ages 18 and up. The server is 100% Survival/Vanilla TFC, meaning no API and no plugins added, as well no additional mods (other then FastCraft, as recommended for performance enhancement). We have a subreddit for members of Barbaric Survival to discuss topics on the server, and to converse and share with each other, as well to be updated on news and content that is server related. Please visit, to find out more. Please contact me on redditwith any questions or concerns. TFC Version: Beta 0.79.17 IP: Some screenshots of our community from the previous world, taken by myself and other members of the server. Rules: If you are not going to be active for an extended amount of time, you must notify me(WetCheerios) of the time you will be gone and the reason for your leave, otherwise you will beremoved from the whitelist on this server.(*Important)There is a Soft World Border limit in place, please don't exceed a 2000 block radius around spawn unless a specific resource cannot be found within it.(*New)Please don't raid or steal from others.Unless mutually agreed upon, don't kill other players.No Hacks or additional Mods that may give you an upper hand (mini maps are fine), we want everyone to be equal and fair.Please don't abuse bugs or glitches in the mod, and if you find any please report them to me and/or the TerraFirmaCraft community.Please only farm the amount of animals needed for you to survive on the server, as mass farms can cause issues.Just use that noggin of yours and you'll do just fine (Common Sense). *Update: New Official Map! Released January 3rd, 2015. **Update: Whitelisting is currently CLOSED, please do not leave an application as it will not be answered. Whitelisting Application Form (Please apply in the reply section below.): Age: Minecraft Username: Why would you like to join?: What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Any additional information that might help your case: Time zone, location, name(*Optional):- 705 replies
- TerraFirmaCraft
- No Mods
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[x128] [0.79.15 100%] PureBDCraft Sphax Inspired Texture Pack
inoise posted a topic in Resource Packs
I have finished/updated a texture pack that is PureBDCraft Shpax style. Most credit goes to XuIIIHuKand his pack, all i did was update it to work with newest TFC and add some texture that weren't in the pack. Version 2.2-(MC: 1.7.10 - TFC: 79.15): Dropbox Link to texture pack- 100% (to myknowledge, if something is missing let me know and I will try to add it)- 4 replies
- Shpax PureBDCraft Texture Pac
- Sphax
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Ok, i don't really know if i'm allowed to post portuguese videos... So if i can't i am sorry.Fala manolada aqui é o Life e hoje vim aqui pra divulgar uma série que estou começando no meu canal com o modpack TerraFirmaTech, que se basea no terrafirmacraft e greg tech. Não conheço quase nada de nenhum dos 2 mods então se puderem passar la e me ajudar em coisas que eu tiver deixando passar eu agradeço xD
- lets play
- terrafirmacraft
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So i wasnt sure where to put this, but here goes. Something that crossed my mind with the 1.8 rewite of TFC was if it would share the old forum and wiki sites or if it would use a new one. i guess it would all depend on the level of changes between versions as well as any additions, but i just wanted to see if the makers had and thoughts on the matter.
