Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Sculpting Skill

    Hello I'm suggesting a new skill: the sculpting skill Basically it is a masonary and woodworking skill in one. The skill effects the chisel and how it works. You gain it by doing things with the chisel like making bricks etc. First if your skill is low only the smooth and stair mode of the chisel are unlocked. Also if you are making bricks there is a ~60% chance that the rock breaks without resulting in a brick. If you are chiseling a block there is a low chance (2% no skill - 0.001% max skill) that the block you are editing completely breaks. The percentages could also be effected by the type of metal your chisel is made of. So what do you think?
  2. Maps and Cartography Skill

    Maps - Cartography Underlined text shows new edited content. As of now, maps are not available. I'm not sure why but they would prove to be quite the tool for adventurers. Hence, maps. The way it works will be similar to vanilla, opening it up and begin carving your map with many major tweaks to it. A new skill will be introduced to suit the maps and ability to create maps. Crafting and Enlarging Maps Maps in TerrafirmaCraft will use a different recipe. Placing 9 papers in your 3x3 crafting grid will give you a parchment which when used, will show up in your hand similar to how vanilla map works. Similar to vanilla maps, you can surround your map with papers to enlarge it. After your first enlargement, you can no longer look at your map from your hands; instead, are required to place it down on any ground to look at it. You can only enlarge your map 3 times as opposed to 4 times in Vanilla Minecraft, at which the map will appear to take the size of a full block surface when placed on ground. You can right-click the map to pick it up immediately. Maps have the same block coverage as Vanilla Maps, meaning an un-enlarged map can cover 128x128 blocks and can be enlarged multiple times to cover 256x256 blocks, 512x512 blocks and finally 1024x1024 blocks at maximum size. Maps can be carved at different scales based on players' choice. Adventure and Exploration is a big part of this mod, even in beta stage, there is so much to explore. When you first open your parchment, a menu appears for you to choose your scales. As an example, a map has 128x128 pixels. You can choose scales ranging 1 pixel : 4 blocks, 1 pixel : 8 blocks and 1 pixel : 16 block. In any case you want larger sizes, that's where the enlargement comes in as explained above. An enlargement simply doubles the scale of your map. (More will be added such as using different materials that may result in different sizes or creating maps in different scales and enlarged at different rates.) Creating your Maps Maps will not automatically be recorded and you need to manually carve your surroundings. When you begin carving, it will always start at the center so be mindful at where you begin carving. Making maps are not free; you can either use charcoal, coal, ink sac and any colored dyes. To begin carving, simply hold your map and hold right-click (default button for 'Use Item). You will start carving in the map based on which direction you are looking; if you are facing north while carving the map, you will only carve the north from where you stand. If there are no obstacles from your viewpoint, you can carve large distances. Carving further distances from your map will take longer so it is sometimes better to just move into the area and continue carving from there. Using only charcoal/coal/ink sac/black dye/any dark-colored dye, you will only carve your map in gray-scale. Your map will have different shades of black to represent different blocks or land. This includes but are not limited to Farmland, Crops, Forest, Stone, Ravines, Oceans and even Beds, Forges, Blast Furnaces and others. You can carve a map at twice the speed using a quill, crafted with an ink sac and feather. A quill needs to be constantly refilled with ink sacs. You can always erase your whole map by throwing it in water and pick it back up again and dry it in a firepit. Maps are not immediately erased when thrown in water. A fully carved un-enlarged