Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. I have decided to do a single player series with build 79! Please check it out and leave some feed back! Thanks!
  2. Original Post: You will need: TFC 79.10Carpenterblocks v3.3.0MineTweaker-1.7.10-3.09 Due to people not finding info on the protection plugin, now in big: SKULLPROTECT TUTORIAL PDF SHOPS AND SHIPMENTS PDF ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are searching for people who are interested in a team based competition involving trade and pvp town vs town! Each nation with their own special traits, so trading is needed to get certain items. Support your colonial power by sending back shipments to the old world and thus increase your nations honor and wealth! We will try to balance all that as good as possible. We are playing terrafirmacraft after all. There will be as few teleporting as possible! Carpenter's Blocks! Once you join us, you'll have to choose a nation to fight for. Depending on the map, there will be 4 nations to choose from. Protect all your creations with an personally written, easy to use and precise Griefing protection. It wont hinder a natural growth of villages without enforcing manhattanly roads, because of a small plot size of only 5x5 blocks! The server is run whitelisted, so to get on, post in this thread with the following information: in game nameyour ageWhy us? (nothing fancy, just so you can stand out) here is the map: -bruuff
  3. [1.7.10]TerraFirmaCraft- Public PVP | Factions | Essentials+ | Hardcore (24/7) Join this new and awesome TFC server (Always up to date)! The goal for this server: We want to give all the TFC players a singleplayer in multiplayer experience - No fancy spawn, no weird plugins etc. (We keep it simple!) The server is running factions so players will be able to make a village/ fortress/ city, without anyone to grief it (This can be claimed by enemy factions!) By having factions, players will be able to do the Roleplay by them self. To trade, make war against each other or to become allies - It's all up to YOU! So join the server and become the most powerful and dominating faction! Rules: 1: Chat 1.1: No crazy flaming/ spam. 1.2: No racism - Non-offensive jokes are OK. 1.3: Please only write English in chat - There's faction chat for private messages (not tested on the new version yet) 2: Cheating 2.1: Hacked clients completely restricted and will result in perm ban. 2.2: No use of X-ray on the server. 2.3: No flying. 2.4: No speed running. 2.5: Any cheating mod is forbidden. 2.6: No use of glitches of any kind 3: Admins 3.1: Respect the admins 3.2: Do not argue with an admins decision - Take it to the forums if you need to complaint about something 4: Griefing 4.1: Do not try to build anything near the spawn - Things will be deleted. Join us: Join this website: to be able to play on the server - It's really easy Note that the website is not completely done and still needs a lot of work and info... Hope to see you on the server!
  4. How do i make a TFC server?

    So i recently bought a server off GGserverhosting for 6 months, but i have no clue how to add Terrafimacraft to the server, could anyone help me? Ive tryed everything
  5. Howdy! Welcome to Thamesville! This city was founded by two young men who left their old town in order to build their own city, based around and old salt and iron mine. Over the years,Thamesville's salt and iron has become their most and best exported products. They have the hardest type of iron and best tasting salt. That popularity and wealth came at a price. They had to work years and years to build a huge wall around their peninsula in order to defend themselves from the enemies further up west. Nowadays it's a peaceful and beautiful town with it's own architecture and lots of different houses, bars, shops and workshops. And the best thing? You are all invited to stay a couple of days for free in our pub/hotel! (food not included) So hopefully we will see you soon. The Founding Fathers of Thamesville are DutchMitchell and patriotic_sugar. We live around +13000 and -12600 and it is only a short walk from spawn. Please, apply at this topic to gain acces to the server: We do hope to see you soon and for you to start building somewhere around our town so that we can make trading routes and more role-play stuff. DutchMitchell
