Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Offline] Dig, Hiss, Boom! ~ Babby's First Hardcore ~ No Whitelist

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No one else was given permission to them (I've been playing alone), so anyone who accessed them is probably a thief.

You'd think that, but TFC players have this weird compulsion to dig through each others' chests just to see what they have. Even known-honest players do this for reasons I cannot fathom, even after I've told them that it makes it harder to track thieves. That said, your thief (slicer812) still had your stuff on him and so was pretty easy to find! I'm restoring your stuff as we speak.


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You'd think that, but TFC players have this weird compulsion to dig through each others' chests just to see what they have. Even known-honest players do this for reasons I cannot fathom, even after I've told them that it makes it harder to track thieves. That said, your thief (slicer812) still had your stuff on him and so was pretty easy to find! I'm restoring your stuff as we speak.



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Lately I've been trading ingots and tools for stacks of charcoal (Najual), mostly to help newer players get up to speed. Anyone can make charcoal with sticks and stone axes (and some time and effort). We all need and use it anyway so I think this is still a good common currency. Sometimes I'm willing to deliver and sometimes we meet at DarkLadyPhoenix's castle, the new spawn area.

Based loosely on previous posts for Haven Charcoal/Gem Dealer prices (cp = charcoal points), I've come up with a price list for finished ingots or tools in stacks of charcoal. You can trade for whatever you think it's worth, of course. This is just a basic guideline.

Here's the formula I used: A full smelter of ore is 90kg or 20 full ores (not nuggets) and yields a random amount around 6-8 ingots. So, a rough estimate of ingot cp value would be (ore cp) x 20 / 6-8. Since it also takes 20 charcoal to fill and heat the smelter, and the anvils, tools, and time to work unshaped ingots into something useful, I go with the value of 6 ingots per 20 ore even though you might get more than that out of a full smelter. Finally, the total is rounded again to a reasonable, simplified value (plus commission, rarity, and transport risk) in stacks of charcoal.

Note that each tier up is about half again as valuable as the one before it, which is roughly how much the durability or working speed increases too. Fancy bronze alloys might fetch a higher price for style but at far as I can tell the quality is the same as normal bronze, which is about as durable as diamond in vanilla.

Tier 0 - Tin/Bis/Zinc (10cp) -> 2 ingots (or tools) = 1 stack of charcoal (33cp)

Tier 1 - Copper (15cp) -> 1-2 ingots = 1 stack char (50cp)

Tier 2 - Bronze (20cp) -> 1 ingot = 1 stack char (66cp)

Tier 3 - Wrought Iron (30cp) -> 1 ingot = 1-2 stacks char (100cp)

Tier 4 - Steel (40cp) -> 1 ingot = 2 stacks char (133 cp)

Anyone who finds a generous amount of iron ore has probably jumped up to steel, but smaller amounts of wrought iron or tools are still valuable to those that don't have it yet.

As for anvils and armor, those take a lot of time and ingots to make (anvil 14x, full armor 22x). For a starting player that would mean clear cutting most of a biome over several game days to make enough charcoal for bronze or better. You're really better off just getting some decent tools for your charcoal cooking efforts and finding ore deposits to mine out yourself.

And as for black, blue, or red steel, well, I'm pretty sure no one is willing to give those up for burnt wood due to the extreme rarity of nickel. <_<

Hope this helps stimulate more trading on the server. :)


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Neat! Hey guys, I'm gonna be doing another upgrade when the server goes down at midnight tonight- you can check the F.M.P. thread for more info, but just some admin tools that will save me some time when helping out players and hunting thieves.


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You'd think that, but TFC players have this weird compulsion to dig through each others' chests just to see what they have. Even known-honest players do this for reasons I cannot fathom, even after I've told them that it makes it harder to track thieves. That said, your thief (slicer812) still had your stuff on him and so was pretty easy to find! I'm restoring your stuff as we speak.

I have to say it takes a lot of self control to not look in a chest, especially if they are not locked, and instead just ignore it. Even though I never take anything, I always glance in chests if I feel like nobody is looking. Then I feel guilty even though it is just a game. It doesn't even have to be malicious or like "I wanna get stuffs" I am usually just curious as to what this box holds or what items this person had collected and deemed worth saving.