map takes 5 seconds to fully erase its whole map. If picked up before it erases, the map will appear blurred and recarving may need to be done. I want maps to be able to create maps for underground purposes but I'm totally unsure how computer coding will work that out. >->" Coloring and creating custom keys for Maps Coloring maps will be a bit special here for some realismbelievability. To begin coloring your map, you need your dyes obviously and a solid surface (wood, smooth stone etc) to work on. One dye of any color covers 32 blocks completely in a square and partially outwards from there so you'd need 4 dyes of all colors to fully color an un-enlarged map to its full prime.An unenlarged map takes 8 dyes to be fully coloured in a single colour. Multiple dyes are needed for a full colored map with no enlargements. If enlargement takes place after coloring, more coloring will need to be done. Additional enlargements will always take 8 more dyes each of any one color. Different variants of colors work the same, such as light blue, blue and dark blue all work as blue, if they exist. Orange can substitute as both yellow or red; purple as both green or blue; brown as black and etc. Place your map on a solid surface by sneaking and using the map on the solid surface. You'll place the map which you can then access by sneaking and right-clicking it. A GUI will appear with your map and several inventory slots to your right where you place your dyes and quill if you have one. There is also a slot at the bottom at which you place a paper on. This is where you create the key for your map. You can draw your own symbols or use preset ones and place them on the map. The paper with the key for your map will automatically be attached to your map and may be removed anytime by placing the map on a solid surface and removing the paper. The key is saved on the paper however and be placed back once again. When working on your map in the GUI, you can color the map by ticking a color mode box and tapping the map with your mouse to apply color. Respective dyes are automatically consumed for respective blocks (such as all green dyes will be used mainly for forest and grasslands). The dyes in use will have a durability meter to show how much left can the dye be used for coloring in the map before a new one must be replaced. After coloring your map, it must be left settled in the solid surface for around half an hour for it to dry so you can pick it up afterwards. Updating Maps Maps do not update by themselves, you will need to carve your map constantly if you want up-do-date pictures. Updating maps do not take resources. Colored maps to not need to be recolored. Cloning Maps Requirements to clone maps are simply another map and some black ink or charcoal. The map that you want to clone must be placed on a solid surface. Hold the parchment you want to clone your map onto and hold right click it onto the map you want to clone. The time it takes to clone the map depends on how well furnished the map you want to clone is.Fully colored maps take only 1/8 of the time to be cloned in gray-scale as opposed to cloning a map that is only in gray-scale. You will need to hold your right-click for as long as several in-game hours to clone a map. Cloning is now instantaneous to suit multiplayer playstyle. You cannot directly clone and color a map simultaneously. You can only clone the map in gray-scale, which you must place down afterwards to be colored. Cartography Cartography is the skill to create maps, simply said. At high levels or skill mastery, a cartographer can carve and faster speeds, longer range, larger radius and make efficient use of dyes. To put into perspective, mastering cartographing allows you to : Carve and clone maps in gray-scale at around 3x the speed. Carve at up to double the normal range. Carve at up to double the radius of what you see. Color maps using as little as only 1/4 dyes of what you normally use. I felt like I am missing something in my suggestion. If you feel there is anything missing in my suggestion, please feel free to tell me. Also, feel free to leave any feedback on my idea if you like it!
  3. Water From Seaweed