  6. LiteItUp TerraFirmaCraft is one of the most recent servers that has come out of our gaming community. LIU-TFC is uses just a few plugins to keep the server light, while still being rich with the TFC game play individuals have grown to love. We strive to give people the gaming experience they need and also to create an even stronger gaming community. The server currently has: LocketteTownyLockette: Towny will protect your town from people who aren't members. This includes, barrels, chest, doors ect, and will keep your items protected. However, should you want to protect your stuff from others inside your town, you just use lockette! Protect your items by placing a sign on a chest (or whatever item you're trying to protect), and you're all set! To add others, do /lockette 3 (playername), or /lockette 4 (playername) Towny: Claim land for your town and invite others to live with you! With the ability to create plots, there's no limit to what kind of town you can create! To see in game commands: /towny To create a new town: /town new (townname) To add someone: /town add (PlayerName) To see the map: /towny map To go to town spawn: /t spawn For each one person in the town, an additional 10 land is able to be claimed. Start forming those towns, inviting people, and try to become the number one town on the server! Each individual has three (3) /sethomes The ability to /tp , /tpa, has been DISABLED in order to provide a more realistic feel to the game. This forces players to use areas such as spawn, or player made towns in order to do the trading. Money is disabled on this server. All trades are done between player/player, and is completed with items. Players will create their own economy with the prices and trading values of all items fluctuating depending on the demand at the given time. This creates a more dynamic game play as an "admin shop" isn't dictating how much items are worth. Also derails the drive to make "money money money" but instead creating items which helps out the server as a whole. Rules Keep chat clean (no spamming)Be mature aboutlanguage(swearing to a minimum)Respect everyone (members and staff)Have a great time! Server Information: IP: YOUR BEST FRIEND (TFC wiki): Here Don't forget to vote and give us a +1 if you enjoy the server! Please report any bugs, glitches, errors or complaints to staff members! If you're interested in checking out our gaming community, click here
  7. Info: Hello fellow tfc players i own a small tfc vallina server that im home hosting 2gbs of ram Only accepting about 5-10 People ages 12-18 Only (Im 15 if anyone is wondering) Times: I live in pafic time so the server times will be: -Monday-Friday: 3:30pm- 10pm(Sometimes 6am-10pm) -Sunday & Saturady : Will be random but for the most part it will be from 11am-11pm Note:These are not 100% accurate times,Server is 1.6.4 and the latest TFC update:0.78.17, Server is brand new just started! Ip: (Whitelist only) Updates:Server is now up and runing we have 5+ members and are looking for about about 5-6 more ,all members are consicirte and dont steal or grief and have knowlegde of the mod so if u need any help u can ask any of them or me (crazyabyss),[Were in the stone-age/bronze age so if u wanna join before we get to ahead now is the chance!] To Be accepted Comment ure skype or add my skype and msg me (LikeABoss_123) IF You have questions comment down below or skype messaging whould be the best (We dont have to skype togeather when we play or ever)
  8. Just thought I'd show off my home I've been making and perfecting over the past 2-3 weeks So! Before you ask 'what's Vaelkyri's guide?', go and check this topic out. I know it is a 'starter home' guide, but it is still neat and I've always wanted to do something like it. As such, it inspired me to do what I have done and I am super happy with what I have accomplished. topic ---> You've looked at that guide yeah? You sure? If not then you won't know what I've done and explained. So I originally started with just a hill, and worked in the basic shape (the long building), put all the dirt on it, and made it pretty. I thought sweet, a home. But wait, storage D: so I made a kinda outcrop bit like Vaelkyri did with the forge, and made that a storage area, adding dirt and making it pretty as well. From there I needed a forge place, did that, yet quite a bit differently from how he did. Still, I like mine better, and it's not so early game, but more late game focused, which is where I'm at atm. I then needed more charcoal, so I made a charcoal pit room place thingy, and it turned out pretty well. I then realized I had to do some blast furnace for steel, so I made the ingot room and blast furnace room basically right underneath the forge area. The last bit of building was a connecting path from the main home to the forge. From there I was basically done all the building, I just put a bunch of saplings all over the grass roof and put my fruit bushes all on it to, with the goosberries making a somewhat vine thing which I really like. Now for the pics! (tried putting them in this topic but there were to many so had to make an imgur album, just remove the few spaces between the imgur. and the rest and yeah, wouldn't let me post the proper album address for some reason) http://imgur. com/a/YvGJa#arCb7Rr So yeah, that's my home! I'd be interested in what you guys have to say about it, and what your current home is to! Post screenshots or give a description Oh, and I'm using the barrels mod, journey map, nei, leather water sac, custom recipies (so I can actually use the barrels mod), small boats mod, and improved first person (which I highly recommend as it adds alot).