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That seems to be a pretty common sentiment. I generally have a few criteria I use to decide to ban someone that have been intensely accurate, so pretty low odds that you'll get picked up mistakenly, but if you can control your impulse it does make less work for me when I'm trying to find a thief.


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We do not have a voice server- I'm not really against it, but I'm tapped out paying our server rent.

I've tracked down a public Mumble server with 3000 slots. They don't seem to have any game servers, it's just an open voice server with general channels for a bunch of game titles, including Minecraft.


Main page and forum:

There's very little traffic on it and a few standard rules. A few of us are using it now. Would you be interested in establishing a Mumble home for DHB there? An admin should be contacted before we advertise that. But otherwise anyone here can just use the general MC channels.


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Wow, someone stole stuff from my chests again. This time it was a little more costly.

They got a couple bars of iron, quite a bit of raw hematite, my food/leather, and my chisel.

They also filled my bloomery with logs, which may have been funny if I tried using it before I discovered it.

On the upside, you can get some more testing in on your server-side mod :)

I'll do something to my base to make it look more permanent, and less tempting to wanderers.


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A couple minor updates:

1) Restored most of chezzik's stolen items & banned the offender.

2) I'm fixing our smartmove config tonight to be used over the client config :-P No more super-run, you hooligans!

3) I told fifleche this, so I'm going to make it public: I will give you a record player if you give me 8 planks and a flawless diamond.

I WILL NOT DO THIS with almost any recipe, but record players are just a fun little thing, so if you wanna go to that work for music, please enjoy!

EDIT: So now that the change has gone through, SmartMove is stuck on Medium - makes sense, since easy-mode lets you sprint forever. I am okay with this. Some clients are causing F9 to not show any feedback, but F9 now cycles between Medium and Off for smart move.


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A couple minor updates:

1) Restored most of chezzik's stolen items & banned the offender.

2) I'm fixing our smartmove config tonight to be used over the client config :-P No more super-run, you hooligans!

3) I told fifleche this, so I'm going to make it public: I will give you a record player if you give me 8 planks and a flawless diamond.

I WILL NOT DO THIS with almost any recipe, but record players are just a fun little thing, so if you wanna go to that work for music, please enjoy!

EDIT: So now that the change has gone through, SmartMove is stuck on Medium - makes sense, since easy-mode lets you sprint forever. I am okay with this. Some clients are causing F9 to not show any feedback, but F9 now cycles between Medium and Off for smart move.

Lol, we had some fun jumping 30 blocks yesterday, its sad that we can't kill ourselves by jumping again XD,

also something is messed up with smartmove and ladders, at the top of a ladder I keep glitching and it is really annoying can you change the ladder climbing behaviour or something?

edit:LOL, I fail at avoiding glitches... sadly have no idea how this happened.

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edit:LOL, I fail at avoiding glitches... sadly have no idea how this happened.


That happened to me, when I somehow ended up with 2 copies of minecraft open after a crash.

I think it's mostly a glitch when you are too low on ram however


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The ladder thing is probably like, in medium smart move you have to keep looking at the ladder in order to not fall off of it. I can imagine a universe where I change this back to the minecraft default behavior, but lemme see what the options look like later tonight.


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Well, we can have stone ladders now, assuming we upgrade to version 49.

Are we going to upgrade to 49? Will the world be wiped?


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build 48 was such a short time ago! I have some work to do to prep my codebase for 49 anyway, and I'm sure there's gonna be alphabet soup, as always, so let's chill until I CAN upgrade us to 49, then let's talk about whether I SHOULD upgrade us to 49.


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Sure, I wasn't trying to rush you, I was just wanted to start discussing options.

The 40,000 meter distance between poles is rather frustrating. It pretty much means that we'll all live in nearly the same climate, and it will cause curious players to go on mega-journeys either north or south, which usually ends up hurting server performance in the end. Snow will be gone, and we'll lose everything that we've built (in my case, that's not much). On the upside, caves sound like a great addition, and the bug of downward knockback while drowning is finally fixed (in 1.3.2).

I've played on one server before where you could carry one inventory's worth of items through the upgrade. It was terribly problematic (since a lot of people died right after arriving, and lost everything they had), and I don't even know how feasible it is with a non-bukkit mod like TFC.