    I find it extremely annoying when I spawn by an ocean. There's usually no food or fresh water and you die of thirst and hunger way too often. Then seaweed was introduced as a food item! This made oceans and beaches more enjoyable. But I still died of thrist often. If seaweed refilled your thirst bar as well as your hunger bar, it would make up for the low yield and difficult harvesting. The way I see it, you use seaweed as an early source of water or as a last resort. As I said earlier, I died way too many times from spawining near an ocean without water. Adding seaweed as a source of water would would make spawning near the ocean much more enjoyable!
  4. ProPick Change

    I want to suggest a change to the prospecting pick. As it is right now the propick spits out a text message in the chat how high the concentration of an ore is which is quite boring - I want to improve this: If you use the propick it opens a GNU user interface (GUI) and the player has to search him or herself for the ore. Now here comes the main problem: TFC would have to generate this with some sort of noise texture and intersperse the ore pixels depending on the concentration of ore. I'm not a (minecraft) coder so i'm not sure if this is even possible and if you want to make all the effort to do this. But it is just an idea. I made some examples in 128x128 pixels. (It's a bit small here and would be ingame nearly fullscreen of course.) Traces: Medium Amount Very Large Amount: The rock around the ore would be the same color(s) as of the stone layer(s) in the area. Current problems that would be solved by this suggestion: - Chat spam - Prospecting as a boring practice - Ore conflicts Another thing that would have to be changed is how the skill influences this. Some ideas: - If your skill rises, at the bottom of the screen there will be displayed what kind of ore it is. - If your skill rises even further and you hover over the name it will highlight all ore of the kind in the picture. - If your skill reaches maximum there will be displayed the exact amount of ore you have found. - or: The higher your skill is the larger the picture will be (from 16x16 to 128x128) Let's hope my english is understandable and feel free to post your opinion (but pls don't rage :-))
  5. How about that gypsum?

    So, I've spawned near huge deposits of gypsum, and I'd really like to dig it all out but at the moment there's not really much use for it - which is unfortunate, considering how useful this has proven to be in the non-simulated world. I'd very much like something to use all this gypsum for, so here are some (hopefully believeable) suggestions based on common real-world usages, sorted by a work guesstimate: Fertilizer Gypsum has commonly been used as a fertilizer, in this case one could let gypsum work much as sylvite does.Mortar Heated, ground gypsum (plaster) mixed with water, as per how the lime/sand mortar currently works.Building material Bricks/blocks could be created like mortar, but by pouring it into a fitting container to let it solidify (barrels or ingot moulds come to mind).There's of course many other things to use gypsum for, but I'm not going to suggest casts or hair products. ;-)
  6. Another use for Fire Clay

    I haven't made any fire clay myself yet, but after reading the wiki and watching a few TFC let's plays I've noticed there's only a couple uses for this material. My suggestion is maybe useing fire clay blocks to make an upgrade for a pit kiln? Instead of the little 1 block pit kiln, the upgrade (which could be called a Brick Kiln) could be the same size and shape as a bloomery and have a hatch door but not need a chimney and the use of the fire clay would elminate the need for wood (just straw similair to how you fill charcoal in the bloomery) and then light it. I dunno if that would work, but it's an idea **side note** I was watching Dunk's old lets play and he mentioned wanting another use for fireclay and that got me thinking XD
  7. Ageing Alcohol

    Ageing AlcoholThis idea came to me as I was preparing leather every time I sealed a barrel the date I sealed it in was shown. This got me wondering on how could an ageing process for alcohol be implemented in TFC. Here are a couple came up.Alcohol is and has been a recreational drink used by every civilization in every part of the world therefore is has huge diversity of colour and taste; but one constant is the use of ageing to improve flavour. depending on the alcohol and the region some require longer or shorter period of ageing.In TFC alcohol comes in a couple different types. Each type has a very small change of giving you a potion affects. My main idea works with this mechanic.The concept is the longer an alcohol is aged the higher the chance for potion affect to take placeSo lets say I were to seal my barrel and let it age for a whole TFC year when I open it the alcohol would have 10% higher probability of giving me a potion effect (with a limit of 5 years of ageing so u could not get higher then 50% probability)Another aspect I came up works with taste and cooking skill. As I’m sure the nutritional value of Vodka is quite low alcohol taste should not affect the amount nutritional value but the duration of the potion affect good and bad.So If were to seal a barrel depending on my cooking Exp lvl this would determine whether additional secs to potion affect will take place.(this will take into account only the Exp lvl I am when I sealed the barrel not the Exp lvl I am when opening it). As well with taste if I find the taste more desirable a slight increase of duration time will occur.And my finale thought works with TFC region/climate this thought is a lot harder to implement. Some alcohol require shorter period of ageing this has to do with climate. Take whiskey and tequila: whiskey is produced in colder climate takes at least 3-12 years to produce and age. Tequila is produced in warmer climate takes only 2-3 years to reach peak. Climate help with speed up the aging process.If I were in a warmer climate when I seal it for ageing maybe the % is slightly increase when I’m done creating it. Instead of a flat 10% per year i get 11or 12.As I am not a programer I would not know exactly how hard it would be to implement these changes but I do have some suggestions. In the new version of TFC food has 2 bars one to show rot and the other for quaintly. You could use this mechanic to show how long this alcohol is aged and how long is the base duration of the effects. (so a fully aged fully Exp lvl cook alcohol would have both bars full) you might want to use the rot mechanic in revers and slow down for the ageing process.If anyone has any more ideas or have a different take on how to implement ageing alcohol in TFC please feel free to add on in this thread
  8. Remove Side Grass

