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  1. Hello everyone! I just wanted to say I will be doing an Let's Play of the TerraFirmaCraft mod! I have done a series of this mod before but it has changed so much that I decided to hop back in and kick off season 2. I plan to attempt a full playthrough of the mod with the goal of creating an area large enough to support 10 or more people despite the fact it is a single player server. I also want to explore the world and see if I can find everything the mod has to offer in terms of adventure and biomes. Thanks, Demorus (DemoTKS) YouTube -DemoTheKeySmasher Twitter -@DemoTKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check out a few of my other Minecraft series... Attack of the B-Team(Modded Minecraft) This is now a multiplayer series featuring the Attack of the B-Team modpack by Technik. Join the Blocknauts as we take on the crazy adventure this modpack has to offer. Attack of the B-Team - Playlist Blocknauts(Minecraft Multiplayer) The Blocknaut series is a vanilla Minecraft series filled with building, adventure, and redstone contraptions. Join me as I turn the landscape into a fun and exciting environment for my friends to live and enjoy. Blocknauts - Playlist Blood N' Bones(Modded Minecraft) Blood N' Bones is a Feed the Beast modpack focused on making basic survival a hardcore challenge. The mobs are deadly, the food has diminishing returns, and basic crafting doesn't exist. It takes time, luck, and skill to survive. Join me in this series to find out if I have any of the three. Blood N' Bones - Playlist Crack Pack(Modded Minecraft) Crack Pack is a AT Launcher modpack focused on PvP. This modpack contains a lot of mods that add weapons, magic, and base defenses that can be used for war. My focus is exploring all the mods in this pack and optimizing my setups. Crack Pack - Playlist TerraFirmaCraft(Modded Minecraft) TerraFirmaCraft is a mod that focuses on making Minecraft survival realistic. What was once easy is now difficult. Join me as I travel from the stone age to being a master of steel and construct an empire. TerraFirmaCraft - Playlist
  2. Bonjour à tous les francophones qui existent sur ce forum, j'ai l'honneur de vous annoncez que un serveur RP avec TFC sera mis au point d'ici quelques temps. Je parle ici d'un serveur 8G et pour commencer avec une communautée entre 10 et 15 joueurs ( Peut-être plus si la communautée grandit). Tout d'abord je tien à dire que ce projet avait déjà été fait auparavant en 2013 par Tete30000 mais au final, avait été abandonné dû à un manque de joueurs. Cependant Tete30000 ayant toujours de l'ambition pour reprendre ce genre de projet m'a offert son serveur 8G pour redémarrer le projet sauf que cette fois c'est moi Darkwhip qui s'occupera de sa communautée et son bon déroulement. Nous pouvons tous remercier Tete30000 pour sa grande générositée et sa bonté. Voici la première présentation de Tete30000 avec son ancien projet du serveur: Sur ce, voici notre forum: Cordialement Darkwhip PS: Injected V3nom un très grand amis à moi sera mon assistant pour le projet.
  3. Hello and welcome to... Let's play TerraFirmaCraft! Come with me as I brave the wilderness in order to build a new civilization! New episode every few days! First Episode Second Episode Third Episode Fourth Episode Fifth Episode PlayList :
  4. TFC Build 79

    Hello, everyone. It's been a darn good while since I have started a topic in the discussion forum - heck, it's been forever since I've participated in a major discussion. But, nostalgia is not the point right now. The main idea of this topic is speculation about Build 79. Now, I have started a similar topic concerning the construction update many months back, and a lot has changed, since then. I wonder; what do you think might be in the next major update? It has been a while since I've played TFC, aside from my return, but ever sincethe recent incursions into the modification, I've had a Renaissance exploding in my mind. New features, tweaks, many bug fixes (especially that pesky sequoia bug; nasty thing), and whatnot. I think that in the next update, we might have some sort of ecosystem overhaul. Let's face it; right now, the basic cow, pig, sheep,and chicken remain relativelythe same throughout the entire game world. Bears and deer don't really do anything, apart from the deer being another source of food and running away when one disturbs them, pheasants are just there as an alternative source of feathers (they are nice, though), and I doubt the fish are effective as a food source. I'm completely unsure if the developers still need more time to add in more features before they could focus on the ecosystems and nature, but I think that if they did this, a lot of the agrarian and natural aspects of the mod could be overhauled quite significantly. Crop rotation might serve an evenmore important role (take this with a grain of salt; I'm unsure if crop rotation is necessary in TFC's current state), animals would now need to be cared for, the player would have to build secure defenses to defend himself/herself from the dangers of predators, and so on and so forth. That's all I have to say, for now. What do you think the developers might put in the next update?
  5. The HappyDiggers TFC server attempts to stay as close as possible to the TFC experience. Players joining only need to have the latest TFC installed. The Freebie TFC has no whitelist and is open to anyone as long as they are friendly to other players and the staff. Players who enjoy our little community and are willing to support us with donations get access to our huge donor servers. Please read through the information below and follow the rules. Rules Features Server specs TerraFirmaCraft Server IP: Technode FirmaCraft Server IP: Discord: TeamSpeak: Dynmap for Freebie TerraFirmaCraft world: (Anyone can view the map. To chat it requires in-game registration using /dynmap webregister) Dynmap for Freebie TechNode Firmacraft world: (Anyone can view the map. To chat it requires in-game registration using /dynmap webregister) Twitter: YouTube: The TnFC server runs the TechnodeFirmaCraft mod pack which uses an unofficial copy of TFC. The mod pack is available on the AT Launcher. See our Servers page for the current version of TnFC that we're using and the correct share code. The TerraFirmaCraft website and forums are not the place to ask for support for anything related to the TechnodeFirmaCraft mod pack. Some useful commands and info Read the signs at spawn, they are there for a reason. Mod-whitelist for TFC server Server Tours VIP server rank ARK: Survival Evolved
  6. [B77.21] Obtaining of silver

    Hello I need help. I need a silver, but i can't find it anywhere! I have searched miles from my home, but nothing. I found gneiss and granite under level 75 ( is that middle layer ? ) . I know, silver is rare and spawns only in middle and lower layer in gneiss and granite, but I think you should make it spawns more often. It's just a game so it doesn't have to be so realistic. I'm in a steel age and I can't make something better that steel without silver. I need it. Probably I'm not the only one who has the same problem. Or if you want to have TFC still realistic, add some more silver bearing ores or minerals, like argentite or chlorargyrite. Something from wikipedia: Most silver is produces as a byproduct of copper, gold, lead and zinc refining. Please, I need you help, we players of TerraFirmaCraft need it. Thank you.
  7. Hi, i have small private server, we play medieval survival friendly style Server is 24/7 and we play there a lot. It's small friendly server. I'm looking for few more players (or even more) to join this survival/RP (if you want). Currently i need blacksmith, farmer, carpenter and potter to join our house. Map is still very fresh, only few days played since last friday. Info how to join on Just drop note about yourself here, so i can set you up. Mods: TFC 77.21, ExtraFirma addon, Leather water sac , smart moving, rei minimap, Carpenter's Blocks, Terrabow, TFC_carpentersblocks_adapter, ChopALog. I personally use matmos + MSI and presence footstepps to enhance atmosphere and give it nice feel. Survival settings. Hard difficulty. Main languages are czech/slovak/english I'd like to keep this server czech and slovak if possible, but anyone speaking english is also welcome.
  8. Anvil trouble

    Hey guys I downloaded this mod several days ago, and I am constanly discovering more and more of the mod, which is great! Only problem is, getting my first pickaxe...I've deforestated every forest and killed every cow and sheep available, so it's time to mine.I've searched a DOZEN times for a smithing tutorial on how to use the (new, I think) anvil GUI, I can't figure it out :/I've gone through the whole process of collecting and smelting ore (bismuth in the picture) and created an ingot from the crafting screen (I saw ppl on YT do it very differently, like smith is, but I didn;t have to), also I created the plans for the pickaxe/prospick, and put them in the anvil GUI as shown in the picture. Yet no rules to be seen, the green marker doesn't move when I hit the green/red buttons. Also, I saw in earlier videos that the anvil GUI had pictures as where to put an ingot and where to put your plans. (I tried the ingot and plans on ALL fields, none worked). Im quite annoyed :/ Why doesn't it work?Hope some one can help me...