  9. YAH! Thats me!
  10. So basically i just started to make a TFC Let's Play of my own, and than it hit me, who cares? lol their is probably tons and tons of people doing single player TFC Let's Plays. What i dont see too often is groups of people together making TFC Lets Plays, maybe theirs like a hand full people and their series do very well and are very enjoyable to watch. What i'm thinking of is like a mini version of like the mindcrack team, just TFC instead of vanilla, lol that would be pretty cool, but youtube and videos and what not aside, i think it would just be fun in general to play together with a few good people. If you are interested, i would expect you to have at least some what of a good understanding of TFC just to make it easier on everyone. Im not looking for to many people, more than anything im looking for people who will play alot and be on consistently . The actually amount will depend on how many people are interested really, if any lol, but anyone who is interested let me know either by replying here or you can email me at [email protected]. I will host the server of course and im open to add any TFC addons, i will add NEI, i also like Extra TFC alot too(love those lanterns lol) so will probably add that as well, i am also open to any suggestions. Looking forward to your reply XD. P.S. Please post a reply before msging me on skype ExtraFirma download link
  11. What time is it on your world?

    Just wanting to know, see how long you've all been playing. Right now on mines it's December 1000. Wonder if anyones made it to the 2000s yet...
  12. [Solved] Tree Logs giving sticks

    I been playing on Terrafirma Forever Server. I recently ran into a bug where when i try to cut down a tree it only breaks 1 block and give my sticks instead. The server is running the newest version of TFC/buildcraft crossover with MCPC+ with towny/shopkeepers and a few other bukkit plugins. I never had this issue until about 2 days ago. Ive tried deleting my config and waited till after a server restart. Its the same for all trees in diff parts of the world. I am the only player that has reported this issue on that server everyone else is working fine.
  13. Hello guys welcome to my server, TurtleCraft, here we have a different assortment of rules and the whitelist app, we also have the new buildcraft/tfc crossover!!!! so expect to see some OPness once people have a quarry or a mining well! RACE TO BE THERE FIRST Rules: 1.No griefing 2.No Raiding 3.No stealing 4.Curse(Optional)(IP: too much (unless your blast furnace or something disappears, if so you have free rein to curse) 5.Don't be a douchebag! (or a dick...) 6.BE NICE 7.NO SPAWNKILLING 8.Don't brag about your quarry if you don't want to be sought out by someone who might steal it! 9.Don't be like me, USE THE WIKI 10.No advertising 11.HAVE FUN! Whitelist app format: AGE: YEARs played TFC IGN (in-game-name): Why you want to join: ever been banned, BOY! (also why, do not comment if it was a prank on a private server of you or your friends): Why i should choose you!: Would you follow the rules: Would you tell people if they were breaking the rules?: Why this server?: Gender (so i don't call a guy a girl or a girl a guy): Would you suggest what would make the server better?: Would you help me out with permissions if i asked you to?: DEFEND THE NOOBIES? (just a weird question if someone where to try to kill a New person, would you defend them, if you could): best o' lucks to yo guys Buildcraft crossover Buildcraft itself:buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar
  14. Thisdiscussing has been moved to here, and will no longer be updated on this post. Barbaric Survival Map as requested! This post is for members of Barbaric Survival to discussand label parts of the map as they see fit. This means only members of the server should be leaving input in regards to the map onthis post, please and thank you.Pretty much all currentlabelsare place holders, and may be subject to change if a better name is agreed upon. You can suggest a re-naming of a current location or naming an un-named location or region, so long as it'sappropriate and others agree upon the name. Towns or other landmarks are marked with an orange dot, if you want to get your town on the map just let me know where you want it and what you suggest it be called. Town names are not up to debate, and are chosen by town owners. If you happen to live by one of these named locations, or you want to name the location you are in, you have more authority on the matter and ultimately it's up to you and the others that live around there. I will try and update the map with the new names weekly if I can, this is about the fullest size the map will be.Make sure you read other peoples post as something you want to change may have already been suggested. Let me know if there's any mistakes with the map please and thank you, other then that, get to it! Click Image to enlarge. Not sure how this map is going to work on the post, so you might want to have a look at it via this link instead.
  15. Placing down Ores in creative

    Hi all, i am working on a new texture pack for tfc, and i was setting up my test world, when i realized i cant set down ore veins. now, i have seen this photo on the block heads pack, so i know its at least somewhat possible, unless they just re textured other blocks temporarily to show off the ores...but that just seems like a pain in the butt for testing that my pack is looking ok. do i need to use something like world edit?