    I'm new to using this mod and so far it's been an amazing experience. The only reason I bought Minecraft is so the developers could make a plugin API and support mods like these, though it seems like Mojang is taking awhile to go through with that.Anyway, back to the actual suggestion. I see that your mod isusing the same feature that the "BetterGrass" mod uses and it's really unappealing in my opinion. It also makes things more difficult to see what's under grass. Now I would understand if Minecraft's hills were made up of slopes rather than blocks, but unfortunately that isn't the case. So basically what I'm suggesting is if we can have the old Minecraft style of grass blocks, where grass isn't capable of growingat a90 degree angle.Update 1: I've just recently discovered that the 'BetterGrass' feature creates lag within the game. This suggestion is no longer based on personal preference, being that this feature actually negatively impacts your gameplay. I’ve tested this with a high end computer and a low end one. Both computers experienced lag, unlike vanilla Minecraft. My fiancé, the one with the low end computer, was barely handling the Mod, having a lot of client freezes until I removed the ‘BetterGrass’ feature through options.In fact, I stopped playing TerafirmaCraft a very long time ago because she couldn’t handle it very well, so I was waiting for version 0.79 hoping it would fix this, which it actually did not. My computer, the extremely high end computer, has specs such as 16GB of ram, 3.40GHZ i7 intel core processor, Windows 8.1 that’s a 64-bit, with a GeForce GTX 660 graphics card, had some stuttering which is very much unlike vanilla. Removing this feature eliminate all lag from both computers, I highly suggest others to try this as well to confirm that something is wrong. Not sure if this is known, but if it is, why default or even have a feature that negatively impacts your gameplay.Update 2: Looks like the lag is due to Minecraft limiting the amount of RAM you're capable of using with it's client. While this can be fixed, it's not a very good impression for new players, therefore I suggest this feature not to be defaulted for us since it can lure new players away...
  9. I know the mechanics of both limewater and tannin in barrels were changed in b79 and removed from buckets, but I'd really appreciate the ability to at least use buckets to move limewater/tannin water from one barrel to another. I have two barrels of both that are both half full; it would be nice if I could use a bucket to empty one barrel into the other so I could fill the now-empty barrel with fresh water again without having to empty it and lose the limewater/tannin that's there. Is there a reason that this isn't allowed now?
  10. With TFC still in development there are (and supposedly will be) mistakes, such as the recent bug that caused trees and other features not being generated in snowed chunks. Therefore if you visit particular area before the bug is removed, part of your world is spoiled forever. I suggest adding a command (in “cheat” mode) allowing players (ops in SMP) to regenerate a chunk (or several chunks at once) by replacing all blocks as per world generator. Something like /regenchunk command, working similarly to /removechunk and /stripchunk. But it might be better, allowing to set chunks’ coordinates to regenerate bigger area at once…
  11. Alternate clothing material to wool, decreases the amount you perspire and shields you from the sun. Would be needed to travel through deserts safely and for doing work in the summer near the equator. Flax fiber would also be used to make canvas, which would replace the sugary paper we have now.
  12. H -the cut in half hotkey