  9. Dead body [idea for TFC]

    In my opinion, what fits perfectly to this mod is what happens in real life: when you die, there is a dead body (with all the things of the inventory) which is loot-able. You respawn in your home (in your spawn point), as normally, and have to go to the place of your dead to get your stuff back, which is in the dead body (THIS IS SO COOL!!!). Ok, and I have a very good idea, if this dead body stays more than three days, it happens the following things: -You get poisoned when you are near the dead body -And your hunger bar reduces faster. (optional, I think the poison idea is better ) Ok, so, if that dead body is far away of your home, maybe you wouldn't want to do anything with it, but if it is near your home and near your minecraft environment, you would want to remove it from your sight. To remove the dead body you have two options: -Incinerate the body, with fire. -Bury the dead body And in the case you die in the water, the dead body will be floating in the water, and if the three days passes, a part of the lake or river will be contaminated, so again, you will have to remove the dead body With the contaminated water, it will go to normal water when it rains Bioxx, this is A VERY COOL IDEAAA!!, ISN'T IT? This would fit perfectly with Terrafirmacraft! TFC is a very cool mod and fun to play, its challenging, because it adds realism with all the different types of rocks, metals, wood, the way you do things..., all changes!,but the most important thing is that is fun too. I think my idea removes the problem of suicide because if they want to do that, you have to remove the dead body and all that process. I hope you enjoyed my idea, I`m just giving my two cents to improve this awesome mod! And also, it would be very fun to see dead bodies in minecraft! You could have for the first time in minecraft a cemetery!! With all the tombs under the dirt, with that tombstones... EPIC! I have to say that I created this account only to post this, so I hope you liked it. And sorry for my bad english, it is not my mother language
  10. Greetings Fellow Players and Developers. When starting a new server with the newest available mods the following happens to me... ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Don't be sad. I'll do better next time, I promise! Time: 6/4/13 5:41 AM Description: Exception in server tick loop cpw.mods.fml.common.DuplicateModsFoundException at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.identifyDuplicates( at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.identifyMods( at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( at cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( at at A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.5.1 Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1 Java Version: 1.7.0_21, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 449240368 bytes (428 MB) / 514523136 bytes (490 MB) up to 954466304 bytes (910 MB) JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xms512M -Xmx1G AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used Suspicious classes: FML and Forge are installed IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0 FML: MCP v7.44 FML v5.1.43.679 Minecraft Forge 5 mods loaded, 0 mods active mcp{7.44} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (coremods) Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (coremods) TerraFirmaCraft{Build 76 Hotfix 17} [TerraFirmaCraft] (TFC) TerraFirmaCraft{Build 76 Hotfix 17} [TerraFirmaCraft] ( Profiler Position: N/A (disabled) Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fml,forge' Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt) any help would be appreciated! Getting a new error after redoing things... ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Shall we play a game? Time: 6/4/13 5:57 AM Description: Exception in server tick loop cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: TFC.TerraFirmaCraft at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.transition( at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( at cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( at at Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: TFC.TerraFirmaCraft at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.RelaunchClassLoader.findClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at cpw.mods.fml.common.ModClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at at at at at at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at at at at at at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( ... 5 more Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.RelaunchClassLoader.findClass( ... 32 more A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.5.1 Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1 Java Version: 1.7.0_21, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 573524216 bytes (546 MB) / 648740864 bytes (618 MB) up to 954466304 bytes (910 MB) JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xms512M -Xmx1G AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used Suspicious classes: FML and Forge are installed IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0 FML: MCP v7.44 FML v5.1.43.679 Minecraft Forge 4 mods loaded, 4 mods active mcp{7.44} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed TerraFirmaCraft{Build 76 Hotfix 17} [TerraFirmaCraft] (TFC) Unloaded->Errored Profiler Position: N/A (disabled) Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fml,forge' Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)
  11. Old Wiki (build 76, MC 1.5.1)

    Hello I've got a problem with your TFC wiki. There is a lot of old crafting recipes, example: brass ingot, bronze ingot and more... Or somewhere are missing recipes, example: How i can make an arrow?? Please, could you fix your wiki to the latest version? (build 76 for 1.5.1) we need it becouse without latest crafting recipes we can't play. I hope you will fix it. Thanks
  12. Hey there! So after watching some TerraFirmaCraft videos on Youtube, I was very interested in the mod - so I followed instructions found in videos/online for how to install/play the game. Although everything went well, I could only play for 2 mins max before my FPS would shoot down to about 1 frame per 5 seconds, ultimately resulting in me restarting the entire launcher to play for another 2 minutes. After scouring through forum posts, suggestions, and lagg fixes found online, I found nothing - the only thing that people really thought the problem was from was not enough RAM being allocated to TerraFirmaCraft, and they were right. However, their suggestions for allocating more RAM to TFC did not work, so I came up with a revised workaround. I've been playing now for about 3 hours with no hickups at all. Here is the guide: #1. Download TFC Launcher (Currently version 1.5.1 supported): Once downloaded, open the launcher so it can download all of the necessary files. It will place them under %Appdata%\Roaming\tfcraft TFC comes preinstalled with PlayerAPI and Forge, but I recommend downloading the latest versions of each anyways, as I know mine were out-of-date upon download. Just make sure the versions downloaded match the versions of TerraFirmaCraft currently available (1.5.1 at the time of this post). You may want to update your Java too, as TFC will not run correctly if it's not up-to-date. PlayerAPI (1.5.1) download: http://www.minecraft...api-player-api/ Forge (1.5.1): http://www.minecraft...hp?topic=7053.0 Java (64x): #2. Download Optifine (highest version that TerraFirmaCraft supports, currently 1.5.1): http://www.minecraft...-and-much-more/ #3. Once all of these mods have been saved to a location on your computer (Player API, Forge, and Optifine), you need to place them in the proper TFC location. This is under %Appdata%\Roaming\tfcraft\minecraft\bin\jarmods. After all of the files are placed in here (simply drag and drop the 3 mods listed above inside the jarmods folder), just the loadorder.txt file needs to be edited. This file is found under %Appdata%\Roaming\tfcraft\minecraft\bin. Open the file with whatever text-editor software you have. Change the file-names located in this folder to match the file names EXACTLY to what you just placed in the jarmods folder, including the file extensions. For example, my text file reads as: Player API Once you're done, save the file. #4. At this point, a lot of people seem to be able to play the game fine. I however, was not. It was far to laggy, as not enough RAM was allocated to TFC. Here is how to allocate more RAM according to this described download: Create a text file on your desktop, name it whatever you please. I named mine TFcraft.Next, open the text file with whatever text-editor program you currently own. Place the following text inside the file:java -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -jar TFCLauncher.jar "%APPDATA%\tfcraft\minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar;%APPDATA%\tfcraft\minecraft\bin\jinput.jar;%APPDATA%\tfcraft\minecraft\bin\lwjgl.jar;%APPDATA%\tfcraft\minecraft\bin\lwjgl_util.jar" -Djava.library.path="%APPDATA%\tfcraft\minecraft\bin\natives" net.minecraft.client.MinecraftThen, save the file as a batch file. You can do this by using the drop down menu at the bottom of the save window and choosing "batch" as the save preference.#5. That's it! 2 gigs of ram has now been allocated to the TFC Launcher, and for me, this has ran the client perfectly. Simply double-click the batch file you just created to launch the game.You may need to adjust optifine settings accordingly once the game is started for the best performance. It's worth mentioning too that you can allocate more or less gigs of ram if you choose by simply editing the text I provided - just change the values of 1024 (1 gig) and 2048 (2 gig) respectively to whatever amount you wish to allocate. Just remember it is best to use gigabytes as the representation, not gigs. So writing it out, it would be 1024, not 1 gig. ~~~~ I hope this tutorial helped you; I really wish I had it when trying to get TFC to run properly. Enjoy! ~~~~
  13. [MAC] Crash after FML setup

    Hello, terrafirmacrafters. I am having a problem with starting the TFCLauncher.jar file. I double-click the .jar and something on my hotbar called MainWindow opens. It can take a while to open sometimes. It loads the login screen, and I can click login. Next, a window pops up that says "FML is setting up your minecraft environment" and GameLauncher opens. Then, it crashes. One weird thing about GameLauncher is that the FML loading bar stays at 0, but words flash quickly before the window closes. This is typical for me when I use forge, though. Log here: Minimum bytes: 512 Maximum bytes: 4,096 Install location: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/tfcraft/minecraft Thanks in advance
  14. Farming in TFC: Observations

    So, to share some insights into farming (if this is not something the devs want posted, please feel free to delete this thread.) First, I have observed that when the temperature falls below 0, crops die, usually in winter, but occasionally you can get a early spring/late autumn freeze which kills them. The crop death isn't instant, Second, If no one is on the server near the crops during the freezes, they will not die. Third, crops have wildly different growth times. corn takes what seems like millenia to grow, while onions seem to take a month or two. Fourth, crops seem to not grow when the temperature is too low. But more importantly, they still consume nutrients. So, even if your plants don't freeze in the winter, they will have no nutrients come spring to grow properly. Now, with that information, I was able to put together a very nice farm with 3 tiers, plant in the spring, harvest in the summer and fall, and do reasonably well with my farms. Use that knowledge as something of a guide, if you will. Now the real anomaly to me is how some plants like tomatoes and bell peppers remain after harvesting. this seems doubly pointless to me, first in that by the time plants reach maturity, they have already depleted the soil of nutrients, and second the fact that they will die in the winter anyhow. Perhaps I am missing something? or maybe this is for planned uses of gypsum and other minerals which really are only used in agriculture AFAIK. Just thought I would post some of my various thoughts on the matter of farming. Overall I love the realism and detail put into farming, and look forward to more features such as depleting water levels, and fertilizer options. One thing I do hope for that probably isn't planned at this time is that perhaps some day we will be able to build a greenhouse which keeps plants alive in winter. Well, that's about it. Hope this is helpful to someone out there, and I didn't violate any forum etiquette about not spoiling stuff from the game.