  16. I am attempting to put terra firma craft on a server so other people can join me but I keep failing. When I start the server it tells me this; any help would be greatly appreciated.
  17. Me and some of my friends are taking on the world, by playing some TFC. I'll try to post episodes every weekday, but I won't make aguarantee. We plan on going thru everything in the game, as well as the addon mod ExtraFirma. Every season is gonna last in a version of the game, so when it updates we will start fresh. Also if anyone has questions about what we did in that particular episode, you can ask them in the comments and I'll redirect you to the correct wiki page or explain it myself. *Note: Currently not uploading, a single player lets play is gonna happen instead at the same channel. This is due to problems dealing with but not limited to working with servers and making sure other players are online to record with me. Playlist: Channel:
  18. This server is no longer running. I have started a new vanilla 1.8 server. Info at ------------------- I have setup my own server with the following: PVP is turned off. These have to be installed on your client: Forgecraft (1.6.4 Version) TFC 0.78.17 Extrafirma 1.0.4-1.6.4 Download and Info available here. The following have been added to the server for grief control: Fihgu's Protection Fihgu's Permission-These will allow a user to lock their chests and the area that they are building in, and only give access to others if they choose to share.- Information available here.Also added are: McMyAdmin My server currently only allows 10 concurrent users, but I will upgrade that if needed.This will be a whitelist server to start with so if you are interested send me the following (In a message)Minecraft User Name:Age:Region of the World:The server is hosted on a Microsoft Azure server and is available 24 hours a day. Minecraft may be set to go to sleep when no one is logged in to conserve resources, but will wake up as soon as someone wants to log in.The server is up and running so just send me your request and I'll get you added to the whitelist and send you the URL.
  19. If you are looking for a small community for TerraFirmaCraft with role-play and white list then this is the server for you! This server is completely Vanilla except for FTC and it's for people who wish to play in a tight community with active players that can converse and create a city wide trade system with lots of trade and conversing with 0 conflict and over 9000% fun. This server is fairly new and we are looking for around 10-15 players depending on how it goes. If you wish to join please make an application following this format: Application: Full Name: Time-Zone: Skype: yes or no? Ingame Name: Age: Experience with Minecraft: Experience with TFC: Why you wish to join: If your application is accepted you will be replied to and the servers IP will be sent to you via Private Message with an ETA of 30 minutes! (unless I'm nowhere to be found). Hope To See You There!!!
  20. Annoying Block Texture Rendering Glitch.

    I just downloaded Terrafirmacraft and it works but when I got into the game i got these annoying texture glitches ... its almost as if the blocks are connecting properly or something its only on the edges of the blocks and on top of plants. I've tried re downloading everything and changing all my video settings but nothing seems to work. please help me it would me much appreciated thank you Here are some pictures of what I'm talking about. Here are the links for the other pictures:
  21. Come one Come all This server aims at extended game play, kingdoms, land control, adventure and economy. This BuildCraft has been modified with TFC/B.C. Cross over mod and fully converted to fit TFC's build and crafting methods&recipes. Keep in mind B.C. was merged to extend end-game gameplay with the most complex and hard to achieve technology requiring final tier metals making end game fun set out and seek oil wells and become an Oil barren or Query the lands and become the wealthiest kingdom of all the lands. future plugins are in works for more exciting gameplay. Simpletown plugin is installed it has less drag on the server then Towny does "will Upgrade server if population rises. server is 24/7 and intended to stay up for a very long time. Currently In a beta phase. Open to ideas and suggestions to consider and review with my staff. Ide like to credit and thank the creators of these great mods and especially to the Emris_morath who spent days making the crossover for buildcraft OIL GEN ISSUE RESOLVED For Buildcraft cross over http://terrafirmacra...ssover-mod-wip/ For Extra Firma For small boats For TombStone NOTICE: Server upgrading planned to be done by June 11th. many server tweaks mods and plugins will be updated and integrated. Simpletowns will be removed and towny will take its place. which will include economy plot/town claims. For any suggestions or quotes please post your thoughts. Also we are working on turning to technic for a custom launcher for ease of access for all. New addons: http://dev.bukkit.or...ns/shopkeepers/ SERVER IP: Visit our website
  22. So here is where i post videos on how to get through day to day life in T.F.Cwithout the nonsense of having to listen to little kidsspitinginto the microphone or having to watch a let's playseriesabout TFC. Just a simple tothepoint! here it is. Guide to TerraFirmaCraft [T.F.C] First episode [basics to survive. I.e food water so on...] Second episode [ Ceramics and basic metalworking] Third episode [Essential metalworking and alloy making-Forge] Fourth episode [Advance iron-Basic steel. Quern-Blast furnace-Crucible] Fifth episode [black steel-Blue Steel-Red Steel.]