    With the addition of more and more complex preservation mechanics it was really nice to see the devs add the hotkeys to trim and combine foods, saving valuable time on these tedious fronts allows us to spend more taking advantage of brine, vinegar, smoke racks and grills. This idea came to me after attempting to turn my potato harvest into 10 barrels of vodka for later use as vinegar. Because the recipe calls for 100oz of food and I prefer not to waste any, I took the time to cut potatoes and combine them into 100 oz pieces. I think it would be nice to include a hotkey for cutting food items in half. It would work similar to the combine hotkey where you need to hold your cursor over the desired food item. Essentially you would need to have a knife in your inventory, hover over a food item and then press H at which point the food item would be cut in half and both pieces placed in available inventory slots.This would fit in well with the existing hotkeys and take away a little more tedium so we can enjoy the new preservation mechanics more. Useful applications of this hot key include: -Easier time preparing food for small vessel storage -Easier time preparing food for grill cooking -Easier time cutting food into the correct portions for use in liquid recipies -Easier time sharing food with other players in SMP Thank you for your consideration.
  13. Simple economic idea

    I will talk shortly what is in my mind. Server need some kind of economy, like coins. Game have items called "Coins" that could stack in large stacks like 1024 or more. All items could have price which one could be changed in someItemsPriceConfig.txtor fully turned off from game (for example you dont want that sequoia logs would be ingame shop). Game shopis a villager. Server admins could summon that special villager which one have many trades, people could buy and sell items, make money. Game shops could have infinity number of items or only number of items that have been sold. Or there could be several villagers for different items likelogs,stones... Its just basic idea. Tell me what i your opinion about this. Sorry for my bad English.
  14. Ceramic tools

    Not so serious intro: So when you start terrafirmacraft there is a point where you have your first metal but not enough to really make tools with just jet. You are irritaded with the fast breaking stone tools. Then why wouldn't you make ceramic tools? Because they aren't in the game you fool! (lol) But seriously why are there no clay/ceramic tools? Nowdays we got plenty of ceramic knifes, shovels and axes. I'm Suggesting that we get a ceramic "upgrade" for all the stone tools so no ceramic pickaxe to be clear. It seems to me something people would use and it wouldn't hurt to have a more smooth transition into metal tools. I don't think it would be to game changing and it would help people who have trouble setting up or help people who like staying in the stone age for a bit longer.
  15. Shields a defensive weapon

    Shields a defensive weapon I like the idea of shields, they could be made out of wood to start with then progress through the varies metals. In order to use them they must be on your hotbar, have a key to block with it so it doesn't have to be in you hand [Dual wielding is a thing, the Romans did it with shields and spears.] While blocking almost like deflecting a ghast ball in regular minecraft you block incoming projectiles. You can block and ram your enemy to inflict a low amount of crushing damage. As far as crafting goes I mentioned above starting with wood, this would require the player too at least have a saw, and have enlarged their crafting space. I would suggest to go as far as have a knapping like system but for wood, or more comparable to how you need a knife to shape leather. However for the sake of not writing a new system just for one item, here is an example recipe below. Now for the metal versions, I suggest a taking a metal sheet, or double sheet. Place in anvil while hot last 3 steps have to be hits. I got inspired form a post in this topic here:
  16. I was testing some build ideas in SSP and while designing a forge setup for a house I fell out of fly mode and landed on an active forge block. The falling particles that come with 1.7 take on the texture of the block you land on. When landing on the lit forge it looked like this... Now doesn't that look a lot like this?... It hit me, that set of particles would look absolutely AWESOME if when you were working hot metal on the anvil they would fly out every 5 or 6 hits. Hammering away makes plenty of sound but I think this would really add the feel of working a blazing hot piece of steel/iron/bronze etc. Sparks flying all over the smithy floor and other players being able to have some visual indication of the work you are doing would be really cool imho. I know that on Hypixel Blitz PVP the particles from breaking redstone appear when you hit someone so I am going to assume that this is also possible in TFC. What are your thoughts people?
  17. Paper

    With the adition of sugercane being a terrafirmacraft crop the vanila sugercane has akwardly stayed in the game to be able to make paper. This was even in vanila minecraft a bit questionable. Since paper making is a bit of a complecated process I don't believe we can reproduce that process. But I do believe we can do a better job of the making of paper look more believable. We could make it so that wood or tatch has to be grinded to some for of pulp that has to be soaked in lime water and has to be dried afterwards. Why would you need to go through the trouble when paper is not so important? Because nametags and books are made out of paper high quality stuff I would say.
  18. Heat and Light