- 2 replies
- TerraFirmaCraft
- 1.8
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Hello and welcome to my brand new server! There is player VS. player, raiding is allowed, the world is fairly new (as of the time of making this post) so there is a lot of resources for new players to use. There is No whitelist on this server and I will be installing some plugins later on such as Towny. Server IP:
Hey guys, I'm sort of new to TFC but I've enjoyed playing it the past couple days. I can host a 4-8Gb server with hamachi if anyone is willing to play with me. I would prefer if you had skype (A mic isn't required) If you're down to playing then add my skype tifk57.Looking forward to playing (:
[Offline][0.79.13] TreeTech network TFC Server [No longer accepting applications :( ]
AwesomeBlock2000 posted a topic in Servers
TreeTech network TFC b79.13 Server - [Whitelisted] We are no longer accepting applications due to some issues. Not accepting applications until further notice. Hosted out of Canada! The TreeTech network is a small network of servers (TFC, Vanilla, and more to come) We have very nice players and staff and our TFC server is based around Towny and the TerraFirmaCraft mod. It's lots of fun making towns with your friends! We accept new players all the time and the whitelist application is simple: In-game-name: Main interests: How long have you played TFC for?: Age: What do you build: How long have you played Minecraft For?: What will you contribute to the community?: What is your personality like?: SERVER RULES: 1.1: No greifing. Period.2.1: No theft. Period.3.1: Keep chat clean.3.2: No profinity3.3: No rude / mean comments for no good reason.3.4: Any shape or form of cyberbullying through the server chat will not be tolerated.3.5: No homophobia!3.6: No racsisim.4.1: Build a minimum of 150+ blocks from spawn. We want to keep a pretty clean spawn area.4.2: Collect resources 150+ blocks from spawn. Again we want to keep spawn pretty.STAFF:TFC Staff include:TFC-Mod: 15Darkstar15 (Nick)TFC-Admin: sierzoe (Zoë)TFC-Admin: Werrt12345 (Aaron)TFC-Owner: AwesomeBlock2000 (John)The mods are:TFC.1.7.10.b79.13 [Download]The plugins we run are:TownyGroupManagerLocketteHealthBarCoreProtectEssentials (Essentials Chat and Essentials Spawn)World GuardWe have been running since 1.4 (2012) as a vanilla server. MinecraftForum for vanilla server coming soon!If you are accepted I will PM you the IP- 40 replies
TFC series focused on Building, If you guys have any requests on what you would like to see built other than what I have in mind (Blacksmith, furnace, standard home, Barn, windmill etc) then leave a comment and I will be more than happy to accommodate. Here are some of my builds in general (PlanetMinecraft--Imgur--Youtube). Episodes will be listed below with URL's along with a link to a full playlist for convenience. Please note this series is not centered around exploring all the new features of the mod and so on and so forth. It is ONLY for building, every now and then I may show a grinding episode on what you will need for the build but this is assuming you have some knowledge of TFC. Enjoy. EP1 EP2 EP3 (NEW) PLAYLIST TECHN0B.
- 4 replies
- terrafirmacraft
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[32x][0.78.17][v3 FIX]Faithful TFC textures + DEV Build! 9.6.2014
dead91 posted a topic in Resource Packs
News Fixed a bug which caused the textures not to work. Should be fine now. If not well then write me again ^^ Im looking forward to supporting more Addons for TFC now! Thanks to ziat007 who actually told me to work on them since many people use them ^.^ Well for now we support the Leather Water Sac mod (from him) and I've starting to make some textures for ExtraFirma. The Thread is no 2 years old. WOW. Didn't think I would be doing this for so long. Also not really happy that I'm still not done with all the textures. If you want to help me out with textures. Take a look at the DEV Builds. For user interaction, follow me on Twitter. Don't worry, I wont spam too much. Only texture related stuff goes there and you can share your opinion! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Download Links Download the original Faithful32x32 textures here You will need these to fill the spaces, where TFC uses the normal minecraft textures Also you need this to let the textures work. Im still figuring out why it doesn't work alone. Im updating my textures every 1-2 weeks, so you might wanna stick this Thread and check it so and so on since many textures arent finished and I have a little help because of other people through the DEV pack. [1.6.4][v3 Fix]Faithful TFC textures - 0.78.17 [v3 Fix]TFC Dev build -0.78.17 Donate hereif you want, Really apreciated! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Older Versions Old TFC Downloads v1.6.2 - v1.6.4+ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Installation Guide 1)Download the faithful32x32 textures and put my textures in, follow the steps below.2)Download the latest pack from the download section. 3)Run Minecraft, select "Options...", select "Resource Packs", select "Open resource pack folder". 4) Drag and drop the downloaded pack into the resource pack folder. 5) Go back to Minecraft and select the Faithful 32x32 TFC pack and you're done. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -- DEV Builds = If you want to help me, there are the textures that aren't textured yet. Also some of my texture files are there to help you out. -- More Info for DEV Builds and How i do textures By the way I use this program to edit textures. Paint.netIt's nothing like Photoshop but it's free and really simple to understand. Even for me back then ^^ Here I want to kind of show how I do textures/Organization So here's my folder where I have my other subfolders and Zips from textures in. I dont want to upload the other folders for the DEV Build because the files would be to big if I continue with that forever. I have the original textures copied to work in that subfolder and one original folder where i compare with the actual textures and my textures and also i never edit the stuff in that folder to not do something wrong if I compare textures. So yeah. This is just an example on what I can show you. If you want to know more, write me on skype (offdead91) or on this thread! Happy to help you out guys. I remember how long it took me to setup stuff und how unorganized it was. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Images Nothing from me Up to Date. Send me your Screenshots if you want! Would be awesome and appreciated. You can also ask me to post them in this Spoiler. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Changelog [1.6.4]Faithful textures v2 for TFC Beta 0.78.17 -- These are File names -- You should still be able to see what the name is actually about. If not, There are (...) for more infos. New added: -- v3 --Bunchberry LeafStrawCloudberry LeafFire ClayFertilizerGraphite PowderHematite PowderKaolinite PowderLapis Lazuli PowderLimonite PowderMalachite PowderSalt-- All Gold pans (had them almost finished): --GoldPan_0 -> GoldPan_4Flat Leatherbutton_invbutton_skillsbutton_healthbutton_calendarAcacia Fence Top (not fully done yet)Acacia Fence (not fully done yet)ExtraFirma textures in (bookcases mainly)-- from ziat007 --All Metal blocksAll Sand blocksAll Anvil texturesThatchClayCeramicForge On (animations)Forge OffIron BloomseaIceMolten RockMolten Rock OffLeatherWaterSac Textures (Addon mod)Reworked: -- v3 --Moved up 2 pixels:FluxSaltpeter PowderCokeSulfur PowderSaltKaolinite PowderCentered to pixels left:Wooden Bucket MilkWooden Bucket WaterWooden Bucket Salt WaterWooden Bucket EmptyQuern Charcoal - by ziat007Forge Off - by ziat007putted anvilicons back in ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Credits Currently helping me a lot: ziat007 - this guy has too much time ^,^~(‾⌣‾~) Thanks to: PAKAM45T3R (1x) Keksbaum1337 (3x) Vattic (2x) DutchCoffe (1x) Ket (1x) dgbowers (1x) CreeperVon (1x)Alexandr50 and his Friend Kittychanley and Mag0ca for a Fix Aliceingame for wood/plank textures Kittychanley and ntwitch for the pack.mcmeta fix! ziat007 overall! (9000x) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Last Words You can contact me on skype (offdead91) if you want to write with me about textures or whatever. Thanks to everyone in the Credits section! Thanks to everyone who downloads through the Ad links. Also thanks to everyone that donates to me. Really apreciated guys! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ If you want to help me this is how to [*]Report texture issues/bugs (and get on to the Credits list! [*]Criticism is always respected and helpfull! [*]Help me with textures! ---Look at DEV Download---- 177 replies
- TerraFirmaCraft
- Faithful
- (and 8 more)