  15. Ok, so this thread is somewhat of an in-betweener thread. I want to discuss the future a bit, but mainly I'd really just like to hear about what exactly is coming with b77. So let us go that route. So there are a lot of changes coming. Most of us are very excited, myself included, and I know that it has been said that it would mostly come out all at once, rather than small changes along the way... With that, what exactly can we expect in b77? Here's a short-short-version of what we've heard that is coming, but not specifically if its in b77 or 78+ etc... SKILLS Skills will be minor changes to things that you are doing, like slightly better propicking, or more accurate anvil working, etc. Skills will be the new 'death penalty' in a way, because the idea is you build up these skills, and if you die, they reset to zero. MY PERSONAL OPINION: Excellent. I love this idea, I think it is a more suitable death penalty, and a nice reward for those who are smart in their play and avoid death like it is as bad as it should be. However, with this new penalty, the old one needs to change. More on this later! COMBAT OVERHAUL Combat is getting changed to be more dynamic. Possibly different weapon types, different armor types, different damage types, perhaps status effects with a different type of attack (example, a slash attack could have a chance to inflict a 'bleed' lets say, dealing bonus damage over time; a crushing attack could have a chance to inflict a debilitation effect, slowing movement or weakening damage for a period of time; etc). The final decisions on this overhaul have not been specifically released, as they seem to still be largely in discussion on the forums here. MY PERSONAL OPINION: Again, I think this is good. I would not like to see it get too complicated, but something like having 3-4 different damage types (ie, crushing, slashing, piercing, etc) and certain armors that deal better with different types but have their own weaknesses would be a smart, easily balanced approach. BONUS THOUGHT! Here's my thought that I left hanging a moment ago about the existing death penalty! The existing death penalty is losing your levels. "What, that is minecraft's normal death penalty, what are you talking about!?!" is what you might be thinking as you read this. And you are correct. But in TFC, your levels give bonus health, food, and thirst to your maximums. I think this is a decent idea, but with the combat overhaul and the skills overhaul combined, it is no longer necessary. In fact, with future mod compatibility in mind... I think that TFC should revert health and hunger levels to vanilla levels. The change is purely arbitrary, and it served it purpose with the level-up health boosts, but with combat/skills, it is no longer necessary. Please don't flame over this, think about it for awhile and see if you can understand what I mean, and if not, politely disagree. POTTERY OVERHAUL This change is adding a new tier to the beginning of the game, which is involving clay materials for pottery and fired clay for building homes and such. The new pots/jars will hold objects much like a chest, but with less capacity. MY PERSONAL OPINION: This adds some very interesting new gameplay to Terrafirmacraft. Advanced woodworking is something that minecraft begins with, and terrafirmacraft has always in a way followed that start, but pottery is a realistic (please don't kill me for saying realistic, geeez.) beginning that does indeed come before advanced woodworking. This change is very, very interesting, and I am excited for it, mostly for the flavor it will add to the world. METAL OVERHAUL The metal overhaul is based around moving copper to t0, and moving tin/zinc/bismuth to t-nothing, and have them be useful for alloying only, and making them rarer in the process. There are also changes incoming to alloying (good-bye, metallurgy table, and good riddance!) and changes to smelting (bloomery for iron only) among other things. MY PERSONAL OPINION: There's a very good basis for this, which I find to be interesting. This is the part of the update(s) that will likely require a new world. Ore generation will definitely change, and some of our multiblock structures will also be changing... The biggest thing here for me is changing the ore generation heights. The fact that you find all ores at the same predictable heights is pretty lame, and any experienced TFC prospector will easily find ore whenever they want, because they know where it will be. Give ore generation in the world a plus/minus of like 20-30 y height to make things interesting, please!! CONCLUSION There are a ton of things coming to TFC! In addition to all of this, Bioxx has stated that he would like to move TFC in a direction that is more compatible with other mods. I applaud this, very loudly. I love TFC, it is outstanding, but there are other outstanding mods too, and I'd love to see them have an easier time getting along! Leave some feedback, do some discussion, and hopefully Bioxx/Dunk will pop in and tell us which of these things to expect first and maybe even a guestimated timeframe too! Wishful thinking, and its not important. It'll be done when its done, and I am content with that. Lastly, a big THANK YOU! to Bioxx/Dunk for their continued work on this mod, it's a great one, and I hope it continues to be great as it grows!
  16. Hey guys of TerraFirmaCraft! My name is Extra and I've just started up a quality Let's Play of the mod. Here's the 1st Episode: http-~~-// If you enjoyed be sure to Subscribe to my channel (, I upload this, And much more Minecraft! Thanks for reading my topic! -Extra
  17. Ссылка на плей-лист: Также новый сезон кооператива:
  18. Help Server World fail

    Hello,me and my Friend wanna play TFC on SMP we maked a Server,and we joined the Server,and then the World is generated so crazy..there were Pistons and all the Block we tried to go to a Online Server but theres the same problem and we put our SinglePlayWorld in and the same problem pls Help me sorry for my english i am German
  19. Terrafirmabeast

    Wondering if anyone's heard any news about when TFC will be added to the FTB launcher? I checked my launcher today and it's not listed in the modpacks yet. Also, anyone else notice that B76 is up in the changelog, but crossed out? *shakes fist at Dunk* WHY MUST YOU TAUNT ME??!!
  20. A Challenge: a humble server

    Hi all, I have challenge: to successfully run a TFCraft server on a humble Atom 330. What tricks or ideas could I implement to make the server run smoothly? It will only be for a couple of players and internet connection is not an issue as it will on LAN. This is the rig: CPU: Intel® Atom CPU 330 @ 1.60GHz RAM: 4Gb OS: Linux Mint 13 This is the current server configuration: - TFC B75 - Forge - Latest Player API - No other mods are installed server side - Server command: java -Xms128M -Xmx512M -jar minecraft_server.jar - the world folder is mounted on a ramdisk with 256mb For now the world runs... let's say ok, but as soon as I explore and expand things get really laggy, it's impossible to play. Thanks!
  21. ItemTracker

    I made a server and i tried to have TFC and smart moving on it. It seems to have some sort of itemtracker thing in the cmd. it says "WARNING ForgeItemLoader the mod terrafirmacraft is attempting to overwrite existing item at 344 form <tw from Minecraft> with TFC.Food.itemterrafood." There is about 25 of these for different things if that makes any sense please help me?