    Since i coudn't find something similarly conected to what i want to say i am going to describe my idea here . Well the reasons why someone might need a stable on demand light source are pretty self explanitory , it is just more convenient , and beyond that if implemented properly could be a big influence on what players collect and build as structures in their world . This is preety much an expansion in tier . I suggest adding a solid pipe sistem (solid because the heat would transfer more believably from one solid to another) which would work like this : Heated metal encased in glass , similar to a lightbulb (infact it is) that contains in itself a small peice of metal with a low melting point so as such , when heated , it would easily emit light , and when over heated melt/burn and dissapear . Heat would come to it using solid insluated metal pipes which themselves would be heated from burning something in a pit or insluated area to reduce heat dissapation latter on . It could run on coal or logs or thatch , prety much anything wooden . This would allow this light soruce to be a good source of light but not heat , so , that it can't be used for cooking . So if you progress much forward you can have a stable light source for the cost of constant medium-easy obtainable fuel , and so that you can also turn all lights at once , depending on the distance the heat would have to travel . This would be a good sistem for not so far light , since you can only build so much pipes and the heat can heat only so much mass . The pipes should be made out of hard or medium hard good heat conducting mettals , like cooper and/or iron possibly . The wire inside the glass bell would be made bassicly out of low tier mettals . I don't know how far the reach should be in blocks , you guys decide , if you like this idea .
  19. In games I always like the collecting aspect. So I want a book that holds record of these collections. This book should not hold every item or provide information about the collected item (it could but that would be just detail). The book should give a sense of completion by showing a percentage of completion. The book could hold the following collectables: - Gems (this started the idea) - Rock types - Metals (nuggets, poor, normal, rich) - Alloys (or ingots) - Minerals - Saplings (Wood?) - Seeds (Food?) - Fruit tree saplings - Berry bushes This book should not be a game changing mechanic but something to fill your time with. The book should be manual you doing it because you want it not because it’s needed. I’m not expecting that it would be reasonable to expect anyone to complete it but I think it would be neat to have. When I think of it I think of a book that shows pages when you register the items (it should not consume items) but leave greyed out items of types of the item that you haven’t seen (like with poor and rich metals). And maybe with taps for the different collectables with each have a own percentage (so the gems don’t drag everything down). This book could be a way to integrate some of the documentation ideas but this topic isn’t meant for that. The book could ultimately for the players who find it worthwhile a progress report of some sort. It could also serve as a bit of a competition for players on servers. The book could be separated in part feel free to suggest what could be improved on this idea and if you think it could fit in the mod.
  20. Better Forest Fires

    Just a quick idea. I'm not sure if this is buried in the code somewhere already but if it's not I think it would make a really cool addition. Now that in 79 random grass block ticking actually creates saplings like it's supposed to, it's very easy for a forest to become overgrown over the course of several years. Nature takes care of this by allowing the increased risk of fire in dense old growth to clear away the old and make way for the new. I was wondering if it would be feasible to make fire spread affected by the general "wetness" of an area. Back in the good old days when fire spread forever in early mine craft beta you were terrified of this natural disaster. Now it's no big deal. Imagine, no rain in an area?... live in fear of ravaging infernoes sweeping the landscape. If you've just been throw a few days/weeks of rain fire spread would be nerfed in that area so that there is no cause for concern and the fire only makes it a few blocks. Dry trees and grass burn much easier than wet ones. Is this possible? I just figured that since the forest can now regenerate itself there should be a way for it to naturally clear up a little too. EDIT: Idea for new bucket mechanic: Using a wooden bucket (because metal ones place source blocks) right clicking a full water bucket would remove fire blocks in a 3x3 or 5x5 area centered on the block you right clicked. If there is no block then shift+right clicking the full bucket in mid-air will have the same effect, but centered on the player, or perhaps one or two blocks ahead of them. This is simply a way for players to not be completely helpless against the inferno, and I think it fits with the style of TFC.
  21. Making barrels less OP