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I don't care, I'll head north and grow potatos and act as a trading post for metals in the region. >:D


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^ all of the above.

Sadly school has dropped my "I have ALL day to log into this game." to "Holy hell I only have an hour to myself." :( So any input as far as votes and such for the servers, I'll forgo because of the insane amount of time I won't be able to be in game. Maybe twice a week for me? Here's hoping I can still gt adopted by people. Screw playing alone :P


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I will adopt you DLP, you can be a part-time worker at my newest company, Lawlerz Landscaping. We beautify and sculpt cool stuff for people's homes/towns/businesses.


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Yeah it's still a mess. Bioxx is working like a slathering madman on it though. Terrain gen has been completely overhauled too so that will certainly require a map wipe/regen. I can't see this going live on any server anytime soon, it's only barely playable in sp. :) Still, I wouldn't start any massive month long projects on here.

When it becomes stable and a bit more polished, smp is going to be a lot harder starting out. Biomes and oceans are massive, ore deposits are scarce, and right now most of the geology defaults to granite. I've found a lot of tin and bis nuggets picking up rocks but I haven't seen even a hint of copper. Should be... interesting. :)


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Yeah it's still a mess. Bioxx is working like a slathering madman on it though. Terrain gen has been completely overhauled too so that will certainly require a map wipe/regen. I can't see this going live on any server anytime soon, it's only barely playable in sp. :) Still, I wouldn't start any massive month long projects on here.

When it becomes stable and a bit more polished, smp is going to be a lot harder starting out. Biomes and oceans are massive, ore deposits are scarce, and right now most of the geology defaults to granite. I've found a lot of tin and bis nuggets picking up rocks but I haven't seen even a hint of copper. Should be... interesting. :)

I'm sure the whole granite thing is gonna be tweaked tho, it seems like a bug at it's current state.

Out of 10 worlds I generated, only one had rhyolite on the surface, the rest was all granite. And I've noticed the same thing that you did when it comes to copper, nothing.


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I played 49 a bit last night. It seems to always spawn you around 0,-9900 in every world, which is a rather moderate climate. In my first world, it was a plains area, and it took me at least a minute of running to even get to another biome so I could find rocks. That biome was "Tall Hills", or something like that, and I had to scale mountains by dirt pillaring up, just so I could get my first rock!

Once I finally got an axe, I noticed that the time to chop down trees has been multiplied by a factor of approximately 4. Using a stone axe on a tree takes about as much time as punching a tree in Vanilla.

I played around in creative mode also. The terrain does look amazing. Finding exposed ore is a lot easier, for 3 main reasons. There's taller cliffs than before, there's a number of surface caves, and there are biomes with exposed rock faces (rather rare).

As far as travelling to a polar or equatorial region, it's just not worth it. Even in creative, the lag from terrain creation made me give up. It's definitely possible in creative (expect 20-30 minutes of flying), but if you are that desperate, use the /tp command. Your time is worth more than your pride :).

Personally, I wouldn't mind a server restart, but I haven't played here as long as most people, so I don't have much to lose.


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We'll see about it, I don't want to make any premature decisions, and I don't want to restart the map this time without a means of pregenning for a few thousand blocks away from spawn.


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Anyway my point is that I wouldn't assume a map reset is going to happen in the next couple weeks. But if you haven't started your magnum opus for this map yet, I'd start giving it some thought!


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Yay. My castle is going to survive more than a week.

49 looks to be kind of a mess. I'd like to wait until a stable build is released. Hearing about the polars being ridiculously far away is a bit disheartening even though it's set at 20k. (Way too far for me to walk at any rate) but it might be fun to do a 'Go West' next map. Start out, travel during the day, set up shelter, move on and never have a permanent home until you get to 20k :P


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Haha, yeah- honestly, 20k was in the range I was hoping for. With a suit of steel armor I traveled about 6k in a few hours on oddworld before it started to break down, so it's definitely doable, but still far. I kind of dig the basic gist of bioxx's worldgen philosophy, I just didn't like the whole "FUCK YOU NO NEW CLIMATES EVER" thing that would come out of a 50k world.


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