  22. I found cactus in a test world, while I was testing a texture pack. They're new, then they probably have bugs, like this. Just for curiosity, I touched them, I even jumed on them. The bug is that cactus don't make so much damage. They require something like 10 hits to make the bar life deplete a bit. Here is a pic: In the pic you can see how much life is depleted after about 10 hits. EDIT: Oh yeah, and after some time the cactus dropped...another bug I think...
  23. X-Ray Mod compatible with TFC?

    Hi guys, So I've been really wanting to see what the ore distribution looks like in TFC, but haven't found any mods compatible that would let me do so. I am not doing this to cheat, just tolearn about the ore gen. Does anyone know of one?
  24. [B69] Axe bug, the game crashes...

    I was using the axe to chop down some trees in a new world, generated in version 69. I chopped down a small tree, I don't remember what tree, but it depleted a bit the axe, but not too much (It was made of 5 logs). Then I wanted to chop down a willow because there were a lot of them. When the log block broke, the game crahsed and gave me this: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----// Shall we play a game?Time: 09/12/12 16.07Description: Unexpected errorjava.lang.IllegalStateException: Already tesselating!at bao.b( bao.b( bak.a( bac.a( bac.b( net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J( Source)A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head --Stacktrace:at bao.b( bao.b( bak.a( bac.a( Affected level --Details:Level name: MpServerAll players: 1 total; [ayk['TheWolf277'/184, l='MpServer', x=-48,78, y=212,62, z=-5351,49]]Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 225Level seed: 5130747663992638892Level generator: ID 00 - DEFAULT, ver 1. Features enabled: falseLevel generator options: Level spawn location: World: (-40,214,-5352), Chunk: (at 8,13,8 in -3,-335; contains blocks -48,0,-5360 to -33,255,-5345), Region: (-1,-11; contains chunks -32,-352 to -1,-321, blocks -512,0,-5632 to -1,255,-5121)Level time: 5165 game time, 5165 day timeLevel dimension: 0Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: falseForced entities: 380 total; [px['item.tile.dirt'/31500, l='MpServer', x=-84,44, y=149,13, z=-5330,53], px['item.tile.dirt'/31499, l='MpServer', x=-84,48, y=149,18, z=-5331,46], EntitySquidTFC[''/26275, l='MpServer', x=-26,50, y=141,31, z=-5305,50], EntitySquidTFC[''/26274, l='MpServer', x=-23,50, y=141,08, z=-5302,78], px['item.tile.dirt'/31496, l='MpServer', x=-84,50, y=149,13, z=-5333,40], px['item.item.Stick'/17603, l='MpServer', x=-38,28, y=215,13, z=-5363,94], px['item.tile.dirt'/31498, l='MpServer', x=-85,22, y=149,13, z=-5330,33], px['item.tile.dirt'/31497, l='MpServer', x=-84,72, y=149,19, z=-5333,36], px['item.tile.dirt'/31508, l='MpServer', x=-87,25, y=149,46, z=-5329,74], px['item.tile.dirt'/31507, l='MpServer', x=-87,47, y=150,13, z=-5330,88], px['item.item.Stick'/15292, l='MpServer', x=-38,21, y=216,69, z=-5361,03], px['item.tile.dirt'/31506, l='MpServer', x=-84,13, y=149,13, z=-5329,57], px['item.tile.dirt'/31505, l='MpServer', x=-85,37, y=149,13, z=-5329,13], px['item.tile.dirt'/31515, l='MpServer', x=-83,66, y=149,13, z=-5334,31], px['item.tile.dirt'/31516, l='MpServer', x=-84,51, y=149,19, z=-5337,46], px['item.tile.dirt'/31517, l='MpServer', x=-86,19, y=149,13, z=-5330,47], px['item.tile.dirt'/31511, l='MpServer', x=-87,88, y=150,13, z=-5329,53], px['item.tile.dirt'/31513, l='MpServer', x=-87,63, y=150,13, z=-5328,84], px['item.tile.dirt'/31514, l='MpServer', x=-83,41, y=148,19, z=-5334,49], px['item.tile.sapling.Willow'/30644, l='MpServer', x=-45,05, y=218,31, z=-5355,54], px['item.item.LooseRock.Andesite'/26246, l='MpServer', x=-29,88, y=209,56, z=-5368,16], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34032, l='MpServer', x=-48,56, y=216,77, z=-5348,34], px['item.tile.dirt'/31471, l='MpServer', x=-85,01, y=149,29, z=-5333,24], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34031, l='MpServer', x=-47,64, y=216,43, z=-5350,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/31470, l='MpServer', x=-84,13, y=149,93, z=-5331,52], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34030, l='MpServer', x=-47,20, y=216,49, z=-5351,77], px['item.tile.dirt'/31473, l='MpServer', x=-85,88, y=149,13, z=-5334,25], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34029, l='MpServer', x=-46,18, y=216,65, z=-5351,35], px['item.tile.dirt'/31472, l='MpServer', x=-83,13, y=150,13, z=-5333,72], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34036, l='MpServer', x=-48,34, y=216,43, z=-5353,72], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34035, l='MpServer', x=-47,45, y=216,68, z=-5352,17], px['item.tile.flower'/6621, l='MpServer', x=-42,03, y=214,13, z=-5365,53], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34034, l='MpServer', x=-48,54, y=217,02, z=-5350,10], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34033, l='MpServer', x=-48,32, y=216,87, z=-5349,81], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34040, l='MpServer', x=-47,51, y=212,62, z=-5351,23], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34039, l='MpServer', x=-47,31, y=213,52, z=-5351,23], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34038, l='MpServer', x=-47,53, y=214,46, z=-5351,34], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34037, l='MpServer', x=-47,11, y=215,93, z=-5351,46], px['item.tile.dirt'/31500, l='MpServer', x=-84,44, y=149,13, z=-5330,53], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34041, l='MpServer', x=-47,58, y=213,71, z=-5351,04], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34015, l='MpServer', x=-47,45, y=218,84, z=-5352,64], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34016, l='MpServer', x=-49,67, y=218,84, z=-5352,51], px['item.tile.dirt'/31505, l='MpServer', x=-85,37, y=149,13, z=-5329,13], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34013, l='MpServer', x=-46,74, y=218,84, z=-5352,43], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34014, l='MpServer', x=-46,66, y=218,59, z=-5354,80], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34019, l='MpServer', x=-46,64, y=218,46, z=-5353,15], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34020, l='MpServer', x=-44,72, y=217,62, z=-5351,07], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34017, l='MpServer', x=-50,90, y=218,74, z=-5353,57], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34018, l='MpServer', x=-48,88, y=218,71, z=-5352,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/31511, l='MpServer', x=-87,88, y=150,13, z=-5329,53], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34023, l='MpServer', x=-47,58, y=217,93, z=-5352,06], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34024, l='MpServer', x=-48,13, y=217,49, z=-5352,15], px['item.tile.dirt'/31513, l='MpServer', x=-87,63, y=150,13, z=-5328,84], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34021, l='MpServer', x=-45,59, y=217,59, z=-5351,51], px['item.item.Stick'/28261, l='MpServer', x=-48,73, y=214,24, z=-5353,24], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34022, l='MpServer', x=-46,13, y=217,93, z=-5353,90], px['item.tile.dirt'/31515, l='MpServer', x=-83,66, y=