    Hello ! As it is now, barrels have 12 slots for solid items. But small clay vessels can be placed into a barrel, expanding it to 48 slots, which is a bit too much in my opinion. Having a single barrel on your back will in most cases be more than enough to don't have player inventory issues in early game. And with new world gen making a saw is easier than ever, considering nuggets spawn in larger groups (at least in my world, i have nuggets everywhere, about 7-10 from one ore deposit as opposed to 3-5 in 78). I think it makes TFC a bit too easy, but i might be wrong. Also, i have no idea if it would be hard to implement or not, but a config option for allowing vessels into vessels would be great. I think it would be much more believable that way. And harder as well. I would like to see some thoughts on the subject. Posting it in suggestions becouse it's not really even remotely a bug, just something that needs a bit of rebalance IMHO. Highest regards to Bioxx Dunk and Kitty for amazing work and great new build Reyvinn
  22. Hi everyone I'm new here and as tradition dictates, whenever a minecraft mod updates I should immediately tell the people, who just put forth their ideas and effort, how they should actually make their game.In all seriousness though I actually do have one request of logpile block physics. I think that if logpiles were to leak logs downwards into logpiles below them it would fit in nicely with the rest of their physics as well. Logpiles already cant be placed on one another if the one that you're placing it on isn't completely filled or if there isn't a block below it, which gives it a feel of psuedo-gravity. And correct me if I'm wrong but logpiles leak logs into campfires below them. If log piles were to do that to other logpiles I think that it would fit in nicely with the preexisting nature of logpiles as well as making it slightly more convenient for the player.
  23. Punkin's an Watarmeloans

    PUN'KINS!! WATARMELOANS!! Everyone knows these classic crops from vanilla. Both of them are a semi-rare crop, as it takes much exploring to find them. Pumpkins still exist in Terrafirmacraft, however, they don't serve any purpose, except for a breeding exploit. Watermelons actually don't exist at all, since they only generate in structures like mineshafts. So, what do we do about them? As you may have known, gourds were a food staple of many places, so it makes sense to make them a crop, however they could be improved from their 3foot- giants that are in vanilla. Man, those things are huge. Miniature pumpkins! Since pumpkins already spawn naturally in the world, it would be a small change to include them into the food group. But instead of the gigantic ones from vanilla, these new pumpkins would be varying sizes, from 43 to 103 pixels wide. That's about the size of a players head, on average. Miniature watermelons! These would be identical to their vanilla counterparts, except like the melons, their size would be tweaked to fit the actual size. However, instead of being just square, these can take on a more rectangular shape For comparison, this is the best image I could find of the relative size of the new pumpkins and melons Why the change? In order to fit the theme of Terrafirmacraft, the pumpkins and melons would be better implemented as a realistic size. Plus it creates a unique type of crop instead of the standard wheat/carrot/potato that every Terrafirmacraft crop is based off of. Maybe if this is considered, we might see more unique crops in the future. What about the pumpkins/melons? The harvested pumpkins or melons would follow the same rule as every other crop, following "vanilla" Terrafirmacraft mechanics, but also behaving like Vanilla minecraft, growing in the space adjacent to the stem. Oh, and the stem on the pumpkin would connect with the stem of the plant. And since they take up less than a block, they can be random about their positioning within the block. There are alot more things, but tell me what you think of this, if it should be considered, and what could be improved on it.
  24. Rail, Rails, Rails!