Заметки по игре на сервере, о действующих и будущих игроках, игровому Миру и его принципам Вы можете играть как один, так и в команде, это естественное желание каждого и администрация не в праве вам навязывать какой то свой выбор. Но мы не хотим чтобы на сервере начинался хаос, неприязнь друг к другу, чтобы кто то, уходил из за кого то или портил отношения с кем либо. Мне кажется, если возникнут какие то спорные вопросы, между племенами, или одиночками, мы сообща, постараемся решить все по справедливости, либо по обоюдному согласию сторон(пвп,войны,набеги и прочие нюансы) С прошлым составом игроков, у нас не было ВООБЩЕ ни каких проблем, надеюсь так будет и дальше! Помните только что нарушение, моральных правил, и тех что прописаны на сервере, наказываются исключением из вайт-листа без возврата пожертвований и реабилитации игрока в дальнейшем Не портите внешний вид Спавна если не умеете строить по теме и красиво, его строили для вас, но не вы, я не думаю что вы будете рады, если в вашу постройку внесет администрация или кто то другой, свои коррективы. Как вы заметили, на сервере нет привата, зачем он нужен если вы все, нормальные люди которые пришли поиграть в свое удовольствие, не мешая ни кому. Если вы хотите, вы можете ограничить свою территорию забором или еще какими то указателями, на вашей территории(если еще нет дома) или доме, должна быть табличка с указанием чей это дом, или территория, так же название племени,если вы в нем состоите. Зачем это нужно? ну например, во избежании дележки шахты с ресурсами, или прекрасного ландшафта который вам понравился и вы решите построить там тематическую постройку, ну или для отпугивания ваших "врагов" если они у вас есть, или ваш соплеменник, зайдет на огонек перекусить и поесть не боясь напороться на враждующее племя, ну или к вам в дом забежал человек, который у вас в принципе никогда не жил, и "другом" вашим не был, но он усердно ковыряет ваши посевы и сундуки, и об этом грифере сообщат администрации Если вы решили переехать - такое очень часто бывает, прошу вас, как игрок и администратор, уберите свой дом, засыпьте ямы, приведите хотя бы внешне территорию к первоначальному виду, посадите деревья или цветы Чем будет приятнее смотреть на этот Мир, нам, тем больше будет желания у других, посетить наш сервер, да и страшный вайп, отодвинется на долгое время. Есть такие люди, в многих играх,у которых получается попасть в струю, вылезти в "топ", а есть и наоборот, тут, на сервере, да как и во многих играх, играют ради себя и для себя, я не запрещаю вам, помогать друг другу, или отказывать в помощи кому либо и чем либо, но поймите, например - у вас есть все, вы потратили кучу времени на игру, добились всего, получили тот кайф от игры, который хотели, не портите предвкушение его другим людям. Не стоит слишком много просить и слишком много давать, первый зарабатывает репутацию попрошайки, а второй своими действиями сокращает желание играть первого по тому что у него это уже есть, хоть он даже не знает как это добыть, ну и воспитывает в первом, что ему должны все, включая администрацию, за это буду наказывать. Так же хочется отметить, приватный,закрытый сервер тем и прекрасен, что на нем не играет 100500 человек, вас мало Мир огромен, в нем достаточно еды и воды, так же и островов, и гор, и ресурсов,да не спорю, бывают ситуации, вот идешь с добычей через тысячи кубов к своему дому, вот-вот умрешь от голода или засухи, а в паре метров чужой дом со всеми благами цивилизации, попросите у хозяина думаю он вам не откажет, если хозяина нет, уведомьте администрацию или соседей или друзей хозяина дома что вы у него были и что то взяли, чтобы вас не обвинили в воровстве, не поленитесь вернуть взятые вещи или посадить на место "выкопанной катрошки" новую, и прочее, оставайтесь людьюми! Тема будет дополняться по мере вдохновения автора. Unfortunately servert interested in only the Russian community : ( Доброго времени суток, любители мода TerraFirmaCraft! Хочу Вам предложить приватный сервер для игры, мы планируем развиваться и улучшать в дальнейшем, так как мы сами играем в этот мод и изучаем его. Отсутствие лагов, быстрое решение проблем, если таковые появляются, возможность взаимодействия игроков и администрации,мы создадим сообща такой сервер TerraFirmaCraft, в который вы сами захотите играть! Что же мы предлогаем : Приватный сервер с white-list Собственный лаунчер [1.6.4] TerraFirmaCraft 0.78.17(мод, усложняющий режим выживания в сторону реализма) Приятная компания и интересное общение! Аддон ExtraFirma (Добавляет эстетики в мир TerraFirmaCraft, свечи, лампы, книжные полки, арбалеты, медецина и прочее.) SmartMoving (Добавляет анимацию, новые движения, возможность забираться на высокие выступы) ReiMiniMap (Удобная миникарта) DamageIndicators ( Индикатор жизни, урона) В дальнейшем возможно расширение аддонов! Вы можете пройти собеседование и начать играть! мой Skype: SamuelDeadKing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good day , lovers of fashion TerraFirmaCraft! We are engaged in the game servers over the past two years , and successfully cope with all the difficulties and problems. I want to offer a private server for the game , we opened it recently, but his plan to develop and improve in the future , as we are playing this mod and study it. Lack lags quick fix , if any appear , interoperability players and administration, together we will create a server TerraFirmaCraft, in which you do want to play! What we offer: Private server white-list Net launcher Version 1.6.4 TerraFirmaCraft 0.78.17 ( mod complicating survival mode towards realism ) Addon ExtraFirma ( Adds aesthetics to the world TerraFirmaCraft, candles, lamps , bookshelves , crossbows, and other medetsina . ) SmartMoving ( Adds animation , new moves , the ability to climb high ledges ) ReiMiniMap ( Easy minimap ) DamageIndicators ( LED lifetime , damage ) In the future possible extension addons ! You can pass the interview and start playing ! My Skype: Samueldeadking
- 7 replies
- Сервер
- ТерраФирмаКрафт
(and 3 more)
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Hello!, im hosting a new server. I would like it to be a medieval theme so please try to build in medieval style Server Required: [*]Terrafirmacraft Optional: [*]Dynamic Lights [*]Map Writer [*]Damage Indicator [*]Smart Moving Any mods or plugins that you would like to see on this server, please let me know Applications: Mods/Admin (1 Admin, 2 Mods) Minecraft Username: If a player was hacking, (which is against the rules and HIGHLY discouraged.) What would YOU do?: If a player was using inappropriate language (includes Racism, Homophobia and profanity, all of which are against the rules and strongly discouraged.) What would YOU do? Skype: (optional) Age: Applyingfor Admin or Mod?: Rules! Do-s:Tell your friends about this server.Build to the BEST of your ability.Play with Friends!Don'ts:DO NOT use inappropriate language, (Racism, Homophobia, Profanity)DO NOT build Crappy HousesDO NOT build near spawnDO NOT build 1x1 TowersDO NOT griefDO NOT hack (includes X-ray, nodus client, etc.DO NOT ask for items, if an admin is found giving itemsto lower ranked players, they will be instantly have their privileges revoked.DO NOT ask for OP, if an admin is found giving OPto lower ranked players, they will be instantly have their privileges revoked.
- 57 replies
- nonpvp
- terrafirmacraft
- (and 5 more)
[Solved] Can I access the sound files for events like getting acheivements?
drd posted a topic in Support
Hey guys- I really love the little jingle that it makes when you get an achievement (at least, I think that's the event). Is there any way to access that file? I've already expanded the .jar file and looked under 'sound', and that contains .ogg files of the music and other sounds like the bellows and rooster crow, but not what I'm looking for. Further inside there are .class files for events that I suspect may contain the sounds somehow but I'm not literate enough to figure it out. Thanks for your help!- 2 replies
- achievement
- terrafirmacraft
(and 2 more)
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This server is no longer running. I have started a new vanilla 1.8 server. Info at ------------------- I have setup my own server with the following: PVP is turned off. These have to be installed on your client: Forgecraft (1.6.4 Version) TFC 0.78.17 Extrafirma 1.0.4-1.6.4 Download and Info available here. The following have been added to the server for grief control: Fihgu's Protection Fihgu's Permission-These will allow a user to lock their chests and the area that they are building in, and only give access to others if they choose to share.- Information available here.Also added are: McMyAdmin My server currently only allows 10 concurrent users, but I will upgrade that if needed.This will be a whitelist server to start with so if you are interested send me the following (In a message)Minecraft User Name:Age:Region of the World:The server is hosted on a Microsoft Azure server and is available 24 hours a day. Minecraft may be set to go to sleep when no one is logged in to conserve resources, but will wake up as soon as someone wants to log in.The server is up and running so just send me your request and I'll get you added to the whitelist and send you the URL.
- 13 replies
- 24/7
- Grief Protection
(and 4 more)
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I keep crashing because I tried playing my TFC world in 1.7.10 vanilla. Not with 1.6.4 forge.