149,13, z=-5334,31], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34027, l='MpServer', x=-46,60, y=216,68, z=-5349,30], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34028, l='MpServer', x=-46,08, y=216,99, z=-5350,49], px['item.tile.dirt'/31517, l='MpServer', x=-86,19, y=149,13, z=-5330,47], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34025, l='MpServer', x=-47,83, y=217,62, z=-5351,85], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34026, l='MpServer', x=-48,31, y=217,99, z=-5349,33], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/32623, l='MpServer', x=-85,50, y=168,00, z=-5447,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/23817, l='MpServer', x=-66,09, y=154,13, z=-5335,66], px['item.tile.dirt'/23816, l='MpServer', x=-67,88, y=160,13, z=-5339,13], px['item.tile.dirt'/23817, l='MpServer', x=-66,09, y=154,13, z=-5335,66], px['item.tile.dirt'/23816, l='MpServer', x=-67,88, y=160,13, z=-5339,13], px['item.item.LooseRock.Andesite'/5380, l='MpServer', x=-41,56, y=215,13, z=-5361,19], px['item.item.Stick'/27377, l='MpServer', x=-43,03, y=215,13, z=-5353,19], EntityCreeperTFC[''/32672, l='MpServer', x=-27,50, y=180,00, z=-5356,06], EntitySpiderTFC[''/33211, l='MpServer', x=23,50, y=122,00, z=-5237,50], px['item.item.Stick'/16423, l='MpServer', x=-38,13, y=216,13, z=-5360,94], ayk['TheWolf277'/184, l='MpServer', x=-48,78, y=212,62, z=-5351,49], EntityChickenTFC[''/190, l='MpServer', x=-129,94, y=160,00, z=-5455,50], EntityChickenTFC[''/191, l='MpServer', x=-130,50, y=165,00, z=-5459,50], EntityPigTFC[''/205, l='MpServer', x=-108,50, y=152,00, z=-5302,50], EntityPigTFC[''/204, l='MpServer', x=-108,50, y=159,00, z=-5298,50], EntityChickenTFC[''/207, l='MpServer', x=-117,50, y=151,00, z=-5303,50], EntityChickenTFC[''/206, l='MpServer', x=-117,50, y=151,00, z=-5300,50], EntityChickenTFC[''/201, l='MpServer', x=-108,34, y=187,00, z=-5370,69], EntityChickenTFC[''/200, l='MpServer', x=-105,25, y=186,00, z=-5370,59], px['item.tile.dirt'/31630, l='MpServer', x=-84,24, y=150,13, z=-5327,19], EntityPigTFC[''/203, l='MpServer', x=-106,50, y=153,00, z=-5297,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/31631, l='MpServer', x=-86,72, y=149,13, z=-5328,82], EntityPigTFC[''/202, l='MpServer', x=-110,78, y=153,00, z=-5295,66], EntityCowTFC[''/197, l='MpServer', x=-109,94, y=155,00, z=-5327,13], px['item.tile.dirt'/31611, l='MpServer', x=-86,28, y=149,45, z=-5330,75], EntityCowTFC[''/196, l='MpServer', x=-113,50, y=152,00, z=-5325,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/31613, l='MpServer', x=-86,66, y=149,36, z=-5330,00], EntityChickenTFC[''/199, l='MpServer', x=-106,69, y=186,00, z=-5369,69], EntityChickenTFC[''/198, l='MpServer', x=-107,38, y=188,00, z=-5370,47], px['item.tile.dirt'/31620, l='MpServer', x=-84,47, y=149,13, z=-5329,16], EntityChickenTFC[''/193, l='MpServer', x=-129,50, y=159,00, z=-5462,50], EntityChickenTFC[''/192, l='MpServer', x=-131,50, y=163,00, z=-5459,50], EntityCowTFC[''/195, l='MpServer', x=-110,50, y=154,00, z=-5325,50], EntityCowTFC[''/194, l='MpServer', x=-110,50, y=154,00, z=-5323,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/31625, l='MpServer', x=-83,99, y=149,76, z=-5328,93], px['item.tile.dirt'/31624, l='MpServer', x=-84,47, y=148,22, z=-5330,47], px['item.tile.dirt'/31627, l='MpServer', x=-86,13, y=149,13, z=-5330,10], EntityPigTFC[''/222, l='MpServer', x=-73,53, y=210,00, z=-5434,53], px[''/22996, l='MpServer', x=-23,59, y=142,13, z=-5292,19], px['item.tile.dirt'/31626, l='MpServer', x=-85,25, y=150,13, z=-5326,25], EntityPigTFC[''/223, l='MpServer', x=-76,22, y=210,00, z=-5430,94], px['item.item.LooseRock.Andesite'/21785, l='MpServer', x=-35,56, y=213,13, z=-5367,72], px[''/22996, l='MpServer', x=-23,59, y=142,13, z=-5292,19], px['item.tile.dirt'/31629, l='MpServer', x=-84,58, y=149,69, z=-5327,82], px['item.tile.dirt'/31628, l='MpServer', x=-84,74, y=149,54, z=-5329,28], px['item.tile.dirt'/31631, l='MpServer', x=-86,72, y=149,13, z=-5328,82], px['item.tile.dirt'/31630, l='MpServer', x=-84,24, y=150,13, z=-5327,19], EntityChickenTFC[''/212, l='MpServer', x=-113,50, y=154,00, z=-5282,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/31632, l='MpServer', x=-85,57, y=149,13, z=-5329,26], EntityChickenTFC[''/213, l='MpServer', x=-111,72, y=153,00, z=-5294,91], px['item.tile.dirt'/31635, l='MpServer', x=-84,16, y=150,13, z=-5326,59], px['item.tile.dirt'/31621, l='MpServer', x=-84,86, y=149,51, z=-5328,09], EntityChickenTFC[''/208, l='MpServer', x=-125,00, y=149,00, z=-5289,91], px['item.tile.dirt'/31620, l='MpServer', x=-84,47, y=149,13, z=-5329,16], EntityChickenTFC[''/209, l='MpServer', x=-116,50, y=150,00, z=-5296,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/31623, l='MpServer', x=-84,41, y=148,18, z=-5330,46], EntityChickenTFC[''/210, l='MpServer', x=-113,50, y=152,00, z=-5285,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/31622, l='MpServer', x=-84,54, y=148,26, z=-5330,53], EntityChickenTFC[''/211, l='MpServer', x=-115,50, y=152,00, z=-5284,50], EntityCowTFC[''/239, l='MpServer', x=-69,38, y=158,00, z=-5304,22], EntityCowTFC[''/238, l='MpServer', x=-71,50, y=163,00, z=-5312,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/31653, l='MpServer', x=-86,50, y=148,97, z=-5327,50], EntitySheepTFC[''/237, l='MpServer', x=-64,53, y=217,00, z=-5414,47], px['item.tile.dirt'/31654, l='MpServer', x=-85,34, y=150,13, z=-5326,88], EntitySheepTFC[''/236, l='MpServer', x=-60,31, y=215,00, z=-5415,69], EntitySheepTFC[''/235, l='MpServer', x=-63,38, y=216,00, z=-5415,69], EntityCreeperTFC[''/27294, l='MpServer', x=-99,50, y=157,00, z=-5409,50], EntitySheepTFC[''/234, l='MpServer', x=-62,88, y=216,00, z=-5417,25], px['item.tile.dirt'/31634, l='MpServer', x=-85,16, y=150,43, z=-5326,75], px['item.tile.dirt'/31635, l='MpServer', x=-84,16, y=150,13, z=-5326,59], px['item.tile.dirt'/31632, l='MpServer', x=-85,57, y=149,13, z=-5329,26], px['item.tile.dirt'/31633, l='MpServer', x=-84,82, y=150,44, z=-5327,33], px['item.tile.dirt'/31654, l='MpServer', x=-85,34, y=150,13, z=-5326,88], px['item.tile.dirt'/31652, l='MpServer', x=-86,88, y=149,13, z=-5331,84], px['item.tile.dirt'/31652, l='MpServer', x=-86,88, y=149,13, z=-5331,84], EntityPigTFC[''/225, l='MpServer', x=-77,50, y=209,00, z=-5431,50], EntityPigTFC[''/224, l='MpServer', x=-74,50, y=210,00, z=-5428,50], EntityPigTFC[''/254, l='MpServer', x=-23,50, y=178,00, z=-5369,50], EntityPigTFC[''/255, l='MpServer', x=-22,50, y=165,00, z=-5369,50], EntitySheepTFC[''/252, l='MpServer', x=-14,19, y=189,00, z=-5412,50], EntitySheepTFC[''/253, l='MpServer', x=-15,50, y=189,00, z=-5414,50], EntitySheepTFC[''/250, l='MpServer', x=-15,78, y=189,00, z=-5412,50], EntityEndermanTFC[''/32754, l='MpServer', x=6,50, y=32,00, z=-5237,50], EntitySheepTFC[''/251, l='MpServer', x=-17,50, y=189,00, z=-5412,50], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/32753, l='MpServer', x=12,50, y=32,00, z=-5233,50], EntityPigTFC[''/248, l='MpServer', x=-20,28, y=144,00, z=-5285,47], EntityPigTFC[''/249, l='MpServer', x=-23,50, y=146,00, z=-5286,50], EntityPigTFC[''/247, l='MpServer', x=-21,53, y=144,00, z=-5285,50], EntityCowTFC[''/244, l='MpServer', x=-65,50, y=176,00, z=-5318,50], EntityCowTFC[''/245, l='MpServer', x=-63,25, y=164,00, z=-5311,34], px['item.item.LooseRock.Andesite'/7424, l='MpServer', x=-45,56, y=214,13, z=-5364,53], EntityCowTFC[''/242, l='MpServer', x=-67,50, y=178,00, z=-5319,50], EntityCowTFC[''/243, l='MpServer', x=-67,50, y=174,00, z=-5318,50], px['item.item.Stick'/16246, l='MpServer', x=-36,56, y=215,89, z=-5359,56], EntityCowTFC[''/240, l='MpServer', x=-73,53, y=158,00, z=-5307,63], px[''/22996, l='MpServer', x=-23,59, y=142,13, z=-5292,19], EntityCowTFC[''/241, l='MpServer', x=-68,19, y=165,00, z=-5308,19], EntitySheepTFC[''/275, l='MpServer', x=26,50, y=151,00, z=-5427,50], EntitySheepTFC[''/274, l='MpServer', x=26,50, y=157,00, z=-5430,50], EntityCowTFC[''/273, l='MpServer', x=20,50, y=151,00, z=-5456,19], EntityCowTFC[''/272, l='MpServer', x=23,50, y=151,00, z=-5457,50], EntitySheepTFC[''/279, l='MpServer', x=26,25, y=144,00, z=-5319,69], EntitySheepTFC[''/277, l='MpServer', x=28,50, y=152,00, z=-5419,50], EntitySheepTFC[''/276, l='MpServer', x=28,50, y=151,00, z=-5423,50], EntityPigTFC[''/283, l='MpServer', x=41,88, y=152,00, z=-5399,13], EntityPigTFC[''/282, l='MpServer', x=42,50, y=154,00, z=-5394,50], EntityPigTFC[''/285, l='MpServer', x=51,50, y=160,00, z=-5390,00], EntityPigTFC[''/284, l='MpServer', x=46,56, y=154,00, z=-5393,47], EntityPigTFC[''/258, l='MpServer', x=16,50, y=152,00, z=-5417,50], EntityPigTFC[''/259, l='MpServer', x=14,50, y=152,00, z=-5418,50], EntityPigTFC[''/256, l='MpServer', x=-20,50, y=159,00, z=-5368,50], EntityPigTFC[''/257, l='MpServer', x=-22,50, y=160,00, z=-5370,50], px['item.item.chickenRaw'/22554, l='MpServer', x=15,44, y=168,13, z=-5405,50], EntityChickenTFC[''/262, l='MpServer', x=14,50, y=175,00, z=-5404,50], px['item.item.feather'/22553, l='MpServer', x=15,34, y=173,13, z=-5404,41], EntityPigTFC[''/260, l='MpServer', x=13,72, y=151,00, z=-5420,09], EntityPigTFC[''/261, l='MpServer', x=12,47, y=151,00, z=-5419,47], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/29398, l='MpServer', x=-31,50, y=176,00, z=-5353,50], EntityChickenTFC[''/264, l='MpServer', x=21,66, y=159,00, z=-5404,09], EntityChickenTFC[''/265, l='MpServer', x=14,50, y=160,00, z=-5409,50], EntityCowTFC[''/270, l='MpServer', x=19,50, y=152,00, z=-5459,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/33880, l='MpServer', x=-27,50, y=127,00, z=-5257,50], EntityCowTFC[''/271, l='MpServer', x=20,50, y=151,00, z=-5457,53], px['item.item.Stick'/27454, l='MpServer', x=-43,00, y=215,13, z=-5352,38], px['item.item.Stick'/17907, l='MpServer', x=-38,85, y=217,85, z=-5362,36], px['item.item.Log.Hickory'/23611, l='MpServer', x=-38,76, y=215,13, z=-5362,41], px['item.item.Log.Hickory'/23610, l='MpServer', x=-37,12, y=215,13, z=-5361,82], px['item.item.Log.Hickory'/23613, l='MpServer', x=-36,25, y=215,13, z=-5360,62], px['item.item.Log.Hickory'/23612, l='MpServer', x=-37,61, y=217,04, z=-5361,70], px['item.item.Stick'/18734, l='MpServer', x=-36,07, y=215,13, z=-5362,58], px['item.item.Log.Hickory'/23614, l='MpServer', x=-37,53, y=215,13, z=-5361,19], px['item.tile.flower'/5153, l='MpServer', x=-42,51, y=216,13, z=-5359,04], px['item.item.LooseRock.Andesite'/12254, l='MpServer', x=-35,57, y=216,24, z=-5356,77], px['item.tile.sapling.Hickory'/16094, l='MpServer', x=-36,03, y=215,13, z=-5360,85], px['item.item.Stick'/11195, l='MpServer', x=-37,24, y=216,25, z=-5359,37], px['item.item.Stick'/19726, l='MpServer', x=-36,92, y=217,41, z=-5362,45], px['item.item.feather'/22553, l='MpServer', x=15,34, y=173,13, z=-5404,38], px['item.item.chickenRaw'/22554, l='MpServer', x=15,44, y=168,13, z=-5405,47], px['item.item.LooseRock.Andesite'/6334, l='MpServer', x=-39,25, y=215,44, z=-5362,63], px['item.item.Stick'/17830, l='MpServer', x=-38,18, y=215,13, z=-5362,33], px['item.item.Stick'/31439, l='MpServer', x=-46,88, y=215,13, z=-5356,03], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34012, l='MpServer', x=-46,35, y=218,80, z=-5351,66], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34013, l='MpServer', x=-46,74, y=218,84, z=-5352,43], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34014, l='MpServer', x=-46,66, y=218,59, z=-5354,80], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34015, l='MpServer', x=-47,45, y=218,84, z=-5352,64], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34008, l='MpServer', x=-45,43, y=219,49, z=-5349,28], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34009, l='MpServer', x=-46,81, y=219,59, z=-5350,26], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34010, l='MpServer', x=-46,17, y=219,43, z=-5351,39], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34011, l='MpServer', x=-46,52, y=219,96, z=-5352,40], px['item.item.Stick'/19927, l='MpServer', x=-38,25, y=217,19, z=-5363,33], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34031, l='MpServer', x=-47,64, y=216,43, z=-5350,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/31467, l='MpServer', x=-83,19, y=149,13, z=-5334,13], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34030, l='MpServer', x=-47,20, y=216,49, z=-5351,77], px['item.tile.dirt'/31466, l='MpServer', x=-83,78, y=149,13, z=-5337,88], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34029, l='MpServer', x=-46,18, y=216,65, z=-5351,35], px['item.tile.dirt'/31469, l='MpServer', x=-85,90, y=149,13, z=-5331,74], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34028, l='MpServer', x=-46,08, y=216,99, z=-5350,49], px['item.tile.dirt'/31468, l='MpServer', x=-85,88, y=149,13, z=-5337,78], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34027, l='MpServer', x=-46,60, y=216,68, z=-5349,30], px['item.tile.dirt'/31463, l='MpServer', x=-85,92, y=150,13, z=-5333,99], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34026, l='MpServer', x=-48,31, y=217,99, z=-5349,33], px['item.tile.dirt'/31462, l='MpServer', x=-85,12, y=149,92, z=-5334,05], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34025, l='MpServer', x=-47,83, y=217,62, z=-5351,85], px['item.tile.dirt'/31465, l='MpServer', x=-85,88, y=149,13, z=-5333,37], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34024, l='MpServer', x=-48,13, y=217,49, z=-5352,15], px['item.tile.dirt'/31464, l='MpServer', x=-85,25, y=149,34, z=-5333,03], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34023, l='MpServer', x=-47,58, y=217,93, z=-5352,06], px['item.tile.dirt'/31459, l='MpServer', x=-84,91, y=149,13, z=-5334,31], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34022, l='MpServer', x=-46,13, y=217,93, z=-5353,90], px['item.tile.dirt'/31458, l='MpServer', x=-85,88, y=149,13, z=-5333,75], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34021, l='MpServer', x=-45,59, y=217,59, z=-5351,51], px['item.tile.dirt'/31461, l='MpServer', x=-84,01, y=148,93, z=-5337,57], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34020, l='MpServer', x=-44,72, y=217,62, z=-5351,07], px['item.tile.dirt'/31460, l='MpServer', x=-83,78, y=149,13, z=-5337,59], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34019, l='MpServer', x=-46,64, y=218,46, z=-5353,15], px['item.tile.dirt'/31473, l='MpServer', x=-85,88, y=149,13, z=-5334,25], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34018, l='MpServer', x=-48,88, y=218,71, z=-5352,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/31472, l='MpServer', x=-83,13, y=150,13, z=-5333,72], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34017, l='MpServer', x=-50,90, y=218,74, z=-5353,57], px['item.tile.dirt'/31457, l='MpServer', x=-85,16, y=149,13, z=-5336,13], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34016, l='MpServer', x=-49,67, y=218,84, z=-5352,51], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34011, l='MpServer', x=-46,52, y=219,96, z=-5352,40], px['item.tile.dirt'/31468, l='MpServer', x=-85,88, y=149,13, z=-5337,78], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34012, l='MpServer', x=-46,35, y=218,80, z=-5351,66], px['item.item.Stick'/32945, l='MpServer', x=-43,13, y=215,13, z=-5353,92], px['item.tile.dirt'/31469, l='MpServer', x=-85,90, y=149,13, z=-5331,74], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34009, l='MpServer', x=-46,81, y=219,59, z=-5350,26], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34010, l='MpServer', x=-46,17, y=219,43, z=-5351,39], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34008, l='MpServer', x=-45,43, y=219,49, z=-5349,28], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34040, l='MpServer', x=-47,51, y=212,62, z=-5351,23], px['item.tile.dirt'/31466, l='MpServer', x=-83,78, y=149,13, z=-5337,88], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34041, l='MpServer', x=-47,58, y=213,71, z=-5351,04], px['item.tile.dirt'/31467, l='MpServer', x=-83,19, y=149,13, z=-5334,13], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34038, l='MpServer', x=-47,53, y=214,46, z=-5351,34], px['item.tile.dirt'/31460, l='MpServer', x=-83,78, y=149,13, z=-5337,59], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34039, l='MpServer', x=-47,31, y=213,52, z=-5351,23], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34036, l='MpServer', x=-48,34, y=216,43, z=-5353,72], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34037, l='MpServer', x=-47,11, y=215,93, z=-5351,46], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34034, l='MpServer', x=-48,54, y=217,02, z=-5350,10], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34035, l='MpServer', x=-47,45, y=216,68, z=-5352,17], px['item.tile.dirt'/31457, l='MpServer', x=-85,16, y=149,13, z=-5336,13], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34032, l='MpServer', x=-48,56, y=216,77, z=-5348,34], px['item.tile.dirt'/31458, l='MpServer', x=-85,88, y=149,13, z=-5333,75], px['item.item.Log.Willow'/34033, l='MpServer', x=-48,32, y=216,87, z=-5349,81], px['item.tile.dirt'/31459, l='MpServer', x=-84,91, y=149,13, z=-5334,31], px['item.item.Stick'/11003, l='MpServer', x=-37,74, y=216,17, z=-5359,65], EntityCreeperTFC[''/32047, l='MpServer', x=-5,50, y=117,00, z=-5241,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/32046, l='MpServer', x=-3,50, y=117,00, z=-5241,50], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/32045, l='MpServer', x=-11,50, y=123,00, z=-5247,50], EntityZombieTFC[''/32044, l='MpServer', x=-5,50, y=28,00, z=-5247,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/32043, l='MpServer', x=-0,50, y=23,00, z=-5245,50], px['item.item.Stick'/18145, l='MpServer', x=-37,56, y=215,13, z=-5363,02], EntityChickenTFC[''/32040, l='MpServer', x=-19,50, y=146,00, z=-5232,50], EntityChickenTFC[''/32039, l='MpServer', x=-21,50, y=146,00, z=-5234,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/29171, l='MpServer', x=-117,50, y=171,00, z=-5432,50], EntityChickenTFC[''/32038, l='MpServer', x=-22,50, y=146,00, z=-5233,50], EntityChickenTFC[''/32037, l='MpServer', x=-22,50, y=146,00, z=-5236,50], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/32062, l='MpServer', x=-41,50, y=118,00, z=-5234,50], EntityZombieTFC[''/32063, l='MpServer', x=-47,50, y=117,00, z=-5234,50], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/32060, l='MpServer', x=-43,50, y=118,00, z=-5236,50], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/32061, l='MpServer', x=-39,50, y=118,00, z=-5232,50], px['item.item.LooseRock.Andesite'/25747, l='MpServer', x=-28,34, y=195,13, z=-5368,38], EntityCreeperTFC[''/32058, l='MpServer', x=-13,50, y=122,00, z=-5241,50], px['item.item.LooseRock.Andesite'/25747, l='MpServer', x=-28,34, y=195,13, z=-5368,38], EntitySpiderTFC[''/32056, l='MpServer', x=-11,50, y=122,00, z=-5237,50], px['item.item.Stick'/22463, l='MpServer', x=-36,20, y=217,25, z=-5362,23], EntityCreeperTFC[''/32057, l='MpServer', x=-9,50, y=122,00, z=-5239,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/32054, l='MpServer', x=-15,50, y=124,00, z=-5246,50], EntitySpiderTFC[''/32055, l='MpServer', x=-10,50, y=122,00, z=-5240,50], EntityZombieTFC[''/32052, l='MpServer', x=-11,50, y=123,00, z=-5246,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/32053, l='MpServer', x=-13,50, y=123,00, z=-5243,50], EntityZombieTFC[''/32050, l='MpServer', x=-12,50, y=123,00, z=-5246,50], EntityZombieTFC[''/32051, l='MpServer', x=-14,50, y=123,00, z=-5247,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/32048, l='MpServer', x=-3,50, y=117,00, z=-5240,50], EntitySpiderTFC[''/32049, l='MpServer', x=-10,50, y=123,00, z=-5246,50], px['item.item.Stick'/9257, l='MpServer', x=-44,71, y=215,13, z=-5357,47], px['item.tile.dirt'/2725, l='MpServer', x=-102,78, y=165,13, z=-5426,59], px['item.tile.dirt'/2878, l='MpServer', x=-101,84, y=164,13, z=-5426,94], px['item.item.Stick'/18926, l='MpServer', x=-35,34, y=215,13, z=-5363,38], EntityZombieTFC[''/32099, l='MpServer', x=20,50, y=123,00, z=-5247,50], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/32098, l='MpServer', x=30,50, y=119,00, z=-5233,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/32097, l='MpServer', x=30,50, y=119,00, z=-5234,50], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/32096, l='MpServer', x=22,50, y=122,00, z=-5240,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/33625, l='MpServer', x=3,50, y=32,00, z=-5246,50], EntitySpiderTFC[''/32077, l='MpServer', x=-149,50, y=120,00, z=-5236,50], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/32076, l='MpServer', x=-144,50, y=121,00, z=-5246,50], EntityEndermanTFC[''/32079, l='MpServer', x=-151,50, y=120,00, z=-5239,50], EntityEndermanTFC[''/32078, l='MpServer', x=-151,50, y=120,00, z=-5240,50], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/24736, l='MpServer', x=-149,50, y=59,00, z=-5465,50], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/33615, l='MpServer', x=-4,50, y=23,00, z=-5247,50], EntityEndermanTFC[''/32080, l='MpServer', x=-149,50, y=120,00, z=-5241,50], EntityZombieTFC[''/32081, l='MpServer', x=-155,50, y=121,00, z=-5237,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/32082, l='MpServer', x=-158,50, y=121,00, z=-5237,50], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/32083, l='MpServer', x=-154,50, y=120,00, z=-5234,50], EntityZombieTFC[''/32084, l='MpServer', x=-151,50, y=120,00, z=-5235,50], EntityZombieTFC[''/32085, l='MpServer', x=-150,50, y=120,00, z=-5240,50], EntitySpiderTFC[''/18077, l='MpServer', x=-109,97, y=125,00, z=-5346,00], EntityZombieTFC[''/32086, l='MpServer', x=-145,50, y=120,00, z=-5242,50], px['item.item.LooseRock.Andesite'/12766, l='MpServer', x=-36,88, y=214,13, z=-5352,56], px['item.item.Stick'/29990, l='MpServer', x=-47,00, y=215,94, z=-5355,32], px['item.item.LooseRock.Andesite'/24536, l='MpServer', x=-31,46, y=214,13, z=-5361,80], px['item.tile.dirt'/2725, l='MpServer', x=-102,78, y=165,13, z=-5426,59], px['item.tile.dirt'/2878, l='MpServer', x=-101,84, y=164,13, z=-5426,94], px['item.item.Stick'/31176, l='MpServer', x=-45,68, y=216,67, z=-5356,33], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/23469, l='MpServer', x=-5,50, y=120,00, z=-5351,50], EntityPigTFC[''/32153, l='MpServer', x=-83,03, y=156,00, z=-5235,44], px['item.item.Stick'/15635, l='MpServer', x=-37,12, y=215,13, z=-5360,66], EntityZombieTFC[''/32230, l='MpServer', x=36,50, y=119,00, z=-5243,50], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/32228, l='MpServer', x=33,50, y=119,00, z=-5247,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/32229, l='MpServer', x=34,50, y=119,00, z=-5232,50], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/32242, l='MpServer', x=-87,94, y=164,00, z=-5444,50], px['item.item.LooseRock.Andesite'/1661, l='MpServer', x=-40,27, y=216,13, z=-5356,73], px['item.item.Stick'/22311, l='MpServer', x=-35,56, y=215,13, z=-5360,34], EntitySquidTFC[''/27875, l='MpServer', x=20,13, y=137,25, z=-5291,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/2725, l='MpServer', x=-102,78, y=165,13, z=-5426,59], px['item.tile.dirt'/2878, l='MpServer', x=-101,84, y=164,13, z=-5426,94], px['item.item.Stick'/31802, l='MpServer', x=-48,01, y=215,13, z=-5356,06], px['item.item.Stick'/20347, l='MpServer', x=-37,44, y=216,00, z=-5363,33], px['item.tile.flower'/25024, l='MpServer', x=-33,57, y=214,13, z=-5364,03], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/24190, l='MpServer', x=-77,50, y=147,00, z=-5379,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/3998, l='MpServer', x=-82,63, y=149,32, z=-5341,73], px['item.tile.dirt'/3997, l='MpServer', x=-80,78, y=147,13, z=-5344,07], px['item.tile.dirt'/3999, l='MpServer', x=-81,52, y=149,13, z=-5340,46], px['item.tile.sapling.Willow'/28025, l='MpServer', x=-47,13, y=213,13, z=-5353,81], px['item.item.Stick'/30722, l='MpServer', x=-43,56, y=218,32, z=-5355,41], px['item.tile.dirt'/3997, l='MpServer', x=-80,78, y=147,13, z=-5344,07], px['item.tile.dirt'/3930, l='MpServer', x=-81,13, y=149,13, z=-5340,91], px['item.tile.dirt'/3931, l='MpServer', x=-83,41, y=150,13, z=-5339,66], px['item.tile.dirt'/3932, l='MpServer', x=-82,57, y=150,13, z=-5339,53], px['item.tile.dirt'/3933, l='MpServer', x=-82,44, y=150,13, z=-5338,81], EntityCreeperTFC[''/31908, l='MpServer', x=-142,50, y=130,00, z=-5239,50], EntityPigTFC[''/31909, l='MpServer', x=-99,50, y=158,00, z=-5238,50], EntityPigTFC[''/31910, l='MpServer', x=-93,91, y=159,00, z=-5244,06], px['item.tile.dirt'/3963, l='MpServer', x=-85,88, y=149,13, z=-5339,56], px['item.item.Stick'/19384, l='MpServer', x=-36,80, y=216,97, z=-5363,13], EntityCreeperTFC[''/31904, l='MpServer', x=-138,50, y=121,00, z=-5247,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/3963, l='MpServer', x=-85,88, y=149,13, z=-5339,56], EntitySkeletonTFC[''/31905, l='MpServer', x=-136,50, y=121,00, z=-5247,50], EntityZombieTFC[''/31906, l='MpServer', x=-142,50, y=120,00, z=-5242,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/31907, l='MpServer', x=-143,50, y=130,00, z=-5246,50], px['item.tile.dirt'/3964, l='MpServer', x=-83,44, y=149,13, z=-5340,53], EntitySpiderTFC[''/31903, l='MpServer', x=-135,50, y=121,00, z=-5247,50], EntitySpiderTFC[''/31902, l='MpServer', x=-137,50, y=121,00, z=-5247,32], px['item.tile.dirt'/3931, l='MpServer', x=-83,41, y=150,13, z=-5339,66], px['item.tile.dirt'/3930, l='MpServer', x=-81,13, y=149,13, z=-5340,91], px['item.tile.dirt'/3929, l='MpServer', x=-82,56, y=147,13, z=-5341,13], px['item.tile.dirt'/3928, l='MpServer', x=-85,25, y=149,13, z=-5340,16], px['item.tile.dirt'/3929, l='MpServer', x=-82,56, y=147,13, z=-5341,13], px['item.tile.dirt'/3928, l='MpServer', x=-85,25, y=149,13, z=-5340,16], px['item.tile.dirt'/3933, l='MpServer', x=-82,44, y=150,13, z=-5338,81], px['item.item.LooseRock.Andesite'/2813, l='MpServer', x=-45,90, y=215,13, z=-5360,86], px['item.item.Stick'/28102, l='MpServer', x=-47,94, y=214,13, z=-5354,03], px['item.item.Stick'/11561, l='MpServer', x=-36,70, y=216,17, z=-5359,24], px['item.item.Stick'/15459, l='MpServer', x=-38,01, y=216,13, z=-5359,43], EntityCreeperTFC[''/31954, l='MpServer', x=7,50, y=115,00, z=-5244,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/31953, l='MpServer', x=6,50, y=115,00, z=-5242,50], EntityCreeperTFC[''/31952, l='MpServer', x=2,50, y=115,00, z=-5245,50], EntityZombieTFC[''/31951, l='MpServer', x=11,50, y=116,00, z=-5246,50]]Retry entities: 0 total; []Stacktrace:at ayh.a( net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.b( Source)-- System Details --Details:Minecraft Version: 1.4.5Operating System: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1Java Version: 1.7.0_01, Oracle CorporationJava VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Oracle CorporationMemory: 393522896 bytes (375 MB) / 654815232 bytes (624 MB) up to 1037959168 bytes (989 MB)JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xms512m -Xmx1024mAABB Pool Size: 2 (112 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 2 (112 bytes; 0 MB) usedSuspicious classes: FML and Forge are installedIntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 1, tallocated: 63FML: MCP v7.23 FML v4.5.2.459 Minecraft Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.4.5_HD_U_D3 10 mods loaded, 10 mods activemcp [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->AvailableFML [Forge Mod Loader] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->AvailableForge [Minecraft Forge] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Availablemod_CodeChickenCore [CodeChicken Core] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Availablemod_NotEnoughItems [Not Enough Items] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Availablemod_ReiMinimap [mod_ReiMinimap] ([1.4.5] Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Availablemod_InvTweaks [Inventory Tweaks] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Availablemod_SmartMoving [Smart Moving] (Smart Moving Client for Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Availablemod_SmartRender [Smart Render] (Smart Moving Client for Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->AvailableTerraFirmaCraft [TerraFirmaCraft] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->AvailableLWJGL: 2.4.2OpenGL: GeForce 310M/PCI/SSE2 GL version 3.3.0, NVIDIA CorporationIs Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'forge,fml'Type: Client (map_client.txt)Texture Pack: [x64] H3D Texture v1.3.0.zipProfiler Position: N/A (disabled)Vec3 Pool Size: 20 (1120 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 20 (1120 bytes; 0 MB) used The forge isn't in (coremods) but it is in minecraft.jar. This is probably an error of the bug report. Mods that I use: Forge 1.1Optifine 1.4.5 HD U D3CodechickencoreNEIRei's minimap v3.2_05InvTweaksSmartMovingTerraFimraCraft B69
  25. I joined also the minecraft forum (Obviously) and also the Starbound forum. I am mostly active here, however. Very rarely I post in those forums. And you? What about you? Did you join other forums apart this? Also, to not make another topic, a little question: Do you play TFC in first person or third person?