  23. Hello!, im hosting a new server. I would like it to be a medieval theme so please try to build in medieval style Server Required: [*]Terrafirmacraft Optional: [*]Dynamic Lights [*]Map Writer [*]Damage Indicator [*]Smart Moving Any mods or plugins that you would like to see on this server, please let me know Applications: Mods/Admin (1 Admin, 2 Mods) Minecraft Username: If a player was hacking, (which is against the rules and HIGHLY discouraged.) What would YOU do?: If a player was using inappropriate language (includes Racism, Homophobia and profanity, all of which are against the rules and strongly discouraged.) What would YOU do? Skype: (optional) Age: Applyingfor Admin or Mod?: Rules! Do-s:Tell your friends about this server.Build to the BEST of your ability.Play with Friends!Don'ts:DO NOT use inappropriate language, (Racism, Homophobia, Profanity)DO NOT build Crappy HousesDO NOT build near spawnDO NOT build 1x1 TowersDO NOT griefDO NOT hack (includes X-ray, nodus client, etc.DO NOT ask for items, if an admin is found giving itemsto lower ranked players, they will be instantly have their privileges revoked.DO NOT ask for OP, if an admin is found giving OPto lower ranked players, they will be instantly have their privileges revoked.
  24. TFC new game series

    Hey peeps my name is Caleb or Etholution on Youtube and i have recently started a minecraft series on the TFC mod and all is going well so i wanted to share it with you guys and see what you think. -keep in mind that i am a noob and i basicaly know nothing so i sh*t myself alot and fail at things- if you watch from ep3 onwards (ep1 + 2 have bad audio) and enjoy it or if you like me then subscribe and continue watching and also watch my other vids. Ep3 : Channel : thanks guys look forward to the feedback!
  25. TerraFirmaCraft Barbaric Survival [bS] Vanilla TFC Server Barbaric Survival is a vanilla, TFC, whitelisted server. The server has been running for some time now on a new higher performance server host; fully equipped and ready to play, with a new map as of January 3rd, 2014. We are a smaller community of well acquainted members, engaging in friendly activity with each other playing TFCaft. We're happy to meet new people from any part of the world, as long as language isn't to much of a barrier. Our community members are very trustworthy, easy going and easy to get along with. If you enjoy living in towns, building villages with other members, or cabins deep in the woods, working with others in small groups or going lone wolf; we welcome you here at Barbaric Survival. BS is recommended for members ages 18 and up. The server is 100% Survival/Vanilla TFC, meaning no API and no plugins added, as well no additional mods (other then FastCraft, as recommended for performance enhancement). We have a subreddit for members of Barbaric Survival to discuss topics on the server, and to converse and share with each other, as well to be updated on news and content that is server related. Please visit, to find out more. Please contact me on redditwith any questions or concerns. TFC Version: Beta 0.79.17 IP: Some screenshots of our community from the previous world, taken by myself and other members of the server. Rules: If you are not going to be active for an extended amount of time, you must notify me(WetCheerios) of the time you will be gone and the reason for your leave, otherwise you will beremoved from the whitelist on this server.(*Important)There is a Soft World Border limit in place, please don't exceed a 2000 block radius around spawn unless a specific resource cannot be found within it.(*New)Please don't raid or steal from others.Unless mutually agreed upon, don't kill other players.No Hacks or additional Mods that may give you an upper hand (mini maps are fine), we want everyone to be equal and fair.Please don't abuse bugs or glitches in the mod, and if you find any please report them to me and/or the TerraFirmaCraft community.Please only farm the amount of animals needed for you to survive on the server, as mass farms can cause issues.Just use that noggin of yours and you'll do just fine (Common Sense). *Update: New Official Map! Released January 3rd, 2015. **Update: Whitelisting is currently CLOSED, please do not leave an application as it will not be answered. Whitelisting Application Form (Please apply in the reply section below.): Age: Minecraft Username: Why would you like to join?: What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Any additional information that might help your case: Time zone, location, name(*Optional):