    So, with the current state of transportation in Terrafirmacraft, there are only 4 methods of transportation. Foot travel, Horses, Boats, and Minecart. Given the theme of Terrafirmacraft being more of a progressive tech-tree, options are opened up to you based on your location, resources, and preference. If you never find horses, jute, or leather, traveling by horseback is impossible. Boats are the obvious default travel over large bodies of water. But what I'm suggesting is something that I was surprised that never was fully utilized, both in TFC, or Vanilla Minecraft. That would be rails, my friend.Given that Terrafirmacraft is such a manual, rustic-style mod that makes the game more believable, It would only make sense that aspects in the game would resemble real-life practices. In that regard, Mineshafts were created to haul out large amounts of ore out of a location. However, in Terrafirmacraft, the player has ample enough inventory to clear out an entire vein in several trips. The player's inventory has never changed in the entire history of minecraft, and it never may, but that is a different topic.My suggestion is to improve rails to become more intuitive, better suited to fit therole that they were designed for, and more believable in their creation. This post only highlights the largest changes, although given the chance, I could write pages on this topic. But I'll try to keep it short. Making the Rails Crafting rails in Terrafirmacraft is much cheaper than in vanilla, netting an entire stack for one-eigth the cost! That's a really nice incentive to make rails, however the process to make them is currently... Lame.What I suggestInstead of the current method of laying ingots and sticks on the ground, ingots need to be worked on an anvil, similar to tools. One ingot is stretched out into x number of "Rail" number can be changed, but more can be made with a higher smithing skill Up to a cap of 1 ingot -> ~32-ish rails. Equates to the same cost now of 4 ingots -> 64 tracks These "Rail"s can then be crafted with sticks/planks/logs to make the finished rail tracks.(Currently, Powered rails are the standard for using railcarts at all, but that's not very realistic, or befitting the theme. I'll get to that later) So, now that you have the finished rails, what do you do with them?Getting the Wheels Once again, shaping ingots into an object with your bare hands isn't very intuitive. And to that, i suggest a simple change and a whole lotta white space, because I've got a bunch more to say, but I won't bore you with it. Minecart recipeSince they are carts, and not iron boats, you have to form the metal into sheets. Then you can just use your imagination and pretend that you've just made a minecart. (There would be more, but again, too long) HOWEVER, I want to emphasize that I want to stray away from powered rails, at least until a better system is implemented. As a replacement, since furnace minecarts are impossible to craft, a small solution would be to make a player-powered hand cart. This type of cart moves by being clicked on by a player riding in it. That's it. It just pushes other carts. Now, an alternative longer down the line would be an improved version of the furnace cart, because that poor thing never got any attention. I do admire the lack of a GUI, but my god, do they suck. What do they do? A minecart, for all intensive purposes, was designed to cart things out of a mineshaft. And as Vanilla ores don't spawn in large veins, it never was much of a priority. Instead, Command blocks were made *grumble* But seeing as TFC has a much more classical mining method, the purpose of a minecart fulfils the theme. They can carry tools, players, ore, tracks even! But how does it do it??Players can simply sit in an empty minecart. Wow, that was simple. Rails can be placed in carts, up to a stack (or more)Chest carts may still be an option, but for their purposes here, they'll store what a normal chest can store. Possibly, just maybe, they can store blocks that may soon be too heavy to carry by hand (barrels, log piles, ect) And last but not least, without even a chest, a minecart can store 1 cubic meter or raw ore. This may take some consideration, as deciding how to render the storage cart may prove difficult, and may be scrapped altogether. There is much more that I want to suggest, however I'm tossing this idea to see how it's accepted. Tell me what you think, your opinions on it, and if you believe it would add content to the game. I really want to see a more integrated experience involving more than just the player and the inventory, and have more of a tool-oriented environment. Leave your comments, even if you don't like the idea!
  25. Thatch/Straw bedding

    As of a recent update, a metal saw is required before a bed can be made. I recommend implementing a stone-age sleeping method, so that we cavemen/cavewomen can sleep the night away instead of spending the night in a hole (and walking away from our computers, etc) In order to keep the regular bed still valuable, thatch bedding might have 2 uses or 50% chance of being used up when slept in. the current mechanic of pit kiln could be used, laying straw in a 2x1x1 (bed sized) area then right clicking with an empty hand.