AndyA posted a topic in Support
I accidentally played TerraFirmaCraft with the latest version of Minecraft (1.7.10), and not with forge. Now when I try to play with forge, and in version 1.6.4 of MC, it crashes. Help please. Crash Report: 4 replies
- crash
- TerraFirmaCraft
(and 1 more)
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[Offline][FirmaCraft] 32 Slots - Experienced Hosts/Coders - Great spawn/New map - Awesome Community
Mr_LyonZ posted a topic in Servers
This is a TerraFirmaCraft server!Download the Launcher fromHERE No client modding needed! Just follow the instructions on the download page! What is TerraFirmaCraft? It's one of the most complex Minecraft mods. The amount of items and gameplay choices is limitless(almost).In TerraFirmaCraft you will have to work hard to find a way to do any basic things or you can just check their wiki (www. and challenging technology advancement tree. There are over a dozen different ores to discover and structures to build, such as a bloomery, to help you advance.New world generation with more trees and new biomes.Features Best hosting hardware, lag-free, 32 slots, dedicated server, 24/7, high uptime (>99%)Engaged social communityThe server uses LWC for protectionBrand new, HUGE map (32k*32k)The owners are 2 avid minecraft players that have been playing since alpha. (Staff is needed too)No whitelist! Anyone can join to try it out (completely!), if you like it, you may register for extended accessSmall, simple and straight to the point spawn, no fancy bullshit, jump right into the gameplay!Rules Use English in public chat.No griefing or massive harrasement.No modding, hacking, cheating.No foul language or other impolite behaviour. So what are you waiting for? Join us now right below !! Our website : Current server status (Updated in realtime) :Click me Server IP : Banner (Links aren't allowed in this forum) : Clicky! -
Hello everyone, Krimarie here! I have recently started a new Terrafirmacraft series on my channel! Here is the first video, I hope you enjoy! Have a wonderful, wonderful day! Playlist for series:
- 18 replies
- Terrafirmacraft
(and 1 more)
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Hey guys! I have started a new series where I use this mod. I am really not good at this mod so you can expect to watch me fail and waste sooo many materials in the process! Hope you enjoy and if you did like it, feel free to subscribe
I made this but I don't know what to do with it. Feel free to make it into something.
So here is where i post videos on how to get through day to day life in T.F.Cwithout the nonsense of having to listen to little kidsspitinginto the microphone or having to watch a let's playseriesabout TFC. Just a simple tothepoint! here it is. Guide to TerraFirmaCraft [T.F.C] First episode [basics to survive. I.e food water so on...] Second episode [ Ceramics and basic metalworking] Third episode [Essential metalworking and alloy making-Forge] Fourth episode [Advance iron-Basic steel. Quern-Blast furnace-Crucible] Fifth episode [black steel-Blue Steel-Red Steel.]
- 8 replies
- Simple guide
- TerraFirmacraft
(and 2 more)
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[Temporarly Inactive] TerraForge [V0.78.17 Survival, ExtraFirma, MyTown & more]
rob9556 posted a topic in Servers
We are having problems at Comcast's end. The server is now inactive. It may or may not come back Hello all, welcome to TerraForge. Rules: 1. Behave, pvp is on, but don't be abusive, i might also build an arena to placate everyone's bloodthirst in the future. 2. Raiding is allowed as long as it is a retribution or if the place you found is abandoned (ask before doing anything). 3. Swearing and offensive jokes in chat are allowed, just don't overdo it, also behave in chat. Server IP: --------- Technical difficulties Server Info: This is a server dedicated with 4 gigs of RAM running 95% uptime with a prime internet connection, 20 player slots and is using the following mods and plugins: TerraFirmaCraft ExtraFirma MyTown TradeBooths (To Incentivate player trade) SmartMoving And with the Essentials Plugin Simple installation of the modpack is as follows: Download the precompiled pack and install and play. *MultiMC is highly recomended but not needed (It's a great tool to have). We hope to see you here.- 6 replies
- server
- terrafirmacraft
(and 3 more)
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